Samantha and Her Genie

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Samantha and Her Genie Page 31

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Nay,” Lugal said. “I told you and Samantha not to place yourselves in harm’s way on my account. Charlie must not proceed further.”

  “Oh, yeah…I forgot,” Rosie said.

  “Um…Lugal,” Sam said, “why don’t you go wait on the porch? We’ll bring lunch out in a few minutes. There’s beer in the fridge if you want one.”

  Bunny heard the sound of the refrigerator opening, followed by the cap being opened on the beer bottle. Then it sounded like a door opened and closed.

  “So where’d you hide his bottle?” Rosie said.

  “I stuck it downstairs in the wine cellar,” Sam answered. “It’s sitting on top of the old cabinet with the wine inventory book. Looks like it belongs there. Like an accent piece designed to look really old. Nobody would ever expect it’s the real deal.”

  “Of course not.” Rosie laughed. “I mean, who would ever dream that genies really exist? I’ll scoot down there and put it in my purse before I go home later so Charlie can examine it.”

  “Great. Oh, Rosie, I hate talking about the bottle. It’s just a reminder that I’ve got less than three months left before I lose Lugal forever. He’ll be imprisoned in that tiny bottle and I’ll never get to see or hear him ever again…much less touch him. What am I going to do, Rosie?”

  “Well crying’s definitely not a good thing. You know how concerned Lugal gets when you cry. Just don’t give up hope, Sam. I’m sure Charlie can find a way to save Lugal.”

  “I just thought of something terrible, Rosie. What if Bunny was the next person to find the bottle? Then she’d be Lugal’s owner. That’s almost a fate worse than him remaining captive.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Sam. That’s not going to happen. I mean, whaddya think, that Bunny’s going to break in here one night, creep downstairs to the wine cellar and snatch the box?” Rosie erupted in laughter. “Gee, I don’t think so. Come on, lighten up.”

  “You’re right,” Sam said. “I was just getting carried away. You grab your plate and open the door. I’ll get mine and Lugal’s.”

  After the sound of a door opening and closing, there was silence.

  It took a good amount of time for Bunny to fully digest all that she’d heard. Surely it couldn’t be possible…the man couldn’t possibly be a genie…

  Ludicrous. Preposterous.

  And yet…

  It would explain that magnificent man’s questionable attachment to Sam, wouldn’t it?

  Of course. The only reason Lugal had refused to sleep with Bunny when she propositioned him at the restaurant was because the poor man had no choice—because Sam was his owner, his…what was it Lugal called it? His possessor. And Sam wouldn’t allow him to fuck any other woman.

  Almost three months, they’d said. If Bunny had that bottle in her possession when Sam’s time with Lugal was up, she could have that god-like hunk of muscle in her bed, thrusting into her. Fuck her mealy-mouthed, limp-dicked, poor excuse for a husband. Bunny had been planning to get him out of her life anyway.

  And what was that she’d heard about three wishes? Jesus Fucking Christ, what she could do with those! The power, the wealth…the delicious satisfaction of revenge…

  Bunny’s hand flew to her throat as a wild burst of exultant laughter threatened to explode from her mouth.

  Now all she had to do was to find the wine cellar…

  Chapter Twenty

  “Hey, lazybones, why are you calling me on your cell phone when you’re right downstairs?” Samantha asked, chuckling.

  “Where did you say Lugal’s box was again?” Rosie asked.

  “On the cabinet with the ledger book.”

  “That’s where I’m looking. It’s not here.”

  “Of course it is. You’re probably looking at the wrong cabinet. It’s the one with the worn dark green paint, not the newer oak one. It’s against the narrow wall just inside the entrance.”

  “Yup, that’s where I’m standing.”

  Samantha sighed. “Okay, I’ll be right down.” She flipped her phone closed and headed down the stairs.

  “See? I told you,” Rosie said, gesturing to the cabinet. “It’s not here.”

  Samantha felt a trickle of panic snake up her spine. “That’s impossible. This is where I left it.”

  “Are you positive?”

  “Absolutely.” Samantha looked inside the cabinet and behind it before she and Rosie scoured the entire wine cellar. “What the hell could have happened to it?”

