Samantha and Her Genie

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Samantha and Her Genie Page 20

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Exercise…” She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know, I really should do more of that. But I hate it.”

  “We will do it together. It will be agreeable. Now eat your cookie and savor it, without guilt. The way you enjoy it pleases me.”

  She bit from the cookie Lugal held and smiled. Good God in heaven, this man was a gem. “Getting back to the Taj Mahal,” she said once she’d swallowed, “I’ve only seen pictures of it, but I’ve always wished I could go there one day and see it for myself.”

  “This is your first wish then? To visit the Taj Mahal?”

  “No!” She clapped her hand over his arm. “So don’t go getting itchy-fingered on the wish-granting trigger, Lugal.”

  He laughed. “At times it is as if you do not speak English at all, little one. What does this itchy finger mean?” He splayed his fingers, examining them.

  “It means don’t get overly eager to blink, boing and poof.” She winked at him.

  “I understand.” He winked back, and she wondered if he was familiar with the gesture.

  “Since I can’t make sweeping goodwill wishes for the world, I’ve decided to make wishes for myself that will ultimately be of help to others. That’s okay, right?”

  “Perhaps. Tell me what you have in mind.”

  “Owning and being able to afford the upkeep of Henley House would be my first wish. Aside from being beautiful, I think it’s plenty big enough to have a weight-loss center on the first floor. I’d live upstairs. Since the area is already zoned commercial, I don’t think it would be any problem.”

  Lugal nodded. “It is indeed a vast structure with many rooms, as well as a few secret passages.”

  “Ooh, that makes it even more appealing. I figured I could just wish for millions of dollars, but that wouldn’t guarantee me Henley House if it had already sold to someone else, and that’s what I really want. As for the millions,” she gave a bright, confident grin, “I’ll make those on my own once I open my business.”

  “It is your intention to leave Bunny Turner’s employ and establish your own weight-loss center?”

  “I’d love to do that. My second wish will be to own and operate an extremely successful, thriving weight-loss business, staffed with caring, compassionate people who’ve all struggled with being overweight in the past. I’ve even decided on the name. Beyond the Scale. BTS for short. Great name isn’t it?” Voicing her intentions made Samantha tingle with excitement.

  Lugal nodded. “It has a good sound. What does it imply?”

  “That there’s more to being healthy and happy than living your life ruled by that almighty number on the scale. It would be a kinder, gentler company than Tuned by Turner because we would truly care about the welfare, success and happiness of the clients. I’d want BTS to help people discover that there’s far more to life than trying to fit into a size two. So what do you think so far? Are my wishes doable?”

  Lugal reached across the table and cupped Samantha’s chin with his hand, giving her a charming smile as he gazed at her. “Your beautiful lapis eyes sparkle with excitement, little one. Your wishes are as good and kind as they are splendid. I see no problem granting them, Samantha. Upon your official command, I shall make them so.” He stroked his thumb along her jaw line before releasing her. “And what about your third wish?”

  Samantha’s shoulders hiked in a shrug. “I haven’t decided yet. But there’s no rush, right?” Whatever that final wish was, she wasn’t going to make it until the last possible moment. She was bound and determined to keep Lugal with her until the last second allowed.

  As if reading her thoughts, he smiled warmly. “There is no rush. Are you ready to make the first two wishes?”

  “Nope. I want to sleep on them first, just to make sure I don’t want to do some tweaking before they’re clinched.” Lugal gave her a clueless look. “I mean, in the morning I’ll see if I want to make any changes,” she clarified and he nodded his understanding.

  Pressing the tip of her finger into the cookie crumbs on the serving plate, she brought it to her lips and sucked, locking gazes with Lugal as she did. “So are we just going to sit here talking about wishes all night, or are we going to check out those kinky sex toys you picked out?”

  The kitchen chair legs squealed on the tile as Lugal shoved back and got up. Heading for the shopping bags still in a pile on the floor, he grabbed the Victoria’s Secret bag and the one from the sex shop. Two more strides brought him to Samantha. He stared at her with a dark, dangerous gleam in his eyes before hunching down and wrapping his arm around her hips.

