Bavaria 116
Bayerischer Hof (Berlin) 308
B.B.C. World Service 50
Becher, Johannes 185
Begrüßungsgeld (welcome money) 81, 82
Belvedere (Potsdam) 255, 255, 259
Benjamin, Walter 334, 403
Benn, Gottfried 210, 214, 215, 404
“Berceuse” 60
Bergman, Ingmar 315
in 1963 6–12
in 1989 17–121, 316, 325
in 1990 186–96, 201–2, 231–42, 249, 254, 259–63
in 1997 305–9
in 2008 325–31, 347–52, 361–62, 374
see also individual landmarks
Berlin Airlift (1949) 349, 350
Berlin, Battle of 272
Berlin Blockade (1949) 349
Berlin–Hamburg route 49
Berlin Wall 6, 8, 13, 27, 29, 37–38, 36, 39, 53, 56, 285, 303–305
fall of 82, 84–94, 94, 205, 247, 261, 366, 389
gift of section of to Loyola Marymount University 249–50
Berlin Workers’ Councils 25
Berlin zoo 105, 346
Berlusconi, Silvio 385, 388
Bernhard, Thomas 42–43
Bevin, Ernest 237
Bierman, Wolf 410
Bismarck, Otto von 175, 220, 282–83, 404
Mann’s portrait 282–83
statue of (Hamburg) 274–75, 281
statue of (Kiel) 58
Blainville, Monsieur 296
Bloem, J. C. 287
Blokzijl, Max 209
Boer, Eddy Posthuma de 30
Bohemia 157, 158
Böhme, Ibrahim 157, 196, 404
Borges, Jorge Luis 22
“Pierre Mernard” 359
Bosch, Hieronymus 318
“Haywain” 359
Botanischer Garten (Berlin) 347
Böwe, Kurt 44
Brandenburger Tor (Berlin) 6, 42, 84, 85, 88, 205, 327, 331
Brandl, Christian 338
Brandt, Willy 56, 165, 317, 404, 410
Braun, Volker 105, 405
Brecht, Bertolt 78
grave of 240–41
Britain 390
Brocken, the 69, 71, 73, 210, 214
Brown, Gordon 347
Brueghel 67, 380
Brugsma, Willem Leonard 17, 320, 405
Bruyn, Günter de 405
Budapest 17, 94, 179, 314
Budapest club (Berlin) 7
Bulganin, Nikolai 244
Bulgaria 115
Bundeskanzleramt (Berlin) 329, 391
Bundestag 237
Cameron, David 385
capitalism 265
Carlyle, Thomas 221
Catholic Zentrumspartei 198
C.D.U. (Christian Democratic Union) 83, 176, 187, 239, 404, 414
Ceauşescu, N. 103
Celle 110
Cervantes, Miguel de
Novelas ejemplares 184
changing of the guard (Neue Wache, Berlin) 231, 232, 234–35, 235
Chaoten 38, 46
Charlottenburg 61, 281
Checkpoint Charlie (Berlin) 86, 93–94, 95, 97, 99, 187, 248, 261, 335
China/Chinese 12, 50, 391, 392
Christian Democratic Union see C.D.U.
Christians 63, 64
East Germany 206–7
Munich 154–59
Nuremburg 169
Churchill, Winston 245
Claus, Hugo 20, 405
Clausewitz, Carl von 97, 103, 405
coal 225
Cobra Museum (Amstelveen) 335
Coburg 171
Communism 14
Communist Youth Association 216
Confederation of the Rhine 165
Couperus 151
Craig, Gordon A.
The Germans 116
Cuba 13
D.A.A.D. 316, 325, 369
Dalí, Salvador 355
D.D.R. (East Germany) 6–12, 39, 77, 101, 103, 120, 163, 193, 199, 335, 414
churches 206–7
crossing into from West Germany to 3–6, 50–51
differences between West Germany and 52
Gorbachev’s visit and kissing of Honecker 76–78, 77
under Honecker 233, 408
looting of monuments of during Korean War 296
Russian troops stationed in 240
and Soviet Union 52, 77
withdrawal of Russian troops 389
see also reunification
de Gaulle, Charles 30, 317, 406
de Lattre de Tassigny 270
Deng Xiaoping 46
Deutsches Historisches Museum (Berlin) 119
Deutsches Technikmuseum (Berlin) 354–56
Deutsches Theater (Berlin) 281
Devil’s Bridge (Berlin) 217
Dijk, Ko van 44
Dine, Jim 117–19
Dom (Regensburg) 164
Domin, Hilde 100
Dönhoff, Marion Gräfin 192
Dresden 249, 251
Dubček, Alexander 103
Düsseldorf 84
eagles 283–84
East German Writers’ Union congress 180
East Germany see D.D.R.
