At Long Last

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At Long Last Page 2

by Shawn Lane

  Jack’s frown deepened. “You want me to talk to him?”

  “Hell, no.” Scotty couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something had definitely freaked Preston out when he’d been in Scotty’s office earlier. But the last thing he needed or wanted was his big brother making waves and escalating the issue. If Preston really didn’t like him because of his sexual preferences, Jack talking to him wouldn’t change that anyway. “Don’t say anything. Please?”

  “If you’re sure.”

  “Totally.” Scotty searched for something to change the subject. “Speaking of, how long have you and Wendy been at it?”

  Jack lost a shade of color, and then two dark red spots appeared on his cheeks. “What? Me and Wendy?”

  “Yeah, you and Wendy.”

  “Have you been talking to Preston?”

  Scotty grimaced. Like Preston shared anything with him. “No. I’m not stupid, Jack. When you two look at each other there’s so much fire you could incinerate the damn building. Don’t play coy.”

  Jack shifted in his chair. “Okay, yes. Wendy and I have been seeing each other for a few months.”

  “Cool. So is it serious or are you just messing around?”

  His brother scowled. “It’s serious. In fact, we’re moving in together.”

  Scotty grinned. “Well, hot damn. That’s great. So why is it some big secret then?”

  Jack sighed and rose, running his hand through his blond hair. “I don’t know. I guess I don’t think I’m ready to force the folks on her.”

  “Jeez, why not? Come on, Jack, if they can handle their baby boy being gay, do you really think they’ll have a problem with Wendy being black?”

  “Maybe,” Jack acknowledged. “I just want to be cautious. They didn’t react well at first to your being gay. They accepted it gradually. You know Dad can be a prick. He’s not the easiest guy to please. Wendy’s already freaked about her own family. I don’t want to stress her out, Scotty.”

  Scotty nodded. “I understand. It’s cool. But you know if you’re living together, you’ll eventually have to spill your guts.”

  Jack smiled. “I know. And thanks. You sure there’s nothing else you need?”

  “A raise?”

  “Funny. You know you could have shaved.”

  “Uh-huh,” Scotty said. “But you know I like the sexy scruffy look. It’s attracted a lot of men to me.”

  “You’re a punk. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  Scotty laughed. “Yeah, you used to call me that all the time when we were young.”

  Jack went to the door. “You’re still young. And you’re still a punk. Don’t work too hard.”

  * * * *

  Scotty unlocked the door to the outer office of Trask and Reynolds. It was eight thirty and all sane people had long since gone home.


  He relocked the door and pocketed the keys. There was a single overhead light on in the reception area. Scotty knew they always left it on.

  The hallway had recessed lighting, something his father and brother had done to upgrade the office. One or two of those lights were still lit as well.

  Scotty opened his office door and flicked on the lights. He didn’t bother to close the door either. He loved working in an empty office. He was hot and tired and maybe even a little hungry, but he wasn’t sleepy. He didn’t want to go home to his parents’ house. They always asked too many questions. And until he could find a place of his own he was stuck.

  He walked to the stereo and punched the button. Instantly loud rock music blared from the speakers. Scotty smiled. Just the way he liked it. He didn’t know why. He just liked loud music. Always had. His mom told him that was why he was already hard of hearing at twenty-five.

  He realized how blazing hot it was in his office then. Still wearing the suit. Man, he hated that part of the job. Really, he would much rather have found a job away from the family business. Scotty wanted no handouts.

  But since his dad was cutting back his own hours and knew Scotty was looking for a job that could use his skills as both an accountant and a private investigator, he had suggested that the situation would be ideal for all parties.

  Scotty went to his desk and sat on the edge, kicking off his shoes. He might as well get comfortable. No one around to tell him he wasn’t toeing the company line.

  Thoughts of Preston entered his mind, unbidden. He was supposed to be getting work done, not daydreaming about the unattainable. But damn, he’d been thinking about Pres all day. Life sure sucked some times.

  He let his thoughts drift to his favorite fantasy. Scotty would be sitting behind his desk, his slacks undone, stroking his cock. His eyes closed, he wouldn’t hear Preston come into his office until he stood right next to Scotty. Then Preston would offer to take over the stroking of Scotty’s cock.

