Cupid's Dance: Western Small Town Contemporary Romance (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 3)

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Cupid's Dance: Western Small Town Contemporary Romance (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 3) Page 9

by McDaniel, Sylvia

  Her lips turned up, but it wasn't a happy smile and then she proceeded to talk rapidly, not giving the man a chance to respond. Unable to hear the words, but she was spitting mad about something and wondered if he should move in and intervene. Quickly, he knew that would only make her madder.

  The woman had an independence streak longer than a quarter mile.

  Though Cody couldn't understand what the man said, it appeared he was spewing an apology. Picking up his binder, he made some quick notes and spoke to someone on his cell. A few minutes later, after the phone call, Kelsey gave the man a genuine smile.

  A sigh rippled through Cody, easing the tension between his shoulders. It was a business luncheon. Not another man, but a vendor and he'd done something to piss her off. A feeling of pity overcame Cody. The man's ears were probably still stinging from the tongue lashing he received. Thank goodness, he controlled the jealous rage that consumed him, or it could have been disastrous.

  Quickly, the man stood, shook her hand, and headed out the door.

  "Cody, how long have you been standing there," Taylor said rushing over to him.

  "Long enough," he said smiling. "There's Kelsey, I'm going to join her. Would you bring me a hamburger, some fries, and a glass of ice tea."

  "Sure," she said with a knowing smile.

  Strolling to the table, she was putting paperwork away in a folder when she glanced up.

  "Cody," she said, her voice breathless.

  "May I join you?" he asked.

  "Yes, please," she said, her eyes warm and friendly. With her hand, she reached over and squeezed his. "I'm so happy to see you. I miss you."

  Warmth flooded his chest and the compulsion to pick her up and carry her out of the restaurant was strong, but he resisted. Soon.

  "How was Dallas?"

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she shook her head. "Oh dear, I forget how bad the traffic is, the noise, the people. So many people were at the market. Picked up some excellent buys for the boutique. But there is no place like home."

  Relief overwhelmed him and he lifted his glass of tea the waitress set in front of him. After a trip to the big city, his first wife never came back complaining about the people. In fact, she'd gushed over all the things Kelsey mentioned. Maybe they were different. Maybe Kelsey did want to stay here in the small town he loved. And maybe soon, they could be open and honest with other people about their feelings. He was more than ready.

  Or hell, even just get married. The thought shocked him. Was he ready to marry again? Take another chance on love?

  "Are you coming to Jim's birthday party?" she asked.

  "I'll be there," he said.


  "Third date?"

  Laughing, she laid her hand on his arm. "You wish."

  Grinning, he felt anxious. "It's coming."

  "I know."

  Cody gave Kelsey a ride the night she danced around the statue in town. The first time they'd seen each other in years and since that night, the current flowed between them like live wires. Could their romance be because of that silly Cupid superstition?

  Before that night, he didn't really believe in superstitions. But his dad danced around the statue and then met his mother. Could Kelsey be the person for him?

  Well, if Cupid worked for her and him, there were three men he hoped to soon call brother-in-law who needed women in their lives. Now, how did he get them to dance around the Cupid statue?

  * * *

  Restocking the shelves after the grand opening, she heard the door open. Cody had mentioned coming by and grabbing a coffee together, but she wasn’t certain he still planned on coming.

  "Cody, is that you? I'm almost ready," she called.

  "No, it's Ryan," he said, his strides taking him toward her voice.

  Stunned as to why this man would come see her, she walked around the corner and stared at him. "What are you doing here?"

  He removed his hat and twirled it nervously in his hand. "I know you hate my guts and I can't blame you.”

  Now that was a statement. With stunning clarity, she realized it wasn’t true.

  "I don't hate your guts," she said, frowning.

  "Well, let's just say I came here today to apologize. At the time, I was an eighteen-year-old horny boy who was disappointed when I couldn't get into your pants."

  She laughed. Didn’t most boys at that age want to get into their girlfriend’s jeans? How were they different than any other teenage couple?