Ebert, Friedrich 25, 405
Eden, Anthony 244
Ehrentempel (Munich) 134–35
Einstein, Albert 354
Ekermann, Conversations with Goethe 192
(1932) 198
(1950) 187–89, 178, 182, 187, 229
Élysée Treaty (1963) 406
Englischer Garten (Munich) 116, 141, 159
Erfurt 165, 223
Erhard, Ludwig 56, 405
Ernst, Max 22
Essen 83
Ethiopia 47
Euro crisis 383–84
Europa und der Orient 800–1900
exhibition 66–68
Evangelischer Kirchentag gathering 63
Falkplatz (Berlin) 201–2, 201, 203, 347–49
Faust 211–12
F.D.J. (Free German Youth) 247, 264, 415
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 240, 241, 405
financial crisis 375, 390–91
Financial Times 383
First World War 24
Flatow, Alfred 98
Flémalle, Meister von 378–79
Flinck, Govert 67
Fontane, Theodor 229–30, 289, 295
France 391
relations with Germany 317, 406
Frankfurt 378
Frankfurt School 403
Frankfurter Allgemeine 19, 29, 31, 66, 68, 78, 163, 387, 390
Frankfurter Rundschau 374
Frauenkirche, ruins of 249
Frederick the Great 220, 233, 289, 294
Frederick I of Prussia 313
Frederick William I 233
Free German Youth see F.D.J.
Freie Deutsche Jugend see F.D.J.
Freie Universität Berlin 363
Freikorps 26
French Communist Party 30
French graveyard (Chausseestraße, Berlin) 240–41
Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels award 357
Friedrich, Caspar David
Kreidefelsen auf Rügen (Chalk Cliffs on Rügen) 176–77
Friedrichstraße (Berlin) 6, 41, 335
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich 57, 406
German Communist Party see K.P.D.
German Resistance Memorial Center 341
German-Polish border 174, 175
Germanisches Museum (Nuremburg) 170–71
Getty Institute for the Humanities 385
Gezelle, Guido 346
Glasnost, 52
Glauber, Raoul 318
Gleichgewicht 114
Globke, Hans 10, 406
Glyptothek (Munich) 117–19, 165
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 31, 69–74, 159, 177, 217, 224, 225–30, 328
Briefe an Charlotte Stein 73
bust of at Walhalla 165,
Faust 210
“Harzreise im Winter” 69–70
house on Frauenplan 226–27
Ortega y Gasset’s essay on 226
and Schiller 227
statue of with Schiller 227, 229
translation of Vermächtnis by Harnack 343–44
Goethestraße (Berlin) 18–20, 33–34
Gombrowißz, Witold 249, 406
Gorbachev, Mikhail 46, 74, 76, 162, 233, 406
kissing of Honecker 76, 77
Göring, Hermann 271
Göttingen 379
Grahnert, Henriette, Netzwerkprobleme 338
Grass, Günter 184, 199
Greeks, ancient 133–34
Grotewohl, Otto 237, 272, 406
Gysi, Gregor 186, 187–89, 406
Habermas, Jürgen 199, 407
Haffner, Sebastian 231
Hague, The 311–12
Haller, Albrecht von 379
Hamann, Johann Georg 248, 407
Hrdlicka’s monument 282
monument of Bismarck 274–75, 281, 282
monument of marching soldiers 277, 278, 282
Handke, Peter 210
Harich, Wolfgang 119–21
Harnack, Arvid 341, 342
Harnack-Fish, Mildred 341–45, 342
Harz 68, 70–71, 210, 219, 225
Hauptbahnhof (Berlin) 375
Havel, Václav 182–83, 318
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 240, 241, 242, 407
Heidegger, Martin 134, 142, 149–50, 334, 407
Heiligen-Geist-Hospital (Lübeck) 55
Hein, Christoph 185, 407
Harzreise 214
Heinrich, Prince 290–91, 293–94, 294–97
Heisig, Bernhard 336
Helmstedt 3, 6
Hénaff, Marcel 390
Henoch, Lili Sara 98
Hensel, Kirstin 103