  Shit, he was getting hard.

  Scotty leaned back his head, closing his eyes. The tie and collar suddenly choked him and he reached up to loosen them.

  “God, it’s hot,” he said aloud.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Scotty’s eyelids flew open, his heart hammering in his chest. Preston stood only a few feet away. His chocolate-brown eyes were focused on Scotty with what he could have sworn was lust. Scotty licked his dry lips. He had to be imagining Preston. No one else was in the office. And he sure as hell did not see desire in Preston’s gaze.

  “Preston?” His own voice sounded coarse to his ears. “I…I didn’t think anyone else was here.”

  Preston didn’t answer. He took a couple of steps closer to Scotty, stopping to stand just within Scotty’s parted legs.

  “Uh.” Scotty couldn’t say anything else. His mouth closed, tongue frozen. Tangible desire thrummed through his veins. He didn’t want to act too rashly. Didn’t want to read something he wanted desperately to be there when it wasn’t. Couldn’t be.

  Preston reached out and ran his thumb along Scotty’s bottom lip. A shiver went up Scotty’s spine.

  Preston leaned forward, his breath caressing Scotty’s skin. He lowered his lips, grazing Scotty’s mouth. “What the hell are you doing to me?” Preston asked in the barest of whispers.

  Chapter 3

  I’m kissing a guy.

  Preston’s mind wrapped around that simple fact as he pressed his lips against Scott’s and Scott’s tongue slipped inside his mouth. His own tongue automatically reacted and tangled with the other man’s.

  Scott moaned low, the sound coming out almost like a whimper, and it went straight to Preston’s cock. The pounding sound of the bass blaring from Scott’s stereo matched the pulsing of his erection pushing against his briefs.

  It was absolutely insane, but he wanted to fuck Scott right there on the desk. And even more insane was that kissing a guy was hot.

  Suddenly Scott pulled back, removing his tongue from Preston’s mouth and pushing at Preston’s shoulders. Preston felt the loss of the other man’s lips like a punch in the gut.

  Scott, his face bright red, ran his hand through his blond hair and then scrubbed it over his shadowed chin. “Um, sorry, man. Lost my head there for a moment.”

  Preston stared for a second or two, wondering if perhaps he’d made a mistake coming into Scott’s office after all. When he’d heard the thundering music from his office he’d been surprised. Scott had left hours earlier, and Preston hadn’t expected him back that night. No one else should have been in the office. Hell, he shouldn’t be there himself, but he’d felt such a sense of restlessness he couldn’t combat, and he hadn’t wanted to go home to his lonely, empty house.

  He’d first heard footsteps outside his office and almost thought a burglar had broken in until he heard the eardrum-shattering rock music coming from Scott’s office. Preston knew it had to be Scott and he’d been unable to resist coming over. Then to see Scott sitting on his desk, leaning his head back, eyes closed—

  Preston was hardly the impulsive sort. Never had been and probably never would be. But he didn�
�t think he wanted to simply pretend Scott kissed him and then simply walk away.

  It would have been easier and would even make more sense, Preston supposed.

  “No, I…wait.” Preston stepped close to Scott once more, until there was no space between them and Scott’s thighs pressed into his legs. He placed his hand on the back of Scott’s head, feeling the softness of his hair, and tilted it up at the same time he lowered his.

  The kiss was slow but without the earlier hesitation. Scott’s lips softened under his. Preston slipped his tongue past the slight opening of the other man’s lips, grazing his teeth, searching for the warmth of Scott’s tongue.

  The same sexy growl from before rose in Scott’s throat, and he reached around to grasp Preston’s ass cheeks, his strong fingers pressing in, gripping through the material.

  Preston’s cock was so hard he thought for just a moment it really would rip through his briefs. He needed relief. Had to have it. Grabbing the hands kneading his ass, he brought them to the crotch of his pants and urged Scott to squeeze him.

  Scott obliged, cupping him there, but then he moved his fingers to the zipper of Preston’s slacks. With aching, agonizing slowness, Scott slid down the zipper. Preston shook with need, continuing to plunder Scott’s mouth with his.

