Dragon's Kiss

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Dragon's Kiss Page 12

by Tielle St Clare

  “He felt like he needed to prove himself to the world. So when a dragon moved into the cliffs near our land, he decided to get rid of it himself.”

  “That just proves he was stupid and I don’t know how his stupidity could be your fault.” She’d smiled sadly and nodded. Whatever it was that had driven Brennek to fight dragons—Lorran still blamed herself.

  Their own studies continued but they were no closer to slowing the dragon’s appearance. After Nekane had named himself, Kei had told Lorran all the changes he’d noticed in his body and mind. She’d studiously marked them down on parchment. Whether that information would help anyone in the future, he didn’t know. But if ever there was a person determined to find a way to help both the dragons and the human victims, it was Lorran. He didn’t doubt that she’d do it eventually. She was a strong woman.

  Lorran rolled her shoulders back as if trying to ease some tension that had settled there. He’d offered to help with dinner but she’d smiled tiredly and told him to sit.

  She was exhausted. The four days of near abstinence during her woman’s time had driven him to distraction. And a desperate need to make up for the loss. For two days now, he’d done little but fuck her cunt. He didn’t understand it. It wasn’t like he’d gone without during those days. She’d brought him to climax with her hands. And she’d sucked him off so many times, her jaw had to ache still.

  His cock rose. Hells, he thought, everything about Lorran made his cock rise these days. He was no longer appalled by the idea—more amused. The dragon was growing stronger and more vocal but its focus remained the same—fucking Lorran. As the urges became more distinct, Kei at least knew how to deal with them.

  It was odd. He’d expected to be struggling frequently against the dragon, fighting the dragon’s appearance on a regular basis. From what Lorran told him and what he’d read in her notes, he should be battling for control daily. But for some reason, except for occasional outbursts, the beast seemed content.

  Maybe it’s the sex. He considered the idea. Maybe the constant fucking was satisfying the dragon so he felt no need to rush. The only time he’d had to consciously crush the dragon was when he’d been denied access to Lorran’s pussy. He’d have to suggest the idea to Lorran. Maybe they had found a way to stop the transition—constant fucking.

  He dismissed the idea almost instantly. Lorran had said Brennek had spent his last days fucking the village women but he’d still made the change.

  Kei smiled. Maybe it only worked with Lorran. He thought about a life with Lorran. They’d laugh, fight and fuck. He’d be dead from exhaustion. And Lorran would be forever pregnant. The thought stopped him. With her woman’s time just passed, she wasn’t pregnant but there was still a chance.

  He felt the immediate urge to put his cock into her and fill her with his seed. He would have to make a provision in his final papers for any child that might issue from their time together.

  “Why didn’t you and Brennek have a dozen kids?” Kei asked, his voice breaking the calm silence. He thought about the way she loved to fuck and couldn’t understand it. What man wouldn’t be addicted to her loving?

  Her back straightened and she raised her eyes, staring out the open window above the sink. The air around them vibrated with anxiety. Kei leaned forward, conscious that he’d somehow opened an old wound.

  “I’m barren,” she finally answered without turning around, her voice emotionless. “Brennek and I tried for children for the first five years of our marriage but nothing came of it.”

  “Maybe it was his problem.”

  She shook her head, her hair brushing across her shoulder blades. “No. His mistress bore him a child. But as his wife, I was unable to do so.” Her words were soft but there was an underlying ache to them.

  Pain opened up his chest. Before he had a chance to analyze the strange emotion, the beast inside him screamed. The hollow wail rejected the thought of Lorran without a child—without his child filling her belly. Kei’s pain blended with the dragon’s. He wanted to see her grow large with his seed and know that she loved the child growing inside her.

  The dragon’s emotions overwhelmed him, demanding a mate and offspring, to populate the world.

  Kei stood. The need to move sent him to pacing the room.

  Fury raged inside him—Nekane’s fury—a creature who lived by instinct and didn’t understand control.

  “I’m going outside.”

