Men In Kilts With Tentacles and The Women Who Love Them - Book 4: Meficious

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Men In Kilts With Tentacles and The Women Who Love Them - Book 4: Meficious Page 1

by Suction Cup

  Men In Kilts With Tentacles and The Women Who Love Them

  Part 4: Meficious

  by Suction Cup

  The group of burly men who lived and worked as soldiers in the Scottish highlands manning a remote military installation had a secret: they had all developed tentacles during a freak accident with a hyper-dimensional energy generator that made a dimensional rift. Now, they hide their tentacles as best they can, but they can’t hide them forever. What happens when they go home? Find out the rest of the story here, in part 4.

  Copyright © 2015 Suction Cup

  All rights reserved. Published by Suction Cup Books. No part of this work may be reproduced or resold without the author's written permission. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual persons or places is purely coincidental. All characters in this story are over 18 years of age and are consenting adults. This story is for adults only.


  The twisted festivities in the underground lair went on late into the night. Dan and Charlie had been forced to sit and watch the awful goings-on at gunpoint, loomed over by two big guards, who also had tentacles—all of the men in the subterranean ballroom under the military base had tentacles and displayed them openly.

  The rest of men in Dan and Charlie's unit had seen them trying to escape and had rushed to their aid, only to be overpowered by other guards and thrown into a big cage that had been holding naked women. Secret kept Dan and Charlie out of the cage and down near the altar.

  “I guess we get favored treatment because Secret likes us?” Charlie mused.

  “Some friend,” Dan said, looking Secret over. Secret circulated, shaking hands and talking to the men with tentacles who were sitting around the room. Most of the men were high up in the military-industrial-complex, others were movie stars, some were politicians.

  A couple of the naked women came up to the guards watching over Dan and Charlie, offering them drinks and food. The guards passed by the drinks but took some food, and also felt up the women a bit.

  Noticing his chance while the guards were distracted, Dan slipped his mobile phone out of the pouch on his kilt and thumbed it on. Charlie saw what he was doing but kept silent, so as not to alert the guards. The phone wouldn't register on the network. He slipped it back into the pouch and shook his head.

  One of the other men from his unit had been watching from the cage and he shook his head, too. Dan had spotted them trying their phones earlier, to no success. Dan leaned over and whispered to Charlie, “No dice. No signal. It looks like the others haven't had any luck, either. We're too deep underground or they've got a blocker in place.”

  Charlie nodded. “I was wondering why they never took our phones away.”

  The men in the black robes who had been around the altar fucking the woman finished up and the woman was lead away. The altar was cleaned and wiped up, then a burning sage stick was used to smudge it.

  “What are they doing to the altar?” Charlie squinted.

  “Some kind of spiritual cleansing ritual. I guess they're going to do something else on it,” Dan said.

  “That's right!” Secret bust into their conversation. “The altar is being cleaned of any unwanted energy. The stage will now be set for the main event!” He smiled big, his gold tooth glistening in the candlelight.

  “What main event? This isn't it?” Dan swept his hand around the big room at all the men in robes consuming vast quantities of drugs and booze, and fucking women in multiple ways with their tentacles.

  “Oh, no! This is just fun and games! Letting off a little steam and some social time. No, the main reason we are here is coming up. Pay attention: it's your future!” Secret grinned and wagged his finger at them, before moving off.

  “He sounds nuts. This whole thing is nuts,” Charlie sighed.

  “I know,” Dan nodded. He looked at the guards who stood watch over them, only a few paces away. Any move they made to escape, the guards would stop them. He knew, because they had already tired, more than once and gotten beat for their trouble. He felt his face and it was tender.

  “How's my face?”asked Charlie.

  “Bruised,” Dan said.

  “Yeah, yours, too,” Charlie laughed.

  “We're going to be some sight to the girls when we get out this!”

  “So you still have hope of that happening?” Charlie lowered his voice.

  “Of course!” Dan whispered. “And you'd better have, too. We're getting out of this and taking our men with us. Don't forget that!”

  “Yeah, OK,” Charlie nodded.

  Dan looked over at the rest of their unit packed in the cage on the other side of the subterranean ballroom, also under guard. “Though, from where I'm sitting, I do have to admit it looks pretty hopeless, right now. But that's never stopped us before, right?”

  “We've been through some tough stuff but I think this takes the cake,” Charlie said.

  “You may be right on that one,” Dan said, flatly.

  A black velvet cover was draped over the altar, with a silver pentagram on top. Then, a squat metal machine was placed on the side of the altar, with long metal arms jutting out, pointing over the top of the altar.

  “What the hell is going on?” Charlie looked from the altar to Dan.

