Craving It All: The Craving Series

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Craving It All: The Craving Series Page 9

by Cherry Folkes

  Our room was wonderful with windows that opened onto a small balcony that gave us views up and down the river. The décor was chic and the furniture antique. The shower clanged and rattled before delivering plenty of hot water. I took my time in the shower to give myself time to think.

  Was I just imagining the change in Parker?

  Perhaps it was the romance of being in this wonderful city that was making me see things that actually were not there. I had convinced myself that was the case by the time I left the shower and wrapped myself in a huge white towel. Nothing had changed I decided, we were here to have fun and that was what I really wanted. I chased away the little voice in my head that was questioning whether that was indeed what I really wanted. Spraying a little of the hotels cologne between my breasts, it was surprisingly good, I secured my towel and headed out of the shower room. I was in Paris. I was with a gorgeous and very rich man and I was going to have fun.

  Parker was still standing on the balcony admiring the view when I entered the bedroom. I got the impression that he hadn’t moved since I left him. He turned when he heard me and walked into the room.

  “You were right Evie this place is beautiful and so romantic. Everyone seems to be in love and walking along the Seine hand in hand.” He glanced back at the view.

  “There is time for a little romance in here too.” I said playfully as I played with the knot that held my towel in place.

  Parker smiled and strode over to me. I took a sharp breath. This is what we were here for. I could see the lust that burned in his eyes. He walked towards me and I anticipated his touch.

  “Later Evie. I need to get ready now and tonight I want it to be special. I want us to enjoy the romance and feel that love of Paris.”

  My heart crashed in my chest. I was sure now that I had been wrong, I was not seeing things that were not there and if anyone had been caught up in the romance of Paris it was not me.

  I looked though the crack in the partly opened door and watched as Parker began to remove his clothes ready for his shower. I loved watching Parker undress he had a really toned, stunningly good looking body. Strangely I felt a little shy and I was forced to turn away.

  Paradise at ‘La Paradis’

  By the time Parker had finished his shower I was dressed. I assumed we would be going to one of Paris’s many nightclubs and had dressed in the only evening dress I had brought with me. I felt a little foolish at my decision to bring so little, so far there had been no opportunity to slip away for the little shopping pleasure that I had planned.

  I was wearing a really elegant little black dress. I had chosen it because it would look suitable wherever it was worn. I had also slipped on a string of pearls, they were not real but they had belonged to my grandmother and they meant a great deal to me.

  Perhaps if I wore them grandma would be with me to guide me.

  Parker opened his huge case and removed a perfectly pressed white tuxedo.

  I think many people would have looked brash if they had tried to wear it but Parker looked nothing but sexy.

  “Very James Bond,” I teased

  “The name is Parker, just Parker” he replied in a terrible impression of Sean Connery “Our car should be waiting” he offered his arm and we made our way to the ancient elevator.

  I snuggled into Parker in the back of the car as it whisked us away.

  “So where are we going, the Moulin Rouge?”

  “Would you like to go to the Moulin Rouge?”

  “I really don’t mind. I’m sure where ever we go it will be fun if I am with you.”

  Paris in the evening had transformed. Lights twinkled from roadside cafes. The streets were bustling with people making their way out to shows and restaurants or home after their days work. Nobody seemed hurried the whole city seemed to allow everyone all the time in the world. Through a gap between two buildings I caught a glimpse of the famous cathedral, Notre Dame.

  The car began to slow and I looked out excitedly. I felt like a kid at Christmas.

  A canopy stretched out from the doors of the theatre and above the canopy spelled out in lights was the name that I really wanted to see

  Paradis Latin

  It was the original Parisian cabaret theatre, and I knew from the guide book that I had been reading that it was opened in the early 1800’s nearly 80 years before the Moulin rouge.

  It was the home of the famous can-can and summed up the glamour of Paris.

  I had yet to have my first glass of champagne but already I felt heady as I walked into the building.

  We were met by a waiter who showed us to a private table to the side of the auditorium. I gazed down at the long tables that stretched away from the stage across the centre of the room.

  “Could we not sit down there? I want to be right in the thick of the atmosphere. Look Parker” I pointed up to a trapeze secured above the central audience area. “They are going to perform directly above the audience.

  Parker smiled and spoke quietly to the waiter. I saw a few notes change hands.

  “We ‘ave two seats by the stage.” The waiter smiled and indicated.

  Parker nodded and we were escorted to our new seats. The people we joined raised their glasses and welcomed us. The waiter was not exaggerating when he said we would be by the stage. I could rest my arm on the stage and see into the wings. I suddenly had a vision of me dancing on this famous space.

