Dragon's Kiss

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Dragon's Kiss Page 2

by Tielle St Clare

  Her sex was wet and empty. She moaned softly at the sudden sharp desire to be filled.

  Lorran pressed the tips of her fingers into the solid wall of his chest. Her hips rolled in gentle movements as she searched for more of the sensations his hand pulled from deep inside her body. She arched against his fingers, pushing him against her clit, focusing his touch and guiding him.

  Heat poured from his fingers and flowed through her pussy, driving her on. The pressure grew. Her shallow breath bounced off the cabin walls, echoing back and filling her ears with the sound. Her hips pumped with certainty now, the sweet tightening building until in one sharp moment, it evaporated, released, scattering tendrils of heat through her body. Lorran tensed and held herself still. The wild pleasure captured her, then slowly faded through her body.

  After long moments, when her breath returned to normal, she looked down. She’d left tiny nail marks on Kei’s chest.

  He didn’t seem to notice. He slept, his hand still between her legs, but calmed, not moving. The hint of a smile hovered over his lips—as if he knew what he’d done.

  “If that’s what he can do in his sleep, no wonder women swoon before him,” she whispered.

  She continued to sit beside him, half-amazed at what she’d let happen and half-stunned that Kei seemed to have slept through it all. Finally, his breathing evened out and she realized he was truly asleep. When she stood, he let her go with no more than a mumbled protest.

  Her freedom lasted twenty minutes before he began to twist on the bed and tear at the bedclothes. She returned to his side and placed her fingers lightly against his chest. He immediately quieted and his hand inched toward her thigh.

  “Oh, it’s going to be an interesting couple of days.”

  The next two days were nothing short of exhausting. And confusing. She couldn’t step away from Kei for more than a few minutes without him reacting—struggling against an invisible force. Her presence seemed to allow him to rest and eased the fury. She spent the days sitting beside him, always touching. The contact seemed vital to keep him calm.

  It was no hardship for Lorran. He had a beautiful body. The warm muscles fit perfectly beneath her hands. She tried to keep the touch impersonal but sometimes she just had to smooth her palms across the strong plane of his chest or the powerful leg muscles. Kei seemed to enjoy this the most—sighing and moaning, growling when she stopped.

  But all of that would have been endurable. It was the power he seemed to have over her body that drained all her energy. His hand continually sought out and found the hot space between her legs. It was only after he’d brought her to orgasm that he’d fall into a real sleep. She lost track of how many times she’d found herself moaning and pleading with him to let her come.

  The nights were the hardest. Initially, she’d tried setting up a small cot but he’d moaned and twisted until she’d crawled onto the bed with him. He’d instantly calmed, snuggling against her, despite the distance she tried to put between their bodies.

  Each night, he’d wrap himself around her, his strong arms holding her back to his front, curling into her until she felt surrounded. Then his hand would move unerringly towards the vee of her thighs. And it would begin again. Her gown blocked direct contact but the weight of his hand and the light flutter of his fingers sent layers of shivers through her body.

  Removing his hand was not an option. She tried that. Like a child with its favorite toy taken away, he grumbled and groaned. The struggle became a nightly event where Lorran would eventually give up and allow his hand to remain.

  In response, Kei sighed, smiled and cuddled against her, content to have his way.

  And then he’d begin the tiny movements, subtle touches that became caresses, finally bringing her to climax—sometimes hard and fast, sometimes long and deep. It didn’t matter. Each night, Lorran found herself, her legs opened, pressing against his strong fingers, anxious for the release his touch promised.

  Once she’d climaxed, Kei would pull her to him, turning her onto her back and settling his head on her breasts. The slight smile that marked his lips told her that somewhere, deep inside the sleeping man, someone knew what he was doing.

  Hours passed before Lorran allowed herself to drop into a light doze.

  The dawn of the third day pulled Lorran out of the bed. She instantly missed the warmth of Kei’s body. Kei grumbled in protest but let her go. Moving quickly, she stoked the fire and began her morning routine, enjoying the quiet. She got breakfast and tidied the small cabin, finishing up at Kei’s side.

