Craving It All: The Craving Series

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Craving It All: The Craving Series Page 1

by Cherry Folkes

  Books 1 to 5 in “The Craving Series”

  Craving The Fantasy

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Craving an Audience

  A World of Fantasy

  Exploring Parker

  Let’s go Public

  Riding the waves of Ecstasy

  A Lusty Lunch

  A Very Public Climax

  Craving Control – an erotic romance

  In the Line of Duty

  Persuading Parker

  Flying High

  Paris Gets Personal

  Paradise at ‘La Paradis’

  New Heights in Paris

  Craving Pleasure – an erotic romance

  Turning Point

  Terms of a Contract

  A Boardroom Virgin

  The Pleasure is all mine

  Craving Love – an erotic romance

  Finding Our Love Nest

  Parkers Proposition

  Awaken the Passion.

  Passion in Paradise

  Evie will return

  Craving it All

  Books 1 to 5 in “The Craving Series”

  By Cherry Folkes

  Copyright 2016 Cherry Folkes

  All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental

  Other Books by Cherry Folkes

  Getting on Top

  If you would like to know when my books are released or when I have free offers go over and like my facebook page. I would love to hear from you.

  Craving The Fantasy

  Chapter One

  If I am really honest I never thought I would end up working admin in an office. I had dreams of exploring the world, hanging out on the best beaches and sipping cocktails while flirting with the locals and getting hot and steamy with high powered business men dressed in Armani suits.

  But I hadn’t managed to get any work since I graduated from college and when my best friend Sarah had lined me up for an interview I just thought ‘what the hell, it’ll bring me in some money until something better comes along.’

  Sarah had been a little cagey about how she knew about this job. She also refused to say anything about the mysterious Parker; the successful entrepreneur who would be my boss if I got it. She told me that he was incredibly rich, incredibly sexy, and incredibly generous but there was one phrase that kept swirling round my head as I rode the bus to my interview.

  “Just be careful with Parker. He likes to get his own way and he can be very persuasive.”

  She wouldn’t say anymore and that made me even more intrigued.

  I indulged in my favourite game as the bus took me into town. I just like to create stories in my head, imagining what people are going to be like and then putting them into scenes that I create. Maybe I would see a really hot delivery driver and in my mind I would seduce him in the back of his van, or there would be a traffic cop and I would imagine the fun that we could have with his handcuffs. It was like playing with dolls in my imagination but somehow my games just turned a little bit hotter each time I played.

  I imagined Parker was going to be tall and dark. He just had to ripple with muscle. I closed my eyes so that I could form a better image in my head. Strong shoulders flowing in a natural curve to the muscles in his arms. Tight sinewy curves, the flesh held firm as he flexed his arm and demonstrated his strength. His stomach would be like a ribbed board with each abdominal ridge perfectly defined. My imagination teased me by encasing his genitals in tight black trunks but I could still see the shape of his firm shaft as it pressed against the cotton in an attempt to escape.

  The bus rattled its way further into the city and the vibrations that it was sending through the bench, along with my imagined image of my new boss, made me wet with lust.

  I opened my eyes as I felt someone sink into the seat next to me. I felt really horny and hoped that I had not allowed any gasps of pleasure to slip audibly from my lips.

  The passenger sitting next to me was quite cute; about my age and athletic, dressed in sports gear and a baseball cap. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was interested, but he was just not my type. For a start he was too young. I liked men to be masterful and in control and that was something that only came with experience. Not that experience was something that I had in abundance. In fact the only men that I had ever experienced were in my imagined games. Nobody I had met had ever lived up to the fantasy and until someone did then my experience was going to have to live in my mind.

  I felt Mr. Athlete press his thigh against mine and I moved further away from him to break the contact, but he wasn’t one to give up that easily. His leg moved once more against mine and I felt his body move in closer too as his hand reached forward and brushed against the bare skin of my leg just above my knee. He used the back of his knuckles to stroke my skin, gradually pushing my skirt a little higher. I teased him a little, just allowing my legs to fall slightly apart. He looked up at me and I moved the tip of my tongue so that it dampened my lips.

  His reaction amused me. His jaw dropped open and the hand on my leg froze. He was just as I thought; a bus perve without the balls to carry it through. It took just the tiniest response to his come on and he was immediately in my complete control. I wanted a man and I had no interest in playing with a boy while I waited for that man to come along.