  She swallowed hard, excitement zinging through her veins.

  Like a lusty caveman intent on making a conquest, Lugal lifted her like a sack of flour and tossed her over his shoulder.


  “What?” he asked, his tone impatient.

  “The candles.”

  He stood still long enough to blow them out, then headed for the bedroom.

  She bounced as he tossed her onto the mattress and focused on the bags he’d carried into the room.

  “You will wear this,” he commanded, drawing the deep purple, floor-length semi-sheer robe from the tissue encasing it in the bag. “There will be no need for the matching undergarments. I want your nakedness to be visible through the fine material.” He held the robe, spreading it in his hands and looking through the gossamer fabric as he gazed at Samantha.

  “Your delicate paleness will glow like a thousand stars against this night sky color. Disrobe for me and don it now, Samantha.” He tossed the wispy garment at her and it pooled at her thighs. “Do not tarry. Make haste. My cock grows hard and impatient.”

  Piqued by his macho-man tactic, she looked up at him, but his attention was already on the bag of sex toys.

  “You really get off on being all bossy and authoritative, don’t you?” she asked, her pussy shamelessly throbbing because, much as she hated to admit it, his confident look and imposing attitude turned her on faster than a light switch. She couldn’t help it. It was that whole Conan the Barbarian fantasy thing she’d always had.

  The two distinct sides of Samantha Rutledge warred within.

  The feminist side bristled at having a man boss her around, no doubt expecting her to obey without question. But the womanly side…the soft, needy, primed-to-be-pleasured side… Oh, that was a very different story.

  “Have I offended?” Lugal looked surprised, but not at all insulted. “I am accustomed to being commanding, Samantha. It is my nature. Of course,” he held out his hands, palms up, “since you are my possessor, should you wish to take charge instead, you need but ask and I shall obey.”

  “No,” she answered without hesitation. “I like things just the way they are.” She removed the tags from the sexy new robe and shrugged out of her clothes. The material felt like butterfly wings against her skin as it glided over her nipples. They immediately crinkled in response. In fact, her entire body crinkled in response. She felt like one big erogenous zone, anticipating what Conan had in store for her.

  “So beautiful,” Lugal said, capturing her attention. “You look like you should be spread out on the white marble steps of the Taj Mahal, bound between two great pillars beneath the glow of the full moon, waiting for your lover to fuck you without mercy.”

  Oh God…there was that deep tingly feeling in her clit starting up already.

  “Yessss….” she hissed, her eyelids fluttering closed a moment as she envisioned the erotic scene Lugal had just painted with his words. “That’s what I want. You’re what I want, Lugal. Fucking me…without mercy.”

  “On your back,” he said, peeling off his clothing. The presentation of his fully erect cock was just as bold and commanding as he was. “I want your arms and legs stretched wide.”

  She was spread out in a flash. Adjusting her sheer robe just so, Samantha did her best to strike a pose worthy of a Victoria’s Secret model. Well, an abundantly curvy, shortbread-eating Victoria’s Secret model.

bsp; There was a rustling and tearing of paper as Lugal retrieved items from the bag of sex paraphernalia. A moment later he tossed four faux leopard fur cuffs, purple with black spots, onto the bed between her legs.

  Each cuff came with an ample length of furry, matching cord for fastening. He cuffed her wrist, securing it to one of the bed’s four posters, then proceeded to do the same with her other wrist and her ankles.

  While firm and pulled taut, the bonds were soft and comfortable enough not to cause any serious discomfort. Samantha had never been bound before, except for in her fantasies. This was definitely one secret fantasy she’d never imagined acting out with a flesh and blood man. She could tell already by the weeping of her cunt and prickles at her clit that the real life experience promised to elicit a much more stunning orgasm.

  She tested her bonds, checking to see how much movement she had. There was very little give. She was all but helpless. She’d been bound well, just where Lugal wanted her, and just where she wanted to be.

  “What’s that?” she asked as Lugal knelt between her spread thighs, holding something that looked like delicate silver jewelry.