  He had to get away from her. He had to put some distance between her and the dragon before the creature pounced on her again. He would walk, run, anything to burn off the energy that drove him to be inside her. To fill her.

  Kei focused on walking to the door and the world beyond. Each step required all his strength. The dragon fought for control of his body. He almost sighed with relief when he reached the door.

  “I understand,” she whispered as the door closed behind him.

  * * * * *

  She stared at the closed door, amazed at how the sight caused her pain. It was easy to understand. She wrapped her arms around her waist, tears welling in her eyes. She’d failed another man.

  All Brennek had asked from her was a child and she’d been unable to give it to him. He’d had no legitimate heir and that had driven him to prove to the world he was master of his domain. He’d ended up dying in a cave.

  Now Kei, doomed to the same fate, had obviously hoped for an heir.

  She took a deep breath and brushed away the tears even as they crept down her cheeks. She wouldn’t cry. She’d cried too many times over her inability to conceive. She would never do so again.

  At least she had the memories of Kei’s loving to comfort her. She’d always remember the feel of Kei moving in her body, the lovely glide of his shaft between her legs and the heat of his mouth on her skin, on her sex. Her body began to ache at the thought.

  She pushed it aside. It wouldn’t do to dwell on it. If nothing else, life had taught her to accept what she couldn’t change. She made a quick dinner and ate it silently. Who knew when Kei would return? She left a plate warming in the oven and finally went to bed.

  She curled onto her side and stared at the dying fire. She’d grown used to Kei’s body next to hers. She’d have to re-learn to sleep without his weight in her bed. And without his loving each night to exhaust her.

  She used the memories to relax her body. She wanted him. Again. Always. She slid her hand under the blankets and began to lightly touch herself, imagining it was Kei’s hand. The soft caresses allowed her to drift into a light doze. Heat and fire waited for her in sleep.

  He pulled back the blankets and spread her legs.

  “Let me inside you, let me fill you,” he whispered.

  “Yes, come to me.”

  He climbed on the bed and shoved his cock inside her with no prelude. She was wet and open for him.

  He groaned as he drove deep. “You feel so good,” he whispered. “Your cunt clings to me, like you never want to let me go.”

  I don’t. She kept the words silent as she always did.



  Kei watched her twist under the blankets. He’d walked to the waterfall, trying to work through the anger. At his own loss and at Lorran’s. It was insane of course. He’d never expected to get a child on Lorran. The idea hadn’t come to him until that night but once the thought was there, it had been impossible to shake.

  Eventually, he’d climbed the mountain to Effron’s lair. Effron had ignored him on this visit.

  Kei was again stunned by the steady waves of loneliness and despair that emanated from the dragon. It was easy to see how those emotions quickly turned to rage—rage against a world that didn’t understand.

  Nekane had screamed for Lorran and had dragged Kei away, as if seeing the other dragon’s empty life was too much for the beast. The awareness that Lorran would be able to fill the hollow space in his chest seeped into his thoughts. Where before, he’d turned from her, desperate to prove to
himself and the dragon that he would stand alone—this time he accepted his need for her.

  He’d returned to the cabin. And found her like this. She was dreaming. Her body warm with musk. She was lusting.

  His cock leapt at the sweet smell of her wet cunt. She was waiting to be filled. He ripped off the blankets. Her beautiful breasts were cupped in her own hands, her nipples tight between her fingers. She rocked her hips upward as if fucking some imaginary lover. He moved quickly. He had to fulfill the crying need of her body.

  She woke up as his hands touched the insides of her thighs. He stared at her wet sex, spread wide before him.

  “Mine,” he whispered, mirroring the voice in his head. He bent down and kissed the very tip of her pretty little cunt. Then, slowly licked downward, needing a hint of her taste to linger on his tongue.

  “But, Kei, I thought—“

  He didn’t know what she was going to say but her words transformed into a gasp and then a moan as he sucked slowly on her clit. She was so wet. He slurped up all her pussy juice and licked her until more flowed from her. Her cries turned to pleas. He feasted long on her sex, sating himself and binding her to him with pleasure. He didn’t rush. Instead, he spent time loving her, arousing her, giving back to her all the pleasure she gave to him. The dragon rumbled contentedly inside his head.