Hallimasch 103
Herder, Johann Gottfried 227, 228, 252, 407
Hermann (Arminius) 110–13, 112, 114
Hermann Maternstraße (Berlin) 250
Hermannsdenkmal (Hermann Monument) (Teutoburg Forest) 110–11, 112, 114
Hermans, Willem Frederik 43, 367
Hermlin, Stefan
Abendlicht 215–16
Hexentanzplatz (Thale) 210–11
Heym, Stefan 192, 215, 407
Hildesheimer, Wolfgang 192–93
Hirsch, Ralf 196, 408
Hitler, Adolf 134, 164–65, 166–68, 176, 193, 198, 269, 271, 343
Hoffmann, Paul 370
Hofgarten (Munich) 142–43
Hölderlin, Friedrich 111–3, 210
Holst, Roland 69, 226, 227
Honecker, Erich 39, 47, 89, 233, 238, 406
kissing of by Gorbachev 76, 77
Hoornik, Eddy 17, 408
Hotel Astoria (Leipzig) 184–85
Hotel Elephant (Weimar) 225
Hotel Esplanade (Berlin) 305, 307–9, 325
Hrdlicka 282
Hungary 78, 181
Soviet invasion (1956) 179, 180
withdrawal of Soviet troops from 177, 179
Hus, Jan 157
Idar-Oberstein 376
Illner, Maybrit 333
Janka, Walter 185, 187, 215, 408
Jaruzelski, Wojciech 174, 408
Jewish sports club exhibition (Berlin) 98
Johnson, Uwe
Begleitumstände 247–48
Junge Lucebert, Der exhibition (Kiel) 59–60
Jünger, Ernst 215, 251–52, 408
Das Antlitz des Weltkrieges 251, 252–53
Die Schere 249
Storm of Steel 408
Jürgs, Michael 56
Kagel, Mauricio 20, 21, 22
Kallman, Chester 30
Kant, Immanuel 226, 249, 355
Karl-August, Duke 227–28
Katte, Hans von 255, 294
Keitel, Wilhelm 270
Khrushchev, Nikita 8–9, 11–12, 14, 185, 244, 409
Kiefer, Anselm 273, 283, 375–60, 368, 409
Die Rheintöchter 273, 275, 281
Kiel 49, 57–59
Kirsch, Sarah 184, 409
Klenze 117, 165
Knubel, Franz Rudolf 341, 344–45
Kohl, Helmut 97, 107, 174, 196, 265, 317, 409, 414
Königsdorf, Helga 185, 409
Königsplatz (Munich) 117, 133–35, 158
Königstuhl (Rügen) 176
Konrád, György
The Loser 179, 180
Korean War 296
K.P.D. (German Communist Party) 410, 413
Krenz, Egon 97, 101, 107, 355, 409
Kreuzberg park (Berlin) 61–62
Kronprinzenpalais (Berlin) 373
Kruså 57
Kunert, Günter 184, 410
Kyffhäuser 220, 221–23, 224
La Rioja 384
Lafontaine, Oskar 239, 329, 410
Lagarde, Christine 389
leaden library 277–78, 281
Leipziger Schule exhibition 335–40
Leipzig 180–6, 335
Marktplatz 180, 181
Thomaskirche 185
“Wailing Wall” 183
Leipzig University 246–47
Leipziger Volkszeitung 177, 179
Libeskind, David 313
Liebestraum monument (Munich) 130
Liebknecht, Karl 25, 26, 410
LIGA 339–40
Lindow 292
Literaturhaus (Frankfurt) 379
Long, Edwin 68
Loos, Adolf 351
Los Angeles 301, 385–86
Löwenkämpfer, Der (statue) 327
Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles) 301
Lübars 285–87
Lübeck 54–56
Lübecker Nachrichten 55
Ludwig I 117, 135
Lüneburg 379
Luther, Martin 249–50
Luxemburg, Rosa 25, 26, 269
Magdeburg Cathedral 206–8, 207
Maischberger, Sandra 333
Mann, Golo 97, 102–3, 240, 282, 410
Mann, Klaus 210, 410
Mann, Thomas 153
Mao 15
Maron, Monika 184, 410
Martin-Gropius-Bau (Berlin) 98
Marx and Engels (statue) (Berlin) 91, 90
Massu, General 30
Mathema exhibition 354–55
Max II Monument (Munich) 125, 125–27, 127
Maxim Gorki Theater (Berlin) 105
Maximilian II 129
Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria, Prince Elector 71
May Day 38
Meinhof, Ulrike 56, 411
Meister von Flémalle und Rogier van der Weyden exhibition 378–79
memory 310