  I reached forward and pressed the bell to stop the bus.

  “What a shame it’s my stop already, that was just beginning to be fun.” I smiled at his disappointment. I knew that there was no chance that I would have ever let it go any further but I enjoyed the tease.

  As the bus began to slow I stood from my seat and stepped over his thighs, letting him enjoy a brief glimpse of my inner thigh as I stretched to pass him. He started to mumble something but I silenced him by pressing one finger onto his lips, then I took his hand and wrote a phone number across his palm. It was the number of my favourite pizza delivery company, but by the time he discovered that I would have disappeared from his life and he would be left with a memory of the softness of my skin and a glimpse of my thigh.

  The office building that I approached was all gleaming steel and darkened glass. The carpet that I had to cross to reach the reception desk was so thick that my shoes virtually disappeared into the pile. The woman sitting in front of the computer would not have looked out of place on a catwalk, her hair was perfectly styled and she had nails to die for. I instantly felt out of place and slipped my less than perfectly manicured hands out of sight.

  “I have an appointment at 11 O’clock.” I concentrated to hide the quaver in my voice.

  “With whom,” her accent was clipped and she pronounced the ‘h’ in whom just like an actress with classical training.

  “Mr Parker.” As soon as I said his name she glanced up and down my body as if she was assessing a new purchase.

  I will let Parker know you are here,” she waved a scarlet finger nail towards a row of elevators, “take elevator number 6”

  “Which floor?”

  “Elevator number 6 only goes to the penthouse… and he prefers to just be called Parker.”

  I entered the elevator and presse
d the only button. There were over 50 floors in this block but the elevator whisked me to the top of the building in a matter of seconds, before I had a chance to check my appearance in the mirrored walls the doors opened and I entered the offices of my potential new employer.

  Chapter Two

  The lobby area that I entered was a long corridor that extended in both directions from the lift. There was a marble floor and the wall that contained the elevator doors was hung with works of art. I took a closer look at the painting closest to me, it was a large canvas covered with swirls of colour and contrasting geometric shapes. The bottom left corner bore the signature ‘Kandinsky’. I had studied an art history module as part of my college course and knew that Kandinsky was a Russian artist who painted in the first half of the twentieth century. If that canvas was an original it would have cost tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even hundreds of thousands.

  I looked along the corridor to see what else was hanging there. I saw what I thought was a Van Gogh but before I had a chance to investigate further I heard a voice coming from one of the rooms opposite.

  “In here.”

  I straightened my skirt and walked towards the open door where I hesitated before knocking on the door frame.

  “Come right on in.”

  The room was magnificent, larger than the whole of my apartment. It had an entire wall made of glass with views across the city. There was a desk large enough to seat ten people with a single leather covered chair facing out into the office. The chair was vacant and the desk top was empty; there was no sign that the desk was ever used for work.

  A cluster of three beautiful sofas were arranged around an antique low table on the other side of the room.

  Once again the walls of the room were decorated with what looked like original works of art and a number of sculptures had been arranged with the eye of an interior designer to make maximum use of the natural light. The whole room was stunning but it felt really impersonal.

  There was no sign of the mysterious Parker.

  “So you are Evelynn. Sarah said that you were stunning.” I wasn’t sure whether to be flattered by the description or irritated that Sarah had described my physical appearance to my future employer before I had met him. “Forgive my little idiosyncrasy, I like to remain anonymous until I have decided if I am going to be able to work with someone.

  The voice came from a speaker that had been concealed within the interior design. The clarity was unnerving as the voice sounded as if someone was standing by my side but I was the only one there.

  “Please, take a seat.”

  I sat nervously on the edge of one of the sofas and arranged my skirt over my knees.

  “Will I get to meet you today? I mean actually meet you face to face.”

  “If you pass the first stage of the interview and my security people clear you then we will meet.”

  “OK if that’s how you want it to be.” I was beginning to overcome the first feelings of nervousness, I was sure that this whole charade had been created to see how I would handle it and I could feel my natural anger beginning to push apprehension to one side, “Just as long as you understand that I will also be choosing whether I want the job.”

  I almost regretted saying it as soon as the words passed my lips. I needed this job. Damn that feisty side to my personality.

  “Excellent. I like a little fight in my employees”

  “So what would you like to know about me? I have a copy of my resume.” I started to remove the document from my bag.