  “Beats me. There have been lots of people through here the last couple of months, Sam. Maybe somebody got sticky fingers and swiped it. When’s the last time you saw it?”

  Samantha nibbled on her bottom lip as she thought. “Yesterday morning. I came down to get a bottle of pinot for dinner. It was right there, I’m sure of it. Come on, let’s check with the staff. Maybe they saw someone come down here.”

  “Yes, I ran into your wine supplier as she was heading for the wine cellar,” Charlene, the head of finance said ten minutes later.

  “What wine supplier?” Samantha and Rosie chorused.

  “What did she say?” Samantha asked. “What did she look like?”

  “When I asked if I could help her, she told me she was your wine supplier and was on her way downstairs to check the inventory. As for what she looked like, very chic, very haute couture. She was wearing—”

  “A pink suit,” Rosie ventured.

  “Yes, exactly,” Charlene said. “And she had beige hair done up in a twist.”

  Samantha and Rosie exchanged horrified looks. “Bunny!” they cried in unison.

  “Oh dear God,” Samantha said. “How did she find out?”

  “Did I do something wrong?” Charlene asked.

  Samantha sucked in a calming breath. “No.” She patted Charlene’s arm. “It’s okay, you didn’t know.” She turned to Rosie. “Looks like we need to put locks on the interior doors.”

  “Fuck the locks,” Rosie said, yanking Samantha to the door. “We need to go hunting for a dirty low-down skank.”


  “It is unfortunate, little one, but it is nothing to grieve over.”

  “How can you say that, Lugal?” Samantha paced the bedroom, flailing her arms as she spoke. “The woman stole your box and bottle! Oh sure, she tried to deny it when Rosie and I confronted her, but instead of being outraged at the accusation, she just gave this sort of smug heh-heh-heh laugh. She had guilt written all over her.”

  “Interesting…why would she write the word on herself?” Lugal asked.

  Upset beyond the point of patience, Samantha tsked and rolled her eyes. “It’s just a saying, Lugal. If it weren’t for that big bruiser bodyguard-butler of hers—I swear to God the guy must have been seven-feet tall—we would have pushed past Bunny and searched the house. That bitch is setting herself up to be your next possessor.”

  “If it were not her, then it would be someone else,” Lugal said.

  Samantha growled in frustration. “Oh for chrissakes, Lugal, don’t you understand? Bunny wants to fuck you! Do you have any idea how I’ll feel in a couple of months knowing you’re in her bed doing God knows what every time she crooks her little finger?”

  Lugal’s features contorted, morphing into a scowl. “I’m sorry, Samantha. I hadn’t thought of that. It will be difficult for both of us. The only advantage to having Bunny as my possessor is that I know I will not be with her for long. A woman like that will make use of her wishes quickly, I have no doubt.”

  “Oh this is terrible. Awful. We have to get that box back, Lugal.”

  Lugal wrapped his arms around Samantha’s tense body, soothing her, smoothing one hand through her hair and the other along her spine.

  “Shhh, little one. Do not upset yourself so. Let us not think about what might happen in the future. Tonight is very special. It is the eve of your grand opening celebration. You must—”

  “I don’t care about tomorrow, Lugal. All I care about is you.” Tears flowed down her
cheeks. “Please don’t leave me, Lugal. I’ll die without you.” She clutched him tight, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close with all of her strength.

  “You mustn’t say such a thing, my sweet.” He kissed the top of her head. “I promise I will be here with you as long as I possibly can. Each moment of our time together will be filled with heartfelt love. That is something Bunny can never take from you, Samantha. My love. It is eternally yours. No matter who owns my body, you will always be the owner of my heart…my very soul.”

  “Oh God…I don’t deserve you.” Samantha cried harder. “All I’ve been doing is selfishly whining and complaining—thinking about no one but myself—when here you are, on the verge of having to return to that bottle. Oh, Lugal,” she cried with a hiccupping sob, “you shouldn’t be comforting me, I should be comforting you!”

  Lugal smoothed his thumbs over her cheeks, catching new tears. “Nay, you are not selfish, Samantha,” he said softly. “You are my sweet, sweet love.”

  “You’ve worked so hard, done so much for me since you’ve been here, Lugal. It just isn’t fair that you can’t stay here with me and enjoy the little slice of heaven we’ve created for ourselves. You’d be a perfect match for this time. You love the computer and all the modern technology you’ve learned about. You belong here, Lugal. With me.”

