The Big Gamble

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The Big Gamble Page 16

by M Andrews

  “That’s the first time I’ve ever had a woman almost get in a bar fight over me. And it’s fucking hot that you would rip some girl’s hair out for me. But I don’t want you to worry about other women, Brooke. You are the only one I want. The only one I ache for. The only one I crave. You own me Brooke, don’t ever forget that.”

  He presses my hips tighter against him, and I can feel the growing bulge in his jeans pressing against my ass.

  “This turns you on?”

  “Just seeing you so possessive over me is kind of flattering. It shows me how much you love me.” His words and his warm breath against my neck send a pleasure wave down between my legs.

  “I love you so much, it’s sometimes hard to breath. Can we go home now, I really need to work off this pent up aggression.” I grind my hips against him letting him know I fucking need his dick inside me.

  “Fuck yeah, take it all out on me, Ace.”

  I watch Brooke walk back to the table to say goodnight to Lucy. My Brooke has one hell of a feisty side. I don’t ever want her to feel jealous of another woman because she’s all the woman I will ever want or need. She’s my end game. But it was pretty hot watching her become all territorial over me. Made me feel even more wanted.

  I scan the bar looking for Ryder so I can tell him I’m leaving. When I find him, he’s in the back corner making out with some random chick in typical Ryder fashion. I pull out my phone and send him a quick text telling him I’m outta here then I head up to the bar. I wave down the bartender asking to close out my tab. Just as I finish signing the receipt I feel a cold chill course through my body when a woman slides up to the bar next to me. I don’t even have to see her face to know who she is.

  “That girl of yours is quite feisty.” That familiar nagging voice feels like needles against my skin. Of course, now that I’m happy she has to show her face around here again.

  “What are you doing here, Jillian?” I ask not even turning my attention to her.

  “Oh, what, no hello for your old friend Jillian?”

  “Let’s get one thing straight Jillian, we are not now nor will we ever be friends. Now, why don’t you go crawl back into whatever dark dank hole you came from and leave me the fuck alone,” I sneer, white knuckle fisting my wallet in my hand. I’d never lay a hurtful hand on a woman, but Jillian could possibly be my exception.

  After I found Jillian in my bed with my ex-captain, I turned and left everything I had behind, thoroughly washing my hands off her. But she still manages to haunt me, make me question myself and everyone around me. But not anymore, not now that I’ve found true happiness with Brooke, a woman who absolutely knows how to love.

  “Does your pretty girl let you talk to her that way?”

  “I don’t have to because, unlike you, she knows how to treat a man.” I finally turn to face her. A self-satisfied grin on her face, thinking she’s getting under my skin. “And she knows how to keep her legs closed. Say hi to the captain for me.” I turn on my heels and start walking back to Brooke.

  “You’re still a pathetic loser Brian, and one day your pretty girl will realize it like I did,” she calls out, trying to get one last jab in.

  “Jillian, you should really look at yourself in the mirror when you say shit like that.”

  I make it over to Brooke and grab her hand, waving goodbye to Lucy. Leading us out of the bar into the dark parking lot, I feel anger surging through my body. My mind is wild and crazed. I need a release, a release that only Brooke can give me. She’s the only one that can quiet my mind.

  “Brian, where are we going?”

  I don’t say a word just keep walking by all the cars until I come across one in the furthest darkest corner of the lot. I turn Brooke around and roughly bend her over the hood of the car.

  “I see someone can’t wait until we get home.” She grins at me over her shoulder as I reach under her dress and rip the thin lace of her panties clean off her body and stuff them into my pocket.

  “Brooke you know how much I love you, right?” I ask, quickly working open my pants.

  “Of course, baby.”

  “Good, because right now I really need to fuck you like I don’t.” Without warning and not caring if she was ready for me, I thrust deep and hard into her tight little pussy. Wrapping her hair around my fist I rear her head back hard. The sounds of our bare flesh coming together echoing through the night sky. With every hard pound, I can feel the anger and the hate fading further and further away. This is what Brooke has done for me. She’s taken all my fears and anger and made them go away since the day we met. She’s made me a better man just by loving me.

