Secret Crush (The House of Morgan Book 1)

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Secret Crush (The House of Morgan Book 1) Page 8

by Victoria Pinder

  The engine purred and she paused. He kept his gaze on the road and clutched the wheel. "We have more important things to discuss."

  No. She wouldn't think about herself or the bullet that almost lodged itself in her brain. She played with her gold pendant. "My parents are my priority."

  "I'll speak to Peter for you."

  If Peter Morgan changed his mind then she could breathe easier, but it wasn't wise to hope. There had to be another production company that would buy their oranges up north. The cash crop was a commodity many people around the country craved. "If he doesn't change his mind, then I have to go shopping for a new shipper. That's going to be my priority."

  His hand crossed the seat and squeezed her arm. "It's not as important as your life."

  John Morgan was bringing up things out of her comfort zone. Her body tensed as she wrapped her head around what she could handle. "I don't have a life if I don't find a new contract."

  "Alice, you have your priorities backwards."

  She stared out the window. Today was something out of a movie. The funeral, her best friend returned from the dead, someone almost shooting her, her lost business contract, while her body buzzed with awareness of John and it was altogether too much to handle.

  John wasn't being reasonable right now and her muscles were so tight that she couldn't breathe. "Let's not talk anymore for a while. I'm not in the mood. Today has been insane."

  Chapter Ten

  John's gut clenched as if he'd been sucker-punched. Alice Collins had almost died today and it was because of him. He shouldn't have spent the evening with her the night before his father's funeral.

  Alice stared out the window and refused to look at him.

  Mitch Morgan ruined everything and even from his grave, he'd ensure that his children did as they were told. John's mind flashed back to his father's opinion of Alice he'd shared one night to Vicki at the dinner table.

  Alice isn't good enough for you.

  Dad, she's my friend and nice to me. No one is nice to me.

  People shouldn't be nice to you. People should fear you and the House of Morgan.

  John had stayed quiet, but the message was always the same. Fear was the weapon of choice for the Morgans. Unlike his sister, John snuck out of the house and did what he wanted. His father never knew how he played high school and college football as it didn't bring anything substantial to his business. It had been better to simply not bother him, as he was the spare son. It had been easy to disappear. Peter and Victoria had had it different.

  "Where are you taking me?" Alice turned toward him. His heartbeat quickened as he stared into her pretty eyes that now seemed almost green and not her usual deep blue.

  He tugged his ear and turned south. "I own a house in Pinecrest."

  Her gaze narrowed. "I thought you didn't have any property here."

  "My dad bought it for me."

  "Must be nice."

  His shoulders tensed. "I never wanted it."

  "Houses in rich areas are tough to give up as a present." The harshness in her tone disappeared and she reached over and caressed his arm. "I'm sorry. It's been a long day. What did you want?"

  He turned off Biscayne and down a side street. "From my father, absolutely nothing."

  "Then why are we going to the house?"

  He made another turn. Soon enough he'd have her at his place. "It's safe. The House of Morgan has better security than the Secret Service, and neither of us wanted to go to Castle Morgan."

  "True." She crossed her arms. "Now that your dad is dead, you'll take your place in the House of Morgan, and everything will go back to normal, fast."

  "I don't have my own place here yet or a final decision on my career." His body still burned. He licked his lips to cool down. "I don't know anything other than you need to be safe."

  She shook her brown hair and a piece of shattered glass glinted from the strands. He reached behind her ear and removed it as she said, "Don't pin your inheritance on saving my life."

  He clutched the wheel and drove into the driveway with huge trees that blocked the view of the black gate that he clicked open. "You know way too much, Alice."

  She gazed at the modern home where he parked the car in the garages to the right, and her eyes widened. He followed her gaze toward the Spanish-style open air courtyard. Then she unlocked her own door. "I paid attention."

  He clicked the garage open and drove the last few feet so no one would see his car from the street. Behind him the garage door closed, and the lights came on automatically. He turned off the engine. "I should have paid more attention a long time ago."

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. "Why don't you just take me to the farm? We'll know if anyone steps foot on our dirt."

  The garage was fully closed now. He unlocked his door and stepped out. "Alice, you know I can't."

  She unbuckled her seatbelt, and then jumped to follow him. "I don't know anything."

  He walked toward her even though it was the wrong side of the house. She took a step back. Her eyes were so big. He opened his hands, palms showing, and nodded. "I was in the FBI and investigated bad people."

  Her gaze narrowed again. He'd have to remember Alice was really sharp. "Was? Are you or are you not?"

  With her, he was honest and not holding back. "I am making new plans for my life. There's no point staying in the FBI."

  "Except for the threat on your life." She moved nearer to him and even though the garage still had the car engine smell, his nostrils picked up her strawberry scent. "The House of Morgan tempting you back."

  He gestured toward the house but she stayed still. John straightened his back. "I left Miami because of Victoria."

  Her voice softened. "She's alive."

  He nodded. "And I don't know what I'm supposed to do any more."

  She came closer. His world went from gray and lifeless to full color. Her brown hair had a shine to it, and her pert lips tempted him. She clearly wasn't affected because she acted angry. "Live. It's what we're all supposed to do. We find a way in the world to give back to our community and shine as the individuals we truly are on the inside."