  "At the graduation party, after several shots of tequila, the alcohol loosened me up and made me stupid. I started making out with Rhonda which led me to cheating on you.” Hanging his head for a moment, he looked into her eyes. "I want to say how sorry I am. If I had remained sober, the teenage hormones would never have gotten loose."

  They had been young and stupid at the time and curious about sex. Unfortunately, he’d gotten caught…so far, she hadn’t.

  "That night taught me a very valuable lesson. Never drink until I lose control. Besides the tequila making me sick, I could have caught any number of diseases or created a baby with a woman I didn't even like. Young and stupid, I just wanted to experience sex for the first time. Cheating on you exposed the damage I could cause. I've never stepped out on another girl. Please forgive me."

  Kelsey smiled. "We were childish and naive," she said. "I must thank you. Because of you, I got a tour of Europe that summer. Mom and Dad wanted to keep us apart so we took off traveling. It was the best trip of my life.”

  Her last trip with her father. Because of Ryan, she’d gotten precious memories of them seeing the Eiffel tower and the grand palaces of Europe. Images of them together filled her throat with a sob. In some ways, she felt grateful to Ryan.

  "I'm glad something good came out of it for you," he said. "Your brothers beat the crap out of me that day."

  "Sorry. They've always been awfully protective of me. Sometimes a little overly protective. What made you come over here today and tell me this? Is it because of my meeting with Taylor?"

  Scrunching his eyes shut, he opened them wide before he spoke. "We're taking some time. She's kept everyone in the dark about us seeing each other, but I really care about her, Kelsey. We have fun together. We fit each other, but more than anything, she makes me happy."

  Nodding, Kelsey laughed. "What are you going to do?" she asked.

  "I'm lost. I want her back in my life. Yes, I lied, but I did because I wanted to be with Taylor. Something drew me to her and I had to know if there was a possibility of this attraction growing. She would never have given us the chance. Now, I want to ask her to marry me, have children with her, grow old together," he said.

  Kelsey frowned. Ryan and Taylor? It sounded like he loved her. Right now, she felt constrained in her relationship with Cody because of her brothers. Why would she allow her best friend to think she would stop her from being happy? She didn’t want to be the cause of anyone’s unhappiness.

  She needed to talk to Taylor. All of this was in the past when none of them were ready for relationships.

  "I can't believe I'm saying this." She shook her head and gave a little snort. "Give me some time. We'll all be together at the spa on Saturday. Let me see if I can somehow help her understand."

  "I would so appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you," he said. Standing there awkwardly, he glanced around the store. "Your shop looks nice."

  "Thanks. Now get out of here before my boyfriend arrives and finds us together. I don't want a repeat of our teenage years. What a crazy day."

  "Your brothers let you have a boyfriend?" he asked his brows raising.

  "Yes. My brothers don't know yet."

  He shook his head. "I pity the poor man. Tell him Jim has a mean right hook."

  "I'll warn him," she said and walked him out the door.

  "Thanks for coming by and apologizing. Let's put the past behind us and start fresh," she said.

  And she meant it. What happened in the past was over and it was time
to let it go and start new. She truly hoped her friend Taylor would give Ryan a chance.

  "Agreed. Enjoy the spa."

  "Oh, we will," she said smiling as she closed the door behind him.

  * * *

  Walking into the barn, Cody rushed over to the ladder Kelsey stood on and held her by the waist. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

  Laughing, she said, "You made it. Help me tie these balloons up here."

  "Sure," he said. "First, I need to ask if those jeans could fit any tighter."

  Her head twisted behind her and she glanced at him. "Don't you like them?"

  "Hell, I love them. So will every other cowboy at this party. They make your ass look scrumptious."

  "Thank you," she said, grinning at him. Glancing around, she reached down and kissed him quickly on the lips. "Wore them with you in mind."

  "Aargh, you know how to hurt a man."

  With a quick knot, he tied the balloons and helped her down from the ladder. The animals were outside, the barn cleaned, and a huge spread of food was set up.

