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AllsFair Page 6

by AlexandraOHurley

  He had all but sworn off women a few years before. He liked to look but kept his distance. This was the first female who demanded his attention and made him truly want to share intimacies with him as long as he could remember. Feeling her warmth in his embrace earlier had nearly made him come undone, and he had taken liberties running his hand along her back, but she had felt so good, so right, in his arms.

  Having been a fireman his whole adult life and then a marshal for the last seven years, he had learned to glean a lot of information from a person’s home. Looking around her space, he knew she was single with no children. Seeing exercise equipment in her den that was not collecting dust or clothing made it appear she worked on her shape. Which was curvedly perfect. He loved a woman who was not stick thin. That equipment was probably used to ward off the love of food she apparently had as he had witnessed the state-of-the-art kitchen—or at least it had been state of the art before the fire.

  Her smile was a killer, all bright, white teeth and a mouth that was meant for sex—full bodied, wide, and he could tell the deep pink was natural and not color. It seemed she wore no makeup that day, and she was beautiful. Her twinkling hazel eyes with her russet waves against an olive complexion were enough to give her a unique look. He wasn’t sure what her background was, perhaps a hint of Italian or Hispanic heritage. What he did know was that she had to be the loveliest thing he had seen in a long time.

  She was an average height for a woman, but he was well above average, so he towered over her. All the more reason she would have to wear stilettos, he thought to himself. He had peeked into the open closet when he walked in and spotted two pairs of the dangerous-looking shoes. His wandering mind went from stilettos to silk stockings to garters in a blink of an eye. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he tried to focus on her and not the emotions and errant thoughts she created—which lasted all but two seconds.

  Does she have a boyfriend?

  “So who was the gentleman who was in here when we arrived? The one who said he had put out the fire?”

  “No clue—he claimed to be a new neighbor who had heard sirens and saw smoke and just let himself into my house to put it out.”

  He stiffened. “And that didn’t seem odd to you?”

  “Yes, it did, especially since I am 99.999 percent sure that the door was locked and dead bolted.” Shivering, her eyes got a faraway look in them before she continued. “He sort of gave me the willies, but he did put out the original fire, and I felt it would be rude to kick him out.”

  “You have never seen him before? But he claimed to be a neighbor?”

  “No, I have never seen him before today, and he didn’t say which house, and I don’t recall any being for rent or sale as of late that are near here, but I really don’t make a habit of checking on that, either. I think he did say his name was…Donald? No, no…it was Ronald.”

  Wynne wrote down the comments of her encounter in his notepad. He did not get a good feeling from the little man when he had been there and had sensed Kendall felt the same, which was why he offered the man a way out. He liked the circumstances of his visit even less.

  “You live here alone?” Suave, Wynne, old pal. That wasn’t obvious and not like I don’t already know the answer. She looked at him and grinned, a pink hue spreading through her cheeks before she turned her head and looked into a corner of her bedroom, the smile still gracing her features. “Of course, I ask because I did not get a good feeling from this Ronald fellow, and to be on the safe side, was just curious if you lived here alone.”

  “Alone.” She said that rather wistfully, he thought. “But I am sure I will be fine.”

  “No husband or burly boyfriend to protect you.”

  “Who do I need protecting from?”

  Me. “You never know what dangers lurk around the corner.”

  Standing up, he moved closer until she had to look up at him. He felt electricity arc between them and a tingling starting at his toes up to the base of his spine before radiating out to the rest of his body. Looking down into those shining eyes, he saw the hint of her curious smile before he leaned down and kissed her fully on the mouth.

  Unsure of what exactly had propelled him and of how she would react, his kiss started tentatively. Pressing against the soft heat of her lips, he felt his cock swell in his pants. Nibbling on her bottom lip, he felt her relaxed into the kiss, and his tongue delved into the heat of her mouth, and he mimicked the slow thrust and evade he imagined doing with his growing cock. A soft mew escaped her as he came down to sit beside her and brought her onto his lap, her legs straddling his, his hardening shaft pressing against the heat of her sex.

  Each of her hands moved alongside his neck, latching on to his shoulders for support as he pressed on, capturing her mouth with his own. Tongues warring, he pushed his hands on her hips as he pressed his erection against the soft, warm heat between her legs. She kissed him back with as much vigor as he displayed, and he pressed his hands under the layers of pullovers she had on and laid his cool hands to her back.

  As if she had been doused in ice water, the flesh-to-flesh contact had her springing from his lap, wide-eyed, her lips swollen from his kisses.

  “I’m sorry. I let myself get carried away. I’m not that…kind of girl.”

  He heard shame in her tone and berated himself mentally for putting that there.

  “No, I am the one who should be sorry. You aren’t yourself. You’ve just had a major accident in your home that could have resulted in you being hurt had it not gone better. It’s my fault for jumping on you like that. And to set the record straight, I don’t make a habit out of preying on the victims of the fires I respond to. Bad form on my part, and I apologize.”

  What a complete moron.

  This woman, this beautiful, striking woman, one who had made him feel a spark of something for the first time in years was standing before him stunned and in need, and he had taken advantage. He felt like kicking himself.

