Ruined by the Earl (Marriage by Deceit Book 3)

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Ruined by the Earl (Marriage by Deceit Book 3) Page 19

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  “I can help Roger if anything comes up. You and Logan should take some time for yourselves.”

  Marybeth and Isabella came over to them, but it was Marybeth who spoke. “We picked some achilleas and lavenders to put in the drawing room and at the table for dinner this evening.”

  “They look lovely,” her mother said.

  “Logan said you like having fresh flowers in the rooms,” Melissa commented.

  “They brighten up the place,” Marybeth said.

  “And make things smell better,” Isabella added.

  “Those are good reasons to have them,” Melissa replied.

  As Logan and Geoffrey approached, Marybeth ran over to them and showed them the flowers she’d collected and started explaining why she chose them instead of the others in the garden.

  “In case you haven’t noticed it yet,” Logan’s mother began with a chuckle, “Marybeth is the one who loves to talk to people. Isabella is more thoughtful and quiet, much like her father was.”

  Melissa turned to Isabella who was arranging the bouquet in her hands. “I’m most like you,” she told the girl. “I usually sit and watch while others talk.”

  “It’s hard to know what to say at times,” Isabella said.

  “I agree. It is. Sometimes it’s better to sit back and listen. Besides, I think they prefer to have someone to talk to, don’t you?” She nodded toward Logan, Marybeth, and their mother. “It seems to me we’re doing them a favor by listening.”

  Isabella giggled. “I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I see your point. Marybeth and I have separate rooms because she used to talk to me all through the night.”

  “I think you and I don’t mind the silence as much as they do. We find it soothing.”

  “Especially after listening to them ramble needlessly on.”

  Melissa burst out laughing. “You have a wicked sense of humor. I can see there’s a bit of Logan in you.”

  Isabella offered an amused shrug then turned her gaze back to the flowers in her hands.

  “Did you miss me, my sweet lavender?” Logan called out as he walked over to them.

  Melissa hadn’t expected him to call her by one of the nicknames while in the company of others, so she hesitated to respond.

  Isabella, however, had no problem coming up with a reply. “Are you hoping to hear she was holding her breath the entire time you were gone, longing for your return?”

  “Isabella,” Logan began, “reading your books has made you quite the romantic.”

  “I like my romantic tales,” Isabella said. “They warm the heart.”

  “They do,” Melissa agreed. “Don’t give your sister a difficult time. I like to read those kinds of books myself.”

  “Do you?” Logan asked, eyebrows raised in interest.

  She nodded. “Yes. I even brought a couple along in case you bored me.”

  Isabella chuckled. “I can see why you like her so much. She isn’t afraid to tell you exactly what she thinks.”

  “Which is why I’m delighted she married me,” Logan said.

  It was on the tip of Melissa’s tongue to remind him she hadn’t had a choice in the matter, but she realized if she had to, she would marry him all over again so she supposed there was some merit in what he was saying.

  Settling for a grin, she asked him, “Do you feel like taking a stroll?”

  “With you, I’d go anywhere,” he said. “Where do you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking past the gazebo and fountain, but it’s quite a ways from here. Perhaps you’d rather just go to the group of trees.” Melissa motioned to the row of trees half a mile west from them.

  “I’ve only been riding a horse. I wouldn’t mind walking.”

  Logan’s mother, Marybeth and Geoffrey came over to them.

  “Melissa and I will take a stroll,” Logan told his mother. Turning to Marybeth, he added, “You keep an eye on Mother and Isabella for me. Make sure they behave.”

  His mother rolled her eyes but smiled while Marybeth swore she’d make sure the others behaved.

  Logan took Melissa by the arm and led her down the path that would take them toward the gazebo and fountain.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Logan asked as Melissa straddled him on the bench that was in an isolated spot.