  A small dance floor had been laid down and a band was setting up. Years ago, he learned the Lawrence kids threw great parties.

  Lanterns hung through the rafters giving off a nice glow.

  "I'm going to check on the kitchen. Why don't you find Jim and Drew and help them."

  Warm feelings washed over him as he watched her hurry out of the barn. He loved that woman and intended to talk to her brothers, tonight.

  Drew came running inside and dropped a bowl of covered potato salad. "Cody. Glad you came. Come hang with me and the boys. We're hiding from Kelsey, drinking a celebratory beer."

  "Sure," he said and followed the man outside.

  Kyle handed him a bottle and popped the top. "Don't go near the house or you will be put to work."

  "You guys don't want to help her setup?"

  All three brothers laughed and Kyle said, "We've been working since seven this morning. This is our second party in two weeks. We're ready for the kind of event that you find a chair, drink a beer, talk and listen to music. Oh no, Miss Grande Pants had to make a big shindig with food, a band, decorations and lots of people."

  "My idea of a good time is barbecue, a beer, and relaxing. Not all this fuss," Jim said with a sigh. "Anyway, who wants to celebrate getting older."

  Everyone took a sip of their beer wishing for a more laid back party. Now was the time for him to make his intentions known, but he had to do it right or else upset the brothers. "I've been thinking about what we talked about the other day."

  "What? We talk about a lot of stuff."

  "Kelsey," he said nervously. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself. This had to work.

  "After considering everything we said, I'm going to marry her."

  Jim spewed his beer.

  The stunned expressions on their faces were priceless and one by one they started to laugh.

  Drew chuckled. "How much did you drink before you came over here?"

  "She thinks of you as a brother. She'll never marry you," Kyle said.

  Trying to keep a poker face, Cody gave a little shrug, so they wouldn't realize something was up. "Maybe not."

  "Cody, you were on our short list, but she's not into you," Jim said solemnly. "You're a great choice for a brother-in-law. But I don't see it happening."

  There was the possibility of her saying no, but if she felt like he did, then they would marry. And if they didn't, someone would have to prop him up for a while.

  "Well, it can't hurt to try. How about this, if she agrees to marry me, you boys dance naked around the Cupid statue," he said hoping they would take the bait.

  All three stared at him like an alien had invaded.

  "What? That's ridiculous. Whoever started that superstition should be punished. Dancing naked around that statue is against the law," Drew said.

  "That's the bet. Dance or go home. You should take the bet," Cody temped him. "Especially if you don't think she'll say yes. It's a win-win for you."

  "Why do you want us to dance around the statue?" Kyle asked his eyes questioning.

  "Because if the superstition works on you guys, it will work for anyone," he said, laughing.

  "Oh come on," Kyle said. "Pretty lame."

  "What if you lose. What do we get?" Drew asked, clearly more interested in what he would win than dancing.

  "Choose something," he told them.

  "Okay, if she tells you no, you take the four of us to Las Vegas one weekend," Drew said with a smile. "Kelsey will never marry you. And it will be a fun trip at your expense."

  That would certainly put a dent in his bank account, but he could agree, because he was almost certain she would say yes.

  "All right, the bet is this. I ask Kelsey to marry me and if she says yes, the three of you pick a night and dance around the Cupid statue. If she says no, a weekend in Las Vegas on me."

  "Now that's a birthday gift," Jim said. "Don't get your hopes up. Vegas here we come."

  The men clinked their bottles together. "Deal."

  "So when are you going to ask her?" Kyle asked.

  "Soon, not tonight, but soon. Before I ask, I want to make certain I have your blessing," he said, wanting to be respectful, so there would be no hard feelings in the end when he won.

  "Of course, but why don't you start with a date," Jim advised. "Asking her outright is likely to piss her off."

  "Of course," Cody said, repeating his statement. "That should be accomplished tonight."

  Jim started laughing. "Man, I think she's going to bust your hopes. Can't hurt to try."