  Then, the images that had haunted him—her ripe with his child—burst into his head. He pulled back. He needed to give her his seed and wanted to feel her accept it. The urge drove him upward. He moved up her body and slid his cock into her sex in one fluid glide.

  He groaned as her wet cunt sucked his cock inside. He was beyond thought, beyond rational behavior. He needed to come inside her, to fill her with his seed. He had no control, no restraint. He thrust inside her twice, then again, feeling the steady rise of a sharp clear orgasm.

  He shoved in deep and his world released. He flooded her with his come.

  Seconds later, the strength sapped from his body, he collapsed on top of her. He didn’t have the energy to move off and in this position, his cock stayed buried in her cunt. He was going to need more of her pussy in a while so he wanted to stay inside.

  Lorran shifted underneath him and he raised his head. Her eyes were clouded with pain and he had the sudden urge to nuzzle her. He rubbed his nose along her cheek, soothing her.

  “I can’t provide you an heir, Kei,” she said after a moment.

  He leaned back and stared at her in amazement. “Is that what you thought?” She shrugged but he saw through the casual movement. This was the source of the pain. “It never occurred to me until three hours ago that you might get pregnant. I wasn’t fucking you for an heir. I was fucking you because I can’t seem to stop.”

  She smiled and he felt her relax underneath him. “I’ve noticed.”

  “I don’t want to stop,” he said, knowing it was an important distinction.

  He pushed himself up on his elbows and rubbed his softening cock inside her passage. The light friction immediately returned him to a hard state. Lorran gasped as he pulsed deep inside her. He knew she liked this, liked the short massaging pulses far inside her pussy.

  “I want to move inside this tight cunt until you ache from need,” Kei growled. Lorran gasped. “And then I’ll give you what you ask for.”

  He kept whispering to her as he rocked inside her, filling her mind with his voice as he filled her body with his cock. Her eyes grew vague as she lost herself once more.

  This was what he wanted her to remember when he was gone. He clamped down on his own need to thrust hard and worked for her, pleasuring her body with his hands, mouth and cock until the sun began to creep up in the sky. Then, her mind lost to all but him, he sank one final time into her cunt and once again filled her pussy with his seed.

  * * * * *

  Kei grimaced as he washed in the miniscule tub. His knees were up against his chest and his shoulders were wider than the edge of the small tub. But it was a quick way to get clean. Maybe later he could convince Lorran to go to the waterfall—enjoy the pleasures of the warm pond. The hazy visions that seemed to characterize the dragon’s thoughts instantly formed pictures of Kei and Lorran, naked on the rocks beside the waterfall. She’d watched him that first night. Now he could enjoy her fully—her lips on his cock, his mouth drinking from her cunt. The dragon grumbled his agreement.

  He’d give her the day to rest. Nekane’s protest was a soft growl. Kei shook his head. It was strange how he’d adapted to the dragon’s voice. He almost expected reactions from the beast.

  The low tones of a man’s voice outside the cabin drew Kei from his thoughts. He stood and draped a towel around his waist. It was odd to hear another human.

  The only contact with the world beyond the cabin had been Kei’s messages to the Castle.

  No one visited Lorran. The town didn’t approve of her. She’d told him people had threatened her when she’d first moved in. Now, most ignored her.

  Flicking his damp hair over his shoulder, Kei walked to the window and looked out.

  A tall burly man with an open friendly face and ready smile stood listening intently as Lorran spoke. The male reached out and patted her softly on her shoulder. Then he spoke and Lorran smiled. Kei couldn’t hear the man’s words. A violent roar in his head blocked the sound.

  Kei felt the muscles in the back of his neck begin to twist. He stared down at his hand, watching it tighten and curl until it formed a claw.

  Lorran’s gentle laughter floated across the clear air. She nodded and watched the man walk back towards town. Seconds later, she came back inside.

