Zombie Gender Swap: Spooky Forbidden Halloween Taboo Gender Swap Erotica

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Zombie Gender Swap: Spooky Forbidden Halloween Taboo Gender Swap Erotica Page 1

by Candy Banger


  Title Page











  Candy Banger


  My chest is moving so much that I hear the creak of fabric tearing. My t-shirt is actually ripping off my chest. And from out of the fabric, the two most enormous, juicy, round breasts emerge. Even bigger than Darren’s. I can see the strange, green zombie nipples in the center of them, too. They look so perky and sensitive, yet I know they probably don’t feel a thing.

  And then I feel something else. There’s a hole, where my cock used to be. And it doesn’t feel in pain any more. In fact, it feels kind of… nice. Sort of numb, but nice. Like I want to, I don’t know… rub it. Or put something in it.

  This book may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the copyright holder. This story contains explicit content that is intended for adult audiences only. All characters involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older. Copyright © 2015 Candy Banger. All rights reserved. Logo Image © photochatree, bigstockphoto.com. Cover Image © nelka7812, depositphotos.com.


  Sixteen days ago, the world ended. Now I’m sitting in my flat, with a chair wedged against the door, hungry, cold and terrified. And the worst thing of all is, I can hear them. They’ve been out there since Monday. Ever since my roommate, Darren, went out to search for food, I’ve been listening to them, scratching at the door.

  Darren never returned. I gave up waiting for him to come back on Wednesday.

  Now it’s Friday.

  I guess I’ve got that Friday feeling.

  I think Darren must’ve left the door open when he went out, because I heard them coming up the stairs straight away. They’re not difficult to miss. You can hear the way they scrape their feet, the low moans that escape their lips, the terrible grinding of their teeth, and their growling, hungry for human flesh.

  That’s right: hungry for human flesh.

  I know what you’re thinking. This guy (my name’s Mark, by the way) has watched way too many horror movies in his lifetime. He thinks he’s in some sort of zombie apocalypse, like The Walking Dead series has come true and he’s Rick, poised to single-handedly save the world, one zombie at a time.

  Well, if only that were true. If only this was some fantastical AMC TV show, and I was about to wake up from one long, grizzly nightmare… I’ve certainly pinched myself enough times, just to make sure, but all I’m left with is a bruised arm and a ton of frustration.

  When it happened, on Day One, I was in the shower. I woke up feeling particularly horny, having been without my girlfriend, Jessica for the past two nights. The night before, she’d sent a saucy cleavage shot to my cell phone, and I’d taken my cell in the bathroom with me, and spent a little longer in the shower than normal… if you know what I mean.

  When I finally got out, I walked into the living room, to see Darren sitting on the sofa, his eyes glued to the TV set. All I heard coming from the TV was a cacophony of screaming. It looked like Darren was watching some kind of awful hackneyed horror movie. You know, the ones set in New York, where there’s a giant Godzilla monster or something, chasing everyone through the city, and everyone’s running amok through the streets in they business suits, spilling their take-out cappuccinos and wailing as they await their terrible death.

  ‘What the fuck is this?’ I asked Darren, thinking that even he had sunk to new lows, watching Godzilla at 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning.

  Darren turned to look at me, his face pale and shivering. ‘It’s… just out there…’ he mumbled, pointing out of the window.

  And that’s when I realized. I wasn’t just listening to the sound of screams on TV. They were right outside my apartment, too.


  ‘Early eye witness reports,’ said the man on the TV, ‘have claimed that these ‘zombies’, or ‘walkers’, as they’re being called, have been targeting men, and changing them into one of them.’

  ‘Men?’ I said, staring at the TV in disbelief. ‘So that means Jessica’s okay? She’s safe?’

  Again, Darren looked up at me, but this time, with a huge, terrible sorrow in his eyes. ‘She’s one of them already,’ he said quietly.

  As if offering further explanation for Darren’s comment, the man on the TV continued: ‘This seems to be a virus that has affected all women. I repeat: all women are affected. Please keep away from any women you see. Even loved ones.’ At this point, the man’s eyes welled up, and he looked at the empty seat in the studio beside him.

  Fuck! Jessica! I grabbed my cell, quickly flicking away from the hot cleavage shot that was still open on my phone, and I hurriedly wrote a text message.

  You ok, sweetie?

  I pressed send, and then went to sit on the sofa beside Darren. We stayed there for the rest of the day, glued to the TV set – that is, until around 9 p.m., when the television channel suddenly cut out. It was around five hours after that that the electricity cut out too.

  I never did receive a reply from Jessica.


  Now, I’m not telling you all this stuff so that you feel sorry for me. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re reading it from some safe place in the future, where the virus has been treated, or cured, or something, and the women are back to normal again. Chances are in a few days, even, everything will be fine. All I have to do is sit and wait it out until then.

  I just wish I’d had something to eat in the last few days. And that I had something left in my apartment to drink other then beer. Being permanently drunk during a zombie apocalypse has its perks, mind you.