  "Lord a mercy, I'm going to enjoy Vegas. The shows, the gambling, the girls," Drew said. "It will be a boys’ weekend."

  Doubtful. Very doubtful was all Cody could think. He smiled his sights on the prize, Kelsey.

  Chapter 8

  Kelsey looked around at the crowd of people who attended Jim's birthday. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. And every time she glanced at Cody, her insides warmed and she realized how much she missed him.

  Since the night they herded his cattle and fixed the fence, there had been no time alone. Quick glances and stolen looks, but nothing more and she craved the feel of his lips, she yearned for his sweet smile and his deep throaty laughter.

  Tonight, he'd come dressed in tight fitting jeans, a white western dress shirt that made his green eyes pop, and hat. Polished boots finished the image, and frankly, all she could think about was taking him home and unwrapping that good-looking package.

  The band begin to play and first she danced with her brother Jim and then her other two brothers. Close to midnight, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Cody. Emerald eyes radiated heat that scorched her and left her breathless. Though she meant to wait, there was no way she could stop herself from being in his embrace.

  A slow ballad played and she found herself enveloped in his arms, pulled tightly against him, snug against his belly.

  "Where have you been," she murmured, breathing in deeply the rich masculine scent of the man.

  "Waiting for all the other yahoos you've been dancing with to get out of the way," he said against her ear.

  "I've been expecting you," she whispered.

  "Kelsey, if I danced with you tonight, we'd be in trouble. So, I held out as long as I could," he said.

  Staring into his eyes, all the longing in her soul was there in his gaze. "Cody, I don't think I can wait any longer."

  He raised his head up off her shoulder and stared into her eyes. "What are you saying?"

  "To hell with this damn bet. Take me home, tonight, right now," she said, gazing up at him. "It's you I want."

  "What about your brothers?"

  "I'm a grown woman; they can deal with it."

  "Let's go," he said, pulling her off the makeshift dance floor. They walked toward the barn door.

  "Let me get my keys," she said.

  "No, I'll take you home in the morning," he said, dragging he
r along to his truck.

  Once she sat inside his vehicle, she wondered if she was doing right. What would her family think when they discovered she was gone? Would they figure out she left with Cody?

  Right this moment, she didn't care. The need to touch him overcame her and she reached out and placed her hand on his leg as they traveled through the night.

  When they arrived at his house, he parked the truck in the garage and then he leaned over and kissed her hard on the mouth. All she wanted was for him to take her inside and satisfy this craving she had for him. Releasing her lips, he gazed into her eyes.

  "I'm glad you're here."

  "Me, too," she said.

  Jumping out, he hurried around to the door and scooped her out of the truck, carrying her across the yard.

  "What are you doing? I can walk," she said with a giggle.

  "Remember that first night when I carried you naked into my house?"

  Grinning in the darkness at him, she thought that night seemed so long ago and now here they were about to make love again. What had started as three drunken women, dancing without their clothes around a statue, had led her to a man she was quickly falling in love with. Someone she could see spending forever with.

  "How could I forget," she said staring up at him. "Do you think you can go a little faster?"

  "Only if you want us both to wind up on the ground," he said with a throaty chortle that sent shivers racing down her spine.

  "I'm so ready for you," she said, her tongue sliding down the side of his neck.

  * * *

  Placing her mouth next to his ear, she nuzzled his neck and earlobe, her tongue sliding across his skin. A shiver rippled through him, and she smiled, knowing he was affecting her as much as she was him.

  "Are you cold," he asked gruffly.

  "No, I'm so hot, I'm trembling," she said as they finally reached the house. Setting her down, he pulled his keys from his pocket, fumbling to unlock the door.

  Putting the key in the lock, he slowly turned the knob, and turned to glance at her, anticipation radiated from his gaze. Biting her lip, she knew there was no turning back. From this moment on, they would be connected, if he wanted her as much as she desired him. A moan escaped her throat, her lungs seizing as she gasped.


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