Teaching His Babygirl

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Teaching His Babygirl Page 8

by Rory Reynolds

  I can’t blame him. Half of me wants to shout from the rooftops that I’m falling in love with Colton James. The other half wants to keep our relationship under wraps to prevent the judgment I know will follow. I’ve seen how people react to teachers who date principals and superintendents. The respect from fellow teachers goes straight out the window, thinking that the teacher is getting special treatment. I don’t know how it is personally, but I’ve seen enough to know that I don’t want that to happen to me.

  “You’re just being stubborn, Darlene,” he argues. “It’s pouring. I would give any of my co-workers a ride in this kind of weather.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m not made of sugar. I won’t melt. Besides,” I lift up my oversized umbrella, “I have an umbrella that is great for keeping things dry.”

  He huffs out a frustrated breath. “I still don’t like it. I should be able to drop my girlfriend off at her job.”

  I wrap my arms around his waist. “I love that you want to do that for me, but…”

  “But you still don’t want people to know about us.”

  With my chin rested against his chest, I look up at him with a sad smile. Despite what he thinks, this isn’t easy for me either. I’m slightly resentful that we work together and have the complications of that to workaround, but I can’t get over the idea of keeping us secret.

  “I’m sorry, daddy.”

  He sighs, wrapping his arms around me and dropping a kiss to my forehead. “It’s okay, babygirl. I just hate that I can’t fully take care of you like I should be.”

  “You take good care of me. The best.”

  Colt shakes his head but smiles down at me. “I’m glad you think so, beauty. I would do anything for you. I hope you know that.”

  “I know you do. You prove that every day.”

  Finally, after a lot of convincing, Colt agrees to let me walk to work despite the rain. Today’s conversation gives me the feeling that he’s not going to stick to our ruse for long, and I’m nervous about what might happen when the other faculty at Thurston find out about us.

  The school is still quiet. It’s the calm before the storm. The calm before the students show up and chaos ensues. It’s a chaos that I love, but there is something about being in these halls while they are empty that brings a level of peace that I can’t quite explain. I make my way to the teachers’ lounge, saying hi to several teachers along the way.

  I love how friendly and welcoming everyone has been. Despite this being a huge school with hundreds upon hundreds of students and a huge faculty, everyone has made me feel like part of the Thurston family.

  The lounge is empty, and I take full advantage of the coffeemaker. I’m startled by a loud whistle behind me. I turn to see Mr. Troy—the creeper—standing in the doorway. “You look fantastic today, Darlene.”

  I paste on a fake smile, trying to keep the peace when all I really want to do is tell him off for being a sexist jerk. I turn back to the fridge to finish putting away my lunch.

  “Want to go to lunch today? I know a great little Mexican place not far from here,” he asks. I can almost feel his eyes on me, and I just know he’s staring at my ass.

  I show him my lunch bag as I put it in the fridge. “Thanks, but I’m covered.”

  He licks his lips salaciously, his gaze directly on my breasts. “Next time.”

  Thankfully, he turns to leave and I’m once again alone in the room. I collapse against the counter, feeling dirty and slightly worried that he’s not backing down. Melinda was right about needing to stay far away from him. I’ll make it my sole mission in life to keep him at a distance.

  A small voice in the back of my mind tells me that if I would stop being so stubborn and bring my relationship with Colt out in the open, Mr. Troy would leave me alone. I squash down that voice with all the stronger, louder doubts I have.

  I wait for a few minutes, hoping Mr. Troy has had time to get back to his classroom before I head to my own. The door swings open, and I nearly run smack dab into Melinda. “Oh! I’m sorry!”

  “No worries,” Melinda laughs. “Was that Mr. Troy I saw coming out of here?” she asks with her lip curled up in disgust.

  “Yeah, he’s insufferable.”

  “Is he still asking you out?” She gives me a pitying look.

  “Ugh. Yes, the man couldn’t catch a hint if it whacked him in the face… or elsewhere…”

  Melinda giggles. “Elsewhere would maybe get the point across.”