  As I sit on the floor, listening to the growling and gurning outside, I think again of Jessica. Her perfect little breasts, her cute little pussy. She was a real yoga bunny, my flexible little Jessica. I used to twist her around into all sorts of amazing positions, and she’d just melt in my hands like butter… She surely hasn’t become one of … them, has she?

  God, I miss sex.

  I know you probably think that’s inappropriate. Thinking about fucking during a zombie apocalypse. But it’s been getting on for three weeks now. I’m horny as fuck. I’d masturbate right now, but I’m scared of losing the excess moisture.

  So instead, I just sit here, getting weaker and weaker, my stomach tying itself up into knots, my cells slowly desiccating, and my penis, gasping to be touched, desperate to slip inside something warm and wet…

  No. This is not how it’s going to be. I’m not going to let this be the way I die. Mark Brannigan is stronger than this. I’m going to fight them.

  I stand up, and look around my flat for some sort of weapon. A bread knife? A broom? Jeez, if only we were the sort of jocks who had a baseball bat lying around. I have no option but to take the bread knife.

  I begin moving the stack of chairs out of the hallway leading up to the front door. Who have I been kidding anyway? A few dining table chairs aren’t going to save me. Once the zombies get past that front door lock, they’ll be straight at me like a pack of wolves. If I’m going to stand any chance of surviving this thing, I’m going to have to attack, not defend…

  I hold the bread knife tightly and move slowly towards the front door.


  There are three separate locks
to undo on the front door. I manage to undo the first lock without too much bother. There are still two locks to keep my safe. I can change my mind about this at any moment. I even manage to undo the second lock okay. My hands are shaking a bit by now, but I’m resolute. When I get to the third lock, though, I waver. Can I really do this?

  I look down at the knife, and then up at the door. I can hear a lot of growling behind it. There could be at least ten of them out there. Can I take ten? Can I even take one?

  Shit Mark, man up. You can do this.

  I take a deep breath and undo the final lock. Then I open the door…

  The first thing I see is just the darkness of the corridor, then an outline appears. It’s the silhouette of… a woman. A large, curvaceous woman. She growls and moves towards me, and I notice the stony glint in her eyes, the greenish pallor of her skin, the stiffness of her limbs. She lurches a little closer, and I swipe, and miss, with the bread knife. I take a few steps backwards, into my corridor, and in the natural light from my window, I can suddenly see her much better.

  She looks dead, that’s for sure. There’s skin hanging off her in all sorts of weird places, and she smells like a corpse, too – not that I’ve ever smelt one. But there’s something even stranger about her than that. It’s her figure for starters. She’s got the biggest breasts I’ve ever seen. Honestly, I’m not kidding. This beast is a Double G, or bigger. Huge, pert, round, green zombie breasts. If she was alive, and less – flaky – then I’d probably want to fuck her. I’m not kidding.

  And then I notice something weirder still. In fact, it’s not just weird. It’s horrifying.

  It’s Darren.

  This zombie chick – she has the face of my roommate, Darren.

  Even with that leprous skin, and those Amazonian breasts, I can tell it’s him now. In fact, she’s wearing the same t-shirt Darren was wearing before he went out for milk on Monday.

  ‘Fuck! Darren!’ I shout, as she lurches towards me. ‘It’s me! It’s me, buddy! Mark! Leave me alone!’

  She lurches closer now, and as she does so, I see a bunch of other zombie women, closing in on me behind her.

  I thrust out the knife and manage to catch Zombie-Darren’s arm. The knife cuts through her arm, and her hand falls to the floor, but she just keeps lurching towards me, growling.

  In a couple of seconds, I feel her touching me. The cold, lifeless fingers. Those big, pert breasts pressing down on me. And then she licks her dry, dead lips, growls, and her head falls down upon me.


  For a moment I feel nothing but a searing pain, deep in my groin, and then it registers. She’s eating my cock. Seriously. She’s ripped open my pants and her teeth are sunk way deep into my cock and balls. The blood starts spurting out of me, and I see my cock, getting ground up and chewed between her teeth.

  ‘Fuck!’ I shout. ‘Fuck, Darren!’

  But Zombie-Darren just grins, and continues with her meal.

  I’ve dropped the bread knife by now, and I’m focusing only only trying to swat the zombie’s head away from my balls. Darren always was bigger and stronger than me though and he’s really going at me like I’m the most delicious meal he’s ever tasted. Better than a bacon double cheeseburger, which always was his favorite.

  I scream in agony for a while longer, trying to kick Darren in the chest. Breasts that big must be sensitive, right?

  But no luck. I’m forced to lie here until Darren’s finished eating me.

  A few minutes after he’s started, though, and a lot of blood has spurted out of me – and I mean, a lot – I feel something strange start happening to me. My body temperature sinks right down. I feel cold, then freezing, but I’m not shivering. It’s odd. And then my eyes - they sort of, I don’t know - glaze over. And I get this weird feeling in my body, like my skin’s drying out, but it’s filling out too. I get this itching in my chest, which turns into a spasm of pain, and then – nothing. It’s suddenly like I can’t feel anything any more. I’m numb, but I can see my body continuing to move.

