ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories) Page 138

by Hawke, Jessa

  Marcus suddenly increased his pounding of Tanya’s pussy, his orgasm starting to build, thrusting quickly and savagely in and out of her wetness. He reached the point of no return and pumped his seed into her wetness. The feeling of his swelling erection and warm cum, pushed Tanya over the edge, and she too felt her orgasm, screaming out her passion, past caring if anyone could hear. Her climax flooded through her like a tidal wave, electrifying every single erogenous zone within her. At the same time, Jason pulled out of her mouth and spilled his seed all over her face, hot and sticky it ran down her cheeks, forming a sticky pool on the pillow.

  All three collapsed in a heap, laying together on the bed and basking in the glow of their mutual satisfaction of sexual harmony.


  Not only did Tanya have an amazing time that night, but Dan’s plan worked. Marcus was persuaded to turn state evidence, in return for immunity from prosecution and a place on the Witness Protection Program.

  The information that Marcus had given them, was the reason that they were there this night, on a stakeout outside Jason’s apartment.

  Alfie was obviously now aware that Jason was an undercover officer, and this night’s operation was in support of his case. Tanya felt it best not to mention the night in the hotel. Just the thought of it sent shudders through her, causing her whole body to quiver.

  “You okay, Tanya?” Alfie asked. “Are you cold?”

  Tanya didn’t get to respond, as Jason came out of the doorway of his building, holding a briefcase, and strolled over to a car that had pulled up.

  “This is it,” an electronic voice came over the radio, “the exchange is going down, now. Remember, wait until the guy in the car takes the package.”

  Tanya and Alfie drew their guns ready for the order to go. Jason had placed the briefcase on the floor and knelt down, so he was at the level of the window.

  “Come on, come on,” Alfie whispered impatiently. “What the fuck is he up to?”

  Jason stepped back and the rear door opened. A small chubby hispanic man, who she knew as Chico Flores, alighted from the car and stood next to Dan. Chico Flores was a big time gang boss and the police had been trying to pin something on him, for years. Now, at last, thanks to Marcus’s evidence, they might finally have him.

  Time seemed to move in slow motion.Tanya wondered why Dan seemed to be taking so long, just give him the briefcase Dan, for fuck sake.

  And then it happened, Flores reached inside his jacket pocket and passed an envelope to Jason, who, in return, gave him the briefcase.

  “Go, go, go,” the radio spat out the words they’d all been waiting on. Tanya and Alfie quickly exited the car.

  “This is the police, keep your hands where I can see them!” Tanya shouted out to Chico Flores, her gun outstretched before her. She could see through the corner of her eye that other officers were rapidly approaching.

  Tanya was concentrating so hard on keeping her sight on Flores, that she hadn’t seen the window of the car open up, or the gun that pointed out of it. Fortunately for her, Alfie had, and he cried out a warning before barging into her, and knocking her to the floor. That action probably saved her life, but it didn’t save her from being shot, as the sharp pain in her leg informed her. In response to the gunfire, a number of police officers returned fire and she heard a grunt of pain from the shooter in the car.

  Alfie knelt by her and shouted into his radio, “Officer down, we need an ambulance immediately.”

  The rest of the operation was a blur to Tanya, she heard many gunshots, and she saw a flurry of officers joining in the operation. The pain in her leg throbbed deeply, and when she looked down, a dark red stain was spreading on the blue of her police issue pants. She had often wondered what it would be like to be shot, and now she knew. It bloody hurt.

  She must have passed out, because the next thing she knew was the flashing blue light of an ambulance, and two medics stood over her. Behind them she could see Dan, concern in his features

  . “You’re gonna be fine, Officer Jefferson,” one of the medics informed her. “It’s just a flesh wound and looks much worse than it is. We’re taking you to the local infirmary, so the doc can have look at you.”

  Her head started swimming again, the faces of the medics spun around and around as she slipped into a welcome oblivion.


  The wound was exactly as the medics had told her, just a flesh wound, although she had lost a lot of blood which was why she’d been so lightheaded. She spent the night in hospital under observation, and was home by the next day.

  Now, one week later, she was back at work, although on light duties.

  “At least you can catch up with all that paperwork?” a husky, male voice said from behind.

  She swiveled the chair around, already recognizing the voice. Stood before her, as expected, was Jason Cabello, or rather, Officer Dan Allesius.

  “It’s really good to see you back at work,” he said. “I was worried for you,” and he meant it, she could see his genuine concern for her. “I couldn’t help but blame myself.”

  “Nah, it wasn’t your fault,” she said, quietly. “All in the line of duty.”

  He entered her booth and sat himself on the spare chair.

  “Is this the naughty chair?” he asked. “The one for interviewing criminals?”

  “What do you want, Dan?” she asked brusquely. “I suppose you’ll be moving on now that you have your man?”

  “I have to hang around for a few weeks more, tie up some loose ends,” he paused before continuing. “I was hoping that, you know, you and me might have dinner together sometime?”

  “Maybe we should just call it a day, I’m in pain, so I won’t be much fun,” she answered, miserably.