  The show itself was wonderful. The costumes were dazzling. The dancers were spectacular. During the can-can their feet stretched out over our heads and the view certainly caught the attention of all the men in the front row.

  All the men besides one. Each time I looked away from the performance I was aware that Parker was gazing across the table at me.

  All the dancers gradually entered the auditorium from every direction and I was sadly aware that the show was coming to an end.

  I was so animated as we left the theatre. I held Parkers arm and chattered without stopping to take a breath. Parker smiled and nodded clearly amused at just how much I had clearly enjoyed the evening.

  Our car was waiting outside and we were soon back at the hotel.

  As we rattled up the rickety old elevator I suddenly felt rather coy. It was like we were going to a hotel room for the first time together. Parker had actually been my first real lover. I had discounted the many men that I had enjoyed in my dreams. As we travelled up in that elevator I felt like this was actually going to be our first time. I felt shy and nervous.

  I think I must have transferred some of those feelings onto Parker because as he opened the door to our room he seemed to be embarrassed that there was a bed in there.

  I slipped into the bathroom and for the first time since we had been playing together I closed and bolted the door. I looked into the mirror and chastised myself for being so silly.

  Parker was back on the balcony studying the scene that he seemed to love so much when I went back into the room. He asked if I was finished in the bathroom and when I nodded to tell him I had he moved past me without making contact and went in. He too closed the door.

  While he was out of the room I stripped swiftly, and in a turn of events I decided to keep my satin French knickers on. I slipped into the bed and pulled the covers up to my chin.

  Parker eventually emerged and turned the light out before slipping into bed next to me.

  We made love that night.

  It was not like the raunchy raw sex that we usually enjoyed.

  It was tender and gentle.

  Parker reached out for me and I quivered when I felt his gentle touch. He stroked my back for what must have been a few minutes but that felt like hours. His touch was soft; sometimes his strokes barely touched my skin. When we eventually kissed it started as a gentle brushing of our lips.

  When his hand moved to my side I let out a sound that was hardly more than a murmur. I closed my eyes as his hand tenderly moved up to my breast. His touch was gentle but it sent waves of ecstasy through my
body. I took a deep breath and could smell the subtle blend of odours that I could already recognise as Parker.

  I moved my hand cautiously to his thigh and slid it up until I was cupping his balls. I felt the muscles of his body spasm and he began to harden against my wrist.

  I released my fingers and curved my arm around his waist. I felt him against my stomach and as I kissed him a little more urgently I felt him stiffen and become fully hard.

  “I really want you Evie.” He whispered

  “Oh Parker.” Was all I managed in reply.

  He raised himself up over me, and slid my underwear down.

  My legs relaxed and fell open.

  He held himself above me for a moment while he admired my body in the little moon light that shone in through the open window. Then he lowered himself and entered me.

  He moved very slowly and I felt every inch as he entered. I curled my legs behind his thighs and encouraged him to continue deeper. I wanted him to merge into me. I wanted us both to become one.

  The movement was slow. He slid easily into me and then his full length moved back. Again and again I felt the stimulation of his long deep thrusts.

  My hands moved around his back and I could feel my nails gripping his flesh as I tried to pull him ever deeper.

  The sensation when it came started really deep.

  At first it was just warmth deep inside. And then it began to swell and surge throughout the whole of my body. It was like something alien that was out of control and possessing my whole body.

  The intensity was so great that I thought my body could take no more.

  Spasms of ecstasy careered around my body.

  I had no control, “Now Parker, please now.”

  I felt a pulse as it moved through him and transferred to my inner muscles and as we both reached the heights of our pleasure I needed to release the thrill that had built inside of me. Spontaneously and without any thought of who might hear I released a scream that echoed through the open windows and travelled along the Seine.

  Parker supported himself but relaxed down onto me.

  We were both wet with exertion, but all I wanted was to be held and Parker obliged. I felt him shrink inside me and still we remained clinging together.

  We were still together when I woke the next morning with light streaming through the window.

  Parker woke when I slipped out from under his arm. His eyes smiled up at me, but I could still see there was a little discomfort in his expression. He mumbled good morning and slipped through to the bathroom.

  I knew things had definitely changed between us and I didn’t want that change to make us uncomfortable in each others presence. I knew I had to do something.

  I followed him into the bathroom and slipped into the shower behind him where I started to wash his back.

