Operation Child Soldier (The Academy Book 1)

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Operation Child Soldier (The Academy Book 1) Page 7

by Jaci Wheeler

  Climbing back into the van, everyone cheers for a successful mission. I should too, but I stay silent. I can’t stop thinking about what might be on that drive, and I decide to store it until I’m ready to find out.



  I can’t keep the smile off my face today. For weeks I’ve been walking around a ball of stress and it’s all been lifted overnight. Aria destroyed anything that could tie me to my illegal activities.

  The money laundering has been as successful as the other aspects of my off-the-book ventures. However, the little weasel let it slip that if I didn’t give him a bigger cut he would bury me.

  His biggest mistake was letting me know he had the proof, but not anymore. It was just confirmed: everything was destroyed. I know my good mood won’t last much longer because the senator is scheduled for an update, so I better make my brandy now.

  Just as I sit down with my drink, the phone rings.

  “Good evening.”

  “You sure are in high spirits. I’m hoping this means good news?”

  I laugh. He could care less about my mood. What he’s really asking is if his bacon is saved.

  “Rest assured, my good man, everything has been wiped clean. The best part is no one had a clue, and the weasel has been taken care of all in the good name of training.” We both let out a hardy chuckle.

  “And Aria? I’ve noticed from your notes that she is making huge improvements. Is this still the case?”

  I chuckle thinking about my little firecracker. If she didn’t turn out to be just like her old man after all. Sure she was just an experiment, one I was forced into no doubt, but I’ve grown a certain fondness for her.

  “Sending Estevan away was the best thing I could have done. It broke her, and Cameron has been able to remold her into the perfect agent. It’s just beautiful to watch. She is all discipline and pure machine.”

  “Good; this is good news. So are you saying you think we should move to the next step?”

  I can hear the hesitation as much as the excitement in his voice. The next step is tricky and it’s taking on much more responsibility than I think either of us is prepared for…but if we can pull this off, it will be brilliant.

  “Yes, I think we shall. However, I want to do this with caution, no rushing ahead full bore. If I’m going to do this, it’s going to be done my way. I want a trail first, and then we re-evaluate in two years.”

  “Alright, Edward; move on to phase two and keep sending me weekly updates. The final is soon, right?”

  “It is.”

  “And you are sure she will pass?”

  “One hundred percent certain.”

  “The bar won’t be lowered, Edward. In order to test the theory, she must be scored the same,” he threatens and I instantly bristle.

  “Just what are you accusing me of? I have put much more skin in the game than you have. I want this to work more than you can know. The bar, my friend, will not be lowered. For your information, they have been instructed to raise it for my little firecracker.”

  He was silent for a minute.

  “And you think that is wise?”

  “Of course I do.” And I’m going to love rubbing your face in it, you cocky S.O.B. I think as I hang up and I finish my drink. Oh the plans I have for you, my dear sweet girl.



  As soon as we get back from the op, I inform my father that his mission was successful. He toasts me with a drink. He looks like the cat that ate the canary, which makes me even more grateful that I once again disobeyed orders. You might be able to tame a tiger, but it never loses its stripes.

  Leaving my father's office, I start to feel sick. I am doubled over in pain and in a full sweat, and I haven’t even made it to the dorms yet. What on earth is happening to me? I hold my stomach and rock back and forth on the ground. When did I fall to my knees? I hear my name being called and it sounds very distanced, but I can feel someone touching me.

  “Hurts, hurts so bad,” is all I manage to let out.

  “It’s okay, Ari. You are alright; I got you.”

  I feel strong arms lift me and hold me tight, which causes me to moan.

  “Shh, sweet girl. It’s ok, Trevor’s got you; you are okay. I’m taking you to the infirmary and the doc will get you squared away in no time.” I can tell he’s trying to ease my fears, but I can also hear the tightness in his voice. He is worried.

  I must have passed out on the way because the next thing I know, I wake up in the infirmary feeling horribly groggy and like I’m going to throw up. I’m frantically trying to grab something to get sick in when a pain rips down my stomach. I place my hand and feel the soreness there. What on earth happened? Just then the doctor walks in and sees me struggling.

  “Here you go, Ari. It’s ok.”

  He hands me a bowl just in time for me to get sick. When I’m done, he helps me lay back down and places a cold towel on my head.

  “Don’t worry, it’s a normal side effect from the anesthetic.”

  “Anesthetic? What is wrong with me?”

  “It seems you are very lucky indeed. Your appendix burst.”

  I laugh without humor.

  “How is that lucky?”

  “It didn’t happen on your mission and Trevor was able to get you here in time before there was any damage, and your father happened to hire a new surgeon last week.”

  “Oh,” I reply, not knowing what else to say. I guess he’s right.

  Now you just lay back and relax. I’m going to give your father an update.

  “Has he been in?” I ask, knowing I shouldn’t. I’m not going to like the answer.

  The doctor looks at me with pity in his eyes, which makes me cringe.

  “He’s been very busy, Aria.”

  “Of course he has,” I say back.