  “That won’t be necessary. Sarah has already told me a great deal about you and we think that you will be a very suitable candidate for her previous position.”

  I let out a little gasp of surprise. Sarah had clearly talked a lot about me with Parker but had given me very little detail about either him or the job. She hadn’t even told me that it was to replace her in the job that she was leaving. I felt my heart skip a little. Sarah had rarely spoken about her job, but I knew she really enjoyed it. She had occasionally been out of town for long periods when the role had required that she travel. I was always envious of the beautiful sun tans that she returned with. I also knew from the quantity of designer shoes that she owned that the job was very well paid.

  “So if you think I am a strong candidate perhaps you could tell me what the role involves.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “What will you need me to do? Will I be keeping your diary? Providing admin support?”

  “No. Nothing like that. I should explain. I inherited a group of companies when my parents died. They are very well set up and I have lawyers that oversee the businesses and protect my interests. I don’t really get involved very much at all.”

  “So why do you need an assistant?”

  “… Because I get bored. I have plenty of time, plenty of money, but being portrayed in the media as a playboy billionaire has its draw backs. It’s not easy to get out and meet people when you know that everyone you meet sees you simply as a meal ticket.

  Your role would be…. To organise my time. A social secretary if you like. Someone to make sure that my days are filled with fun. Sarah tells me that you have a good imagination. That you like to create fantasies. Well your job would be to create those fantasies and then make them become real.”

  I couldn’t believe that Sarah had told him about my fantasy games. I had only told her about my games a few weeks ago over a bottle or two of wine. She had just told me that she was leaving her job and was going to get engaged to a man that she had met on one of her trips. It had been a girlie night in and she traded stories of the sex she had with her knew fiancé and I had traded back with the only thing I had – accounts of my fantasy world. I had never thought for a moment that she would share my intimate fantasy world with a man that I had never met and then set me up to be interviewed by him.

  “Perhaps you could share one of your fantasies with me. I would like to see just how imaginative you are.”

  My mouth had become very dry and I could feel my stomach contract as the nervousness returned. I swallowed hard and tried to moisten my mouth in preparation but it remained as dry as sand. With a shaking hand I picked up the water bottle and glass from the table and tried to pour some water without spilling any. Once I had moistened my mouth I took a deep calming breath.

  “OK. I just make up places I would like to go and things I would like to do.

  I would love to travel and see all of the world and in my head I can travel to any part of the world I choose.”

  “Go on.”

  “My favourite fantasy is to travel to a deserted island and become marooned with no way of leaving the sandy paradise.”

  I went on to describe the island in detail. It was always a small island in my fantasies. Just a few miles long and less than a mile across. The island already had an abandoned hut, just a single room with walls made from branches and mud and a roof made from the leaves of a palm tree. There was a clear stream that ran down from the hillside and provided fresh water and ample supplies of fruit and nuts for me to eat.

  “And what else. I can picture the island, but what do you do there.”

  I had begun to relax while describing my island paradise but now the tightness had returned. Just how much had Sarah already told him about the direction that my fantasies always turned?

  Did he already know that I would start the fantasy alone on the island but with the feeling that I was being watched. Did he know that I would squirm with delight as I imagined being intently scrutinised as I stripped off my clothes at night? Was he aware that I fantasised about being joined in my hut at night by a stranger who I could never see in the darkness. A stranger who would take me into his strong arms as I put up minimal resistance. An unknown stranger who would explore my body with his hands and his tongue and…”

  “You are thinking about what happens on the island now;” there was an urgency in his voice, “tell me, let me share your fantasy.”

>   “No. Not like this.” I picked up my bag and began to stand, “If you want to hear my most secret thoughts you could at least let me see who you are.” I started to walk back towards the door.


  I stopped walking but didn’t turn round.

  “Please come back. You have passed the first round of the interview. I want to hear more and I am happy for you to see me.”

  Chapter Three

  I allowed myself a brief smile of self congratulation as I turned and returned to the sofa. I topped up my water glass although it was already half full, but it gave me something to do and made me feel like I was back in control.

  “So do we continue now? Or will part two of the interview continue on another day?”

  “I am happy to continue now. Just give me one moment and I will join you.”

  I tried gazing round the room to pass those few minutes before I met my potential new boss but the truth was that my thoughts were all about what he was going to be like.


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