Dark Wolf Returning

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Dark Wolf Returning Page 23

by Rhyannon Byrd

  When Roy finally fell, his head no longer connected to his shoulders, Eli turned and locked his hooded, burning gaze with hers. Then he gave her a slow, sexy smile, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

  The battle had reached its end, and the Silvercrest were victorious.

  Chapter 15

  Six days later, Carla stood on her front porch, watching Eli and his men hard at work at the far end of the glade. They’d cleared the area of trees, and looked to be putting in some kind of series of foundations, but she couldn’t be sure without going down there and checking it out firsthand.

  And that was something she wasn’t prepared to do, her panic now at an all-time high.

  The days after the battle had been difficult, and she knew it would take time for normal life to resume. The pack mourned the loss of those who’d fallen, while holding those who’d survived a little closer to their hearts. And though there was a lot of work still to be done in those parts of the town that had been hit the hardest, they had made their stand and shown the Lycan nation that they weren’t to be trifled with. Not unless you were looking to have your ass kicked. She knew they had Eli and his men to thank for so much of their success, and she’d personally spoken to each one of the mercenaries and expressed her gratitude.

  Well, except for Eli.

  Despite how he’d stood up for her during the battle, she’d been avoiding him. She hadn’t even gone after him about the bond breaking, since Jillian and her mother and sister had exhausted themselves after the fighting, using their powers to heal the wounded. Jilly needed to recoup her energy now, especially in light of the small life she was carrying, so Carla hadn’t even broached the subject.

  And, yeah, she knew she was running scared by not talking to Eli, but damn it, she was just so...so terrified of what would happen when he finally grew tired of this place and left her again. Despite everything that he’d said, all the beautiful things that he’d told her, she couldn’t get past her fear that that’s exactly how this would all play out.

  And strangely enough, Eli wasn’t pushing the issue. There’d been no stolen kisses...no tries for sex...no pleas for her understanding. She saw him often, but they were always in a group of people. And things had simply been crazy busy since the war, so he probably hadn’t had the time to seek her out on his own, especially with all the work he and the mercs had been doing.

  Either that, or this was some kind of new battle plan he was waging against her. One that had her twisted in knots...and thinking about him constantly. Was he just wearing her down, waiting for the moment when she would snap and go running after him?

  A few women had come down from town to see him—including the one who’d tried to visit him before—but he’d sent each one of them away, and apparently asked them not to return. She knew because his friends loved talking about it in front of her, as if the idea of Eli having to constantly tell his former lovers to get lost was the funniest thing they’d ever seen. On the surface, she was afraid to read too much into it. But deep down in her heart, Carla couldn’t help but fall for him a little harder each time she heard that he’d sent another woman from his past back home, hoping that it meant he was saving himself for her. That he knew what he wanted, but just hadn’t managed to secure the deal.

  Not that it would make any difference in the end, considering she fully expected him to bail. But it was still something that she cherished, fool that she was.

  Another loud noise came from the far end of the glade, drawing her attention back to the area, and she glared. What the hell were they doing down there, anyway?

  Damn it, she was done wondering. She was going to go down there and find out for herself once and for all!

  Starting down the porch steps, she saw Jeremy carrying what looked like the box for a crib into his and Jillian’s cabin, which made her think of the dinner she’d had with all her girlfriends a few nights ago. Every single one of them, with the exception of Jilly, had been chatting about how they were trying to conceive. Even Elise, who had only been bonded with Wyatt for a short time, was giving it a go.

  As Carla had watched their faces and listened to their excitement, she couldn’t help but be happy for them and wish them all the best. And knowing their mates, she had a feeling they’d all be knocked up before the end of the summer. Which meant that it wouldn’t be long before little rugrats were taking over the Alley, and she was looking forward to being the awesome aunt that all the kids adored. She would put her freaking heart and soul into spoiling those munchkins rotten.

  But as thrilled as she was for her friends, it hurt that she didn’t have any chance of bringing her own baby dreams to life. Not that she was ready now, mind you. But she’d always wanted to have a big family someday. When she’d been younger, those dreams had always revolved around Eli. And now...no, she thought, shaking her head. She wasn’t following that dangerous train of thought, knowing damn well that she wouldn’t be able to handle where it led.

  Fired with an even greater sense of frustration, Carla cursed under her breath as she walked through the crisp blades of grass in her bare feet, the guttural sound catching Max’s attention as he walked by. Sliding her an easy smile, he said, “Hey, Reyes. Those foundations for the cabins the mercs are building look pretty awesome, don’t they? I think it’s so cool that they’re staying.”

  In that moment, she was pretty sure that her heart had just stopped. “What did you say?”

  Max lifted his brows, looking a bit concerned as he took in her stunned expression. “That they’re staying?”

  “So then...they’re building...you mean the cabins are for...” She broke off, unable to go on, shaking so hard her teeth had started to chatter.

  Jesus Christ, she couldn’t believe it. They were building cabins. For all of them. Freaking cabins for them to use on a permanent basis.