  It would be over soon. Sometime in the next twenty-four hours, Kei would open his eyes and stare at her in confusion. And possibly revulsion. She doubted he would remember the intimate touches he’d given her. And she’d never tell.

  She stared down at his bare form, the sheet gone in a flurry of twists and turns. He was magnificently made. The broad line of his chest rippled with full tight muscles. His arms, even in rest, showed their power. She followed the taut line of his stomach. His cock was half-hard. He’d spent the last three days in that state. He shifted restlessly on the bed and Lorran raised her gaze.

  How long would it be before the beast showed itself? She stared at his body, trying to distance herself, trying to separate the woman from the observer. Had the changes already begun? The memory of her husband’s transition was a blur, vague images filled with pain and disappointment. She hadn’t been there when he’d made the final change. She’d never learned what caused it, only seen the destruction later.

  She trailed her fingers across Kei’s chest. She’d grown used to touching him in the past two days. He instantly calmed, his body relaxing at her light touch.

  This was such an opportunity. She could observe him—watch him. So much could be done if they could learn how the transition was accomplished. More and more information about dragons was becoming available—but the chance to monitor a full transition was rare.

  She watched Kei all day. Slowly, the healing trance faded and he fell into a true sleep. It was over. Lorran walked away and he didn’t protest. She stayed away as she cooked dinner and prepared for bed. He didn’t seem to notice.

  Kei no longer needed her. The odd ache of disappointment that lingered in her chest made her cringe. She was upset that a sick man and a crazed beast no longer needed her presence. How pathetic.

  When it was time for bed, she sank down on the small cot. Kei had been sleeping peacefully. She pulled the blanket up over her warm nightgown and watched him in the dark. It was strange but she’d already grown used to feeling his weight on her body as she slept. She blew out the final candle and closed her eyes.

  Kei’s moans woke her a short time later. He twisted on the bed, a contained version of the struggles from the early part of the trance. She slipped out of the blankets and sat on the edge of his bed. He was cool to the touch and once again calmed when she placed her hand on his skin. It was late. One final night. She slid under the bedclothes next to him and settled down. Morning would come soon enough.

  Kei immediately wrapped his arms around her and sighed contentedly. Lorran had to crush a similar sound from escaping her lips. She closed her eyes and was asleep almost instantly.

  He was there, stalking her through the dark forest, waiting for her as she stepped into the dream world.


  The voice was back, commanding her attention.

  The dragon’s head swung toward her. His huge mouth opened and fire burst from the depths of his throat, covering her, consuming her. The flames surrounded her, licking at her skin like a million fiery tongues.

  She waited for the pain but there was none, only the flurry of fire against her flesh, the rush of warmth inside.

  She welcomed the heat that slid across her skin, concentrating in the deep, moist center of her body. Tiny licks of flame moved down her neck. Instinct guided her reaction. She tilted her head and let the warmth touch her skin—hot but not burning, not wounding.

  Heat invaded
her lungs and tightened her chest. A molten band circled her waist, pulling her deep into the fire. She needed it inside her.

  She didn’t know what was happening to her. An invisible force surrounded her body like a fever. She tried to open her eyes, needing to see the beast who held her captive, but she couldn’t make her eyes respond to her commands.

  She opened her mouth to plead with it and she was consumed. Streaks of liquid heat flowed over her skin, inflaming her breasts. She spread her legs and let the flame touch her. It burned against her. Then the fire was inside her, igniting the core of her body. The tendrils flicked in an uneven rhythm, slipping inside, then teasing her protective lips. She pressed her hips upward. The fever burned conscious thought from her mind. Her only understanding was the need to accept the flame into her body.


  The angry powerful pronouncement should have terrified her. Somewhere deep in her soul, she was frightened but the fear was crushed by the intensity of the fire. She wanted to drown in the warmth.

