ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories) Page 54

by Hawke, Jessa

  Vanessa wondered if it would be right for her to enter the temple, or should she go back and get John to accompany her. Anyway, she didn’t have a light with her and it might be unsafe to enter a temple that hasn’t been used for so long and could be home to poisonous snakes. But something inside her was not ready to listen to reason, so she ducked down under the spear sickle and went near the entrance. All of a sudden, she heard something click somewhere, as if it was some kind of a lever. She turned around and saw that the weapons that were held across the way to the entrance had moved away. Vanessa’s heart started beating faster, what had she unlocked? She just didn’t have the courage to venture any further; somehow she felt as if there was something or someone that was watching her. The feeling came on suddenly and the realization that she was at least a few kilometers away from help scared her. She thought she saw something move in the bushes ahead of her, although she couldn’t see anything. And Vanessa didn’t lose a second, she started walking away from the temple back onto the path on which she came, as she walked she felt as if she was being followed. She started walking faster but her nerves gave in and she broke into a run. The path seemed endless and when at last Vanessa saw the boat docked on the river shore she breathed deeply with relief.

  John and his colleagues had all returned from their trip a long time ago and were worried about Vanessa and were about to go out to search for her. John was extremely angry and upset with her irresponsible behavior. Vanessa apologized profusely and promised them she would never do something so risky again and the matter was laid to rest.

  That night Vanessa went to bed quite early, John and his colleagues were going to work all night on the top deck, so Vanessa took a book to bed. The movement of the boat on the gentle waters lulled Vanessa, and she was soon in a state where she was half awake and half asleep. The generous light from the full moon streamed into the room and the intermittent hoots from owls and the sound of fluttering wings of some bird caught off-guard were the only sounds in the night. Suddenly Vanessa felt her room being invaded by the sweetest, most intoxicating smell ever. She didn’t know what it was, whether it was from a flower, and if it was, it was completely unknown to her. But the smell was a weird mix of gentleness and raw power and Vanessa felt herself being completely overtaken by it. She felt powerless, as if all her faculties were taken over, she was completely and helplessly in its grip. Everything seemed dreamlike to Vanessa, nothing was real except the smell. She felt that she was no longer in her cabin on the boat, but was in some other place, dark and cold. Then shattering this serenity and piercing the darkness came the most evil sounds that Vanessa had ever heard. At first, in her drowsy state, Vanessa could not make out what the sounds belonged to, but slowly she understood they were the sounds of howling wolves.

  Vanessa had lost touch with time and place, she felt as if she was in the jungle, as if she was lying on the ground on a bed of vegetation. She could not make out where exactly, but the place seemed familiar somehow. In her drowsy state, Vanessa felt the sound of the howling wolves was coming nearer with each passing moment. But Vanessa didn’t have the mental will or the physical ability to get up; it was as if some kind of a power was pinning her down to the ground.

  Suddenly Vanessa felt that she was no longer alone in that place, that there were some other things near her but she could not clearly say what. She struggled to open her eyes but when she finally did she saw the most amazing thing: the two half men half wolf guards that she had seen that morning were standing right in front of her. They didn’t have the weapons they had carried, they had the same ferocious look on their face and they were looking down on her.