  “Indeed, that would be heaven. However, we have no zisura to make it so.” He rocked Samantha in his arms.


  Lugal nodded. “Magical powers. As for the fairness you speak of, it has little to do with my circumstance, Samantha. Whether just or not, I am fated to serve womankind until the end of time. I will forever be grateful that I was able to spend this small measure of time with the woman of my heart. The memories we have made together will nourish my soul and lighten the path of my dark journey ahead.”

  “Because of you, Lugal, I’ve achieved my most important goals. I’ve had my deepest desires fulfilled. I’ve become so satisfied and impossibly happy that sometimes I have to pinch myself just to make sure this hasn’t all been a glorious dream.” She looked up into his eyes, sniffling. “Oh Lugal, I love you so much I can barely stand it.”

  “Yes, I know. I am a real keeper.” He winked.

  Laughing through her tears, she gave Lugal a good smack on his arm. He gifted her with an eye-twinkling smile in return.

  “You are positively incorrigible.”

  “And you are positively fuckable.” He had an unmistakably carnal look in his eye.

  “I can’t make love now,” Samantha protested, taking a few steps back. “Look at me, I’m a mess. My nose is probably all red and swollen and my—”

  Lugal yanked her hard against him, almost wringing the wind out of Samantha, and kissed her like never before.

  Her bones went rubbery, her stiff joints loosened, her cold sense of fear and indignation about the rotten, sneaky bitch Bunny dissolved until Samantha was nothing but a melty liquid puddle.

  “You are beautiful to me always, Samantha,” Lugal said, looking down into her eyes after breaking their kiss. “When I look at you, I see past the redness, the swelling from tears. Instead, I glimpse into the farthest reaches of your soul. For it, my dearest love, is the most perfect, most beautiful soul I have ever, or will ever encounter, no matter how many centuries I live.”

  Samantha sucked in a sharp breath. “Okay, you win,” she said, kicking off her shoes and shimmying out of her clothes. “You’ve succeeded in turning me on. Big time. Take me. Fuck me, Lugal. Fuck me senseless. Fuck me until I can no longer see straight.”

  “With greatest pleasure. Your wish is my command.” Lugal bowed, a conquering smile enhancing his features.

  “But no tying up tonight,” Samantha added, leaping onto the bed. “I want to get my hands all over that beautiful, beefy body of yours tonight. I want to rake and squeeze and probe and pinch and suck every luscious inch of you.”

  Lugal unzipped his jeans. “If my cock grows any bigger or harder I fear it will bend and break in these cumbersome jeans you make me wear.”

  “Come here, genie. Let me remedy that for you,” Samantha suggested, pulling the denim over his lean hips until his poor tortured cock sprang free. “Oh boy, it’s happy tonight.”

  “It’s always happy when it gets to fuck you, little one.” He gazed down at his cock, twisting his head to the side, as if listening to it. Then his cock jerked. Twice. “Hmm? What is that you say, Mr. Gar-Du Gis?” he asked his sizeable appendage, taking it into his hands and double fisting it.

  “Mr. Who?” Samantha’s eyes were glued to the mouthwatering sight before her.

  “It means Mr. Warrior Cock,” Lugal explained. “Shhh, he still speaks…” He leaned his head again. “You say thrusting hard and deep into Samantha’s tight little ass will make you even happier? Yes, I think that can be arranged.” He gazed up at Samantha, his lips curling into a lopsided smile.

  Samantha gave him a curious look. “You’ve been watching the porn channel again, haven’t you?”

  “I find the sexual encounter movies quite interesting and educational.”

  “I can’t believe you actually named your penis.”

  “It is what modern men do,” Lugal said with confidence. “I learned this from watching cable.” He glanced down at his cock again, then shifted his gaze back up to Samantha. “Mr. Gar-Du Gis says enough talk. He desires action now. On all fours, woman. Present your ass to me for inspection.”

  It only took an instant for Samantha’s nipples to tighten and for her pussy to weep in eager anticipation. She positioned herself in the center of the bed as he’d commanded and shook her butt at him.

