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First Class Farewell

Page 4

by Aj Harmon

  The giggling wafted through the apartment. She couldn’t help but smile as she heard the sweet sounds of her husband and daughter laughing, singing and playing. Tiptoeing down the hall, Lindsey leaned in the doorway and watched David blow bubbles as Rachel giggled and lunged for the uncatchable little balls of air. Bare footed, David sat on the floor next to the tub and entertained Rachel until she finally yawned. He swooped her into a fluffy towel and kissed the bottoms of her feet. He smiled at Lindsey as he swung around. “Diaper?” he whispered, which sent Lindsey running to the bedroom. David lowered Rachel to his bed, Lindsey diapered and dressed her in pajamas and then, after shoving the bag onto the floor, they both laid down with Rachel between them. Taking one of her parents’ hands in each of hers, Rachel closed her eyes as Lindsey hummed a lullaby and David rubbed her tummy. Within minutes, Rachel was asleep and David lifted her from the bed and carried her through to her crib.

  “How long do we let them sleep?” he asked as he returned to his wife.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Lindsey frowned. “We’re screwed no matter what.”

  David chuckled. “Well, we can sleep or have a good time,” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Sleep is a good time,” Lindsey smiled.

  David undid the buttons on his jeans and shoved them down his legs. Kicking them off, he pulled his shirt over his head and jumped on the bed and stretched out alongside his wife. “You sure you can resist this?” he grinned. Lindsey yawned. “You wound me!” he laughed. “But how about we take a nap?”

  “Yes, please,” Lindsey answered. “You can impress me later.”


  “Holy shit!” David exclaimed, sending Amanda into fits of screams and immediately waking Lindsey from sleep.

  “What?” Lindsey sat up, her eyes not able to focus properly. “What?”

  Amanda ran around the bed to her mom and threw herself into her protective arms.

  “Honey, it’s okay. What’s wrong? Shhh,” Lindsey soothed.

  “Dammit!” David muttered as he sat up, taking a couple of deep breaths. “I’m sorry Mandy girl,” he offered. “You scared me, that’s all.”

  Lindsey looked at David asking the unspoken question. Amanda was still crying into her mother’s breast.

  “I opened my eyes and she was right there!” David explained. “Inches from my face. Scared the crap out of me…for half a second,” he added.

  Lindsey bit her lips, trying not to smile, difficult because she found it quite amusing. “Amanda? Daddy’s sorry for scaring you. Are you okay?” A muffled sob escaped from her daughter, but Amanda lifted her head and nodded. “Good girl,” Lindsey smiled. She looked over at the clock. It was just past eleven. She closed her eyes and yawned and wondered if she could just go back to sleep…just for a few more minutes. Her eyes felt full of grit and her eyelids refused to stay open but then she heard Rachel yelling. “I guess naptime is over,” she sighed. “Do you want to get into bed with Daddy?” she asked Amanda.

  “I’m hungry and I’m thirsty.”

  “Let’s get you something to eat then,” Lindsey said, swinging her legs off the bed and stretching as her daughter skipped from the room.

  “Sorry,” David frowned. “She scared the shit out of me though.”

  Lindsey laughed and left to get the baby. Returning a few seconds later, she handed Rachel off to him and headed after her other daughter.

  In the kitchen, Amanda had climbed up onto one of the stools at the counter and was impatiently waiting for her mother. “Milk, please,” she commanded.

  The refrigerator was not stocked. “No milk, honey. Juice?” Lindsey asked.

  “I want milk!” Amanda wailed.

  “How about…”


  Lindsey watched the meltdown rapidly approaching. Obviously, no one had had enough sleep yet. “Milkshake?”

  Amanda’s eyes opened wide. “Chocolate?” she asked.

  Lindsey smiled. “Chocolate it is.”

  Ice cream, ice, chocolate syrup and some canned evaporated milk in the blender and milkshakes for breakfast averted the crisis. With Amanda now on the couch with a shake and watching cartoons, Lindsey returned to the bedroom. David and Rachel were sound asleep. Tiptoeing back out of the room, she made her shopping list and called it in to the market, hoping for delivery later in the afternoon.