  “Oh, fuck yes, Brian,” she cries out, her pussy throbbing around every inch of me. Milking me, begging me for more.

  I slip a hand around her. My fingers finding her aching little bud swollen and desperate for attention. My thumb strums roughly over her clit. “Come for me, Brooke. I need to feel you come all over my cock.”

  Slowly pulling my hips back, I see her sweet juices glistening off my cock in the moonlight before I ram harder and deeper inside her. The force of each thrust pushing her further up the hood of the car. Her screams are filled with pleasure and pain as she comes. Her pussy clenching so tight around me, pulling me deeper into her. I feel my orgasm building, my thrusts become wild and erratic as the surge of pleasure rips through me. My body shaking and convulsing, spilling every last drop of my seed into her. Collapsing over her, I breathe hard. My mind now calms as I come down from my high.

  “Wow, baby. That was incredible. Where did that come from?”

  I stand up pulling out of her and tucking myself back into my pants. I don’t want to tell her about my run in with Jillian, but she’s my fiancée and I can’t lie to her. “I ran into Jillian while I was paying our tab.”

  “Oh my God. What happened, baby?” She cups my face in her hands examining my face. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine now. She did what she always does which is to try and get into my head, but this time I didn’t let her. I won’t lie she did piss me off which explains what just happened, and I’m sorry for taking that out on you.”

  “Brian, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. But I’m not sorry for that pounding you just gave me. That was amazing. So feel free to use me for tension release anytime.” She softly giggles. “She’s just jealous that you have moved on and are happier now than you were with her. Don’t let her get to you. You’re the bigger and better person in this. So fuck her. We’re about to get married and start our lives together, so focus on that.”

  I slide my arms around her pulling her to my lips, kissing her softly. She always knows just the right things to say to make me feel better. And she’s right, I have the love of an amazing woman who I’m about to make my wife and now my dream job. My life is finally heading in the right direction and it’s time I focus on that.

  “I think it’s time I get my beautiful fiancée home. If I remember correctly she has some pent up aggression, she needs to release.”

  “Fuck yeah, I do. You won’t be able to walk for a few days once I’m done with you.”

  I pace back and forth along the baggage claim carousels at SeaTac Airport. It’s twelve-fifteen and my brother and my dad’s plane has just landed. I’m both excited and nervous about seeing them both. My dad had reservations at first about me becoming engaged to Brian so quickly, but being his baby girl it’s understandable that he would be protective. I just hope after this weekend, both Hunter and my dad will love Brian just as much as I do.

  “Brookie,” Hunter’s deep, gruff voice bellows through the crowded airport.

  I spin around spotting him and my dad walking toward me. Hunter’s sporting a new thick beard and his dark brown hair is a bit longer and combed back. He’s dressed in his usual cargo pants and a tight fitting gray T-shirt that shows off his broad, muscular shoulders. And my dad’s sporting his usual black suit and white button-up shirt.

  Gee Dad, can you look any more li
ke an FBI agent?

  His dark hair now showing more flecks of gray around his temples. I sprint over to them, jumping into Hunter’s arms. Hugging him tight.

  “I’m so glad you’re finally here. I’ve missed you so much, Hunter.”

  He sets me back down on my feet and holds my arms out giving me a quick once over. “Seattle has done wonders for you, little sis. It’s good to see you smiling again.”

  “Peanut, you look more and more like your mom every day.”

  “Daddy, it’s so good to see you.” Leaning in, I give him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

  “So where’s the famous Brian?” my brother asks, reaching to grab his suitcase from the carousel.

  “He had to work, but he’s going to meet us later for dinner. Why don’t we go get you guys settled at the hotel, then I’ll take you around to see some of the sights.”

  “That sounds great, Peanut. Lead the way.”

