ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories) Page 298

by Hawke, Jessa

  Well, the dream games may have been an amazing experience, but it still can't quite replace the real thing. The new guys in my life have taken me to new heights in sexuality, leaving my whole body a quivering mess of erotic sensations.

  Chapter 8 A Shocking Proposal

  It’s a week before I finally go home. Only I don’t go home alone, Zaiden accompanies me because he wants to meet my family. I think we’re just on the same wavelengths and I’m truly looking forward to working with these two guys. The stuff they write is really ingenious and I will now be a small part of that.

  After a week of tying every up at my home, I finally set off back with Zaiden, to go and join his amazing world. They want me to live on the complex, but I want a place of my own. Well, it’s not like I can't afford it now. Initially I stay at a local hotel, waiting for the perfect apartment to come up. The boys don't approve, they want me close to them, all the time, but I need my space. Then, they threaten to move in with me.

  “No way,” I say. “This is mine. I work hard for my pay, and this is all mine and I’m staying here. What’s more, I refuse to move in with you two. I see enough of you as it is. Remember your own rule of not mixing business and pleasure, well, I’m business now.”

  “Are you dumping us?” Imran cries out, as he stands pouring the wine for the dinner I’ve cooked.

  “No, I love you both too much, and each day, I fall more and more in love with you. However, I have to draw a line and tell you I need my own space.

  We sit and eat together and I can see my billionaires are sulking.

  “Well,” Zaiden says eventually, I can tell he has something to get off his chest. “Then one of us will have to marry you, that way you’ll have to share your space with your husband.”

  I look up from dinner, stunned, my fork half way to my mouth. Even Imran has a look of shock on his face.

  “What?” Zaiden says, shrugging. “What did I say?”

  “You’re crazy,” I tell him, but deep down inside I’m pleased. I have no intention of marrying either of them, but the proposal is a wonderful compliment and makes me believe that they feel the same about me as I do about them.

  “Well,” Imran joins in the fun, “What’s the answer, Ursula, which one of us will you marry?”

  “You know I love you both, and maybe one day, who knows, but for now we have a good thing going on and I don't want to do anything to put that in jeopardy.” I pause, watching them both closely and not wanting to hurt their feelings. “So, dear sirs, I must decline your proposals and say that we are very special friends, and long may it last.”

  Imran and Zaiden smile and pick up their drinks

  “Here’s to Ursula, the cleverest and sexiest woman we know,” we all take a drink from our glasses before Imran adds, “and here’s to special friends, may the special bit last forever.”

  I nod in agreement and take a long drink from my glass, I am one very lucky woman.


  Wild Desires

  “Are you sure that it is such a good idea for you to take off for the Caribbean alone, you could always wait for me since I'll be free in another week, that way we could begin the holiday together,” Arnold said to Leila as she packed her bags slowly, taking care to make sure that there would be enough clothes for the beach and the warm weather there.

  “Nah, I wouldn’t miss the cruise for anything, you don’t have to make such a big deal about it all, you will find me there waiting for you when you come,” she smiled at him as she zipped her bag shut and made her way to the bathroom, peeling off her robe and stepping into the shower as she turned on the water.

  She was looking forward to the vacation, and especially the part where Arnold would not be with her. In the first years of their marriage, sex had been exciting and they would try out all sorts of new stuff, but after some time, it had withered and it no longer sparked off that excitement. Leila loved sex, had always loved it right from the time that she had discovered it in the school library when she was still a teenager and now at thirty two, she still adored it. It was too bad that they had put their careers before everything, but during this vacation, she was looking forward to enjoying herself to the full. She had never cheated on her husband in the almost ten years that they were married, but it had been a constant fantasy of hers and she was hoping that the fantasy would finally come true. Her best friend, Sheila, did it all the time and she seemed to have a very interesting sex life, one full of new tales every week, and it made Leila green with envy and eager to join her boat. That is why the two of them had planned the vacation, making sure to begin it before their husbands so that they could have a little fun during the trip, preferably with much younger men. The thought of being screwed by a young guy, probably just out of his teens got Leila's blood boiling, and especially imagining all of the youthful energy being used on her just for her pleasure.

  “Anyway, you go an enjoy yourselves and don’t do anything that I wouldn’t,” Arnold said, making Leila wonder if he could read the dirty thoughts that were going through her mind, because if he was there was no way that he would have allowed her to take off with her crazy friend for the trip without him and her husband, Bret.

  “You know that I have always been a good girl,” Leila said, turning to look at him looking at her naked body up and down as he stood in the doorway. “Now, shoo, you are going to be late for work, if I'm not wrong, you have a meeting with some of the investors this morning.”

  “Yeah, I almost forgot, give me a shout when you are leaving and let me know how good the Princess Cruise is,” he said walking away from the doorway.

  “I will, bye, love you,” she said, spreading soap over her body.