  He still looks sad and I hate the pity I see play out on his face, so I close my eyes and pretend to get some rest.

  “But your handler stayed and waited the entire time you were in surgery.”

  This causes my eyes to fly open. Cameron? He stayed with me? When did he leave?

  The doctor must have read my mind.

  “He stayed until I assured him you would be fine, and then he had to go teach his class.

  “Thank you,” is all I said before I closed my eyes once more, but this time with a small smile on my lips. Someone cares. Even if he is a big jerk.



  It’s been a week since the surgery. I’m still a bit sore, and I hate that I’ve had to miss out on a whole week of training, especially so close to the final, but it’s for the best. Although laying around watching movies and eating ice cream isn’t too shabby.

  “Hey lard butt, you better watch it or you will be waddling into the gym on Monday.” I look up to see Cameron standing in my doorway. I fling a pillow at his head and he just laughs and tosses it back.

  “You better watch it; I’m just resting up. I’ll be after you with a vengeance,” I say, shoving another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

  “Move over.” Cameron shoves me and sits down next to me taking the spoon out of my hand and helping himself to my ice cream. I want to get mad, but I can’t help the smile that takes over my face.

  “What?” he asks through a mouthful of ice cream.


  “What about me?” he asks, swallowing.

  “Nothing. It’s just this is the first time I’ve seen you do something normal and unassuming.”

  He scowls at me and doesn’t say anything as he leans back.

  “What are we watching?”

  “The Breakfast Club.”

  “The what?”

  “You’ve never seen The Breakfast Club? Oh Cam, sit back and prepare to be amazed.”

  An hour later I’m poking Cameron in the ribs trying to wake him up. Apparently he wasn’t amazed. He clearly has bad taste.

  “Ow, watch it,” he say
s, grabbing my finger.

  “You slept through the movie, you oaf!”

  “I’m tired, leave me be.”

  “Well then off you go to your dorm so you can sleep.”

  He stands up and yawns while he stretches.

  “I actually came here to let you know there is going to be a ‘family meeting’ tomorrow at three o clock.”

  He says ‘family meeting’ using air quotes. That’s what everyone calls it when Edward calls the entire Academy together. It doesn’t happen often, so I wonder what it’s about. Before I can finish that thought, my eyes grow heavy and I find myself falling asleep.

  “Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Cameron throws the blanket on me and turns out my light. Just when I think I’m ok hating him forever, he surprises me.


  The next day I take it easy but do a few stretches. My body aches and I really need to get back in the swing of things if I’m going to survive the final. Just thinking about it sends nervous anticipation up my spine. I know it’s going to be hard; I’ve heard nightmarish stories about it.

  Every year at least one-third of the trainees drops out during the final. One-third! That’s crazy. I get dressed and make my way down to the meeting room.

  Everything here is built for function, not appeal. It’s all pretty drab and boring, but it serves its purpose. I find a seat next to Corbin and Hope and wait for Edward to make his grand entrance.

  “Hello everyone, and thank you for gathering today. As most of you know, my daughter had her appendix rupture after the last mission.”

  Great, everyone is turning to look at me. I give a sarcastic little beauty wave.

  “If it would have ruptured just a few hours earlier not only could she have died but she could have endangered the whole mission.”

  You’ve got to be kidding me. He did not just say that! I’m so pissed. How dare he put me on blast like that. Hope reaches over and rubs my hand, calming me down.

  “After talking with the head medical staff, we decided that since you don’t really need your appendix, it would be best to remove every field agent’s appendix. This will ensure that it doesn’t become a problem later. If you pass your final, you will be given a surgery date. This is really a very minor surgery. You will be given a week off before you are sent into the field.” He smiles widely, like he didn’t just suggest that he mutilate all of us. Are you kidding me? He wants to do surgery on everyone just in case?

  “Remember, trainees, all instructional classes will be canceled this week so that you may train with your handler during the day. Each night one of you will lead your team on a mission. The schedule will be posted. Thank you, and good luck.”

  He turns and exits.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I say to Hope.

  She just shrugs her shoulders.

  “It does seem a bit drastic to me, but then again everything you field agents do seems that way to me. This is just another part of the crazy. I will be tucked safely behind my computer where I belong…uncut,” she says with a wink.

  “I’m going to find the rest of the guys and see how they are taking this news. I won’t see much of you this week since I’ll be training with Cam and then on missions each night.”

  “No prob, Bob. You have fun being G.I. Jane. Don’t forget to make the boys cry,” Hope says, giving me a hug.

  “Are you kidding me? It’s what I live for.” We laugh and I take off to find the rest of the crew.

  I find my little crew over by the posted names.

  “Ok, so is it me or is this a bit crazy?” They all just shrug their shoulders.

  “Pretty much everything we do is crazy; why should this be any different?” Trevor says, shrugging his shoulders.

  Keller and Lee just nod.

  “Did you check out the mission list yet?” Tali asks me.

  “Oh no, I forgot all about it for a minute,” I laugh.