  “That was Mr. Fiya from the General Store. He was delivering—” She stopped and looked at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can smell him on you.” Kei didn’t recognize his own voice. The sound was deep and low, like an animal’s growl. “He touched you.” He lifted his head and stared at her. The dark haze he associated with the dragon didn’t block his vision. It intensified it. Everything about her was clear. Every strand of hair was separated and every scent catalogued. Every breath she took was gathered in his lungs. Kei blinked and tried to push the fog away.

  It was happening. The beast was battling for control. A male had touched his mate! He turned his neck, stretching it up and twisting around, fighting for final domination over the body. “He touched you,” he heard himself repeat.

  As he said the words, he stepped forward—the human struggled to deny each footstep, but the dragon was too strong.

  Mine. Take mine! Beyond the words, Kei felt the dragon’s fierce need to possess Lorran. Kei resisted, calling on every strength he had. And still he walked forward.

  “He just touched my shoulder.” Lorran shook her head. And stepped back.

  It burst into his mind—backing away, running from him.

  Leave? No! Mine!

  Kei knew that Lorran had heard the dragon’s mental cry when she shook her head and took another step back. Kei watched the movement and the dragon screamed. The bellow reverberated through the small cabin. Lorran slapped her hands over her ears to block the horrifying noise.

  Kei felt his awareness fading, losing even the ability to fight the beast.

  She walked backwards. The movement felt familiar. It took a moment for her to remember—this was just like her dream. She was being hunted by a dragon. Stalked by the man she loved.

  All semblance of humanity was gone from the black eyes that stared at her. But it was more than just the black eyes that warned her Kei was no longer in charge. Waves of rage emanated from his body. The dragon had taken control of the human mind and was close to freeing itself from the physical human constraints. When the creature appeared, the house wouldn’t be able to contain it. It would turn on her. That long contained fury would explode.

  Unwilling to look away, she stepped backward, and placed her foot on the hem of her gown. She went down with a thud. Kei still moved forward.

  Lorran scrambled backwards on her hands and
feet, trying to escape. Her heart pumped blood erratically through her veins.

  “Kei, please,” she said when she could gather enough air to speak.

  Mine! The word entered her mind but Kei did not speak it.

  “No.” She shook her head.

  Mine! The creature repeated.

  “No, please.”

  He bent down and began to crawl the last few feet to her. The rough wool of her gown flipped upward, baring her legs to her thighs. She moved to pull the material down but he was there—his hands reaching for her, grabbing her thighs and pulling her toward him.

  “Kei, please. Don’t let him win.” She called to the human inside—hoping he was still there, still able to react.

  He stared down at her spread legs. His hands tightened on her knees.

  “Please, Kei, don’t do this.”

  The fear in her voice reached deep inside him. It shocked him, sending strength to his body. He threw himself back, lunging for the door. He had to get away—had to get free. He ripped the door open and stumbled onto the wooden porch. He took a deep breath, trying to clear Lorran’s scent from his nostrils. The smell of her fear still haunted his senses. He stalked off the porch and paced the yard.

  Male scent on mine!

  Nekane’s scream throbbed in Kei’s skull, making it almost impossible to think. The only choice was to move. He took off in a run, away from Lorran, into the woods. He raced down the narrow trail toward town. The smell of the man who’d touched Lorran was easily traced and he started to follow it.

  The gut-tearing rage boiled inside again. Kill male.

  Kei jerked himself to a stop, gripping a small tree to keep himself from moving forward, from hunting the man who’d dared touch his woman!

  He forced himself to take long slow breaths, to cleanse his body of everything but the smell of the soil and the trees lining the path. Fog blurred his thoughts but Kei refused to release his hold on the tree. It was the only thing binding him to the earth.

  Time slowly returned to focus and Kei looked up. The sun was almost set. He’d been gone for hours. He looked around and sniffed the air, hating the animal-like movement but needing the dragon’s senses. The scent of the shopkeeper had faded and there was no smell of blood. Kei looked down at his hands. They were clean except for the tree sap. So he hadn’t killed the man.


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