  “You were amazing last night,” I slipped a soapy arm around his waist and pressed into his back.

  “And I think you are amazing.” He turned and put his arms onto my shoulders so his hands rested on my upper back.

  “And I think that is really corny” I flicked foam at him and we both laughed. The tension had been broken and I saw some of the old Parker back.

  “Don’t get me wrong Parker. I really enjoyed that tender love making last night… but I don’t want you to think that gets you out of raunchy athletic performances. I will take the loving but I still want the passion.”

  Parker was laughing. “And that is what I will always love about you.”

  He had said it again, ‘love about you’. That word, did it mean something, should I read something into it or was he just using it in the same way as he might love a beer on a hot day. I decided to leave it. We were back to having fun.

  “Actually it’s good that you still want raunchy exciting sex Evie. I have a little treat lined up for you this afternoon, but I’m afraid after breakfast you will need to entertain yourself. I have an errand I have to carry out.”

  “That’s absolutely fine” I smiled, my mind full of shopping. “I’m sure I will be able to find something to entertain me.

  New Heights in Paris

  Since the subject of love has come up one thing that I absolutely love is shopping, and is there anywhere better in the world to shop for clothes than Paris. The city is known as one of the great fashion centres of the world.

  If I had unlimited time I would have toured around the famous small fashion boutiques of the new designers but I had just a few hours, nowhere near enough for a shopping marathon.

  I found a taxi and asked the driver to take me to ‘Le Bon Marche’ which my guide book told me was on the left bank of the Seine and was the oldest department store in Paris, I pulled up the stores website on my phone and read its description

  “Le Bon Marché customers are treated to highly select, small boutiques selling the most prestigious brands from the world of luxury goods, from Louis Vuitton to Dior - not forgetting Chanel.”

  That sounded good enough for me.

  The store really did not let me down. It was shopping heaven.

  I browsed and took my time before selecting two really sweet little day dresses and an elaborate ball gown in deep plum satin. I had absolutely no idea when I would ever wear it but it was such a divine thing I just had to have it.

  I made my way up to the lingerie department which was an experience not to be missed. As soon as I entered the department I was approached by a personal shopper and taken to a small private area where my needs were discussed before the elegant woman started to make suggestions and show me beautifully feminine lingerie.

  I left the department with several more bags

  My phone pinged ‘meet you in one hour at the Eiffel Tower, West entrance.”

  One hour! I hadn’t even visited the shoe department.

  I left the store 45 minutes later with two more bags each containing several shoe boxes.

  I could see the tower when I managed to find a taxi but it took rather longer to reach it than the 15 minutes I had allowed. When I arrived Parker was pacing by the roadside. I clambered out with all my bags, much to his amusement.

  He indicated for the driver to wait, “Just how many bags to you intend to take up the tower.” He grinned. “I’ll get the driver to take them back to the hotel, are there any you need?”

  “No not really, I doubt if I will ever need the ball gown I just bought but it is beautiful.”

  “Show me.”

  I was really surprised that he was at all interested in my shopping, that was a first, but I pulled the gown out of its bag and pulled away the tissue that it had been packed in.

  In the Paris daylight it looked more opulent than it had in the shop. The plum coloured satin shimmered as it moved. It was a truly beautiful thing with echoes of an elegant time from the past.

  “That is perfect. This is just what you should wear.” He bundled the rest of my bags back into the taxi and gave the driver our hotel card and a handful of notes.

  I was still holding my new dress against my body and creating a little interest from the passing tourists, a couple of them stopped to grab a selfie. One extremely stylish woman exclaimed “tres chic”

  “So you think this gown is perfect for a visit to the top of the tower?” I pretended to admonish him.

  “You’ll see. Now quickly go and change.”

  I shook my head in exasperation but slipped off the find somewhere to change anyway. When I emerged in full glamour mode I just about stopped the Paris crowds. I must admit I didn’t blame them. The dress made me feel very special but it hardly fitted in with the ‘I heart Paris’ tee shirts.

  The crowds parted as we made our way to the elevator that would take us up the tower. I was actually enjoying the attention.

  “Did you know that Gustave Eiffel had a secret apartment built at the very top of the tower?”

  “You mean somewhere he could live.”

  “Absolutely. Apparently he entertained the scientific elite of the time up there. Edis
on was one of his visitors. Rumour has it that many of the rich of Paris offered Eiffel huge sums of money to rent the apartment for liaisons with their lovers but he always refused.”

  Parker had that impish look playing around his mouth. I knew it well and it always meant he had something special planned.


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