  Vanessa realized suddenly that she was not wearing anything, her heavy breasts were laid bare and they were hanging to the sides. She also realized that she was lying down holding her legs apart showing her pussy to the beasts. She felt arousal starting to pulsate through her. She was wet with anticipation and she found herself fingering her slickened folds. The beasts slowly took a step towards her as they shifted into human form, and Vanessa looked up to see that they had both opened their loin cloths to reveal two of the most enormous cocks she had ever seen. They were throbbing with anticipation and had pre-cum dripping out of their tips. Vanessa could not control her urge anymore, she got up on her knees and took one of the cocks in her mouth and held the other one in her hand fingering the tip with her thumb. It tasted like heaven in her mouth and the cock almost didn’t fit in due to its massive size. She could hear the beast-man grunting and she was contented that she was being able to please it. After sucking on it for some time she moved onto the other beast-man who had waited patiently all this while, but before she could take the other cock in her mouth, the he took her by the hair and shoved the thick cock inside. He was forceful and with his movement and Vanessa’s entire body shook including her heavy breasts. Suddenly she realized that the other one was sitting down behind her and reached around to massage her breasts. He took her left breast and pulled it to the side as he plunged his head down to suck eagerly on her rock hard nipple. He sucked so hard that Vanessa almost cried out in pain but waves of pleasure overcame her as she moaned loudly onto the huge dick in her mouth. The beast cock in her mouth grew even harder and she heard a loud grunt as the being in front of her came into her mouth. Vanessa had never felt so dirty in all her life. She wanted to jam both of the cocks inside her pussy right then and there. But before she knew it the two men shifted back into beast form and then slowly moved away, merging in the darkness. Vanessa was left sitting there with a throbbing pussy and an unfulfilled desire, a desire so strong that she felt she would burst.

  Vanessa suddenly woke up in her bed in a cold sweat. She looked around and saw that she was in her cabin on the boat. “Was that a dream?” she thought, it was so vivid and the feelings so intense that it was hard to believe it was a dream, but there she was in her bed in her cabin and she could also hear John’s voice up on the deck. Vanessa didn’t think much of it and went back to sleep.

  The rest of the night was quite uneventful and the next morning when Vanessa woke up she wondered what the dream was all about. As she went to take her shower, she noticed something though. She noticed that her left breast hurt slightly and the area around her nipple seemed to be bruised as if it had been sucked on hard.

  Vanessa didn’t know whom to speak to about this. John would definitely not believe it or understand it either. In fact he might even get angry if Vanessa mentioned about the events of the day before, as it is he was very upset at Vanessa’s disappearance. So Vanessa thought of talking to Chochmo. She felt Chochmo would be able to enlighten her about the temple and maybe she would be able to give an explanation for her dream as well.

  Vanessa went to the kitchen and saw Chochmo preparing their meal; she went up to her and leaned against the counter beside her.

  “Here Chochmo, here’s your dagger. It was very helpful, thank you”

  “Did you have to use dagger?” asked Chochmo.

  “I wouldn’t have been able to walk through the jungle without it,” Vanessa smiled at her.

  Vanessa paused for a few minutes and then she said “Chochmo, do you know of any abandoned temples in and around this place?”

  Chochmo laughed “Madam this whole place is full of abandoned temples. Here belong to very old civilization, you know? In very old times, people live here, they have town, there are so many stories about these people. They were very brave people and fought many wars.”

  “So what happened to them?” asked Vanessa

  “The people had curse upon them,” said Chochmo, very seriously.

  Vanessa laughed, “Really? What curse?”

  “Oh it’s bad to talk about it, Madam, it was evil that lived here, you must not ask Chochmo to tell you that!” said Chochmo, now really worried.

  “Come on, Chochmo; don’t tell me you believe all that?”

  “Madam it is the truth, it is not up to me to believe or not!” Chochmo sounded a little offe

  “Okay, Chochmo, I believe you,” said Vanessa laughing

  Vanessa thought about whether she should ask Chochmo about the temple, “Chochmo had a habit of running away with her imagination,” she thought and she didn’t want to get thinking unnecessarily about something that didn’t warrant so much attention. But Chochmo was also the only person who could understand and speak in English on the boat and the only person who had extensive knowledge about the area, partly because she was from that locality and partly because she was quite advanced in her age and hence knew a lot more of the past than the younger generation. Vanessa made up her mind to ask Chochmo about the temple.

  “Chochmo, yesterday I visited a temple,” said Vanessa quite nonchalantly

  “Which temple you visit, madam?”

  “I wouldn’t know the name, but it was deep in the jungle,” said Vanessa

  “It was very wrong of you to go so deep in the jungle all alone.”

  “I know, I realize it now, but the temple that I saw was very beautiful and very mysterious too.”