  My chest is moving so much that I hear the creak of fabric tearing. My t-shirt is actually ripping off my chest. And from out of the fabric, the two most enormous, juicy, round breasts emerge. Even bigger than Darren’s. I can see the strange, green zombie nipples in the center of them, too. They look so perky and sensitive, yet I know they probably don’t feel a thing.

  And then I feel something else. There’s a hole, where my cock used to be. And it doesn’t feel in pain any more. In fact, it feels kind of… nice. Sort of numb, but nice. Like I want to, I don’t know… rub it. Or put something in it.

  I clamber to my feet, now that Darren has lost interest in me and wandered, as it happens, into his old bedroom. He’s looking at an old movie poster of Cary Grant, his face against the glass, where Cary Grant’s com would be, licking the glass and trying to guzzle him all up.

  I would laugh at how ridiculous this all is, but I feel like I’ve forgotten emotions now. There’s only one feeling that I’ve got inside me now, and that’s hunger. Terrible, insatiable hunger.

  I stagger out of my apartment, noticing how stiff my legs are, and how long it takes me to move like this, and then I walk out into the corridor, where I see a load of others – just like me – huge, sexy, Amazonian zombies, with enormous breasts, all of us milling around, looking desperately for our next meal.

  And I know just where to find mine.


  I stagger out of my apartment building, and round to the back of the block, where there’s a small sports bar. This is the haunt for all the horrendous jocks of our building. The sports bar has these awful LCD TV screens, about half a dozen of them, playing sport twenty-four hours a day. At least, they used to play sport, back when the TV channels work.

  If I’m going to find a meal anywhere around here, though, it’s in the sports bar. I lurch up to the glass and look inside. At first, it’s too dark in there to make out anything, and then I see him. A single guy, cowering and looking up at me, terror in his eyes. He must have been hiding in here for days.

  I look down at his pants, wondering how much meat there is in there for me. I push myself closer up to the glass.

  Meeeeeeeat, I’m trying to say, but no words come out. It feels like my vocal cords have dried out, and all I can do is growl. Meeeeeeeeat.

  The guy in the sports bar is shouting something, but I can’t hear him through the glass. He looks so scared, poor thing. He doesn’t know that I mean no harm. I’m hungry, that’s all. I’m going to have a snack, and then I can liberate him. He can become a woman, just like me.

  I push up against the door a few times, ramming my stiff limbs against it, and I’m amazed when suddenly it gives in and I enter.

  The guy inside screams, and I lurch hungrily towards him. I can smell his meat from here. My mouth is too dry to water, but I run a desiccated tongue over my lips all the same.

  Dinner time.

  I reach out and sink my cold fingers into the guy’s shoulder. He tries to punch me but he’s grown too weak, shut away in the sports bar, perhaps since this whole thing started. I guess all those bar snacks probably dried him out even more. Come to think of it, I can smell the beer on his breath from here too.

  I pull him down to the floor and prepare myself for my meal. I’ve never eaten a man’s cock before, of course, but I feel like it’s instinctively programmed in me how to do it. I can’t explain it, really, but it just feels like… the right thing to do. I rip open the guy’s pants, breaking apart the zipper, and I’m delighted to see what a nice big juicy cock this guy has. I open my mouth, as wide as I can, and bring my lips down, around his cock. It tastes amazing immediately, better than anything I’ve ever tasted. I hold my lips around it for a second, enjoying the flavor, and then I do the bit I’ve been looking forwards to the most… I sink in my teeth, and begin to eat.

  The guy screams for a while, obviously not enjoying it as much as I am, but I’m too satiated to care. T
he blood is warm and tasty. The flesh is succulent and fresh. I save the balls until last, a sort of dessert.

  As I chew happily on the final testicle, I notice something happening to the guy beneath me. His skin has changed color, he’s colder than he was before, and then I see that thing happening to his chest, the thing that happened to me. I see his shirt ripping open, and two hulking great breasts popping out.

  And then I see a strange, cold smile spread across his lips.

  You’re welcome, I think.

  And then I lurch away, my breasts swinging in front of me, as I go hungrily in search of my next snack.

  Hey! Hope you enjoyed the story! ;)

  Thanks for stopping by, and come again!

  Candy x



  A dark tale of Gender Swap Revenge!

  Chris is a bit of a meat-head. He likes drinking, cleavage and football. Just like his best friend, Dwayne used to. Nowadays though, Dwayne seems more interested in crystals and incense than beer and girls.

  When he rubs a gender-switching witch up the wrong way, she casts a wicked spell that completely changes Chris' perspective on life, he's left much more happy to spend 'quality time' with Dwayne than he was before.

  This short story contains scenes of intense feminization, masturbation, time-stop seduction and other explicit content.



  A dark tale of wickedly lustful witches, gender-swap magic in a fantasy setting!


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