  Refilling Amanda’s cup, Lindsey nestled into the corner of the sofa, Amanda snuggling into her side. Maybe the day could be salvaged after all.


  With the whole family awake and happy, David entertained the girls by dancing to The Wiggles in the living room while Lindsey unpacked suitcases and sorting everything into piles. The laundry got shoved in the wicker basket in the bathroom, the clean clothes were quickly put away in dressers and closets, and souvenirs were put in the spare room until Lindsey could decide what to do with them later. The gifts for her foster mother and David’s parents she left on the bed. They would probably go and see Trudy on Saturday, and they would see Peter and Maureen on Sunday.

  With the bag of art supplies in her hand, Lindsey opened the door to David’s studio and stepped inside. The huge canvas stood directly in front of her. David had started it before they’d left on vacation, and although it was not finished, Lindsey already loved it. Staring back at her were two sets of beautiful blue eyes, with auburn ringlets tumbling over small shoulders. He had the amazing talent of capturing such emotion and personality in his paintings. This particular piece was going to Peter. David still had to add the whimsical elements to it, and then the “sprites” would be ready for Grandpa. That’s what he called his two little granddaughters – sprites. David had taken the idea and created this magical painting that she was sure Peter would treasure. She couldn’t wait to see his face when he saw it for the first time. Both Peter and Maureen doted on all their grandchildren, but Peter had something a little extra for all his little granddaughters. He had six now and each one adored him, too.

  Lindsey placed the bag on the desk and left the painting behind her as she closed the door and went to join in the silliness in the living room. Dance parties were a regular occurrence at this Lathem home. She had no idea David was such a good dancer when she’d married him. She loved to watch his moves and so did the girls. But she didn’t get the chance because the buzzer sounded. Their groceries had arrived!

  Lindsey waited by the door and let the delivery man in with all the bags and generously tipped him on his way out. As she put cartons of milk in the fridge, Amanda got a hold of the remote and turned up the volume on the television, prompting Lindsey to cover her ears. Rachel screamed with delight and jumped right into the coffee table, smacking her forehead and bounced off, falling to the ground screaming in pain. David leapt to his baby girl and scooped her up checking her for blood.

  “No blood!” he yelled, as Lindsey scrambled for the remote. Amanda ran in the opposite direction, delighted with the game now in play.

  “Amanda!” Lindsey yelled. “Give me the remote control!” Amanda just laughed louder and ran faster.

  It was at that moment that the phone rang. With the television screeching, Amanda laughing almost uncontrollably, Rachel screaming and holding her head, it was a surprise Lindsey heard it. Running to the TV, she pushed the power button, eliminating one of the noises and ran to the phone. It was Janie.

  “Hi, Janie! How are you?”


  Ben & Sophia

  Ben awoke to the all-too familiar sounds coming from the master bathroom. Heaving, wrenching, and vomiting. The sounds broke his heart….just as it did every time he heard his wife being sick. Alas, he was used to it by now. In the four years they’d been married, Sophia had spent many months of it in the bathroom, worshipping the porcelain god. Having recently received the joyous news that they would be adding baby number three to their growing family, they were both resigned to the fact that the next few months would be a challenge.

  Alex was now sixtee
n and growing into a fine young man. Ben loved him beyond words and they had bonded immediately over baseball. But that bond, once a small strand, was now a thick and indestructible rope of love, trust, loyalty and respect. While Alex saw his biological father regularly, it was Ben whom he considered his father. It was Ben in whom he confided.

  Alex loved his two younger siblings, too. Charles, or Charlie as he was called, had just turned four, and Lisa was now two...a terrible two, according to her mother. With the family expecting another baby in just five months, Alex had told Ben many times that he couldn’t be happier with their growing family. Neither could Ben.

  Walking through to the bathroom, the sight of his beautiful wife grabbing her hair, and her head all but in the bowl of the white toilet, Ben felt helpless. He crouched down next to Sophia and held her hair back as she finished throwing up. With his other hand, he reached for a washcloth and managed to twist the faucet on, soaking the cloth in cold water.