  Thirty minutes later she was seated in the living room with her luggage by the doorway waiting for Sheila to come along so that they could set off. The Florida weather was warm, being that it was summer, and anyone would have hated to leave the city at this time of the year, but Leila felt an intense excitement, almost like a little child going on a vacation for the first time. She sat on the couch dressed in a yellow loose fitting short sundress flipping through a magazine and looking at her watch anxiously every few minutes. What the hell was taking Sheila so long to come along so that they could head off for the wharf where the tourists and passengers would be boarding the cruise ship? Maybe she was just excited and hence her impatience, after all, this was her first vacation in years. She made a point to free up more time in her diary for more vacations in the future since it looked like her magazine company was taking up too much of her time. She finally heard a car pulling into the driveway and got up, heading towards the door as she assumed that it was Sheila, and right she was.

  “Hi sweetie,” Sheila said, breezing into the house dressed in the tiniest dress that Leila could imagine anyone wearing, since it left very little to the imagination, but then again, this was Sheila.

  “What took you so long, girlfriend, I was beginning to think that maybe you cancelled the trip and forgot to tell me about it?” Leila said, hugging her friend warmly.

  “Hey, I had to go to the salon first to have my hair done, there is no way that I was going the way that I looked, I would have scared all of the men away. Are you ready to go, I hope that you carried suitable attire for both day and night, remember, we are going to be acting like we are 18 again and that might mean partying quite a lot, and you know, getting cocked quite a lot too,” Sheila said, walking into the kitchen with Leila close behind her noting the way that the bottom of Sheila's butt cheeks were almost visible under her dress, how daring. “Let me just grab a bottle of lime water and we can be on our way.”

  It was not long before they were cruising along the highway in Sheila's drop top Porsche heading towards the wharf. The weather was good and they were both in good moods, and so much for Sheila going to the salon, because the wind was blowing through their hair disrupting it and making it shaggy. It felt good to be this free, almost as if her father had just given her the permission t
o go on her first date for Leila. Leila had the feeling that this was going to be one vacation that would live in her mind forever, she could almost feel it in her bones.

  “You really ought to take more vacations, you know, they are not only good for your health, they also tend to spice up your relationship with your husband, you know, the little side flings,” Sheila was saying as she put her foot on the accelerator jumping a traffic light.

  “If you drive like that you are going to get us killed before our time to get to the pearly gates arrives.”

  “No, no, no, stop changing the subject. When was the last time that you got a really good fuck, Leil?” Sheila insisted, pressing a subject that they argued on almost every single day.

  “Okay, point noted, I'll be stringing along with you on all of your vacations, just let me know well in advance so that I can schedule my work,” Leila finally submitted.

  They drove the rest of the way in silence, each one of them engrossed in their own thoughts. By the time that they arrived the boarding platform, there were many other passengers already there, and it was almost impossible to find a parking lot. Sheila had to call her husband and ask him to come and pick up the car when he got the time later in the day.

  “Wow, this looks like it is going to be one hell of a trip, I can't believe it, it looks like we have a group of college students going on the cruise as well, can you believe it?” Sheila said excitedly as they handed porters their bags and began following them up the ramp onto the cruise ship.

  “You can say that again,” Leila said, looking around and feeling very naughty for looking at all the young dudes boarding the ship with hawk like eyes, almost as if she wished that they did not have their clothes on so that she could compare their cocks.

  It suddenly downed on her just how much she had missed sampling variety, since back when she had been in college, just before she had met Arnold, she had been one of the wildest vixens on the campus. She had been hot and pretty and had gone out with a different guy almost every week, sampling all sorts of cocks from short to long, thick to thin and loving every moment of it. meeting up with Arnold when she was in her final year had sort of changed things for her as she had slowed down her pace and become dedicated to him. she did not regret that, and she still loved Arnold dearly as her husband, but as Sheila put it, she needed to spice up her sex life and the best way to do it was to go out for a no strings attached, strictly for fun fling. Maybe it would light up the flame in her life again and remind her that sex was just as good as it had been when she had first discovered it.

  “Well, ladies, this will be your room for your stay on board the cruise ship, I hope that you like it,” the porter said as he opened the door to their suite, which was on one of the upper decks of the ship.

  “Thank you, Peter,” Leila said, plucking out a ten dollar bill from her handbag and handing it to the porter. “I'm pretty sure that we will enjoy our stay here.”

  “Thank you, ma'am, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything,” the young fellow said, eying Sheila as if he was undressing her and doing deliciously dirty things to her as she gave him an eyeful of her cleavage.

  “I'll just change into my bikini and head out to the deck to sun bathe by the pool. I'll definitely let you know if we will need anything, Peter,” Sheila said, beginning to remove her dress as if he was not even there.

  The porter left, somewhat reluctantly as Leila looked at Sheila, surprised by her boldness at undressing infront of the total stranger. “You sure do have some daring guts.”