  It was past the gazebo and fountain, and no one would see them all the way out here. With a giggle, she shifted so that he was more intimately pressed against her entrance. Granted, they still had their clothes on, but she’d lifted her dress and chemise so she could better feel him beneath his trousers. He was wonderfully hard. It left no doubt to how much he wanted her, and by the way he was caressing her breasts, he wanted to do it now, just as much as she did.

  With a giggle, she rocked her hips, noting the groan of pleasure that escaped his lips. “It’d be a pleasant afternoon distraction if we made love out here, don’t you think?”

  Before he could answer, she brought her lips to his and kissed him, her tongue sweeping across his mouth, furthering her anticipation. Now that she knew what to expect, she found it silly that she hesitated to share this experience with him sooner. Out of all the things she’d done in her life, this was quickly becoming one of her favorite activities. And it was even more exciting when they were able to sneak away and do it.

  Leaning back, she reached down between them, bringing her hands beneath her chemise and unbuttoned his trousers. Then, giving him a wink that made her feel absolutely wicked, she unbuttoned his drawers. She reached for his erection and cupped it in her hand, starting at his base and working her way up until she brushed the slit where she felt a bead of moisture.

  “I need you, Logan,” she whispered as she slid her hand back to the base then brought it back up. “I need you inside me.”

  “I’m always willing to oblige a lady in need,” he whispered then shifted beneath her so he could lower his trousers and drawers.

  She wiggled back over him until he was, once more, centered at her entrance and let out a low moan as her sensitive nub rubbed against him. “You feel good.”

  “So do you.”

  His hands went under her dress and chemise. Clasping her hips, he guided her up then brought his tip at her entrance. She bit her lower lip in anticipation. She wanted nothing more at this moment than to have him fill her core. And when he brought her hips down so that she had to take him inside her, she cried out in pleasure.

  Under other circumstances, she might have been patient enough to go slow, but she’d been thinking of little else but making love to him since they woke up that morning. Indeed, it’d been easy to take him into her, given how wet she’d been. But more than that, the ache in her core had only grown stronger and more persistent. If she didn’t climax, and soon, she wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else for the rest of the day.

  She gave him a kiss, her tongue brushing his then she straightened and moved her hips up and down his shaft in earnest. Each stroke brought her closer to her goal. Groaning louder—and knowing she was free to do so since they were far from everyone else—she gave herself permission to express her enjoyment. Truly, she had no idea this act could be so intoxicating. In fact, it was so overpowering that soon, all that existed was the primal need for release.

  And when it came, she cried out his name and grew still. Her core clenched around him, as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into her, and she held onto the sensation for as long as she could.

  Finally, when she relaxed, he began thrusting inside her, his actions fast, urgent with the same need she’d experienced just moments before. And she held him, closing her eyes and savoring the way he felt as he moved in and out of her, his thickness stroking parts of her that brought forth the need for a second climax.

  Giving herself fully to the second wave of desire, she followed his lead and worked with him, aware she was groaning as much as him, her excitement prompting her to repeat his name as he chanted hers. Then, he sti
ffened and throbbed inside her, releasing his seed. She slid down his shaft one more time and felt another explosion engulf her.

  Once her head cleared, she kissed the top of his head, smiling when she realized his nose was nuzzled in her breasts. “Next time, I’ll have to make sure you can enjoy them more,” she murmured.

  He chuckled. “I love watching them bounce as you show me how much you desire me.”

  Amused, she leaned back so she could look him in the eye. “I wouldn’t think too highly of myself if I were you, my lord,” she said. “Your conceit’s already given you a swelled head. You won’t be able to fit it into a room if it gets any bigger.”

  Grinning, he rubbed her bottom. “That’s not the only thing that swells up when you’re around, and you like it when it does.”

  Despite the fact that it was just the two of them, her face grew warm. “You have a way of flattering yourself a little too much.”

  “Yes, but there’s no denying how much you look forward to being with me, especially when that one part of me swells.” He wiggled his eyebrows. Then he leaned forward and kissed the top of her breasts. “I shall get my fill of them later today.”

