Samantha and Her Genie

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Samantha and Her Genie Page 29

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Samantha smiled at her friend’s childlike action. With one arm wrapped around Lugal, she crossed the fingers of that hand, waving them at Rosie. “Absolutely. Solemn oath.” She returned the wink.

  “Toodles.” Rosie opened the door and stepped onto the porch. “I’ve got to get back to Charlie and the kids,” she said, galloping down the stairs and heading for her car.

  Samantha knew Rosie would be flipping open her phone to call Charlie as soon as she was out of Lugal’s earshot. Hopefully the professor would be able to make progress with the new information.

  “Plagued by people,” Lugal grumbled as Samantha waved to Rosie.

  “Hmm? What was that?”

  “I feared we would never be alone again. I have gone an ungodly length of time without feeling your hot cunt sheathing my cock. Come,” Lugal yanked her hand, “let us make haste to your new bedroom where we can busy ourselves with fucking.”

  “Wow.” Samantha chuckled as she tripped along after him. “Nothing like a snap-of-the-fingers transition in mood.”

  “I cannot help it. It is difficult being a man of honor and propriety when what I long to do is thrust into you, Samantha. As I watched over you while you slept last night, I burned with want. My mouth, my loins, they raged with the desire to partake in your sweet fruits. My insides have been consumed with the crushing need to fuck you.”

  His deep commanding voice sent a warm, liquid thrill down to her pussy and her body came alive with wet hot lust.

  “Sheesh…how do you do that?” she asked, hurrying to keep up with Lugal’s long strides as he climbed the staircase.

  “What, little one?”

  “Manage to make my clit pulse and tremble with just the mere utterance of a few words—while I’m running up stairs.”

  “My words help you to focus on what’s most important—the furious desire you have for my big, strong body.” He stopped on a stair and Samantha crashed into him. It was like slamming into a boulder.

  Flashing a confident smile, he added, “You love my muscles.” And then he pounded his chest.

  Samantha’s gaze was immediately transfixed on his superb muscled torso. As he stood angled toward her on the step above, the well-defined muscles of his chest and arms stood out in oh-so-touchable relief. Her genie was one supercharged mass of muscularity, and he had her pegged all right. Her lusty libido was rapidly approaching overdrive.

  After a few more steps they hit the long hallway, sprinting. Entering the master bedroom, Lugal scooped Samantha off her feet. She had just enough time to admire his mile-wide shoulders and trail her fingers down the stubble of his cheeks to his sculpted jaw before he threw her on top of the bed from several yards away.

  “Oh!” she squealed as she sailed through the air, watching Lugal leap through the air to meet her. “The bed!” She landed with a solid plop, with Lugal thudding hard at her side. “We haven’t even broken it in yet and we’re going to have it come crashing down around us, just like the kitchen table.”

  “This house has many bedrooms with many beds. If they break, you will buy more beds.” His hands were busy peeling her clothes off as he spoke. “I must see your naked flesh, must touch it.”

  In what seemed the blink of an eye, Samantha found herself stark naked.

  “A fucking celebration,” he said, rolling atop Samantha and staring down at her with dark eyes that gleamed with carnal intentions.

  “A what?”

  He treated her to that drop-dead-gorgeous grin of his. “We will celebrate the first night in your grand new dwelling with a bounty of sex. Plenty of fucking.”

  Samantha wrapped her arms around the delectable piece of body candy hovering over her and sighed. “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my good fortune.”

  “Yes, tonight will be special…” Lugal’s hands roved over her flesh in a soothing, erotic massage. “I will take you bound this eve,” he whispered. Reaching beneath her and grasping the fleshy globes of her buttocks, he indulged in a laughing groan. “After I stripe your alabaster ass with my lash.”

  Samantha remembered the satin and velvet flogger he’d purchased and her clit pulsed with excitement at the idea of Lugal mastering her body—of her wearing his marks.

  He turned her to her side and gave one cheek a stinging spank, then hopped off the bed. She responded with a surprised little yelp.

  Lugal emptied the bag from the sex shop, dumping the contents on the dresser. A moment later he was at Samantha’s side, whisking her off the satin bedspread and pulling her to her feet. Without a word, he positioned her with her back toward him, so that she faced one of the bed’s four massive, ornately carved posts.