  Lugal snagged the packaging and studied it. “These are called Clipples, by Fabolicious Pleasure Products. They are clips to affix on the nipples.” He dangled them for her to see. Each was set with an amethyst stone. “This will keep your pretty tits raw with sensation as I busy myself elsewhere on your sweet body.”

  She definitely liked that idea. “Did they have things like this back in your time, Lugal?”

  “There have always been articles specifically designed for sexual pleasuring, Samantha. Since man first made acquaintance with his cock. I recall similar items of a cruder nature involving threads torn from leaves and branches and tied into slipknots.”

  Samantha imagined an ancient lovemaking scenario, starring herself and Lugal, all decked out in his warrior gear, having just returned victorious from a bloody, battle. Her pussy heated, clenching at the delicious visualization.

  “Centuries later, in Egypt, I remember clips of fine gold and precious gems,” he said, making Samantha envision herself as Cleopatra and Lugal as Marc Antony, slipping golden nipple clips in place an instant before plunging his cock into her queenly depths.

  She gasped for breath as Lugal affixed the first clamp, sliding it in place and adjusting it. She hadn’t expected it to constrict her sensitive flesh so firmly.

  “It hurts,” she protested at the immediate sensation of palpable discomfort.

  “It is a good hurt, yes?”

  She was about to say no, but by the time Lugal had posed his question, the impression of pain had shifted. A blissful sensation sparked through her nipples, zinging clear down to her clit. If she could have writhed, Samantha would be slithering all over the bed.

  “Yes…oh, it hurts so fucking good…”

  Lugal tormented her other breast in the same manner. Again, immediate, sharp discomfort, followed by insanely good pleasure-pain.

  Samantha gazed down at her breasts. Her nipples felt as though they were being pinched hard with no letup in pressure. No respite from the constant throb of pleasure-pain. Well damn, if she’d known things like this existed, she would have visited a sex shop long ago.

  No she wouldn’t have. She would have chickened out without Lugal there to encourage her to make her first foray into the land of packaged pleasure paraphernalia.

  Glancing again at the reddening buds atop her breasts, she wondered what the fine chain attached between the clips was for, deciding it was probably in place to keep the tiny pair of silver nipple tormenters from getting lost.

  Then Lugal tugged on the chain.

  Oh. My. God.

  Her back arched in sync with the gentle yanking motion. Her nipples tingled with a tumult of sensation while flagrant throbs pulsed through her clit.

  “I knew you would like these,” Lugal said, assaulting her engorged nipples with another tug. “Just as I knew you would find it exciting to be dominated.”

  Even on the brink of an earth-shattering orgasm, with her pussy creaming and her pleasure receptors shot full of one-hundred-proof pure ecstasy, Samantha bristled at his arrogant statement.

  “I’m an intelligent, independent woman, Lugal. I’m definitely not into giving up control to a man. And I sure as hell am not a submissive.” She decided to disregard the fact that she was spread eagle and bound in purple faux leopard with her nipples on tiny torture racks—and loving it—as she offered her valiant protest.

  “Yes, I have experienced repeated evidence that supports your claim, little one. And I agree. You are a feisty, spirited woman, full of bravado and fortitude.” Lifting the chain connecting her nipples to hold it taut, Lugal stabbed three fingers of his other hand deep into her cunt, swiping his thumb back and forth across her clit at the same time.

  “Ohhhh you wicked, evil man…” Samantha’s protest fizzled to a lingering moan. Lugal was not only a genie, he was a magician. A veritable wizard of rapture.

  “In the bed, however, my sweet, you hunger to be dominated. If I am mistaken, Samantha, all you need do is to command me to stop and I shall immediately obey.”

  With a flurry of his thumbnail flicking over her clit, every muscle in her body tightened.

  “Shall I stop now? Would you prefer to take charge and be in command now, my beautiful little geme?” Samantha lifted her eyebrows in question and Lugal clarified, “It means slave girl,” he explained.

  Slave girl… Her conquered cunt gushed at the notion.