  “Here, babe,” he whispered, as she took it from him and wiped her forehead and mouth.

  Ben fell backwards into a sitting position and spread his legs wide, pulling Sophia back into his arms. “I wish there was something I could do,” he sighed as he kissed her hair.

  “Me, too,” she chuckled. “It would make it so much easier if I carried the babies but you had the morning sickness.”

  “I would,” he said seriously.

  “I know,” she smiled and twisted around to face him. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too. Go back to bed and I’ll make sure Alex gets off before I go to work.”

  Sophia nodded, grateful to be going back to bed. Ben helped her from the grey marble floor and tucked her into bed before going back into the bathroom to have a shower.


  “How’s Mom?” Alex asked when Ben padded barefoot into the kitchen.

  “In bed. I’m wondering if maybe your grandparents would watch the kids for a couple of hours this morning.”

  “That bad, huh?”

  Ben frowned and nodded.

  “You know, if you didn’t keep knocking her up she wouldn’t be sick,” Alex teased with a chuckle.

  “Ha ha,” Ben replied. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and slid onto the stool next to his stepson. He’d always been sure he would never get married and certainly never have a family. Yet here he was…married with three children and one more on the way. And according to Sophia, they weren’t done. She wanted a dozen children with him. She’d said it hundreds of times. She was even prepared to be sick for nine months to get each baby here.

  Ben wasn’t sure about a dozen kids, but he loved the three they had with all his heart, and was already falling in love with baby number four. Sophia would grab his hand and place it over her belly every time she felt it move. It was still too small for him to feel it yet, though. As he chugged his juice, he recalled watching Charlie’s foot press against the confines of the womb and Ben would push back, only to have his son kick back at him. When he turned three, they enrolled him in soccer.

  Lisa was a little princess. She was the most beautiful girl Ben had ever seen. She looked just like the pictures of Sophia as a baby. But when she’d turned two, it was as if a switch had been flicked and she turned into a beautiful little monster. Ben was counting down ‘til her third birthday. Maybe the switch would flick back and his sweet little Lisa would return.

  “Do you want me to call Grandma?” Alex asked, interrupting Ben’s thought.

  “No, it’s okay. Thanks. Do you need money?”

  Alex shook his head. “I’m good. I have jazz band practice after school and I have money for a cab to get home.”

  “Home for dinner though, right?”

  Alex grinned. “Yep.” He finished his bowl of cereal and took the bowl to the sink. “Gotta go. Ray will be here any second.”

  “Have a good day,” Ben smiled as Alex grabbed his backpack and left the apartment.

  Miraculously, Lisa was still asleep. Charlie was in his room playing with Legos. “Whatcha making?” Ben asked when he went to check on him.

  “A boat.”

  “Can I make one, too?”

  “Okay,” Charlie nodded.

  Ben sank to the floor and leaned against Charlie’s bed and began pulling pieces from the bucket while Charlie chattered away about his boat and the car he’d already built. While Lisa was a perfect miniature Sophia, Charlie was all Ben, right down to the little cowlick in his hair. Ben was absent-mindedly connecting blocks while gazing at his happy little boy. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed his in-laws. Fortunately, now mostly retired, they were happy to come over and watch the children so Sophia could rest. They doted on their grandchildren and were very grateful that they lived across the street. Aldo and Gloria were welcome in their home anytime, day or night, and while Sundays were spent with the Lathem side of the family, many weekdays were spent with the Mannings. Ben was indebted to them for the care they took of Sophia and his family while he was working.

  Each morning when Ben headed off to work, he understood why his brother had retired. Matt had worked extremely hard to build his company to what it was, and Ben had continued that work when he’d taken over. But as he left his family each day, he longed to be with them. He counted down the hours ‘til he could return to them. And today was no different. He kissed Sophia tenderly on the cheek, told her that her parents had just arrived to watch Charlie and Lisa, and left the apartment, already missing them.


  By ten o’clock, Sophia had managed to crawl out of bed and stagger through to the living room. Sipping on some ginger tea and some dry toast, her spirits were lifted by the antics of Lisa, dressed in her princess skirt and tiara.