  Scott slipped his hand inside Preston’s pants, then inched the briefs out of the way. He pulled Preston’s dick until it poked out from the opening in his slacks.

  Preston gasped when Scott closed his hand around Preston’s shaft. Their lips broke apart, and Scott’s violet eyes darkened, his gaze fixed on Preston’s erection. A drop of precum glistened on the head. Scott traced his fingertip over it. He brought his finger to his mouth and sucked it. Preston couldn’t take his eyes off the younger man.

  Giving Preston a sexy and seductive smile, Scott rose from the desk and pushed Preston just slightly. Scott knelt before him, his mouth now level with Preston’s straining cock. Preston’s knees nearly buckled from anticipation.

  “I want to taste you,” Scott said, his voice raspy. “May I?”

  Oh, God.

  “Yes. Yes, now,” Preston heard himself beg.

  Transfixed, he watched Scott’s lips part next to the tip of his cock. Scott’s tongue ran along the slit, then swirled the head. His gaze on Preston, Scott closed his mouth around his cock, sucking it in deep and fast.

  Preston nearly exploded right then. Jeez, how long had it been since anyone had touched his dick but him? As for sucking him? It had quite literally been years since a woman had taken him in her mouth. And never a guy. Until Scott.

  It should freak him out. In a way, it did, but also he was more aroused than he thought possible. He pushed himself deeper into Scott’s mouth, thrilled when Scott took it without protest, without gagging. Scott squeezed his balls, causing jolts of pure, aching lust to flow through his body. He wanted to come; he wanted to fuck; he wanted to scream. All those things. With the man kneeling in front of him working his cock in out and of his mouth.

  Preston’s fingers threaded through Scott’s blond hair, urging him closer still. He thrust over and over into the other man’s mouth. Shit, Scott knew how to suck cock.

  He could easily spend hours fucking Scott’s sweet mouth. Well, maybe not hours, but a long time. It was that incredible. The problem was, he also wanted Scott lying on the desk, his ass in the air while Preston fucked him.

  He didn’t know why he would want that. He wasn’t even gay. But Jesus, he did.

  “Enough,” he gasped, pulling his leaking cock out from between the other man’s lips.

  Scott stared at him, his lips plump and swollen and wet from sucking Preston. He blinked in apparent confusion.

  Preston hauled him to his feet and grabbed Scott’s necktie. He crushed his lips to the other man’s. He didn’t want any doubts in Scott’s mind. Not now.

  He pushed Scott down on the desk, yanked the tie off, and threw it across the room. Next Preston reached for the buttons on Scott’s dress shirt.

  But…shit. He didn’t have any condoms. Well, why would he at the office anyway? Preston swallowed the sudden lump forming in his throat. He didn’t want to stop, but what to do? He broke the kiss, searching Scott’s gaze.


  “Condoms?” Preston managed to ask.

  Scott nodded, leaned all the way back on the desk and, reaching into the top drawer in a rather awkward position, pulled out a foil packet, which he tossed at Preston.

  “Wait.” Preston stared at the packet. “You keep condoms in your desk drawer?”

  Scott shrugged. “You never know when they might come in handy.”

  Try not to overthink this, Preston.

  Preston shrugged out of his suit coat, undid his tie, and disposed of both. Then he reached toward Scott and finished unbuttoning the man’s shirt.

  Scott bit his bottom lip, a hint of uncertainty in his gaze. Probably doing the same Preston was.

  “Don’t overthink this,” he suggested to Scott just as he had suggested to himself. He pulled the dress shirt off Scott and then pointed to Scott’s undershirt. “Off.”

  Scott complied in mere seconds and reached for his belt.

  Preston watched, fascinated by Scott’s six-pack abs, the smattering of dark-gold hair on his chest. The man was gorgeous really. His hand moved to Scott’s chest, his thumb grazing across Scott’s nipple.

  “Ah,” Scott moaned, trembling.

  “Sensitive?” Preston stroked the nipple in earnest now.

  “Uh-huh.” Scott undid his slacks and pushed them down his hips.