  “If only…”

  “Right? Enough about that…” I say, feeling the need to change the subject. Just talking about Levi Troy gives me the heebie-jeebies. “So what’re you reading?” I ask, pointing at the book in her hand.

  She blushes. “Oh, just a silly romance.”

  “I love romance books. Though I have to admit I don’t read often anymore.”

  She looks at me like I’m crazy. Melinda is an avid reader. She’s always got a book with her, and I don’t think I’ve seen her with the same book twice.

  “Don’t read? I don’t think I understand those words put together like that,” she says with shock.

  It’s my turn to blush because one of the main reasons I haven’t read in a while is because I’ve spent my nights wrapped up around the hunky principal. “I spend a lot of time in my studio.”

  She nods, “I can understand that. It can be hard to ignore the call of your art. I feel that with my music.” The bell rings, and Melinda jumps. “I’ve gotta run!”

  “Okay, me too. We should do lunch soon.”

  “Sounds good.”

  The school day passes in a flash, and now I’m standing in front of my closet dressed only in my robe, trying to get ready for my date with the super sexy principal.

  Colt will be here to get me any minute, and I’m still trying to figure out what to wear. I have no idea where we are going. I pull out my little black dress considering it again. I lay it on the bed beside my lavender dress that borders on looking like one of my club dresses. I also pull out one of the two pairs of jeans I own that I very rarely wear, preferring my skirts and dresses.

  The knock at my door has me jumping to attention. I tighten my robe and chew my bottom lip. I answer the door and am instantly glad that I didn’t pick my outfit since, once again, Colt is wearing a pair of dark jeans and a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. My pussy clenches at the sight of him standing there looking stern and sexy.

  “I’m sorry,” I say instantly, feeling guilty for not being ready to go. “I couldn’t decide what to wear.” I lock my fingers together in front of me and look at my bare toes.

  He strides right into my apartment and wraps me up in his arms, kissing me. All of my nerves leave me, and I’m lost in a wave of desire. I realize that no matter what outfit I pick, he will love it because he isn’t here for my clothes. For some reason, this sexy as sin man finds me utterly attractive and doesn’t care what I’m wearing.

  “How about I help?” he asks after he pulls away from my lips.

  I nod breathlessly and lead him back to my bedroom, where the three outfits are displayed on my bed. I stand to the side, chewing my bottom lip. He approaches me and uses his thumb to pull my lip from my teeth. “Only I get to bite this sexy little lip of yours,” he says, leaning in and kissing the abused flesh.

  “Okay, daddy,” I breathe.

  “Now, let’s find something for you to wear.”

  He looks at each outfit, giving it serious consideration. He looks at me after examining each option. He quickly discards the jeans as an option. “The purple,” he declares after a minute.

  I give him a sideways look, curious as to why he chose that one. “Why the purple and not the sexy little black dress?”

  He picks up the dress and walks towards me. “Drop the robe, babygirl.”

  I instantly do what he says, dropping the robe and standing in front of him in nothing but white lace. “That’s why,” he says with a smile.

  “I-”r />
  “Because tonight, you’re my babygirl, and the fact that you picked this dress as an option shows that is where your mindset is right now,” he says, interrupting me.

  He helps me put on the pretty purple dress, then kisses the tip of my nose. “If you didn’t want me to be in full-on daddy mode tonight, you would’ve put on that sexy black dress and not thought twice about it.”

  I consider his words and realize he’s right. I do want him to be my daddy tonight. I want him to take control. I want to relax and be little me without a worry in the world. I want that freedom more than anything. I smile a broad smile and jump into his arms, letting myself enjoy the freedom of spontaneity. He laughs and catches me.

  “Thank you, daddy.”

  He holds me close to him and lightly rubs my back, then squeezes my bottom, causing me to moan at the tease. He could turn that into phenomenal sex or a naughty spanking, then phenomenal sex. But he doesn’t; he just holds me to him, letting me enjoy the moment.

  “Anything for you, beauty. I’ll always give you what you need.”