  Drunk with pleasurable sensation, Samantha found her brain cells splintering, zapping urgent signals to the rest of her body to hang on for dear life and prepare for a head-on, derailing climax.

  “I thought not.” Releasing the chain at her breasts, Lugal lifted Samantha’s hips from the bed and gave her a resounding spank on the ass.

  Why, that savage! That barbarian! The audacity! The impudence! The—

  The disapproving part of Samantha’s brain shut down as her body jerked and shuddered in response to an overdose of erotic delight. An instant before she spiraled into bliss, her gaze locked on the hot, hunky genie with the passion-fogged eyes and triumphant smile who knelt between her thighs.

  God how she treasured this man, her ancient, beloved traveler through time.

  Before she’d even had a chance to bask in the afterglow of a perfect climax, she felt Lugal’s hands gripping her buttocks and lifting her again. This time, instead of an ass spank, there was a sensational cunt impaling. Piercing, profound, so deep and hard the entire bed shook.

  She gazed at him over her breasts, the constricted nipples keeping her in a perpetual state of pre and post orgasmic bliss. His focus was on the junction of his cock and her pussy as he thrust in and out of the juicy channel. His fingers continued to dig into her ass cheeks as he held her aloft, enabling him to plunge deep with each magnificent thrust.

  Samantha watched as Lugal’s eyes lifted from the hot, slick link of their joining. His gaze intense, he graced her with a smile so wicked, so warm, so goddamn fucking sexy that it sent shivers from her head to her toes. He leaned over her as his cock hammered ruthlessly, his eyes glistening with the promise of erotic delights to come.

  She watched as his mouth opened and he snagged the silver chain between her breasts in his teeth, tugging hard as he pummeled her cunt.

  Samantha’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open in silent bliss. Her world was saturated with golden beams of light while angels trumpeted Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.

  “Ahhh, yes, that’s the look I love, little one,” he told her, speaking around the fine chain in his teeth. “Your lapis eyes dazed with wonder, with desire, with the sweet, aching sting of ecstasy. Are you ready to come for me again, Samantha? Are you ready to shudder and quake around my cock?”

  “Yes. Oh God, yes, Lugal. I’m almost there. Almost…” She could barely wait for the explosion, the detonation she knew she’d feel in
every filament of her being.

  She whimpered as Lugal withdrew his cock, leaving her pussy empty and abandoned. “No, wait, I need you there. I want you inside, Lugal. Please…”

  “You will not surrender to climax yet,” he said, untying her wrists and ankles. “I will tell you when to come.”

  Whimpering again, Samantha got to her knees as soon as she was free. “That’s just downright cruel. I’m so ready. Come on, come back inside me.” She clasped his engorged cock in her hands, double-fisting it. “Fuck me, Lugal. Please.”

  She knee-walked toward him until her pussy was flush with the plum crown of his juice-slickened cock. She opened her legs enough to bring him to her, to stroke her needy clit with the tip of his shaft. And when she tried to mount him, to push him back so she could ride her big, beautiful Conan to completion, he clasped her arms, keeping her still.

  “I want you on your belly,” he told her, a no-nonsense look in his eyes.


  “Now. I want to see that bare, alabaster bottom of yours beneath the veil of night-sky purple you wear. Show it to me.”

  Samantha turned to face the head of the bed, but she didn’t recline. Something wicked, wanton and defiant inside her brought a giggle to the surface but she held it back.

  “I said down on your belly,” Lugal commanded again, pointing to the mattress. “Open yourself for me. Spread your limbs so that I may secure them.”

  “No, I don’t think so. Not after you so callously deprived me of my orgasm. If you want me that way then you’ll just have to do it yourself,” she challenged with a teasing air. “Oooph!” she let out as Lugal proceeded to do just that, pushing her to the mattress and grabbing wrists and ankles, attaching them to the bedposts before she could wiggle free.

  “Bad genie,” she taunted, struggling against the restraints to no avail. “Brutal and domineering. I think I’m going to report you to the genie commission, mister.”


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