  “Guts? I thought that we were supposed to be acting like we are 18, remember back in our college days? You really need to loosen up, girl, enjoy it while our men are away, after all, they will never have to find out about it. I was just teasing him with what he might or might not get, you never know,” Sheila said, slipping out of her dress and putting on an over sized T shirt that came down midway down her thighs over her lingerie. “How about we get settled in and then we can go on a tour of the ship, I've never been on one before, and I must say, it sounds like a thrill. Imagine being out there in the ocean with no land in sight on the ship with plenty of men hanging around in tight swimming trunks?”

  “You are still as crazy as you were when we were in school, you know that?” Leila said.

  Almost two hours later, the cruise ship was on it's way and they were somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the ocean. The ship was big and luxurious with all the amenities that you would find in a five star hotel. There were several restaurants, casinos, bars and even a night club on board. From the excitement that was bubbling through Sheila, Leila could already feel it spreading through her too. They had toured most of the ship by the time that it was lunchtime, and so they made their way to one of the restaurants on the top deck with views of the endless mass of sea water. It was going to be a three days of sailing bliss on the Atlantic Ocean for the two women and it looked like it was going to be a whole lot of fun too.

  “Maybe we could go and lie by the deck pool after lunch, it will be a good opportunity to get that tan,” Leila said, forking into her salami and cutting it into small pieces before biting into it.

  “I think that is the most reasonable thing that you have said all day,” Sheila said, digging into her pasta. “Oh my God, look at those hot dudes just walking into the restaurant.”

  Leila turned to look at a group of at least five young guys walking into the restaurant and coming to sit down on the table next to theirs. Sheila was right, they were not only hot, but they were dressed in swimming trunk and looked like they had been swimming since their bodies were still wet, how sexy. She swallowed hard when one of the dudes, a blue eyed blonde winked at her, blushing deeply to her embarrassment.

  “Oh, it looks like that one already has an eye for you,” Sheila said in a low voice not missing a thing. “He is hot, I think I'll join them for a swim after lunch, and you should too.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Leila said, her body still twinkling all over at the way that the blue eyes was still looking at her.

  Leila felt weird, it had been such a long time since she had felt so aware of herself, and especially with a young hot dude looking at her almost as if he was stripping her naked with his eyes. She shifted in her chair, trying to ignore the sudden itch that she felt in between her thighs as she concentrated on her food.


  “Those are the two hot chicks I was talking about,” Terry whispered to his friend's staring at the green eyes brunette that seemed to be blushing since he winked at her.

  “Damn, those are some fucking sexy women, and they know how to dress,” Scott, Terry's best friend replied. “What do you guys think?”

  “I think you guys are crazy, why would you go for such old women even if they are sexy,” Bret said. “I think I'll go and look for Amber after this.”

  “Amber, the chick barely looks at you and you still go chasing after her, you are crazy,” Terry said to Bret thinking how much bad luck the guy had with women ad also wondering how it would feel fucking the hot brunette. “Hey Scott, the brunette is mine, you can take the blonde. I'm sure that they have noticed us already, check out the way that they keep stealing glances our way.”

  “Guys, those ladies are married, can't you see that,” Bret said.

  “Shut up, Bret, it is not like they are with their husbands, and rich married women are the best people to have a fling with. Their husband’s are probably too busy making money to show them the right sort of attention, that is why they are on this cruise alone. They are looking for some fun, and we are going to give it to them, too bad if you are not game,” Scott said to the guy as they flagged a waiter, who went ahead and took their orders.

  “Hey, you two are talking as if you are the only ones who want a piece of those chicks, we also want in, and so you had better plan with Tony and I in mind,” Stuart said.

  “Now, that is what I'm talking about, Stuart,” Terry said, patting Stuart’s back. “I'm pretty
sure that we will work out some sort of arrangement. Our first priority is to get their attention, and I think we are already well on our way to doing that.”

  They ate their lunch trying to hack out a plan on how to get into the women's panties. The exciting thing about the lunch was the blonde woman because under the table she had her legs wide open offering them a view of what might be, and she did not seem to care. Terry had a feeling that she was doing it on purpose showing them her goodies although they were covered by a red pair of thongs. At the age of 19, Terry was one hot hell of a guy, always looking for some sexual action, and he preferred it with older women since they were more experienced and tended to give him a better experience. His best friend, Scott was the same, and they had known each other since they were kids, having grown up in the same neighborhood.

  Terry had broken his virginity to one of his mother’s friend's when he was only sixteen and that was probably why he was fond of boning older women. She had come over to their place, pretending to look for his mother when she knew very well that she was at work and would not be home until late afternoon, and she had found Terry hanging around the house in just a pair of shorts and a bare top. She had ended up seducing him and getting an erection had been no problem for Terry at all. He had taken her to his bedroom where she had shown him the articulate art of making love, making him addicted to women on his first go. From then on he would go to her place whenever her husband was out and they could have sex all day if it permitted, exploring each other's bodies until they knew every inch. To date, Terry visited Amanda to help her scratch her itch as he also took care of his erotic itch too.

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” Terry said, walking over to the table with the ladies. “I couldn’t help coming over to say Hi to the two sexiest women on the cruise ship. I'm Terry.”


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