  After I slip on my ballet flats, I’m ready to go. Colt leads me out to his car and helps me inside. He buckles me up and kisses my cheek before walking around to the driver’s side. The restaurant he takes me to is nice. A lot nicer than I usually would pick. One of those places where I never know what to order. After we are seated—Colt opts to sit beside me in the booth instead of across from me like is normal—I look at the menu, and for the second time of the night, I feel overwhelmed.

  Colt pulls the menu from my hands and sets it in front of him. He leans in close and whispers in my ear. “Little girls don’t have to pick what they eat. Daddy does that.”

  Instantly my shoulders relax, and I feel light once more. It seems all the stress from my first days at a new school, and the worry about people finding out about Colt and I have really added up. Usually, the only thing that can relax me is a trip to a club and letting my little side run free. Now, my daddy is doing that for me in a way that I’ve never experienced before. It’s subtle. No one else here would ever suspect anything but two people enjoying a nice meal together, but we know the truth.

  Colt is my daddy, and I’m his babygirl.

  I’m finishing up my dessert—caramel apple cake with vanilla bean ice cream—when I see Leon and his parents. My back straightens and my stomach falls to my toes. Colt is instantly alert to the change in me and asks what’s wrong.

  “Leon Zimmerman is here with his family,” I whisper under my breath.

  He looks up and sees them but doesn’t stiffen or show any outward signs of discomfort. Of course, he doesn’t care what people think of him. In his position, he doesn’t need to worry. Things are different for me. I’m not only new to the school, but I’m a woman. Sexist or not, women who date in the workplace—especially dating someone who is viewed as an authority figure—is looked down upon.

  Thankfully, they don’t seem to notice us, or if they do, they don’t say anything. Colt quickly pays the check, and we leave. My happy, carefree mood has been squashed down by the reality of our relationship. The car ride back to my place is a quiet one. I can’t help thinking about people judging me and why it matters so much to me.

  I don’t know anyone here. Yes, I want to start off on the right foot, but does that mean I have to deny myself the potential of the best relationship I’ve ever had? I inwardly sigh as I fret. Vacillating between one extreme and the other. I don’t even realize that we’re in front of my door until Colt is taking my keys from my purse for me. I blink myself back to reality, but my troubled thoughts follow me.

  “Thanks for dinner,” I say by rote, knowing it’s what I should say even if it’s not what I want to say.

  He leans in and presses his lips to mine. For the first time, that spark isn’t there. I feel detached from the fire that burns bright between us. My body feels it, but my mind doesn’t connect the pieces. Tears spring to my eyes. I’m fucking this up so bad. I’m so worried about if we were seen that I’m pulling away.

  Colt grabs a fistful of my hair with a growl and starts backing me into my apartment. A switch flips inside me. All of my worries and concerns quiet and all that is left is this burning desire that we share. Just a simple pull of my hair has me back to the reality that Colt is mine and I am his.

  “It’s okay, beauty,” he says lowly. “They didn’t see us. Even if they did, we aren’t doing anything wrong.”

  I open my mouth to protest, the reminder of our situation diminishing the quiet of my mind when I’m submitting to my daddy. Colt grips my hair even tighter and I relax into his hold. He leans in close and brushes his lips over my own. The softness of his kiss is in complete opposition to the firm grip on my hair.

  “Relax, babygirl,” he commands. And I do. I sink into the sensations he’s evoking. I offer up my submission willingly. Giving him the only thing I have to give—me. “Everything is okay,” he murmurs against my lips before trailing them down my neck.

  “What if-”

  “Hush. We’ll deal with what-ifs when they happen. Not a second before.”

  He kisses me again, chasing the last bit of my worries away. He’s right. Worrying about what-ifs isn’t productive. And why worry about what could happen when what is happening at this moment is perfect?

  Colt works my skirt up as he kisses and nips at my neck. He grabs ahold of my ass, hard. Reminding me who’s in charge right now. As if I could forget. I moan as he squeezes and caresses my bottom. His lips work their magic along my neck and shoulder, lightly sucking—not enough to leave marks, but enough to make my toes curl.