  “How did the temple look?”

  “Well from the outside it was nothing but ruins. However there was this entrance which led deep inside. But what had struck me were two statues that stood outside the temple. They stood as if they guarded its entrance.”

  “What statues did you see madam?”

  “Well the statue looked like it was that of some kind of beast which was half man and half wolf.”

  Vanessa was startled by the sound of something heavy falling on the floor. She looked down to see it was the bowl of beans that Chochmo was carrying. She looked at her, Chochmo looked petrified!

  “Tell me, madam, did these beasts hold weapons in their hands?”

  “Yes, in fact they did,” said Vanessa. “One of them held a spear…”

  Before Vanessa could complete her sentence, Chochmo completed it for her “The other held a sickle?” Chochmo was almost shivering with fear. Vanessa went over to hold her, “Chochmo, get a hold of yourself. What is wrong?”

  “Please tell me madam that you did not enter that temple?” Chochmo had a pleading look in her eyes.

  Vanessa hesitated for a few minutes then she said “Yes, I did, Chochmo, but I didn’t go inside. I just crossed the threshold and a very funny thing happened when I did.”

  “The weapons moved away?” asked Chochmo

  “Yes, in fact they did.” Vanessa was truly surprised now.

  Chochmo had a very serious look on her face now and it scared Vanessa, she started thinking about whether she had done the right thing by telling it to her. Chochmo moved close to Vanessa now and almost whispered to her “Madam, you have unleashed a curse most powerful upon you and the beasts will hound you for the rest of your life.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Vanessa, she was feeling a little apprehensive now.

  “Madam you have desecrated the ancient temple of aphrodisia and you have awakened the guard of the deity. Females who have reached sexual maturity are not allowed to enter that temple and if by chance they do, legend says that then they call upon themselves the curse of the beast. The beast hounds them for the rest of their lives tormenting them.”

  “Tormenting them, how?”

  “As they please,” was all that Chochmo said and no amount of asking, pleading or cajoling by Vanessa would make her utter another word. Only when Vanessa was about to leave the kitchen, Chochmo said, “Madam you better be ready and you better be careful; they are going to come for you.”

  As Vanessa left the dank kitchen and came under the open skies on the upper deck with sun shining down upon them with all its ferocity she smiled to herself “Chochmo and her legends!”. Though in the kitchen the legend seemed possible, out on the deck Vanessa almost laughed at her imbecility of taking Chochmo seriously.


  The sunny weather however didn’t last long that day and soon the famed heavy rainfall of the Amazon started. Though it was a welcome relief from the humid weather, Vanessa didn’t like the fact that they had to be cooped inside. The boat chugged along slowly and Vanessa spent her day sitting out in the hammock. After lunch as the rain showed some hope of slowing down, their boat came upon a small canoe on the river being rowed by two young men. They waved their boat down and asked if they could ride with them to the next village. Their boat had developed a small hole and they were not being able to repair it, and they promised in return that they would do all the heavy work on the boat. Though John was initially doubtful, the captain of the boat convinced him that two extra helping hands would certainly be a bonus. Moreover these young men looked quite muscular and able and the captain could use them in the engine room.

  Vanessa saw the two men from her hammock and immediately felt overcome by an intense desire radiating through her body. She felt like the way she felt in her dream, of desire that overtook her body and her mind. She couldn’t sit on the hammock anymore because her pussy was swollen and throbbing, so she went into her room in the hopes of cooling herself down. She was not able to understand why her body was behaving like that, as if it was not her own but as if it was dancing to someone else’s tune.

  That night John and his colleagues were going to work all night on the deck since they had lost most of the morning to the rains. Vanessa too went to bed early. She was feeling very drowsy since evening and attributed it to the humid weather. Vanessa locked the door to the cabin and went to sleep. She was not sure how long she had been sleeping but suddenly she was jolted awake again by the sound of wolf howls in the distance. Vanessa tried to listen for any other sound and up on the deck she could hear the faint voice of John. Thinking the wolf howls were just a part of a dream brought on by the tales of Chochmo, Vanessa was about to close her eyes again, when she heard a sound in her room. She sat up now and turned on the bed stand lamp and with the light illuminating the room, Vanessa was shocked to see that the two young men that had alighted their boat that day standing in front of her bed. She gasped and pulled the blanket up toward her chest.