  Fingers of heat danced across her sex, skimming the dark curled hair and tickling the flesh beneath it. She arched her hips, seeking more of his touch. He was there, a stranger yet so familiar. Her legs opened wider, inviting him inside.

  The material of her gown stretched tight as she struggled to get closer to the heat. Hands appeared to help her. The edges of her bodice separated. She felt a cool brush of air before the fire claimed her breasts. Hot hands cupped her, rasping her taut nipples that poked out, begging for his touch. She arched up, seeking more of the incredible sensation. The voice rumbled with triumph and a warm mouth closed over the tip of her breast. He suckled her, drawing her flesh into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue.

  The ache between her thighs built. Then, the large warm hand returned to her sex, cupping her moist center and driving two fingers deep inside.

  She pumped her hips—counter to the steady thrust of his fingers, wanting him deeper.


  The voice was real and jolted Lorran from her dream. Awareness pierced the surreal fog.

  Kei’s mouth covered her breast and his hand was hard between her bare legs, thrusting slow steady strokes in and out of her sex.

  She yelped. Her mind commanded instant action and she threw herself from the bed, ripping her body from Kei’s grasp and rolling to the floor. She gathered the edges of her torn nightgown together. Kei’s eyes flicked downward. She reached down to ensure her gown covered her legs.

  Kei propped his head up on his hand. The arrogant smile held none of the desperate need that his feverish rantings had displayed. This was a man, confident in his attraction, sure of his welcome.

  There was no evidence of the dragon bite he’d suffered only three days before. After long moments of inspection, he lifted his gaze to hers and smiled.

  “No need to run, darling. We’re just getting started.”

  Chapter Two

  Kei looked across the tiny space at the woman. She pulled the sides of her torn gown together, trying to cover the soft, sweet mounds of flesh beneath. Startled passion began to fade in her eyes.

  Who is she?

  He tried to remember how he got here but all that occupied his mind was a black haze filled with screams and fire. And heat. Wet, female heat.

  His eyes dropped to the thin layer of cloth that hid her pussy from his gaze. She was wet. His hand still held the evidence.


  He drew in a deep breath and was assaulted by the sweet scent of her arousal. He had to have her. Had to taste her. A strange dark fog brushed the edges of his mind, blurring his thoughts and filling him with a desperate need for this woman. Moving as if driven by a force outside himself, Kei crawled from the bed and started towards the woman. The craving to gorge himself on her boiled inside him.

  A voice in the distant corner of his mind whispered that he should stop—she might be frightened—but it was drowned out by the need to place his mouth on her sex, drink from her cunt. Drive his tongue deep inside her.

  The woman watched him and inched backward on her hands until she ran into the wall.

  “Mine,” he whispered as he got near. The overwhelming sense of ownership stopped him for a moment, but then she shifted and more of her sweet smell came to him.

  The pull to have her was too strong to listen to the quiet call for restraint. His hands gripped the bottom of her light gown, ready to tear the garment away. Then he looked in her eyes.

  Amazement alternated with fear in the brown depths. The strange voice in his head pushed him onward, drawing him to her. He needed to fill himself with her flavor.

  She licked her lips and swallowed deeply. He held her gaze as he slid the gown up her legs, revealing her naked pussy. The delicious scent flowed over him. She was wet and waiting for him.

  The sound of her labored breathing teased him. He was tempted to drop his gaze to her luscious breasts, but he didn’t want to break the spell of her eyes. She was his. She belonged to him.

  The soft material of her nightgown flowed over his arms as he slipped his hands underneath. Her bare flesh burned him and he knew—this was the fire he craved. This fire would warm him forever.

  His cock was hard, eager to plunge inside her wet cunt but he waited. The need to fill his senses with her pushed hard against him. It was imperative that he consume all that was her.

  He slipped his hands up her legs, cupping her ass in his palms and pulled her toward him, cocking her hips forward. She gasped but she didn’t protest. The soft mounds of her backside filled his hands nicely and he momentarily considered future opportunities for that ass.

  He lowered his gaze. She was almost on her back, her legs spread wide, her sweet pussy open to him.