  I rub against his hardness feeling how much he desires me, and every one of my worries turns to ash in the face of this strong man in front of me. My daddy. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and I refuse to screw this up.

  “Naughty girl,” he growls, slapping my ass.

  “Daddy!” I gasp, begging for more with that one word.

  Colt backs me to the couch, spinning me out until I’m laying over the arm, my ass in the air. He grips my panties tight in his fist and rips them straight off my body. The sound of rendering fabric causes my knees to shake; it’s so hot. His big hand crashes down without warning, and I squeal at the sudden pain.

  “Ow!” I cry out, moving my hands back to cover my exposed backside.

  Colt tsks, grabbing my hands and pinning them to my lower back. “You know better, beauty. Take your punishment like the good girl you are.”

  “Sorry, daddy.”

  He rubs my ass lovingly and my body relaxes over the arm of the sofa. He spanks me again, and I let the pain sink in. I don’t fight. I don’t beg. I just let each slap of his palm on my exposed bottom sink deep inside my soul. He’s breaking me apart and piecing me back together again with each firm smack.

  He lands two more hard swats on my sit spots and I whimper, but that whimper is cut off by a moan when his fingers swipe through my wetness. A wetness that’s only grown with every slap of his hand. Each one drawing my arousal out until it’s covering my thighs.

  His fingers press inside me, gathering that slickness, then swirling around my sensitive clit. A jolt of pleasure rushes through me, and I nearly come from just that one touch. Before I can reach my climax, his fingers move away. I whimper when his hand leaves me altogether.


  He chuckles darkly, then I hear him kneeling behind me. My knees buckle and my entire body is held only by the arm of the couch when he puts his mouth where his fingers just were.

  “Oh, God…”

  He licks at me like I’m the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted. He buries his tongue inside me, fucking me with it before running teasing circles around my clit. Pleasure sings through my veins. My whole body in tune to what Colt is doing to me. He sucks my clit, sliding a finger deep inside me. He fingers my pussy to the same rhythm as he’s licking and sucking my clit. I’m on the very cusp of coming when he pulls his fingers from inside me.
  “Daddy, please,” I whine. “I was so close.”

  He slaps my thigh in reprimand. “I own your pleasure, little girl.”

  I moan at the tinge of pain that only ramps up my need to come. His mouth is back on me and that finger of his is drawing lazy circles around my entrance, teasing me. He dips it inside again, then trails it up to my bottom hole. I groan and clench as he teases my back entrance.

  No one has ever taken me there before. The touch is both forbidden and sexy as hell. He slowly pushes his finger inside me, and it’s all I can take. My nerve endings tingle and the burning stretch is nothing but white-hot pleasure. Stars dance behind my eyes as I grip the couch cushion for dear life—my orgasm rocks through me, laying waste to all others before.

  “Daddy! Colt! Ohmygod!” I cry out. He doesn’t stop moving his finger as he suckles at my clit. The pleasure goes on and on until I’m blind with it. When he finally relents, I’m floating on a high. Cloud Nine has nothing on what I’m feeling right now.

  I slowly return to reality when I hear Colt’s belt buckle being opened then hitting the ground. I lick my lips, wanting to give him the same pleasure he just gave me. Willing my limbs to work, I stand, then slip to my knees in front of my daddy. I lightly run my hands up his thighs, taking in his long, thick length as it bobs in front of my face.

  I look up at him with desire. “My turn, daddy.”

  Gripping his cock in one hand and his balls in the other, I lean forward licking the pearly white drop from the tip of his cock. The salty flavor bursts across my tongue and I moan. Colt threads his fingers in my hair and pulls me further onto him.

  “That’s it, babygirl, suck daddy’s cock.”

  My answer is a moan as I take him deeper. Even with his hand in my hair, he lets me set the pace. I suck hard and fast, taking more and more of him on each pass until I’m swallowing down every inch of him.

  I pull off of him, gasping for breath, then do it again. His eyes burn into me, watching as I fight my gag reflex to pleasure him. Then he snaps. His fist tightens in my hair, holding me in place as he fucks my mouth.


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