  Oh, hell, no.

  He wasn’t going to pull this on her. Give her foolish hope and then leave nothing but a pile of rubble behind him in the place where her heart had once been.

  Dodging anyone who got in her way, she stomped across the clearing, not even bothering to say goodbye to Max, who was no doubt watching her like she was a crazy woman. But, damn it, that’s what she felt like. She knew something weird had been going on with Eli and the others, but she’d never expected this. Never! And she couldn’t believe that none of her friends had told her. What was this? A freaking conspiracy?

  Before she could reach the place where Eli and the others were working, he came around the side of the cabin he was still staying in with Kyle, a sudden grin on his lips when he caught sight of her. “Hey, Reyes. What’s up?” he asked, his tone so deliberately casual it made her want to bite him.

  When she didn’t respond, just stood there seething and glowering at him, he nodded his head toward the cabin. “You want to come in and take a look at the plans for the place I’m building?”

  Her nostrils flared as she pulled in a rattling breath, but she managed a thick, “Yeah,” and followed him up the porch steps, through the door, and back to his room. The detailed blueprints had been laid out over his bed, and after looking them over, she turned her head to stare at him. He stood only a few feet away, at the foot of the bed, his hooded gaze locked in hard and tight on her flushed face. “Is this...is this some kind of joke?” she pretty much wheezed, since she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

  “A joke?” He rubbed a hand over his stubble-darkened jaw as he shook his head, and said, “No.”

  “Then why?” Breathing in rough, choppy bursts, her pulse roaring in her ears, she said, “Please, just tell me why you’re doing this, Eli.”

  With a wry arch of an eyebrow, he asked, “You sure you want to know?”

  She nodded, her throat so tight she could barely swallow.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and when he opened them, they were burning with so much brilliant emotion it made her light-headed. Then she heard that deep, bone-melting voice of his say, “Be
cause you might not want to be mine right now, but it doesn’t mean I’m not yours, Rey.”

  “No,” she whispered, her eyes stinging. “You were never mine.”

  His voice was soft, and so damn delicious. “Hell, yes, I was. I always have been. From the first time I ever set eyes on you.” Shaking his head again, he said, “I was just too afraid to admit it.”

  She blinked, wondering why his face was swimming out of focus. “I know you, Eli. You’re not afraid of anything.”

  “You know that’s not true, Rey, because I’ve been terrified of a lot of things.” He came around the foot of the bed until he stood right in front of her, then reached out, swiping something hot and salty from the corner of her mouth. “But I’m also man enough to admit when I’m wrong. And I was so wrong, sweetheart. About...about so many things. But never about how I feel about you.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said unsteadily. “It’s...it’s too late.”

  Taking her face in his big, warm hands, he kept his glittering gaze focused hard on hers. “Carla, listen to me. It’s never too late, baby. You’re just feeling scared, and trust me, I know how hard that is. But I’m not giving up on you. Ever.”

  Sniffing, she whispered, “This won’t work, Eli.”

  “It will. When we’re husband and wife, completely bonded, it will be the most incredible thing that’s ever happened to me, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

  “Oh, God.” She knew the look of shock on her face had to be priceless. “You want us to get married?”

  “That’s what this has all been about,” he murmured, his voice getting huskier. “I want you. Not for a moment, Rey. I want what’s mine. I want it forever.” He threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling her head back as he lowered his face over hers, so impossibly gorgeous she couldn’t think straight. “And you know what else? I know you love me. You aren’t ready to tell me, but I know it’s there inside you, and one day, you’re going to give me the words.” His dark eyes gleamed with emotion. “I have enough faith in that happening for both of us, Rey. Whatever it takes, I’m going to wear you down.”

  “You’re mad,” she gasped, unable to stop the tears spilling over her lashes.

  A beautiful grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Maybe. God knows you won’t make it easy on me. But I’ll see this through. I have to. I can’t accept any other outcome.”

  “You don’t get to make that decision.”

  “Yeah, well, you don’t get to decide everything, either,” he drawled with a quiet, rugged laugh. “We need to do it together.”

  Stepping back from him, she swiped at the tears on her face. “You won’t stay. Not for long. You’ll be bored out of your mind before that cabin is ever even built.”

  His shoulders lifted in a casual shrug. “I’m sorry you believe that, but I guess you just don’t know me as well as you think you do. Because as long as you’re here, then I am, too.”

  She shoved her hair back with shaking hands, her voice thick with panic as she snapped, “Fine, whatever. I...I’ve got to go now.”

  “Then go, Rey. But I’d like to see you tomorrow.”

  Despite her words, she didn’t leave. She didn’t even move. She just stood there staring at him, while her heart pounded so forcefully in her chest it felt like it was trying to escape.

  “See something you need?” he asked after a moment, hooking his thumbs in his pockets, acting as if he had all the time in the world to wait her out.

  She licked her lips with a nervous flick of her tongue. “I...I feel tricked.”