  “Do you have somewhere to stay tonight?”

  She looked at him wide-eyed again.

  “The house really needs to air out more. The sun has nearly set, and your house is freezing. It will take several hours to warm up to a temperature you can live in.” He paused, trying to determine if his words were sinking in. “Add in the fact you can’t eat here and you have an odd neighbor who may be a little sketchy, I just think it would be safer to sleep at a friend’s house for the night. I will be coming back tomorrow once the sun is back up and will finish up the investigation.”

  She looked at him, an odd smile on her face. She didn’t answer his original question.

  “Do you have somewhere to stay the night?”

  “I am thinking. My mom and dad are out of town and won’t be back until next week. Most of my friends aren’t all that close. But really, I will be fine here. It is a little warmer in my bedroom with the door closed, and I have plenty of blankets until it warms back up. And as far as food, there is always pizza and Chinese takeout until I can get everything fixed.”

  His whole body tingled again, and a sensation came over him. Before he even thought about the words, they came spilling out of his mouth. “I have a spare bedroom. It’s warm, safe, and I promise not to hit on you tonight. We can stop by and pick up takeout right now. I’ll drive and bring you back here in the morning when I come to complete the investigation. I really don’t think it is safe here tonight.”

  As soon as he was done, he wondered who had spoken aloud, because it sure as hell had not been him. Knowing full well she would be smart enough to say no, but secretly hoping she said yes, he caught her eyes in his and held his breath, awaiting her answer.

  Looking as surprised as he, she answered him, and he nearly fell over at the response. “Yes.”

  * * * *

  Kendall wasn’t sure what made her say yes. She had this odd sensation stretch through her body, and the only thought in her mind was to be with him.

  Hell, I don’t even know his name
. But the way he fills out a pair of jeans, oh my, my.

  She looked at his face, which seemed to have as much shock written over it as hers probably did. Opening her closet door, she grabbed an overnight bag and tossed in a few items as she watched him from the corner of her eye.

  How good he looks standing in the middle of my bedroom.

  The tingling sensation he had made her feel repeatedly all afternoon was coming back. The heat alone in her pussy could start another house fire. At least she would have a fireman to put it out for her. Shaking her head at her corny thoughts, she chuckled under her breath as she reached into her bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush.

  Once she had gathered all her items, she stepped in front of him and looked up. She had realized he was taller than she while she was perusing the damage in her kitchen, but he had been standing behind her, and she had not noticed just how tall he truly was. She was a little on the short side at five foot five, but he was well over six feet. Looking up at him made her feel safe, protected, like he was her warrior guard in place to slay all the dragons of her life.

  “Ready?” His eyes twinkled when she smiled in response.

  “I will be as soon as I ask one question.”

  “And that is?”

  “Your…um…name?” She looked at her feet, embarrassment edging its way in as she thought back to her dry humping him on her bed.

  He met her question with laughter. “Yes, I suppose that is something you should know before spending the night at someone’s house. My name is Wynne. Wynne Nance.”

  Extending her hand to him, she shivered as her nipples hardened simply at the sight of her palm disappearing within his massive hands. As well as the thoughts of what those hands could do to her. “So, I know a great little Thai place around the corner. How far is your house?”

  * * * *

  Apollo stood back, watching what had just happened between the pair. “I am truly impressed, Eros. I really didn’t think a simple love potion would get her to say yes to his request. Now, a lust potion would have. You really know your stuff.”

  Eros laughed at Apollo, slapping the man on the back. “How many millennia have I been in this job now? Of course I know what I am doing. I could read in her body language how much she wanted him, and deep inside, she wanted to go with him even though her head told her to be wary. I just needed to have the heart override the head. A love potion is fine for that.”

  “Well, are we off to his home now to ensure you have given them enough potion to,er,seal the deal?”

  “Apollo, you are terrible. I have no doubt they will become lovers by the end of the night. You just want to go and watch. Who knew you were such a voyeur?”

  “What if another of Hades’ henchmen comes in and ruins the moment and destroys all your work of this afternoon? We must protect them at all costs.” Apollo looked indignant. “But of course, if we get a glimpse of them fucking, it wouldn’t be necessarily a bad thing. That last episode went rather well, and I was even able to join in.”

  “I will not be shooting you a second time, Apollo. So you can forget about it.”

  “Of course you won’t be shooting me. But you never know. I might just accidentally fall on one, or it could brush against me by accident, poking my arm…or…”

  Chapter Seven

  Hands full of takeout, Wynne was trying to open the lock on his front door before he realized he had not been expecting guests. Not that his home was a wreck, but it wasn’t exactly perfect either. As he walked into the foyer and hit the lights, he dropped the food on the dining room table in the room to his left and began moving off the newspapers and paperwork that covered it as quickly as he could.

  He looked over his shoulder at Kendall and saw her smirking at him. Dropping her overnight bag by the corner of the entry, she smiled.

  “It’s quite okay. I am sure you were not expecting me. Don’t rush on my account. The food probably needs a few minutes to cool off anyway.”

  Moving the last piece of newspaper out of the way, Wynne saw his husky, Tiberius, come bounding down the stairs, probably at the smell of food. As soon as he hit the landing, he bounded over to Kendall, raising his paws to her midriff and laying his head against her for a good petting.