  He fell forward and covered her sex with his mouth. For a moment, he simply tasted her, drowning in the seductive flavor that lured him to her. He licked her slit, drinking the moisture her body offered up to him. Her sharp flavor seduced his tongue and he sipped again.

  Yes. More.

  The drive was almost more than he could endure. He slipped his tongue inside her cunt. And the world slowed. This was where he needed to be. He flicked his tongue along the inside edge of her pussy. Then plunged deep, as far as he could reach. She gasped and pushed against him.

  Kei stilled her movements, holding her in place for his pleasure—and for hers. Mine.

  Lorran dug her hands into his hair, using the long strands as her anchor to this world. Goddesses, what was he doing to her? This was beyond anything. His tongue fluttered around her sex, lingering moments on her clit before trailing a long path across her wet, open flesh. Then he dipped his strong tongue inside and flicked the end, tickling the walls of her passage. His soft, approving growls were muffled against her flesh.

  “Aah!” Her head thumped against the wall behind her.

  The heat had returned but now instead of a vague creature made of fire, the source was Kei the Dragon Slayer. Somewhere in a quiet corner of her mind, she knew she should stop him. But the fire gathered inside her and she couldn’t break free. She needed the heat to survive.

  The thought was there and gone in a moment, scattered by the slow glide of his tongue the length of her sex. He stopped, holding on the sensitive nub that screamed for his attention. He opened his mouth and began to suck.

  The guttural cry that broke from her lips seemed to come from another creature but Lorran couldn’t control it.

  She sat up, dislodging Kei from his place. With a gentle snarl, he placed a hand on her stomach pushed her back against the wall and continued to suckle.

  “Kei—I mean, Your Majesty, oh Hells, please. Majesty…Kei!” His nightly fondling had trained her body, taught her to expect release, but never this wild, unrelenting pleasure—pain. It had to stop but she couldn’t find a way to pull back.

  She pressed her fingers into his scalp. “Please, Kei, help me.”

  She didn’t think he heard. Then the pressure of his
tongue changed into steady, rhythmic pulses against her clit. She felt her eyes widen as the world spiraled down to one central point between her thighs. She ground her pussy into his face—trying to bring him deeper. He purred and kept sucking. He reached up, slipping two long fingers inside her cunt. The pressure was incredible. Lorran gasped as the fire that had invaded her dreams shattered and spilled across her body.

  She blinked rapidly and stared blankly at the empty room.

  Her heart thudded in her chest, her breath trying to catch up to the furious beat. Satisfaction dragged her eyelids down. She sagged against the wall and listened to the sound of Kei’s contented sighs.

  His tongue circled her belly button. She groaned. A spike of renewed warmth pierced her stomach. It was beginning again. How was it that this man had such control over her body?

  She opened her eyes and watched the warrior lying between her legs. He was totally absorbed as he continued to taste her flesh, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. She could feel the hard press of his erection against her leg. Would he mount her? Would she let him? He had to desire release soon, but instead of moving up, he resettled his face between her thighs.

  And spread her sex wide with his fingers.

  “Kei—” Whatever she’d been ready to say died as he placed his mouth over her cunt and slipped the firm point of his tongue inside, licking the walls. Her body, sensitized by his touch, trembled and creamed at this light, teasing caress. He was unrelenting, lightly flicking his tongue along the edges of her sex, his movements casual as if he had no goal. He just wanted to taste her.

  Pounding penetrated Lorran’s lust-blurred mind. She sat up. Kei grunted, as if irritated at being dislodged but kept licking. Lorran took a deep breath and tried to focus. Knocking. Someone was at the door. Morning sunlight sprinkled through the tiny kitchen window. The guard from the Castle. He’d be wanting the daily missive Riker had requested.

  The knocking sounded again, louder, more aggressive. Kei heard it as well. He jumped to his feet, hunched low, his knees bent, ready for attack. She watched his eyes scan the room. All traces of sensuality evaporated in that moment—he was a warrior, ready to fight the unknown enemy.


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