  “I wish to tie you. To treat you as my geme, my slave girl. Do you object?”

  Samantha moaned at the delicious thought. “No.” At the sensation of her cunt swelling, she pressed her thighs together. The agonized anticipation was almost too much to bear. “When I first saw the flogger I fantasized of being bound to a gnarled old olive tree in ancient Sumer as you had your way with me.”

  The hint of a smile curled Lugal’s lips. “Yes…I can envision it…” Using strips of pantyhose, obviously left over from making the replacement table, he deftly secured Samantha’s wrists to the post, tying them high above her head. Finding herself immobile had a thrill jetting to her clit, where it radiated white-hot and intense.

  “Do you know why you had been bound in your fantasy?” Lugal asked, stroking Samantha’s skin from her shoulder to her tailbone, making her shiver. He ended the soft erotic touches with a spank to her bottom.

  Samantha ass cheeks squeezed together. “Because I’d been a naughty, disobedient slave,” she said, getting into the feel of the fantasy-come-to-life.

  “Ahhh, and what is it you did that caused me to take my lash to you?”

  Samantha thought for a moment. “I’d been causing trouble with all the other women in your harem.”

  Lugal gave a low chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Sumerians did not have harems. But I like your fantasy very much. Tell me,” he gently stroked her flesh with his fingers as he spoke, “what kind of trouble did you make?”

  “I was very possessive of you. The other girls didn’t like it. They got jealous because you preferred to fuck me instead of them.”

  “Yes, because you have the sweetest, juiciest cunt,” Lugal agreed. “It is understandable.”

  Braced tight against Samantha, his cock nestled firmly at the small of her back, Lugal slipped his arms around her. He raked gentle patterns on her abdomen, making her stomach muscles clench and her pussy weep with anticipation. He stroked her inner thighs, sliding his fingertips inward until they brushed the damp crease of her vulva. Her entire body shuddered and her juices flowed around his fingers.

  “So then what happened, my little slave?” he asked, licking her taste from his fingers.

  Enveloped in a thick fog of passion, Samantha’s thoughts whirred. She concocted a sensuous scenario she hoped would have Lugal hot and hard enough to drill into her for hours.

  “Those cruel, jealous bitches dragged me to the olive tree and tied me there, leaving me at the mercy of any passing soldier as well as the buzzards flying overhead.”

  She felt Lugal’s body tighten and his fingers digging into her arms.

  “And did any soldiers stop and force themselves upon you?” His breath was hot against her neck.

  Undulating her ass against him, she yearned for the moment when she’d feel his cock piercing her. “Several tried.” Lugal’s grip around her arms tightened. “But I was able to warn them off before their cocks penetrated my flesh.”

  “How did you manage that?” he whispered into her hair. “What did you do to keep from being taken by those men?”

  “At first I was frightened, terrified by the wild look in their eyes as they pinched my nipples and ran their hands beneath my gown and over my soft, white flesh.” Samantha felt Lugal’s grip constrict again.
/>   “They touched you…” Lugal’s cock pressed against Samantha possessively, grinding against the dip just above her ass.

  “Oh yes. And then, as each man prepared to force himself upon me, I told them that Lugal Damu-zid was my beloved Master and that you would surely hunt them down and slay them for daring to harm your favorite slave.”

  “That I would surely do,” Lugal growled. “I would destroy any man who caused you to suffer.” His hands caressed her belly, her breasts, kneading her flesh, pinching her nipples. “I would tear his limbs from his sockets and feed them to the dogs.”

  Lingering on a moan, Samantha said, “And now that you have found me bound here like this, Master, what will you do with me?” Writhing with the sensation of moisture gathering between her thighs, she licked her lips. “Will you punish me?”

  “For what?” Lugal grasped her hair, pulling it toward him. With her head back, he trailed playful bites along the flesh of her neck and deposited a kiss at the soft, pulsing hollow at the base of her throat.