  His lips twitched with another one of those sinful, crooked smiles. “I think the word you were actually going for was needed. Or loved. Worshiped. Adored.” Raising his eyebrows, he asked, “Should I go on?”

  “Oh, God, you are crazy.”

  “Crazy about you,” he muttered softly, suddenly grabbing her and pulling her against him. His arms wrapped around her like steel bands, holding her close, while his mouth caught her startled gasp, his tongue thrusting past her lips as if he had every right to put it there, and she forgot all about resisting him. His hot, addictive taste pulled a helpless moan from her as she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck, holding him to her, the soft strands of his hair tickling her skin.

  Muttering a thick, guttural curse, he lifted her and carried her across the floor until he could push her against the wall, trapping her there, grinding against her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I want to be here,” he growled against her lips, and she wished she wasn’t wearing her stupid jeans. “Live here. I want to be inside you again so badly I can taste it.”

  Shoving her fingers into his thick hair, she arched against him and cried, “Just do it, damn it!”

  He groaned like a man who was desperate for his woman, but he didn’t start ripping her clothes off. Instead, he pressed a tender kiss to the corner of her trembling mouth, and rasped, “I want to, baby, but I can’t.”


  Staring deep into her wide eyes, he slowly shook his head. “It’s not gonna happen, Rey. Not until you’re willing to give me everything.”

  She blinked, unable to believe what she was hearing. “Are you freaking serious?”

  He set her back on her feet and took a step back, the gray cotton of his shirt stretching tight across his broad shoulders as he pushed his hands in his pockets. “I know how this works,” he murmured. “If I keep giving it up, you’re going to lose all respect for me, right?”

  “You manipulative son of a bitch,” she growled, fisting her hands at her sides. The bastard had gotten her all worked up, and completely played her!

  He arched his brows, looking as if he was trying hard not to smile. “Sexual frustration makes you cranky, Rey.”

  “Not for long it doesn’t,” she snapped, the words rushing from her mouth in a surge of anger before she could hold them back.

  His arm shot out, stopping her forward progress as she tried to storm around him, heading for the door. He waited until she turned her head to pin him with a sharp glare, and then he said, “Before you go causing trouble, there’s something you should know.”

  “What?” she snapped.

  “I’ll kill any man who touches you.”

  She snorted. “Including your own men?”

  He held her hostile gaze as he lowered his hand. “Anyone, Rey. So keep that in mind.”

  She sighed, knowing damn well that she was only bluffing. She didn’t want anyone but him, and the cocky jackass knew it. Crossing her arms over her chest, she turned to face him. “So your men, they’re staying, as well?”

  “Does it matter?” he asked, his neutral tone giving nothing away.

  “I’m not complaining. They’re good men. But what the hell are they going to do here?”

  “What they’ve always done. Just not all over the world. They’re going to focus on the Eastern seaboard, which makes this a prime location for a permanent base. Something they’ve never had. But it means they’ll have a chance for stability. Hell, they might even start families.”

  A quiet laugh fell from her lips. “Wow, then you’ve all lost your minds,” she murmured, knowing she sounded like a bitch. But that’s what fear could do to a person. Make you too afraid to even be honest with yourself, much less the man you loved with every single miserable part of your soul.

  “Keep telling yourself that if it makes it easier,” he said, the tender look in his dark eyes nearly breaking her down. “I’m prepared to wait you out, however long it takes. Just remember that I’m here, Rey. Waiting for you. And thinking about you every single moment of every day.”

  She started to pace from one side of the room to the other, knowing she should leave, but unable to just make herself do it. She couldn’t get past the gut-wrenching feeling that if she walked out that door right now, it would be the biggest mistake of her life.

  Finally, she stopped and whirled toward him, her chest heaving with her sharp breaths a
s she asked, “And just why is your cabin so big?”

  He gave another one of those relaxed, easygoing shrugs. “I’m a big man.”

  She glared, biting her tongue, while her mind churned the question over and over in her head.

  With a knowing grin on his perfect lips, he waited for her to say something more. To point out the obvious. And it didn’t take long for her to crack.

  Pointing at the blueprints still laid out over his bed, she said, “So you have like...what? Five bedrooms planned? What’s that about? Are you planning on having a harem, Eli?”

  “More like a family,” he murmured, keeping his beautiful eyes locked tight on hers. “Our family, Rey.”

  “What?” she mouthed, frozen in place with shock, while her heart tried to climb its way into her throat.

  He gave her a greedy, smoldering look, as if to say that he knew just how deeply his words had touched her, reaching those secret tender places where her dreams lived, because he felt the same way. Dreams she’d been terrified for so long would never come true.

  Softly, he said, “You heard me, baby.”

  Oh...oh, God. In that blinding, breathtaking moment, she could finally see it—feel it—what it would be like to build that wonderful, incredible life with him, and it was the most magnificent feeling in the world.

  Her throat tight with emotion, she whispered, “You’re such a liar, Drake.”

  “It’s not a lie,” he said roughly, giving her a fierce look of determination. “I’ve never meant anything more.”


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