  “Sing!” she commanded to her mother as Sleeping Beauty sang to the animals on the television.

  “I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…” Sophia began. “I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.”

  “You sing so pretty, mommy,” Lisa said as she leaned on the seat cushion of the sofa where Sophia lay and fiddled with her hair.

  “Thank you,” smiled Sophia. “So do you.”

  “But if I know you, I know what you do,” Lisa sang with heart. “You wuv me at once, the way you did once upon a dweam.”

  Sophia couldn’t help but smile with joy as Lisa danced around the room waving her wand she gripped tightly in her chubby little hands.

  “I see the next American Idol,” Gloria chuckled as she came into the room. Sophia scooted her feet up and Gloria sat at the end of the sofa. “How are you feeling?” she asked her daughter.

  “Better,” Sophia smiled. “This helps,” she said and nodded at Lisa still dancing and singing.

  “She is adorable,” Gloria agreed.

  “What’s Charlie up to?”

  “He and your father are still playing with Legos. I think he’s having more fun than Charlie,” she chuckled. “Can I get you anything?”

  Sophia shook her head.

  “You need to try and eat something,” Gloria said as she looked at the half-eaten piece of toast on the coffee table. “You’re all skin and bone. That baby needs some fat!”

  “Whatever I eat just comes back up. I go back to the doctor on Monday. I’ll talk to him about it again.”

  The phone rang and saved Sophia from the same old conversation with her mom.

  “It’s Ben,” Gloria smiled and handed her the phone.

  Sophia stood up and wandered down the hall to her bedroom. Once inside, she shut the door behind her and fell into the armchair by the window. They talked for a few minutes. He wanted to know how she was doing and if her parents were still there, to which she answered “fine” and “yes”. Gloria and Aldo had no plans for the day and were more than happy to spend the hours with their grandchildren. Ben was relieved to hear that perhaps she would get some rest. He told her he loved her, which she repeated back and then they said their goodbyes.

  As Sophia cl
icked off the phone, she let her head fall back against the plush fabric. Maybe they won’t mind if I just close my eyes for a minute, she thought, and drifted off to sleep.


  Ben always tried to call home periodically throughout the day. He’d turned into his brothers…doting husbands and fathers, and he didn’t mind…not one bit. He called to hear his wife’s voice. He called to calm his heart. Sadly, however, the call was short today as he had a day chocked full of meetings. He still had three more before the day would be over and he could return home.

  Emily buzzed to let him know his next appointment was waiting. As the door opened, he looked up from his desk to see his good friend Maria enter his office. He hadn’t seen her in several weeks but as she walked towards his desk a smile lit up his face.

  “You look fantastic!” he gushed as he stood and rushed around the desk to give her a warm embrace.

  “No, I don’t,” she muttered. “I look like a whale.”

  “Nonsense! Pregnant women are beautiful. Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?”

  Maria shook her head. “The last thing I need is something to drink. I already go to the bathroom every twenty minutes,” she huffed.

  Ben chuckled. He completely understood. Well, he mostly understood.

  Maria had married Alan Welton, one of the attorneys that represented MEL Holdings, a couple of years ago. Ben felt quite smug when he thought about their marriage. After all, he was the one who’d played matchmaker. And fortunately, once Ben was married, Sophia was more than happy to socialize with Maria now that she had her own man. Now, here sat Maria, happily married and expecting a baby any day.

  “I thought Evan was coming?” Ben asked.

  “He’s sick with the flu so he asked me to represent the department. Is that okay?”

  “Absolutely. Let’s get the business over with then, shall we?”


  With lunch eaten and the kitchen cleaned, Gloria put Lisa down for her nap. She’d been at a full run all morning, so Sophia was sure she would sleep for at least a couple of hours. Charlie sat happily on the recliner and watched a classic Disney cartoon. Ben was adamant that his children grow up knowing about Donald Duck and his nephews, Mickey and Minnie and the rest of the gang. The music of Fantasia filled the room as Charlie clung to his blanket and was engrossed in the explosions of color on the screen.


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