  After dropping off Hunter and my dad’s luggage, I take them for a tour of the downtown area of Seattle. It’s been eighteen years since the last time either one of them had been here, and a lot has changed since then. We start off at some of the more typical tourist spots, Pike Place, grossing them out at the gum wall and taking the monorail down to the Space Needle.

  We’re taking the elevator down from the top of the Space Needle when my stomach starts grumbling and turning and I feel like I’m about to lose my lunch on the floor of the elevator. I’ve been feeling off since lunch. It had started off as just a low grumble, but as the day’s gone on it just keeps getting worse and worse. Maybe it’s just the sway of the space needle in the strong winds that are blowing.

  “Brookie are you feeling okay? You look like you’re about to blow chunks.” Hunter pulls me closer to him and starts rubbing my back.

  “I’m fine, I think it’s just a little motion sickness,” I say, choking back the urge to puke.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Peanut? Maybe we should take you home?”

  “I’ll be okay once we get off the elevator. I can grab some ginger ale when we get to Lucy’s shop.”

  It’s sweet how concerned they’re being but I know it’s just a little motion sickness and I’ll be fine by the time we get to Lucy’s. We step off the elevator into the gift shop. My dad stops to buy a little souvenir statue of the Space Needle. As we wait in line to pay I catch Hunter making eyes with the young blonde cashier. I jab him in the stomach with my elbow.

  “Damn it, Brooke. What the hell?” He groans rubbing his stomach.

  “Can’t you go a day without trying to nail anything with tits?”

  “I could, but I don’t want to,” he replies, winking at the cashier again.

  “Ugh,” I groan then pull him out of the shop by his shirt.

  Typical Hunter can’t keep it in his pants. I just hope he doesn’t try anything with Lucy when we arrive at her shop. My dad joins us outside and we walk back over to the monorail to head back to the car. We take our seats, and the moment the train pulls out of the station my stomach starts to rumble again. What’s going on with me today? I’ve taken this train a million times and this never happens.

  “So Brooke last time we talked you mentioned something about Brian was starting the process of becoming a detective. How’s that going?” my dad asks.

  “He took the entrance exam yesterday and passed with flying colors. He managed to get the highest points on the test, which got him into the top five on the list for the next open spot that comes up at his precinct.” I can’t fight back the proud smile tugging at my lips.

  “That’s fantastic news. But you do realize it’s going to mean longer hours at work and less time at home.”

  “Daddy, I am well aware of the life of being a cop. Hello! You showed me that first hand. And it doesn’t bother me, Daddy. He’s doing what he loves and that’s what is important. If it means fewer hours a day we spend together it’s okay because we have the rest of our lives to be together.”

  He gives me a warm smile. “I’m sorry, Peanut. I just worry about you and I want you to be happy.”

  I slide my hand over his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I am happy, Daddy. Brian makes me so happy.”

  “Then as long as you are happy, I’m happy.” He leans in and kisses the side of my head.

  By the time we reach Lucy’s shop it’s hopping with the after work rush of people coming by for her array of homemade cheesecakes and pies, and a quick pick me up of espresso before heading home. Lucy spots us coming through the door and comes running from behind the counter, giving me a quick hug before greeting my brother and my dad.

  “I was wondering you all were going to get here.” She turns to my dad and offers her hand to him. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Mr. McCoy. I’m Lucy Bishop.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet the Lucy my Brooke has told us so much about you. And please, call me Darrick.” He shakes her hand and before I can introduce her to Hunter he steps in front of me and takes Lucy’s hand from my dad’s.

  “It is an absolute honor to meet you, Lucy. I’m Hunter.” He winks at her and brings her hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of her hand. I can see an excited glint in Lucy’s eyes, I know she’s squealing on the inside at how charming my brother is being.

  “Why don’t you guys take a seat and I’ll get you some coffee and pie.” She starts to back up, her eyes still locked with my brother. She’s so distracted by his smile she trips over a chair.