  “All the more reason to come out with me, I’ll cheer you up,” he said. “Come on, you know you want to.”

  he did want to. This guy was getting to know her inner thoughts quite well ,and she was getting over fond of him, in return.

  “And what do I do when you move on Dan, tell me that?” she said, quietly.

  “I don’t know Tanya, I haven’t thought that far ahead, but what I do know is I like you, a lot.”

  Tanya smiled, she couldn’t help herself, he did that to her.

  “Really, it seems to me that you like a lot of people, and not just women,” she regretted saying that the minute it left her mouth, but he took it with good grace.

  “Hey, I thought you accepted that part of me,” he said, trying to take the seriousness out of the conversation.

  And she had, but for some reason she was holding him at arms length, maybe it was because she didn’t want to get hurt, and she knew she would when he left. Still she really did like him and sometimes you just have to take some risks in life.

  “You know what?” she began, and then leant over to whisper in his ear, “I’m really starting to like you Officer Allesius.” Then she pulled away and said loudly, “you better not fuck me about.”

  “I like the ‘f’ word,” he smiled at her. “It expresses so many things, don’t you think?” He sat up straight, putting his arms behind his head and stretching. “I do want to fuck you about, Officer Tanya, in so many ways.”

  “Stop calling me Officer Tanya, It’s Officer Jefferson to you, punk,” she said, also loudly.

  “Now that we have that established, Officer Jefferson, I will pick you up after your shift tonight. Yes?” he asked as he stood up to leave.

  She nodded and smiled, turning back to her sad computer, though her heart was beating fast at the thought of when she would next meet Officer Allesius.

  Yes, she really liked this guy.


  Insatiable Desires

  Chapter 1 A Boring Dilemma

  I can’t decide what to do. I think I love Luke, my boyfriend, but sometimes I think that we’ve been together too long. We started our relationship in school, so we’re the typical school romance couple. We’ve broken up on a number of occasions, an
d both of us have had brief relationships with others, but we always end up back together. Now we’re both in our mid twenties and quite frankly, I think I’m bored with him.

  I can’t tell him because I would never do anything that would hurt him, I do love him, I think, but our relationship will not last much longer unless I find a way to resolve this emotional turmoil that I find myself in. If I thought he felt the same way, then maybe I could approach him, but he always seems so happy in our relationship.

  It’s unlikely we’ll ever marry, after nearly ten years together, on and off, we’ve never even talked about it. That’s just typical of Luke, he’s the sort of person who doesn’t like change, and gets set in his ways. If we were to marry, it will be me who proposes and deep down inside, I’m really not that sure I want to marry him. Maybe this is as far as we go, our relationship is dying a slow and boring death?

  Sex used to be a major highlight in our relationship, and the sex between us was wonderful. We would fornicate anywhere and everywhere, day or night and in every imaginable position. Sometime we’d fuck so hard that I couldn’t walk properly for days, I was that sore. Now recently though, the spark has gone, we rarely have sex anymore and when we do, it’s just a quick wham bam thank you ma’am.

  This is becoming a real dilemma for me, without the sex, I’m not sure this relationship has much going for it. I don’t really have any close girlfriends any more, since we started living together. All my old friends just treated us like a married couple and we quickly drifted apart. Maybe that was the mistake, moving in together. We only did it for convenience, less rent, no travel cost to see each other, that sort of thing. Now I wonder, should I save this relationship or let it go? I have no one to talk to about it, so I have to make up my decision alone.

  The second major problem is that a really handsome guy has moved in to the apartment next door. He’s renting, as he’s in the area on some long term business. Whenever I see him, my knees go weak, my voice goes all squeaky and I tremble. Luke never had that effect on me, well, I don’t remember that he did. I suppose when I met Luke, at school, it was a young girl’s crush, a dream. Now, though, I’m an adult and when I get weak at the knees over the opposite sex, it’s always over someone else. That can’t be good, I keep telling myself.

  What is a girl to do when she has no way to turn? So I’m feeling a bit down about it all, and I have to say, I’m seriously considering leaving Luke.

  I’m stood in my apartment watching him play a ball game over the road, with our handsome neighbor, Nyle. They’re about the same size but Luke is slim and although he’s fit, he’s just not got the muscle power that Nyle has. Nyle is the same height, but he looks bigger. I suppose because he works out and is a bit of a fitness freak. He says he has to be, because his job keeps him on the move, so he has to have an outlet that is suitable to all environments. Keeping fit, he can do anywhere, so hence, it keeps him handsome and hunky.

  They’re playing basketball and Nyle is always the one to put the ball in the basket, he just seems to have a better reach. Whoops, Luke has just tackled him down and they’re wrestling on the floor together, typical masculine fooling around, rather than taking their practice play serious. I feel a little jealous that I’m not the one having fun with our new neighbor. Why should boring Luke get to have all the fun?

  I turn away from them, and head to the kitchen, might as well have some more caffeine, to add to all the excitement I have in my life at the moment. As I sit to drink it, I hear the door bang and the two guys enter the apartment. They seem to have become good friends. I wish I would dare to become good friends with Nyle, but my friendship would be quite different to Luke’s.

  Luke didn’t even bother to acknowledge my presence, but thank goodness Nyle notices me sat alone.