  “Because I am a tease, Master. You see, I can think of nothing but having your bold cock buried deep inside me. Because of that, my body emitted potent pheromones that enticed the soldiers to my side and made them hot and hard with lust.”

  She turned her head and gazed up into Lugal’s eyes, projecting a look of angelic innocence. “And I liked it, Master.” He growled deep in his throat at her words. “I liked having those men look at me and notice how wet I was for you…how I burned with passion for you.”

  Softly biting the flesh of his chest, she nibbled his flat, brown nipple and moaned. She’d managed to turn herself on and hoped that Lugal felt even half as desirous. The feel of his fingers digging into her hips as a heated groan rumbled up from his chest was delicious confirmation.

  What felt like a cluster of narrow ribbons smoothed across Samantha’s back, down over her ass cheeks and across each thigh. She shivered at the erotic sensation of the little strips of satin and velvet stroking her flesh. Then she felt the snap of their tiny knots on her buttocks.

  “You belong to me,” Lugal said, wielding another stroke of the flogger. While there was no real pain involved, Samantha experienced an almost tickly, smarting sensation. “Your curves, your pink-white flesh, are for my eyes only, slave girl.” Another swat across her ass.

  “This,” Lugal said, bending and forcing her thighs apart before thrusting his hand up into her cunt, “is mine.” Samantha’s breath felt as though it had been stolen. “Do you understand, slave girl?”

  The power of speech seemed to have fled because all Samantha could do was writhe and moan. As her channel squeezed around his invading hand, her nipples tingled, her breasts ached and her pussy flowed with warm juice that trickled down her legs.

  Lugal’s arm wrapped around her and, his free hand still clutching the flogger’s handle, he pinched Samantha’s nipple with thumb and forefinger. “I said, do you understand? Answer me, slave.”

  Yes, she longed to scream. Oh God, yes, I do understand that I belong to you, Lugal. Only you, for all eternity. But Samantha had other ideas…

  “No,” she braved, jutting her chin high. “I don’t understand. Why don’t you show me, Master? Show me exactly what you mean. I need a good, solid lesson I’ll never forget.”

  “Insolent slave girl,” he breathed at her nape while his fist twisted in her cunt. She gasped at the wildly erotic sensation. “You leave me no choice but to punish you further.” Withdrawing his hand from her dripping pussy, he swatted her ass three times, hard. The pleasantly stinging sensation served as an aphrodisiac, priming her cells, readying them for the erotic plunder to come.

  “Your ass now bears the mark of my whip as well as my hand, slave girl,” Lugal said, rubbing her bottom. “Raised pink stripes across the color of rich cream.” He yanked her hair back again. “You see? Your cunt flows hot with the musky juice of desire. It weeps for me, longs to be filled by me.” His tongue swooped up his arm, gathering her juices.

  “Yes…yes, I burn, Master. I ache for you.”

  He held the back of his arm to her mouth. “Lick your honey from me,” Lugal commanded. “Then spread your legs.”

  Samantha complied, expecting, hoping to have him take her then, to thrust hard into her pussy. Instead, she felt the stroke of the flogger again. This time it was across the tops of her thighs, just beneath her ass.

  “I wish I could dig my nails into your flesh right now,” Samantha said. “Massage that big, muscular, scarred chest of yours. Show you how wild you make me…how much I crave you, Lugal.”

  She felt the sting of the flogger across her ass.

  “You will address me only as Master. You do not have permission to use my given name, slave.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  God, this was so good, so fucking arousing. Samantha decided she’d have to work on other delicious fantasy scenarios for the two of them to enjoy. “Master,” she pleaded, “I need you inside me now. I’m on the verge of coming. Please…”

  “Nay. I warn you, impudent little slave, if you come before I give my permission, there will be dire consequences.” Lugal smoothed his hands over her curves, massaging with his thumbs, before smacking a sharp slap on the soft skin of her ass. Her buttocks clenched and she gasped. He gave her another swat, this one making her clit throb with need. “Yes, I like this rosy shade,” he told her, rubbing her heated skin. “It becomes your alabaster flesh.”

  He proceeded to paddle her ass until both cheeks stung like mad. Passion trembling within her, Samantha squirmed and moaned at the sweet torment, wondering how long she could hold out before she exploded with a monumental orgasm.