  Already, the promise of more lovemaking was making her core clench in anticipation, but she thought better than to tell him that. He was conceited enough as it was.

  She got off of him and gave him another kiss, this one simple. “I must tend to something private, but when I return, we’ll continue our walk.”

  “Looking forward to it,” he replied with a suggestive wink that was so much like him.

  Despite the heat in her cheeks, she went to find a private spot behind a tree.


  Melissa stirred from her sleep. She opened her eyes, aware it was still night. Next to her, Logan was in a deep sleep. She stared up at the ceiling, wondering what had woken her up. Then something tapped the window.

  Slipping out of bed, she grabbed her shift and put it on. Another tap came from the window, and she went over to it. It couldn’t have been an accident. Being that this was her bedchamber, someone was trying to get her attention.

  She pushed aside the drapes and saw her brother two stories below her. Surprised, she opened the window and stuck her head out. “What are you doing here?” she whispered in a voice as loud as she dared.

  “I need to talk to you,” he said, his tone equally as low as hers. “It’s important.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Good heavens. What could have happened? Was their mother or father sick? Was one of them injured? So many things ran through her mind that she didn’t even bother shutting the window. She even almost left the room with nothing on but her shift, but at the last minute, propriety prevailed and she wiggled into the easiest dress she could put on, followed by a pair of slippers.

  By the time she made it outside, she could hardly breathe. “Malcolm,” she managed to whisper, giving him a long hug.

  He hugged her in return. “Thank goodness I didn’t wake anyone else. We don’t have much time to waste. Come on. I’ll take you out of here.”

  As he led her to the horse he’d tied up at the nearby tree, she asked, “What happened? Who’s been hurt?”

  “No one. I came to rescue you.”

  Her steps slowed, though he continued leading her along. “Rescue me?”

  “Yes. I built you a cottage not far from my country home. You will spend the rest of your life there. You won’t be at the mercy of that insufferable cad anymore.”

  “Wait.” She dug her heels into the ground. “Malcolm, stop.”

  He finally did and turned to face her. “There’s no time to pack. We must do this quickly or he’ll find you.”

  “I don’t want to leave him.”

  She thought for sure his eyes were going to pop right out of his head. “Why not?”

  “Because…well…” She brushed aside the unkempt hair from her face as she tried to figure out a way to explain things to him. He wasn’t going to like this. He’d been so upset with Logan, and even now, she could see the familiar spark of loathing in his eyes. She cleared her throat. “I’ve decided Mother and Father are right. He’s rather agreeable.”

  He stared at her for a moment, and while she tried to hold his gaze, she relented and looked at the ground. “How has he bewitched you?” he asked.


  “This isn’t you speaking. I know full well it’s not you. Ever since your betrothal to the scoundrel, you’ve been miserable. There’s no way you could have changed your mind about him so soon.”

  “And why not?” came Logan’s voice from behind her.

  Malcolm’s gaze went from her to Logan, and she turned around to face her husband.

  “You two aren’t very subtle,” Logan said as he approached them. “I could hear almost everything on my way here. Also, I could hear you below the window.” He gestured to the open window in her bedchamber.

  Malcolm gagged and looked at her. “Tell me you aren’t sharing a bed with…with,” he pointed to Logan, “that.”

  Logan slipped his arm around her waist. “I think the more disturbing notion is how you knew where her bedchamber was. There are eight bedchambers in the entire place.”

  “I don’t have to explain anything to you,” Malcolm snapped.

  “It is disturbing that you knew, Malcolm, especially since you haven’t been inside the place,” she said. Then, just to make sure, she added, “Unless you snuck in and searched the rooms.”

  “I saw you pull the drapes shut,” Malcolm replied.

  “Even so, it’s still disturbing,” Logan said. “Have you nothing better to do than watch what people are doing through their windows?”