  “Hey Helena,” he says, still sounding slightly breathless from their physical exertion. “You should come out to play. Your’e boyfriend cheats,” he informs me, as if I care.

  In fact, I wish he would cheat, at least that would take some effort on his part and give me an excuse to say my goodbyes, or maybe not. I can’t believe I’m thinking like that, Luke sleeping with someone else to spice up our relationship? Hmm.

  Luke gets a couple of beers from the fridge and they go and sit on the bar stools in the kitchen, chatting away to each other. Our apartment is open plan and it would be easy for me to join in, and I’m tempted, because every now and then Nyle looks over at me and smiles. He has such a sexy smile. They're talking baseball, could there be anything more boring?

  “Nyle is taking a shower in our bathroom, Helena, his hot water’s off again,” Luke shouts over to me as they head off to the bathroom.

  Why should I care? I don’t need to know such boring details. I can hear them both clattering around as they take it in turns to clean up. I just wish it was me in there with Nyle, I’d be much more interesting than boring old Luke. The thought gives me a little quiver between my legs as I imagine Nyle and me under the hot pulsing water, naked, soaping each other’s bodies.

  I shake my head to clear the naughty vision, of what I imagine Nyle’s naked body to look like. Stop that girl, I say to myself and head into the kitchen to clear away their empty beer bottles. I’m left with a warm feeling, deep inside, and I swear my panties are damp.

  Chapter 2 Dinner on the Balcony

  It turns out that Nyle has invited us both to dinner and Luke has accepted, nice of him to ask me first, I think sourly, still at least I’ll have Nyle’s company for a little longer. These apartments have huge balconies and when weather permits, we can sit out to dine, and that’s the plan for this evening, dining alfresco.

  I decide to get dressed for the occasion in a tight fitting short, low hung, white dress. Luke used to love me in this as it show my figure off to its fullest, accentuating all my curves, with my breast’s barely contained inside the flimsy fabric. The hemline is only a few inches lower than my panties. When I come out of the bedroom dressed like this, he barely notices me, instead he rushes me out of the door telling me were gonna be late. Anyway I’m not completely sure the dress is for Luke’s benefit.

  Nyle opens the door to us and lets us into his apartment, I cant help but notice that his eyes nearly pop out of his head when he see’s me in the dress. Well, I think to myself, glad to see someone appreciates my efforts.

  “Wow,” Nyle says. “You look amazing Helena, you’re one lucky guy Luke.”

  Luke seems to notice me for the first time and the dress, as he looks at me, he seems to blush slightly. When Nyle goes off into the kitchen area for drinks, he pulls me to one side.

  “What the hell you put that on for, Helena?” he whispers, angrily in my ear. “It barely covers anything.”

  “Noticed me, at last!” I snap back. Luke didn't have chance to respond as Nyle comes back over to us, carrying three glasses of wine and passing one to me and Luke.

  “Here’s to our new friendship,” he raises his glass, smiling at Luke, but his eyes never leave my breasts.

  We toast together and then we all sit comfortably on the couch.

  “Anyone else coming Nyle?” I ask, I always think of him as a sociable creature.

  “I didn’t invite anyone else. I only know business colleagues,” he says, as if he’d read my mind. “I don’t want to be talking shop all night, and you guys are far too interesting for that boring stuff.”

  This gives me an inner smile. I know I could be interesting, given the opportunity, but I’m not too sure about Luke, anymore. Of course, I say nothing and simply take a huge gulp from my wine glass.

  “Are you enjoying your business stay here?” I ask, more to get the conversation flowing.

  “Oh yes, very much,” he replies with a twinkle in his eyes. “I’ve met someone really special so it makes all the difference,” he tells us.

  I feel a little deflated at his words, not that I’m considering cheating on Luke, I could never do that, I might leave him but not cheat on him. Still the thought that
Nyle has met someone is a little disappointing.

  “Yeah, I imagine that’s one good thing about moving around, you get to meet lots of people and have lots of fun,” I say, feeling even more down than I did ten minutes ago.

  Nyle agrees with me and leads us to his balcony, where there’s a table all set up for dinner. As I watch him, I can’t help but stare at his athletic body. I know I shouldn’t, especially as my boyfriend’s present, but this guy would turn any woman’s head. He is so handsome, strong facial features, high cheekbones and a firm nose, with a wide mouth and generous lips, vey kissable lips, I think to myself. What I find most attractive about him, though, is that in the short time I’ve known him, he seems like a really genuine guy. Good looks, a fine physique and a great personality, a rare combination.

  He’s an amazing cook as well, the food is delicious and I compliment him on his meal, but it’s difficult to get a word in edgeways, as Luke does not stop talking all through the meal. He and Nyle seem to get on really well and I feel a little jealous at their friendship. I suppose I could have joined in, but because the subject is once again sports, it isn’t high on my personal agenda.

  “Nyle, here, has got me working out at the local gym,” Luke informs me.

  I’m a little surprised at that, he doesn’t look any fitter, but then I rarely look at his naked body these days.

  “Maybe you’d like to join us, Helena?” Nyle asks.


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