  Preston decided to speed things up and yanked the pants the rest of the way down, then pulled them off. Scott was nude except for his navy socks. Preston admired the rest of his body. Great, muscular thighs on athletic legs. A long, thick, hard cock. Scott was a little shorter lengthwise than he was, but he appeared to be bigger around.

  Preston frowned. He didn’t have any experience with either getting fucked or fucking someone else in the ass, but there was something he’d heard. “Um. Lube?”

  “Pre-lubed condom,” Scott said breathlessly. “Plus you could…”

  “What?” Preston asked when Scott stopped. Scott’s face had turned a slight shade of pink.

  Scott closed his eyes for a moment and then sort of shrugged. “Have you heard of rimming?”

  Oh God. Yeah, he had, but well, he hadn’t thought of doing it. On the other hand, he didn’t want to hurt Scott either emotionally or physically by refusing to do it. Besides, he wasn’t opposed to it entirely. What the hell? Things had been different since Scott walked back into his life anyway.

  “You don’t have to,” Scott said, his voice soft.

  Shoving the condom packet into the pocket of his trousers, Preston dropped to his knees and scooted Scott’s ass to the very edge of the desk, pushing his legs apart.


  “Shh,” he murmured, his breath fanning the tiny hairs around Scott’s asshole. His fingers braced on either side of it, Preston stuck his tongue into the hole, darting it in slowly, unsure what it would be like. Taste like.

  “Oh my God,” Scott groaned.

  Not bad. Not at all, Preston decided. He jabbed his tongue in farther. This close to Scott’s sac, he did the only thing he could do—he cupped it and squeezed.

  “Pres.” Scott’s ass rose.

  Damn punk. He’d already told him his name was Preston. He tongued Scott’s hole, thrusting in, licking around it, enjoying the moans and breathless gasps coming from the man. Definitely not bad at all.

  “Now, please,” Scott begged.

  “Now what?”

  “I want you to fuck me, Pres. Please.”

  Preston stood and pulled the packet out of his trouser pocket. He tore it open and rolled it over his cock. He undid the button of his pants and shoved them and his briefs down.

  He parted Scott’s ass with his fingers, his cock pressing eagerly at the entrance. Preston pushed in and encountered a
bit of resistance at the tight ring of muscle.

  “Please,” Scott pleaded again.

  Preston gritted his teeth. The other man’s begging was going to make him come before he even got his cock all the way in. He pressed forward past the muscle and slid all the way forward, balls-deep.

  His world tilted on its axis. He closed his eyes, reveling in the feel of being inside Scott. Didn’t move. Just let the sensation of Scott’s ass clenching around his cock flow through him. He found he wanted to remember this moment, this instant, ingrain it forever in his experiences, his memories.

  “Move,” Scott urged.

  Laughter, rich and unexpected, bubbled up and out of Preston. It felt good and so did his cock in Scott’s ass. He pulled out and pushed back in, slowly, purposefully, searching for that particular spot he’d heard could be great.

  “Preston,” Scott yelled.

  He grinned. Right on target. Now that he’d found it, he made it his goal to hit it every time he slammed into Scott’s ass. Pushing, probing, thrusting. His panting, Scott’s desperate moans, his balls slapping against bare skin, and the incessant annoying bass of Scott’s music were the only sounds in the room.

  On and on he thrust. Again and again. Unable or unwilling to get enough of Scott. Making up for time missed from when he’d wanted Scott six years ago? Preston couldn’t say. He just knew that fucking this man was the most gratifying sexual experience he’d had in his life.

  “Pres, I’m going to come.”

  “Do it,” Preston growled, slamming faster.

  Scott tensed beneath him, his ass clenching Preston’s cock. With a soft sigh, he shook and the smell of semen filled the air.

  Preston stared for a moment, taking in the sight of the creamy cum lying across Scott’s abs. Then, unable to hold back the tingle, the thrill of his own orgasm, he closed his eyes and with a groan of his own let the racking release overcome him.

  He collapsed on Scott, feeling the sticky wetness of his lover’s cum against his bare skin. He kept his eyes closed for the time being, allowing the feel of Scott’s arms embracing him to comfort him.

  Eventually he withdrew and discarded the condom in a nearby trash basket. He looked down at Scott. The man had a beautiful satisfied smile on his face.


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