  “My actions were honorable, as they’ve always been.” Narrowing his eyes at Logan, he added, “Which is more than I can say for you.”

  Despite Logan’s gasp, Melissa sensed her husband was more amused than upset by Malcolm’s words. She sighed and turned her attention to her brother. “I agree that your actions were honorable. But Malcolm, everything’s all right. I want to be with Logan now. He’s actually a very sweet gentleman.”

  To her surprise, Logan began to laugh.

  She looked at Logan. “What’s so funny?”

  “This whole thing.” He motioned to Malcolm and the horse. “He came out here in the middle of the night, spied out my estate, and thought he could actually sneak you off to a cottage. A cottage, I add, that is near his country home.” He glanced at Malcolm. “Don’t you think I could have figured out where you took her?”

  “Oh, be quiet,” Malcolm hissed. “No one wants to hear you talk. It’s bad enough we have to see you.”

  “Enough, you two,” she ordered. “Malcolm, I insist you meet his family. When you do, you’ll understand that Logan isn’t the scoundrel we all thought him to be.”

  “Well, I do have my moments. I won’t deny it, but,” Logan winked at her, “there’s a delightfully scandalous side to you as well.”

  “What’s he talking about?” Malcolm asked.

  Recalling the way she’d insisted on making love to Logan on the bench earlier that day, she was sure her face turned red. She was glad it was too dark for her brother to notice. “Nothing. He’s baiting you, that’s all.”

  Logan smirked. “Of course.”

  Ignoring him, she took Malcolm by the arm and guided him to the house. “You will stay here tonight, and in the morning, we’ll talk. Surely, we can work something out.”

  “I doubt it,” Malcolm muttered, though he continued to let her lead him to the manor.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “You needn’t be so glum,” Logan told Malcolm the next morning before the others got up for the day.

  Malcolm didn’t bother looking over at him from where he stood by the window in the drawing room, arms crossed, shoulders sagged.

  Since it was just the two of them, Logan went over to the decanter and poured a small amount of brandy into the glass. He walked over to his brother-in-law and hel
d it out to him. “This is the same brand Lord Edon buys. It’ll help ease your nerves.”

  “I don’t drink brandy.”

  Logan stared at him. He couldn’t be serious. What gentleman in his right mind didn’t drink a good glass of brandy from time to time?

  Malcolm shook his head. “I don’t know how you did it. My sister was devastated when she married you. My parents, I understand. Father was a bit of a cad himself in his day, and Mother,” he sighed, “well, she was always weak. But Melissa was steadfast and strong. She knew what she wanted and never wavered.”

  Since Malcolm insisted on skipping the brandy, Logan felt no need to. He took a sip, savoring the flavor for a moment before he swallowed it. Then he turned his attention to Malcolm, who was staring out the window. “I think you were so used to Melissa agreeing with you on everything that you mistook her actions as unwavering.”

  “You can’t deny she didn’t want to marry you.”

  “You’re right. I can’t.” He took another sip. “And I won’t. But now she’s changed her mind. A lady has a right to change her mind, Malcolm.”

  “I don’t know what devil’s spell you cast over her, but she’s lost her wits.”

  “That’s not very nice of you to say.”

  “It’s true.”

  “No, it’s not. I told you I’m not that bad of a gentleman. I don’t know what it is about me that seems unlikable, but deep down, I’m quite lovable.”

  “You’re a conceited rake who thinks he knows everything. That’s why people don’t like you.”

  “Perhaps it’s my own fault. I care too much and go out of my way to help people when I see them fumbling through something. I should let people fail on their own.”

  Malcolm rolled his eyes. “And you wonder why people consider you so obnoxious.”

  “Regardless,” Logan began, realizing no matter what he said or did, the gentleman was never going to fully approve of him, “your sister loves me, and that’s what matters, isn’t it?” When Malcolm opened his mouth, he added, “And I love her. She’s a splendid lady. I assure you I will cherish her every day that we have together. Isn’t that good enough?”


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