  A week ago if anyone had told her she’d enjoy being spanked by a brawny barbarian, she would have laughed. She’d never thought of herself as the submissive type—she still didn’t. But, oh, the sweet mixture of pain and pleasure combined with playfulness that her loving genie doled out was more of an aphrodisiac than Samantha could have ever imagined.

  It was as if he could read her mind and know exactly where and how she wanted, needed, to be touched. The perfect lover…her ideal man.

  The spanking subsided and she watched as he came around to face her. Flashing a charming smile, Lugal leapt up onto the bed. As he grasped the thick bed post just above her bound wrists, Samantha couldn’t help but notice that his magnificent cock jutted out at optimum sucking level. Pearly drops of pre-cum glistened at the tip. She licked her lips and smiled up at him.

  “Mmmm, I’m feeling particularly greedy,” she told him. “Permission to eat you, Master.”

  “Permission granted.”

  She kissed the swollen cap and Lugal groaned. Opening her mouth, she wrapped her lips around his girth, sucking the hot, silky head like a lollipop. His cock jerked as her tongue teased and twirled and he shoved deeper into her mouth.

  “I wish I could touch you…hold you,” she said, letting his cock pop free. “Wrap my fingers around the base of that big, beautiful cock of yours, Master.” She blew on the wet rod and lapped the tip.

  “You are doing just fine with your witchy little tongue, slave,” Lugal said, his voice husky now. “Continue.” He made his cock jerk for her.

  Leaning forward, Samantha worked her tongue between his thighs until she connected with his sac. Her teeth nipped delicately there before she tongued her way across his balls. With her nose nestled into the crisp curls, she breathed in his musky scent.

  “The liquid stroke of your tongue stirs the fires deep within, little slave,” Lugal said as Samantha captured his cock in her mouth again with a deep, drawing suckle. His body bucked and he drove his cock harder into her mouth. She felt a tremor move through him just before he said, “Enough,” and pulled back, out of her mouth. A quick leap had him on the floor again.

  Lugal held Samantha under her arms and spun her around, until she faced him. His face inches from hers, she heard his breath catch.

  “Gods, little one, the things you do to me. U
nlike anything I have felt before.” Yanking her head back by the hair, he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, kissing her with passion so intense, so possessive, it brought tears to her eyes.

  Before she could blink, Lugal had lifted her, impaling her on his cock. Her wrists still bound above her head, Samantha’s breasts bounced as he drove into her.

  “So much to entice me,” Lugal said, capturing one rigid nipple in his teeth. Such a magnificent body. Such a glorious woman.” He screwed himself higher, deeper, harder. “My woman.”

  “Your slave,” Samantha breathed. “Forever.”

  His gaze fixed on hers, Lugal drew his index finger through his mouth, wetting it thoroughly. That same hand disappeared behind her back and while he thrust his cock deep into her cunt, she felt his moist finger journey to her anus, piercing her tight hole.

  Samantha moaned as the thick digit stretched her. Filling her from both front and back, Lugal dipped his head and paid homage to her stone-hard nipples with his teeth and tongue, sweetly torturing her primed, sensitive flesh. Her knees would have buckled if he hadn’t had her perfectly positioned, optimally balanced and poised for a lusty round of vertical fucking. She was clearly in the hands of an expert lover, a connoisseur of all things erotic and sublime.

  Lugal looked as ready to come as she was. His chest glowed with a sheen of sweat and his breathing was labored.

  “Please, Master,” she whispered, at the very brink of shattering, “let me come now.”

  His mouth left her breast and he slid it in a lavish swoop up her breasts and throat to her lips. “Yes,” he hissed, nipping at her bottom lip. “You have my permission to quake and shudder in my arms.”

  He held her tighter, trailing a damp line of kisses along her neck and shoulder, ending with a sensuous bite in her soft flesh. “Come for me, little slave. Let me feel your cunt clutching my cock as you spasm around me. Now, Samantha. Now.”

  Her torso arcing in taut ecstasy, Samantha gazed into Lugal’s eyes as her trembling body joyfully obeyed his directive.


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