  She was like a big human puzzle. He tilted his head to try to figure her out. "What if I turn out like my father?"


  If John planned on making the money to prove his father wrong, he'd need someone next to him to remind him. A smile spread across his face. No one ever said that with so much conviction. He almost believed her. "Why?"

  "'Cause you care too deeply."

  His heart did a double beat in that second. "Most people think I'm cold."

  She shook her head. "That's because you went into the law where there is black or white, no room for color."

  Alice was the most fascinating woman he'd ever met. She must spend her evenings thinking up witty answers, and if so, he hoped she carried the pen in her purse. "Will you come inside now?"

  He opened the door and said a silent prayer that she approved of the mansion he had keys for but never saw. From the living areas they could see Key Biscayne and the clear blue bay of Miami. He flipped on the lights and she followed him into his house. "Okay, but John, I can't stay long. I have no idea how I'm going to explain this to my mother."

  They weren't in high school anymore. He spun on his heel. "We're adults, Alice."

  She sighed and ignored the house. Her stare was on his face, and his entire body lit up from her interest. "I moved home to take care of my father after his heart attack. Now Mom and Dad are moving to the beach. Besides, until I'm married and with children of my own, then there's no excuse with her."

  He'd marry her tomorrow if it meant she'd never disappear, but now wasn't the time to say that. Instead he tugged on his ear and went into the kitchen. He'd get wine and help her unwind. "I wish I had your mom."

  She rubbed her arms and walked into the living room. The ocean was dark now as evening fell, but tomorrow with the sunshine, life would be good. Alice's smile ke
pt his every attention. She was beautiful in her black dress with the sweetheart neckline that modestly hid her curves.

  Chapter Eleven

  This mansion with the view of the bay made Alice's body tremble. She hadn't been in a home this austere since she'd picked up Victoria from her father's house to go to school. Modern art gave splashes of color on the walls, but the entire space was sterile and lifeless. Alice rubbed her arms. She couldn't live without warmth for long. Unlike his family, hers was in her life and not going anywhere. Her parents and brother checked on her every day.

  John called out from the right, "Are you hungry?"

  He must be in the kitchen. She turned and followed his voice, but then her phone rang. She saw her mother's number. Her heart raced as she answered, "Mom?"

  "Where are you? Are you okay? I saw the news."

  Alice touched the pendant. She couldn't lie to her mother, ever, and she wouldn't start now. She gazed out a window that overlooked the blue water. "I'm fine. I can't come home tonight."

  "Why? What happened?"

  Alice had no idea how to explain. She wasn't a child, but her mother was the closest thing she'd had to a friend for some time. She held her breath and chose her words with care. "Someone was shot at the funeral."

  Her mother's voice had an edge of steel. "Come home. I want you here."

  Alice paced back to the living room. "Mom, I'm fine."

  "Then why aren't you with your family?"

  "It's complicated."

  "Which of those Morgan brothers is trying to steal you?"

  Score one. Alice gritted her teeth and cleared her throat. "Mom…."

  "You'd be home if that wasn't the case. Peter is just like his father and you never liked Jennifer. John?"

  "That's not it." Alice should have moved out long ago. Her mother had no idea. Other women her age moved to the city and had sex every night, maybe even with a different guy. Alice swallowed. Her television probably lied about that life, but that didn't stop how her face heated. "Mom, I'm staying with John tonight."

  The disgust in her mom's voice was palpable. "Where? I'm coming to get you."

  This wasn't happening. Alice went back to pacing. "I can take care of myself, Mom. Victoria is alive."

  "Don't divert this conversation."

  She envisioned her mother with her arms crossed and blowing smoke like a dragon. "It's true. Vicki is alive."

  "Is she there? Put her on the phone."

  Alice knew her mother had her hand on her hip like she didn't believe a word. Alice shook her head and swayed on her feet. "That wasn't on the news?"

  "I don't believe you. If you don't tell me where you are, I'm calling the police."

  Dad's health meant Alice had spent too long at home. To help. She remembered the four wonderful years she'd been away to college when no one questioned anything she did. "Mom, I'm fine. I'll explain everything soon."

  "You'd better. If John hurts you then I'm having your father shoot him."

  This was ridiculous. Alice lifted her chin. "You're being silly. Don't include Dad in your insanity. We want him to live a nice long life."

  "You were holding John's hand and the news reporter said you were his girlfriend."

  She swallowed. Reason always won with her mother. "Stop. You know better. The last time I saw any of them was at Vicki's funeral. Right now, what I do doesn't concern you."

  "Yes it does. I'm your mother."

  This conversation was too much. "And I'm an adult." Alice hung up, shaking her head. So much for being reasonable. She put her phone on the small end table by the couch and turned back toward the windows.

  If this were a week later, then her mother wouldn't even know that Alice hadn't returned home. She'd be at her own condo in Brickell and living a city life. Her temples ached.

  John's arm brushed against her back. She closed her eyes and the scent of cedar and pine filled her nostrils. She leaned into his back as he rubbed her shoulders.

