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Loving Colt

Page 9

by C. A. Harms

  “I know,” he answered. “I’m pretty sure I could’ve done the same.”

  We stood in the kitchen, silently thinking over the events that had taken place. My stomach was in knots over Alex and the fear in her eyes. I’m pretty sure it was an image I would never forget. It was a look I never wanted to see on her face again. The fear in her eyes would surely haunt my dreams.

  “Colt,” Harper whispered from the doorway. I immediately sat the beer down on the counter and took a step in her direction. “She um…” She paused and took a calming breath. “Alex wants to see you, upstairs.”

  I nodded my head and turned back to look at Jim. The slight dip of his head told me it was okay with him, so I rushed off without another thought.

  As I stepped through the door, her back was to me. She was tucked in bed with the covers wrapped tightly around her. Hearing the shuffle of my feet made her look up from the spot she focused on at the side of the bed.

  The moment her gaze locked with mine, the tears fell heavily from her eyes.

  Sitting down on the bed beside her, I curled myself around her. “Don’t cry, baby. I can’t stand to see those tears. It breaks me.”

  “I was so scared, Colt.” Alexis’ hold on my neck tightened just a little more. I did everything I could to soothe her, but I think she just needed to break. I held her as she sobbed against my neck, letting out her fear and relief at the same time.

  Now Seth would be where he deserved to be, behind bars. He should consider himself lucky he had the safety of those bars because, if he didn’t, I was sure I would finish what I had started. He would never again touch Alex. That I guaranteed.

  Chapter Twenty


  I wanted him close, as close as possible. I needed to feel protected, and Colton gave me that. He made me feel safe, something I hadn’t felt in so long. I held on to him with everything I had in me.

  At some time I had wrapped myself around him, and then he had crawled into bed next to me. I lay with my head resting on his chest, listening to his heart beat beneath me. It was soothing, peaceful.

  I pretended to be asleep when my father came in to check on me. I listened to him thank Colt once again for saving my life. I lay as still as possible when both Jett and Harper stopped in to find out how I was doing. I wanted nothing to pull me away from Colt’s embrace. It felt as if I could hide within him from all that was wrong in my life.

  I listened to Jett’s words, filled with such hate for Seth. He promised that one day he would get his chance to show Seth what it felt like to be strangled almost to the point of your last breath. His declaration was making me even more saddened by the events. I hated causing pain for those I love.

  Harper, of course, cried and hugged Colt, thanking him for what he had done. She too appeared to find peace in him. He reassured her that he would take care of me.

  The visit from my mother and my baby girl was the hardest one of all. My mom held strong and did everything to refrain from breaking down, for the benefit of Maddison. I knew she would later break, when she was alone with my father.

  Maddi climbed up on the bed next to Colt and placed her hand over mine, which was resting on his chest. “Grandma said Mommy’s sick,” she whispered. I think she was fearful she would wake me. It was the sweetest thing to hear her tiny voice.

  “Yeah, baby girl, your momma’s gonna be fine, though. I promise you that,” Colt reassured her. I opened my eyes just barely and watched as she climbed up against his opposite side. She curled into him, resting her head on his shoulder. I could no longer stop my lips from trembling. My little girl had fallen for this man, just as hard as I had.

  That was how we spent our night, both of us curled up against Colt, safe within his arms.


  Slipping from the bed, I entered the bathroom as quietly as possible. Standing before the mirror, I inspected the bruises around my neck. They were changing from the reddened marks of last night to purple and blue. They brought the entire horrific experience back to me, full force.

  I jumped in surprise when the bathroom door creaked. I looked up from the spot I was focused on and my chest grew heavy. Colt’s gaze locked on mine. I watched as he slowly scanned over me until his eyes hardened and his jawed ticked in anger. He was now seeing the evidence of Seth’s hands, and his dislike was evident.