  “How did they get in?” she thought.

  Vanessa wanted to shout but found herself unable to do so and then she saw something that she would never have believed to be true if she heard it from someone else. She saw in front of her eyes that those two men slowly but surely transformed into the beasts that she had seen in the temple and the ones that had invaded her dream the night before.

  The beasts stood in front of her. They didn’t say anything but had that same smirk on their faces like they had in the dream. Vanessa found herself unable to say or do anything, the beasts slowly walked towards her and carefully took off their loin cloths and now Vanessa remembered how she felt in the dream when she had seen those enormous cocks. She immediately forgot all her fear and apprehensions; what she wanted at the moment was to have those cocks in her mouth and in her throbbing cunt. She remembered nothing else, she felt nothing else.

  The creatures slowly came to the bed and one of them came upon Vanessa who was sitting now and tore off the flimsy night dress that she was wearing and threw it on the ground. He then growled and took hold of both of her legs. He again shifted back into the form of a finely chiseled male human form and thrust his pulsating cock deep inside her. Vanessa felt full; she almost could not breathe from the heavy thrusts that followed. She looked at the other creature and saw that he was rubbing his own cock and slowly came up to Vanessa, shifted back into human form with bulging pecs and a strong jaw lie and thrust his cock deep inside her mouth. Vanessa was now lying supported on one of her elbow and with the other hand she was clinging on to the railing of the window just above her head. The whole bed shook with the thrusts of the creatures and Vanessa felt as if the whole boat was rocking.

  Once Vanessa had gotten used to the cocks in her mouth and pussy, she started noticing new feelings that she had never felt before. Her whole body felt as if it would burst, sensations racked every corner, every nerve in her body and just as she thought she was goin
g to come then suddenly the creature who had his cock in her pussy took it out. Vanessa looked up at him; he had a wicked smile on his face as if he did not want her to feel fulfilled. Vanessa still had the other beast’s cock in her mouth, but he then retracted it with a smirk on his face. Vanessa felt frustrated; why were they not allowing her to climax? Suddenly the beast who had been fucking her in the pussy now stuck his cock inside her mouth and he took the other beast’s cock in his. Vanessa could taste and smell her own pussy juice; she couldn’t control it any longer. She reached down and started rubbing her engorged clit vigorously. But then immediately the beast took her hands away and held them up tightly so that she didn’t have any control over them and he began to thrust his cock in her mouth more vigorously. While he held onto her hands with one of his hands, with the other hand he started pinching and tweaking her nipples. Vanessa couldn’t make a sound as her mouth was completely full with the beast’s cock, but she heard the other beast grunting and growling with pleasure. Vanessa could see the one man sucking on the other beast man’s cock and balls and then licking the tip of his cock with his skillful tongue. The fierceness and the force of the grunting sound increased and it exploded as soon as the beast came. Vanessa looked up to see the beast shooting out forceful loads of cum inside the beasts mouth and some of it dripped off and fell on Vanessa’s mouth. The smell of the cum sent Vanessa to a state of ecstasy. It was the same sweet smell that had invaded her room the other night. Vanessa now started sucking on the beast’s cock with renewed vigor and she could feel his cock gathering up the cum to shoot in her mouth. She wanted the cum so badly in her mouth, she wanted to taste it, to have it. Still holding up both her hands the beast-man now started thrusting his cock inside Vanessa’s mouth with great vigor. Meanwhile the other beast man lowered his head near Vanessa’s pussy. He held her legs wide apart and the tip of his tongue along her drenched slit. He nibbled and sucked hard on her clit, circling his tongue around the erect bud. Vanessa’s head started spinning with the amazing sensations, intense sensations she had never felt before.


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