  “That Lucy’s a real cutie. Is she seeing anybody?”

  “Don’t even think about it Hunter. She’s too good for you, and I’m not going to let you bang my best friend then leave town. Leaving me to clean up your mess,” I warn.

  “She’s a grown woman. A beautiful grown woman, who can make her own decisions.” He looks back over at Lucy flashing her another panty-dropping smile. And I watch as she giggles like a school girl.

  “She’s a grown woman with a child, so back off.” I push him into his chair.

  Lucy returns a few minutes later with our coffee. I make her sit next to my dad to keep Hunter from digging his claws into her anymore. “So how are you two enjoying Seattle so far?”

  “It’s a beautiful city, but not as beautiful as its charming people,” Hunter chimes in, winking over at Lucy. Oh, here we go again.

  “Lucy, where’s Lucky? I was hoping we would see her before she headed for her shift at the club.”

  “Her and Ryder had it out at the bar last night. Her ex, Jackson is back in town and he stopped by the bar to see her and it set Ryder off. It’s a huge damn mess.”

  All I knew about Jackson was that he met Lucky in San Francisco. Barely two years into dating he broke her heart and left her there penniless with nowhere to live. He’s a real douchebag and I can see why Ryder would be pissed about him nosing around Lucky again. Especially since I know he has feelings for her.

  “I hope they can work it out.”

  “I hope so too. I hate it when they fight,” Lucy says turning her attention back to Hunter.

  We sit and continue visiting with Lucy while we sip our coffee. Hunter continues to flirt with Lucy and Lucy, of course, eats up every word of it. I’m going to have to keep these two separated for the rest of the time Hunter is here.

  After we finish our coffee, we head back to our apartment to give my dad and Hunter a quick tour before Brian gets home. We round the corner and I see Brian and Ryder’s cruiser parked in front of our building.

  “Looks like the boys got done early.”

  Strange that Brian didn’t text message me that he was getting off early.

  In the elevator ride up as each floor ticks by the rumbling in my stomach gets worse and worse. We step out of the elevator and walk to my apartment. I stop when I see Ryder slumped down on the floor in front of our door, his head in his hands and quietly sobbing. And I notice flecks of blood on his hands. It’s at that moment my heart stops when I realize what’s happened.

  “No, no, no no
no,” I mumble over and over stepping back away from the door.

  “Brooke honey, what’s wrong?” My dad tries to grab me, but I push him away.

  Hunter grabs me and holds me tight as I begin to fall completely apart. Ryder hears my screams and stands up from the floor. He’s white as a ghost and there’s terror and panic in his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Brooke. Brian’s been shot...”

  Brian’s been shot.


  Every syllable, every letter of Ryder’s words cut through me like a hot knife.

  This isn’t happening.

  This can’t be happening.

  This has to be a nightmare. Please, God, let this be a nightmare.

  Come on Brooke wake up you’re dreaming. Please just wake up. But no, I’m awake and this is actually happening. This pain I’m feeling is real and all I want to do is curl up and die.

  I’m sobbing uncontrollably into Hunter’s chest while my dad tries to get the details of what happened from Ryder. I can only hear about every other sentence. Something about a meth lab bust gone wrong. A few other officers were also caught in the line of fire, but mainly just minor gunshot wounds. Brian’s in the worst shape.

  “Brooke, I’m so sorry I got distracted and didn’t see which room Brian went into. This is all my fault.” His voice is laced with regret and sadness and the tears are streaming down his face. At this point, I couldn’t care less how sorry he is.

  “You got distracted.” I turn to face him. My entire body is searing hot with anger. “You’re a cop Ryder, you’re supposed to be focused with a clear head at all times. You’re his best friend, his partner, his brother. You’re supposed to have his back.” I back him up against the door. “You’re supposed to protect him, protect each other. You let him down, you let me down. How could you let this happen?” I start beating my fists against his chest, screaming, “It should’ve been you. It should’ve been you.”


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