  I turned around and rested my hip against the countertop, forcing a smile. “Thank you for staying with me last night,” I said. I was attempting to break his thoughts of what had happened. “Thank you for assuring Maddi that I would be okay.”

  A small smile tugged at his lips. “I thought you were asleep.” He narrowed his eyes and I laughed.

  “Nope, I was awake the whole time. I just wanted you to stay with me,” I stated. “It made me feel safe being in your arms.”

  Colt closed the distance between us and skimmed his fingertips over my jaw. “You are safe with me, always,” he whispered. “I love you and Maddison. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for either of you.”

  His lips settled on mine in a gentle kiss. My eyes fluttered shut at contact. He loved us. I mean I think I knew that he did, but to hear it meant so much more.

  I trembled in his arms and he pulled back, looking down at me. “I love you too,” I whispered, my eyes still shut tightly.

  There was a long silence, and I slowly allowed my eyes to drift open to see Colt before me, smiling widely.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” I asked.

  His tongue traced his lower lip, fighting to maintain his raging grin. “Just happy you’re finally admitting that you also have strong feelings for me.”

  The cocky gleam in his eye made me laugh. “I knew you were gonna be trouble when I met you.” His eyes narrowed as he pulled me snuggly against his body.

  His lips were just inches from mine, and I could feel the heat of his breath fanning out over my lips. “Trouble huh?” he whispered. I nodded my head, and he grazed his lips over mine in a teasing manner. “How?”

  “I knew it would be hard not to fall for you. You’re kind.” I skimmed his jaw with the tip of my finger. “Any man who treats his mother the way you do has a heart of gold.” Allowing my hand to curl up through his hair, I tugged him closer. “I knew I would have a hard time letting you go, once I allowed you in,” I confessed.

  “Well, don’t ever try to let go then.” Before I could respond, he pressed his lips against mine and I was lost in the kiss. All thoughts were gone the instant his tongue traced my lip.

  A small giggle filling the room had us jumping apart like the other was on fire.

  Maddison was standing in the doorway with her hand over her mouth, attempting to hide her smile. She had just witnessed Colt and me kissing, and for a brief moment, it worried me. How would it make her feel to see us together like that?

  “Hey, princess,” Colt said as he knelt before her. “What are you giggling about?” he asked her, brushing the golden curls from her face and tucking them behind her ear.

  “You were kissing Mommy.” She giggled once more as she tucked her face behind her outstretched hand.

  Colt scooped her up and stood with her in his arms. He looked over at me and then back to Maddison. “Is that okay?” he asked her.

  Maddi nodded her head with her eyes connected to mine. “Yes,” she said.

  “What do you think about you and your momma coming back home with me? Everybody misses both of you,” he told her. “It doesn’t feel the same without seeing your sweet faces every day.”

  My heart raced, wondering what Maddison was feeling. I had regretted leaving Brooklet since the moment I boarded that plane. I missed Ann and the girls. I had in the short time I was there developed great friendships with Maria, Kori, and Leann. They made me feel so welcome and at peace. I ran from the fear of it all, fear of it falling apart like everything else had.

  Colt wanted Maddison and me. He made that clear the day he had arrived in Florida. I wanted it too, so badly. Maddison w
as the final decision-maker, though. I would do what she wanted. It was time she was given some stability, so the future now lay in her hands.

  “Where will we live? Does Nana still have my room?” Maddison asked as she looked at Colt with a concerned look on her face.

  “Nana still has your room and your momma’s.” They smiled at one another, and I loved how she was so comfortable with him. “I’m hoping that uh…” his gaze wandered up to meet mine. “Well, I was thinking that maybe your mom and you would let me find the three of us a house.”

  My heart raced at his words. He wants us to live together? It was like he could read my thoughts, and he reached out and ran his hand up my arm. “Not right away, Alex, but soon. Even if you and Maddison live in it while I stay at the apartment. Until we feel we’re ready for that step. I just want Maddison to have a home, a place the two of you can start creating happy memories.”