  “But I thought you were looking forward to leading. This has your name written all over it,” she says, her shoulders dropping a bit. Tali has always been a bit shy. I’ve always assumed it was just her being self-conscience since she has burns over fifty percent of her body. No one has dared to ask what happened and she never talks about it. The closest she’s come to acknowledging it was when Boobs McGee made her cry in class.

  “Hey, you will do amazing, Tali. Quiet leadership is usually the most effective. Nobody really wants to listen to a hot head,” I say pointing to myself, which makes her laugh.

  “Thanks, girl. I’m so nervous now that I know we are leading agents and not trainees.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Oh that’s right, you missed that announcement since you’ve been recovering,” Lee says.

  “They are switching it up this year. They want us to lead other agents, thinking it will be more of a challenge,” Keller adds.

  “How do they figure? I rather lead a bunch of trained agents into a mission any day over rookies.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Cameron asks, sneaking up behind me. I have to swallow a yip. Dang, how did I let him get the jump on me? I can’t afford to slip now.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask, challenging him.

  “Sure, rookies might make mistakes, but they tend to follow blindly to what you say. If you take seasoned agents, they aren’t going to follow as blindly…they also might know exactly what to do to blow your mission,” he says with a smirk.

  I’m outraged by this.

  “What? You wouldn’t!”

  “No, I wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean the others won’t. They aren’t going to make it easy, Aria; it’s a test.”

  “Great,” I say, deflating a bit. I was looking forward to leading my own group; now it’s just another stupid test.

  “The key is to engage their competitive side. We all have one. Make them want to win, make them want to listen to you. That’s what the test is really about, kids, to see who has actual leadership abilities.”

  “Great,” Tali says, completely deflated.

  Cameron looks at her for a moment with disdain. This is a first. Tali gets many looks of pity, but never disdain since she is the sweetest thing ever.

  “With that attitude, you should just sit this one out now,” he says, turning to her.

  Tali looks taken aback and totally embarrassed.

  “I…I…I didn’t mean- I mean.”

  Poor thing.

  “Cam, leave her alone.” I hit him.

  “This is a test for a reason. If you want to be an agent, you need to step it up. I’ve seen you practice. You are a solid fighter, Tali, and even smarter than most, but you don’t show it. You need to own it or pack your bags,” he says harshly and then walks off.

  “Geez, how can someone compliment you and cut you down to size in the same sentence?” she asks, still red in the face.

  “Welcome to my life.”

  “I don’t envy you. Geez, and I thought my handler was bad.”


  I’m seriously ready to drop like I want to die. I’m sweating buckets and I want to throw Cam down and stomp all over him, but it would take too much energy.

  “Faster,” he shouts from behind me.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Shut up, you fat sadist.”

  He just laughs and starts eating something. Are you kidding me? I’m literally carrying his fat butt and he’s eating. That’s it. I drop him as hard as I can and he goes down with a satisfying oomph.

  “Hey, you aren’t done yet. That was only one mile.”

  “I’m covered in sweat, I can barely breathe, let alone see, and you’re freaking eating a granola bar, Cameron. I’m pretty sure we are done!” I say as I lean over trying not to heave.

  “First of all, Aria, if I were actually injured or passed out, I would be a lot heavier. I’m doing most of the work for you.”

  “Are you kidding me? You were doing most of the work!” I shout back.

  He’s starting to get annoye
d with me now, but that’s just too bad. I’m pissed and it’s his fault.

  “You work me harder than anyone else, Cam. All my friends have a cake walk compared to me and I never complain. I do what you say usually but this is insane and you know it. Nobody likes a bully, Cameron.”

  He runs a hand through his long hair, his eyes are on fire and narrowed to slits. And his voice gets low and throaty, which on him is downright terrifying.

  “What is my job, Aria?”

  I want to shoot off my mouth, but his tone and anger tell me it wouldn’t be wise.

  “To oversee my training.”

  “That may be an aspect, but what is my main job?” When I don’t say anything, he gets an inch from my face.

  “To prepare you for your final. If you fail, I fail. And Aria… I. Don’t. Fail.” I don’t say anything because I can see he is telling the truth. He really is just trying to help me.

  “Your friends getting it easy is only hurting them, and their handlers are going to fail. If they manage to pass, being out in the real world is going to crush them, scare them, break some of them. That Tali girl, she’s going to crumble. If you break, it’s not going to be on me. Do you understand?”

  He looks so intense right now. I would give anything to get inside his head and ask him which of his trainees broke, but I just nod.

  “Now, out of the two of us, who has taken this test before?”


  “That’s right. And who knows what they will demand from you?”

  “You do.”

  “I do. And I wouldn’t waste my time training you for something that you weren’t going to need. You are strong, Aria, the strongest girl here, and stronger than some of the guys but you don’t use your strength properly. It takes you getting pissed to harness all that strength. If you are scared, you aren’t going to be able to call upon it when you need to, and that is going to hurt you as an agent. When you are out in the field, your whole team is depending on you. Keller, Lee, Trevor, if you were to get hurt, would they leave you there or would they carry you whatever distance they had to?”


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