  “So, does my ass pass your scrutiny, genie?”

  Samantha felt the clap of his broad hand on one cheek and she gave a little yip of surprise.

  “This is just the way I like it,” he assured her, rubbing the spot he’d spanked. “Rounded alabaster cheeks angled high in the air, begging for my cock to breech your hole.” Lugal’s fingers slipped into the crevice between her cheeks, smoothing up and down before dipping to her pussy and plunging inside. “So hot…so wet for me.”

  The moan he’d elicited from her lingered. Desire heating her veins, Samantha watched Lugal sniff his fingers before licking each one thoroughly.

  A low growl rumbled in his chest. “Your aromatic scent intoxicates me, Samantha. And your taste, ahhh…it is like nectar.”

  His actions and words fired her arousal until Samantha filled with liquid heat.

  He headed for his nightstand drawer, where he drew out a package of condoms and tube of cinnamon-flavored lube. Her clit fluttered, impatient to have her masterful lover send her spiraling on another ecstatic wave of rapture.

  “What’s that?” she asked as he drew a large red object enclosed in bubble-plastic packaging from the drawer.

  “A new toy I purchased online. It is…” he paused to read from the package, “guaranteed to increase every woman’s pleasure quotient to the max.” Once he freed the item from its packaging, he pressed a button and the thing came alive with vibration. He gazed up at her, grinning as his eyebrows bounced.

  Samantha laughed. “But we already have a small arsenal of vibrators, Lugal.”

  “Ah, but not like this one. This one is extra thick and powerful,” Lugal explained. “Like my cock.”

  “Except that your cock isn’t fire-engine red and it doesn’t vibrate.”

  Lugal tore open the foil packet with his teeth, grinning as he held a shiny red condom aloft. “It is fascinating what one can find online.”

  “Well I’ll be damned,” Samantha never ceased to be amazed by the interesting sex paraphernalia Lugal brought to their bed.

  “Damned? I think not. But you will be fucked. Thoroughly. As for vibrating, once I bury my red-cloaked cock in that tight pink hole of yours, I have no doubt it will vibrate plenty before I am finished with you. In the meantime, I will fuck your juicy cunt with the…” he looked down at the vibr
ator in his hand, “the Red Hot Master Blaster 8000.”

  He walked toward her, a predatory gleam in his eye. Samantha’s body slid into preparation mode. Juices ran down her thighs, her nipples hardened into needy pinpoints, her ass quivered and her mind…oh, her mind conjured up the most salacious, delicious scenarios.

  “Do it to me,” she said, wiggling her backside again. “Don’t make me wait…please.”

  “I like it when you beg. That is as it should be.” Lugal mounted the bed. Then his big hands were on her, warming the cool skin of her buttocks, parting the twin globes of her ass.

  She waited in agonized anticipation until, at the feel of a lubed finger probing her hole, stretching her sphincter muscle, Samantha clawed at the bedspread, gasping for breath.

  “Such a tight, puckered, pretty little bud.” He pushed deeper, drilling his finger fully into her taut opening. “How I love this fine ass of yours.” He played there a while, twisting and turning, and then withdrew. “How I enjoy this most intimate joining of ours, little one.”

  “And I love when you love me there,” Samantha replied. Lugal had taken her to euphoric new heights over the last months as he patiently prepared her for full anal intercourse. She’d come to enjoy ass fucking as much as pussy fucking. Each was blissful in its own way. But nothing was as wholly satisfying as being profoundly filled in both holes at once, whether Lugal was using his hand, a dildo or a vibrator in one hole as his cock thrust hard into the other.

  She shuddered when his tongue swirled around her hole, lapping up the cinnamon lube. That dexterous tongue of his licked slow and languorous, from her opening clear down to her primed, swollen clit. On the return trip, he speared her ass with his tongue and she writhed at the deliciously forbidden sensation.

  All too quickly, his warm, wet tongue left her.

  Grasping her hips, Lugal dragged her closer. She licked her lips and purred when he fit his cock snugly against her anus, eager beyond measure to feel him pierce her tight channel.

  He pushed the head of his cock through the barrier muscle and her moans turned to pants as she bucked against him, needing to feel him deeper. When he finally surged into her, God, it was such a good hurt, such a sweet burn.


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