  "That didn't sound like a fun conversation."

  "Did you know we're dating?"

  He massaged her shoulders. "We are?"

  His hands took away some of the stiffness in her back and her body grew warm and soft. "It was on the news."

  He stopped, and her body craved the warmth of his touch. "And your mother wouldn't approve."

  Her mother didn't matter. Alice stepped out of his strong personal space, and turned to gaze into his blue eyes. She played with her necklace and ignored how her heart and body acted like she had no cares near him. "I'm famished. What's for dinner?"

  His dimples appeared as if he was amused that she changed the topic. "I'm having food brought in."

  She rolled her eyes and pretended shock as she covered her lips. "The refrigerator isn't well stocked? Will a country's children starve because the House of Morgan isn't satisfied?"

  "You were nicer at the church."

  Score one for him. Alice swallowed as she realized how deep her mother's words scarred her. Plus her Cinderella fantasy was just that. She couldn't stay near the hottest man she ever met without being affected. He was a crush, and she didn't do carefree and meaningless anything. She hugged her waist. "I was free then."

  "You'll be free again as soon as we catch the shooter."

  She looked out over the dark bay. "I have to go home tomorrow."

  "It might not be possible."

  Turning toward him with a pleading expression, she blinked against his hypnotic blue gaze. "If I can't go by myself, then you have to take me."


  One moment with John and her mother in the same room would kill any amorous thoughts he might have toward her. Perhaps then she could be friends with him, but Alice wouldn't be another random woman in his bed. "Because I don't want to alienate my family the way yours is."

  He slipped out of his black suit jacket. "My world has spun on its heels."

  His world and her world had collided and Alice lost her own sense of balance. He came closer to her. She stepped backwards and placed her hands behind her back. "Did you join the FBI to punish your father?"

  He unbuttoned the bottom of his shirt near his wrists. "You ask too many questions. But yeah, I wanted to arrest Mitch."

  She smiled and waited to see his dimples in return. When she saw those cute indentations, she nodded. "Tell my mom about your job if you have to take me home tomorrow."

  She should stay with him indefinitely and not tell her mother anything. He loosened his black tie. "Alice, we're not really together—why am I explaining anything to your mother?"

  Her mother was her friend, and by next week Alice would be free of parental interference like most twenty-somethings. Besides, her mother only became prickly when the Morgan name was mentioned. She was usually cool as a cucumber. "Because if you intend to keep me here we have to tell her why, and if she knows that you are an FBI agent, that will ease her mind. I don't want her worried someone might shoot me because of you."

  He undid the top button of his shirt. "Then I'll tell her we're getting married."

  The House of Morgan and her family would never blend. Her face heated. Her mother might pass out cold. "Don't you dare. My mom has old-fashioned ideas on forever."

  His eyebrow quirked and his dimples grew wider. "Why not?"

  She tried to untangle her legs to prove she wasn't stuck permanently in one spot. This made her sway. "Marriage isn't something you should joke about."

  He crossed his arms and stared at her. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

  She shrugged and mimicked his body language. "What if I did?"

  "Then I'd have to prove he's the wrong choice."

  Her jaw dropped. John Morgan could have any girl he'd ever desire and last night he'd turned her down. She'd not repeat that scene. Her eyebrows quirked. "And you're the right one?"

  He rubbed his temples like he was confused. "Don't spin this conversation."

  "You're bringing up marriage and my love life." Her arms flew outward, away from her as
she anchored her feet into the ground. "And I'm not. You frustrate me."

  "I'd rather kiss you."

  She slipped out of her high heels as she gripped the edge of the table. "I can't. Not until I can center myself without swaying like the wind can push me around. You confuse me."

  He let out his own breath. "That makes two of us."

  She needed space and a bucket of ice to cool her heated body down. "John, where is my bedroom? I should go."

  He gestured toward a long hall. "I don't know. I never lived here. Pick whatever you want."

  She turned and started down the massive mansion hall that might rival the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. Again, this house was a showpiece and not a home. The coldness returned. She rubbed her arms and let her body cool. "Which one is yours so I don't take that one?"

  He shrugged. "I've never slept here, so I don't have one."

  She refused to turn around and stare at him. Instead, she took one step forward and glanced at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were rosy. He saw how she reacted.

  She carried her heels by two fingers, her soles cool against the marble floor. She turned her head to the side and called out, "I need twenty minutes to close my eyes and lose my headache."

  "Dinner will be here when you're hungry, Alice."

  She opened the second door and slipped into a bedroom. She closed the door behind her and rested her head on the wood. She'd never survive staying here for more than one night. Her crush on John Morgan needed to fizzle out as fast as it sparked back. She hadn't thought about him since he left for college years ago, and now she was out of control.

  The offer of that kiss had her lips tingling with desire. She wouldn't kiss him again, but her body ached to do so much more.

  Chapter Twelve

  An hour later, a Morgan security guard dropped off supplies. The man's identification checked out, but John still went through each bag of food and clothing, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

  He put together a suitcase full of clothes and left it in front of Alice's bedroom door. John knocked and listened, hearing the splash of water from a shower in the background.


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