  Wynne nearly dropped everything in his hands. The dog was a rescue and as such was normally quite standoffish and wary with strangers. After time, the dog had grown accustomed to new people, but he had never welcomed anyone into the house in this manner. Ever.

  Was that a good sign that his dog immediately liked her? Good thing, too. Tiberius had been his friend through a lot of hard times. After walking into the living room, Wynne quickly lit the gas logs in the fireplace to fight off the cold he had let in when he opened the front door. The winter had been treacherous, and simply stepping outside was enough to chill someone to the bone. He stood for a second, allowing his hands to warm before moving back to the dining room.

  He grasped the bag of takeout, pausing as he watched her scrub the back of his pooch’s ears. Kendall glided into one of the dining room chairs so she could give the dog a proper belly rub. Tiberius was in heaven, his tail wagging furiously, and he even shook his leg a couple of times in delight. Wynne walked into the kitchen with the food and for some odd reason felt compelled to break out the good china. Eating out of a box just didn’t seem good enough for Kendall. He needed to make a good impression.

  Wynne returned with two china plates with heaping mounds of Thai food and a bottle of white wine under his arm. Dropping them on the table, he heard a vicious growl and barking coming from the living room. Rushing out, he turned to look at Kendall, but she was looking questioningly at the opposite side of the room, her head cocked to one side, gawking at Tiberius.

  Twisting his head to the far left, he saw his dog barking at the wall. Tiberius was viciously growling and going mad at absolutely…nothing.

  “What happened?” Wynne looked at Kendall.

  Her shoulders rose, a bewildered look crossing her pretty face. “No idea. He was happily enjoying his belly rub, and then suddenly he flipped away from me and went crazy at that corner.”

  Wynne walked over and grasped the animal’s collar and had to pull the snarling beast upstairs, taking him to his bedroom. Once there, Tiberius was back to his normal calm, collected self. “Boy, I don’t know what that was all about. First, you jump right into her lap, and then you go crazy and bark at the wall. You need to chill out and not make a bad impression on my lady friend.”

  Rubbing his head, Wynne chuckled as Tiberius gifted him with a loud yawn and a lick before Wynne popped out of the room, closing the door behind him. Once downstairs, he looked at the table and saw Kendall pouring the wine.

  “Sorry, hope you don’t mind me peeking in your kitchen. I found the corkscrew and made myself useful.” She looked up and smiled, her eyes twinkling. “Your dog okay?”

  “Yeah, Tiberius was fine as soon as I got him upstairs. He normally wouldn’t have done that, but then he normally doesn’t let strangers give him rubdowns either, so maybe he is just having one of those crazy days. I know I sure am.”

  “Crazy, hmm?”

  Sitting down at the table, Wynne took a big swig of wine before answering. “I am still getting over the fact that I even asked you to stay.”

  The light in her bright eyes subsided a bit, and her face took on a serious note. “Would you like me to go? I mean, we really don’t know each other, and I can’t believe I said yes, actually. I could always call a cab and get a motel room.”

  Wynne placed a hand on her arm, stilling her. The rapid-fire pace of her speech made him pause for a moment to really catch all she had said, so he smiled down at her as he saw the uncertainty grow even more in her expression. “I wasn’t implying I wanted you to leave. I want you here.”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he felt a surge of lust unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It was as if all of his senses were exploding within his brain. Hearing the heavy hitc
h of her breath as she looked at him, he hoped she saw the desire he felt within. The scent of her soft perfume, mixing with a hint of smoke, assailed his nose. Her taste was still on his tongue from the fiery kisses they had shared earlier, and now the sight of her, standing before him, beautiful and vulnerable, made him want to use his final sense.

  He had to touch her.

  Pulling her into his lap, she came willingly, sitting sideways with her legs to one side. Steadying her with one hand to her back, he grasped the side of her face with his other palm, brushing back the falling riot of waves that slid forward. The silken tresses caressed the back of his fingers as he looked into the hazel depths of her eyes.

  His erection pulsed and grew under her soft weight, and he knew she felt him stirring to life. A hint of pink glowed within her cheeks as she shifted slightly, pressing herself closer to him. She seemed tentative as she rested one hand on his chest. The other she dug into his bicep as if holding on for dear life. Wynne could not hold her eyes as she kept shifting them to his lips.

  Her little pink tongue kept darting out, wetting her lips. Her mouth was a tad wide, but not in a bad way. Envisioning her taking his cock into the warm heat there, her mouth wrapped around his shaft as she looked up at him with her sparkling eyes, he felt himself lengthen even farther and grow harder than he could remember ever being.

  Lowering his head, he gave her a slow, languid kiss on the mouth before retreating to see her eyes closed to the pleasure. She opened them, focusing on him, the sloe-eyed, dreamy look on her face enough to make him come in his pants. He moved one hand to the underside of a breast, laying it along the skin below while he pressed a thumb tentatively into the soft skin hidden under too many layers of clothing. The ache he felt inside him was too much to bear, but a fuzzy voice in a distant corner of his brain screamed out to him.


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