Mengistu 47
Merkel, Angela 347, 383, 384, 387, 389, 391
Meyerbeer 170
Mielke, Erich 104, 411
Mietskasernen 33
Mittag, Günther 411
Mitterrand, François 162, 317
Modrow, Hans 188, 193–94, 355
Molotov, Vyacheslav 114, 411
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (1939) 114, 411
Moltke, Helmuth von 411
moneychangers 205
Moníková, Libuše
The Facade 183
Montez, Lola 166
Moser, Hans 145
Mulisch, Harry 411
“Yesterday’s Future” 220
Müller, Gerhard 107, 412
Müller, Heiner 307, 412
Münchner Kammerspiele (Munich) 119
Munich 116–21, 123–60 see also individual landmarks / monuments
Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig 339
Museum der Geschichte (Berlin) 231, 235–36
Museum of the Unconditional Surrender (Berlin) 267–72, 271
Multatuli 151
Nabokov, Vladimir 310, 312
Ada 311
Nádas, Péter
The End of a Family Story 179r />
Napoleon 165
National Socialists 198, 264
Nepomuk, St John of 157–58
Neruda 70
Netherlands 58–59, 151, 315, 367, 391, 393
Neue Bild-Zeitung 4
Neue Wache (Unter den Linden) (Berlin) 231, 232, 234–35, 235
Neue Zürcher Zeitung 390
Neuendorff, Edmund 98
Neues Palais (Berlin) 255
Nietzsche, Friedrich 150
Nooteboom, Cees
All Souls’ Day 385
“De Dichter van het lezen” 370–72
exhibition of life and works in The Hague 311–12
The Knight Has Died 368
Philip and the Others 57
Self-portrait of an Other 364
Noske, Gustav 24, 26, 29, 412
Nuremberg 161, 167–71
churches 169
entartete Musik exhibition 170–71
Reichsparteitage in 167–69, 169
Nymphenburg Palace (Munich) 117
Oberbaumbrücke riverbank (Berlin) 28–29, 27
Oder, River 173
Ohnesorg, Benno 56, 412
O’Malley, Reverend Thomas P. 301
Ortega y Gasset 226
Ostpolitik 165, 404
País, El 384
Palast der Republic (Berlin) 91, 330, 332
Papandreou 385
Paulskirche (Frankfurt) 357
P.D.S. (Party of Democratic Socialism) 415
Peltiphyllum peltatum 348
PEN Club 180
People’s Police 201, 361
Pergamon Museum (Berlin) 192
Petzow 229
Picasso, Pablo 359
Pieck, Wilhelm 235, 412
Plessner, Helmuth
The Belated Nation 401
Poland 115, 173
Polenmarket (Berlin) 100, 102
in Germany 194–5
police, German 46
Potsdam 255–56, 255, 259, 386
Potsdamer Platz (Berlin) 88, 89, 100, 104, 305–7, 305, 321, 325, 326
Pre-Raphaelite movement 210
Proust, Marcel 309, 311, 312
Prussia 231–234
P.V.V. 390
Quedlinburg 219
quodlibet 20, 23
Rauch, Neo 336
Kommen wir zum Nächsten 337–38
Red Town Hall (Berlin) 91
Redlin, Otto 308–9
Regensburg 161, 162–66
Dom 164
Walhalla 164–66, 166, 164, 168
Reichsparteitage (Nuremberg) 167–69, 169
Reichstag (Berlin) 192, 327, 328
construction of new dome 306, 307
Republikaner 46–47, 83, 163, 415
Restaurant Augustiner (Munich) 147–8
reunification 4, 39–40, 56, 83, 115, 161, 164, 175–76, 197, 198–200, 218, 238–40, 246, 254, 319, 332, 409
Reve, Gerard 29
revolution (1918–19) 25–26, 29
revolution (1989) 84–95, 101–3
Revolution und Fotografie, Berlin 1918–19 (photographic exhibition) 23–26
Rheinsberg 289–300, 295, 299
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 269, 412
Richter, Gerhard 355
Rilke, Rainer Maria 151–52
Rink, Arno 336
Rohr, Hans-Alard von 301
Romania 115
Rosinenbomber 350, 351
Rosstrappe 213–14
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