  My throat ached with the impending emotion. All I could do was nod my head. I still wasn’t sure how he had found me, but I was so damn glad I stopped in that small town that night.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “I’m gonna try to sell it? I know I won’t get much, but anything would be better than nothing. I’ll get another car after I get settled and find a job, a more reliable one.” I listened to Alex make arrangements with her dad to sell her old beater. He was worried about her driving it, because it really was on its last leg. It still sat in my mom’s driveway, and I had even thought about junking it myself. She really did need something safer.

  Tomorrow morning we had an early flight back to Georgia. We had spent the last few days setting things up. Kori’s mom, Gemma, had set up a couple of interviews for Alex. She has a few friends who work in the medical field, and with Alex’s nursing degree, her prospects were looking good.

  Alex sat down on the couch next to me, curling her body in to mine. Her hand rested on my stomach, and I placed mine over hers.

  We had developed a sense of comfort with one another that was now second nature.

  I had continued to stay at the hotel, out of respect for her parents. They had offered to allow me to stay in their home, but the temptation was too great.

  With our flight tomorrow so early, I caved and decided to stay in the guest room. I felt like a kid all over again, under the watchful eye of her father. Alex, on the other hand, thought the entire thing was funny. She continued to touch me and tease me every chance she got.

  I was beginning to see a new side to Alex, fun and relaxed, a side without fear. It was refreshing.

  After dinner I took a quick shower and was about to crawl into bed, only to stop in the doorway abruptly. I was sure my mouth was hanging open in shock and in awe.

  Alex was lying in the bed, atop the covers. She was wearing a tank top and the tiniest pair of shorts I had ever seen. One knee was propped up, and her legs were slightly parted. A sly smile spread out over her lips as she twisted her long blonde hair around her finger.

  My body temperature felt like it had just gone up about twenty degrees. “What are you doing?” I asked her, my voice cracking from the intense arousal coursing through me.

  “Thought I would come tuck you in,” she whispered. Pulling her body up into a sitting position, she bit her lower lip.

  She had my blood boiling, and I had images of a surprise attack flooding my mind. Her eyes were raking over my body, pure lust filling her golden eyes. I stood in the doorway of the joint bathroom, with a towel wrapped around my waist.

  Alex slowly and very seductively crawled from the bed and began closing the distance between us. “You need to go to bed,” I sighed. My heart raced with anticipation the closer she came.

  Her fingertip trailing along my waist just along the edge of the towel caused all rational thought to disappear. “You’re making it real hard for me to remember we’re in your parents’ house, Alex.”

  “They’re heavy sleepers, I promise,” she whispered while placing kisses along my chest and up toward my neck. My head was falling backwards as I took in a deep breath. “I can’t sleep upstairs knowing that you are down here; it’s too tempting.”

  The exact reason I had chosen to stay at the hotel. I gripped her hips and pulled her in tightly against me. Sliding my hands around to grip her ass, I lifted her from the floor. She instantly wrapped her legs around my waist and hooked them behind my back. The look in her eyes surely matched mine. Pure desire and uncontrollable need.

  In three short steps, I had Alex pinned to the bed, pressing my arousal firmly against her. Her needy moan fueled my drive for more. I covered her mouth with mine in a hungry kiss. Pinning her hands above her head with one fist, I lifted her tank top with the other.

  Her hips lifted off the mattress, grinding against my erection. A turned-on Alexis was a complete surprise. She was a little feisty and aggressive.

  I allowed her to flip me over and take her place above me. Straddling my hips, she began rotating her hips suggestively.

  “Are you sure about this, baby?” I asked in between our kisses.

  “Yes,” she sighed. Running my tongue over hers, I sucked on the tip gently. “I’ve never wanted anything more than the way I want you,” she assured me. “I need you.”

  Our eyes locked in a heated stare. There was no fear, no hesitation. Alex was confident and sexy.

  I was lost in the sweet torture of her lips on my body. I had never been so turned on, never more ready to share the blissful joy of desire.

  She was surely mine, from this moment forward. She was giving herself to me without fear. I would treasure this gift, and she would never again question her importance to me.

  I made sure to pace myself, enjoying every dip and curve of her perfection. She was my future.

  I had not planned for this; I had not expected it. When she produced a condom and began rolling it over my hardness, her cheeks reddened.

  “You planned this, didn’t you?” I questioned her with a smile.

  “Maybe,” she admitted.

  I watched in awe as Alex positioned her body above mine. Slowly she began to lower herself, taking me inside of her. Not able to take my eyes off of her, I watched her eyes roll backward. She let out a low whimper when I had reached her depths, and I thrust upward just a little more.

  We both paused, memorizing the pleasure of our first time together. When she was ready, she began to move. I squeezed her hips tightly, helping her lift up before lowering once more.

  I was lost to her, completely.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I tried to wipe the crazy grin from my face, but it was pointless. Last night was amazing and I couldn’t hide it.

  I could still fill his hands on me, his mouth kissing my body. I could still feel where he had been, and I wished more than anything I could replay the night over and over.

  Our flight left at 9:15 a.m., and I had been unable to sleep. I was too excited and nervous. I was ready to move forward with my life, but saddened to leave my family. I had spent the last four and a half years away from Florida. I knew what it was like to be away, but something had changed since then. I had grown closer to my parents on this visit. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed Harper and Jett as well.

  Even with the sadness of leaving them behind, I knew going back to Georgia was the right thing for Maddi and me. I was ready to start fresh, with Colt.

  “You about ready, sweetheart?” my mother asked from the doorway. I took one more look around and nodded my head, turning toward the door.

  “He adores you two,” she stated, catching me off guard. My gaze locked with hers and she nodded with reassurance. “He’s downstairs right now, promising your dad to love you always. He isn’t holding anything back.” She pulled me in for a hug. “I trust him, because he reminds me so much of your father. Colt is a good man, and I know he won’t fail you or Maddison.”

  “I hope you’re right, Mom,” I whispered into her neck as she held me close. I
wasn’t sure I could handle much more failure.


  Landing always makes me nervous. My heart raced and my stomach fluttered with uneasiness. Hearing the sound of the wheels skidding along the runway, I squeezed my eyes even tighter. Holding my breath, I tensed from the hopping of the tires along the pavement.

  “Hey baby, you okay?” I slowly opened my eyes, feeling Colt gently caress my hand with his. He looked down at me with a nervous smile.

  “I hate this part,” I whispered.

  Leaning forward, he kissed me softly and rested his head against mine. A small grin took over my frown and I instantly felt more relaxed.

  “Mommy, look,” Maddison said. I looked over to find my brave little girl happily pointing out the window.

  She was definitely the opposite of me and loved the thrill. She wanted the window seat, and I gladly gave it to her. She got that trait from her father, the brave one who never ran from adventure. It was just another reminder of the man who helped create my beautiful girl. She was all smiles, and I couldn’t help smiling back at her.

  Once the plane was safely on the ground and the attendant announced that we could start exiting the plane, I could breathe again. It was time to place my two feet back on solid ground.

  Colt placed his hand on my hip and guided me to the front of the plane, as Maddi led the way. She thought she was so much older than she was. I could hardly believe my little girl would be going to school next year. It was amazing how fast time had gone.

  I had not expected to find everyone there waiting for us as we gathered our bags. It instantly felt like home; it was welcoming.

  Maddison was engulfed in the arms of Ann immediately. She treated her no differently than Mikey, and that warmed my soul. Maddison loved Ann; she was her Nana.

  The moment I saw Maria holding the baby securely in a snuggy, excitement ran through me. I left Colt behind as I rushed for her. I had to see the sweet little guy.


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