  “Dammed if I know,” Dan shrugged.

  Secret swept in close to them, his tentacle poking out of the robe he'd now changed into. “Oh, just you wait! This is going to be great!” He clapped his hands together with glee.

  “You seem real excited,” Dan said.

  “I am! And you would be too if you knew what's coming!” Secret grinned.

  “What's coming?” Charlie asked.

  “Wait and see!” Secret moved off.

  The band picked up the pace with their drumming and women danced in front of the drummers, their naked bodies glistening in the firelight.

  “This is getting stranger and stranger,” Charlie shook his head.

  “I wonder what the girls back home are thinking? They must be worried sick about us by now,” Dan said.

  Several men in robes shoved a big clear tank of water over to the altar, big enough for a couple of people to swim in.

  “What do you think they're doing with that? They have a swimming pool already,” Charlie pointed at the pool.

  “Maybe they're going to drown someone in it for a ritual. I wouldn't put it past this crowd,” Dan whispered. Charlie swallowed hard, suddenly afraid.

  They watched, curious and confused, as the preparations went on.


  Bonnie and Suzy finished the bottle of wine that Bonnie had brought, then tore into another bottle Suzy had in the house.

  “This is going to hurt tomorrow!” Suzy said, popping the cork.

  “Then we'll know we had a fun girl's night!” Bonnie lifted her empty glass for Suzy to tip the bottle and fill it.

  “Oh, don't I know it! I haven't had a good girl's night for ages! It's not easy when your guy has a...tentacle. Geez, I have trouble even saying that, I've been hiding it for so long! At least with you, I can be myself and say what's on my mind. You understand!” Suzy smiled and sat down on the couch beside Bonnie, putting her arm around her.

  “Yeah, I do,” Bonnie hugged her back and smiley weakly. “But sometimes I wish we didn't have to hide, you know?”

  Suzy nodded, “Yeah, I know.” She frowned.

  “Not that I'm really complaining much,” Bonnie said. “I mean, we still have a pretty normal life and are happy. And the sex is great!” She laughed.

Oh, God, ya!” Suzy giggled. She put her glass up for Bonnie to clink it and she did. They drank. “Mmm, this is good!” Suzy said.

  “You want to watch a movie or something?” Bonnie asked.

  “Maybe. Maybe we should go out? Go dancing!” Suzy got up and twirled around the room, stumbling, almost falling.

  “I don't think that's a good idea, right now!” Bonnie laughed.

  Suzy threw herself back on the couch. “I think you're right.” She passed the TV remote control to Bonnie. “Find something. I'm seeing double,” she laughed.


  The drummers played on, getting more frantic. Men in robes and women with trays rushed around, putting flowers, money and jewelry on the altar.

  “Looks like they're getting ready to do some kind of sacrifice,” Charlie said.

  Dan broke his glance from looking over the rest of their unit, still in the cage. “Who knows,” Dan said. “Probably.”

  “From from it,” Secret said. He stood by them, looking at the altar. “This is going to be a wonderful moment we've been anticipating for quite some time. But now, the alignments of the stars and the planets are right for it to happen!”

  “Right for what?” Dan asked.

  Secret laughed a deep belly laugh in response and then the guards watching over Dan and Charlie laughed, too.

  “Is everything ready?” Secret called out. Several men in robes near the altar nodded to him. “Good. Let's begin!” Secret gave a signal to the drummers and they stopped. The women sat down. He stepped before the altar and turned to face the room.

  “Gentleman!” Secret bellowed. “We have all gathered here this night to witness history. All of us here have been transformed. Now, we will see who has provided the new DNA template we all share! The time is right to bring the plan to the next level. Soon, we will rule the world! We are the new men! We are the next step in human evolution! Soon, there will be no one on this planet who is not touched by the hand of our Master. Behold!”

  He flipped a switch on the silvery machine with the metal arms hanging over the altar. A whining noise started and sparks began to form between the metal arms. Men leaned forward, their tentacles wagging like happy dogs tail's poking out of their robes. The women shrank back; but then, they were still fully human.

  A portal opened in the air, bringing with it a smell of sulfur. It was like a black hole had opened above the altar. Water and seaweed spilled out of the hole, along with some fish and starfish that went slithering over the altar, falling into the tank of water. The portal flashed multicolors and from it stepped a creature as big as a man, but it was not a man. It was an octopus on two legs with many tentacles.

  “Oh, my Lord...!” Secret exclaimed and got down on his knees, bowing to the creature. A smell of seawater filled the room and continued to dribble out of the portal.

  The creature took a look around, then slipped into the tank of water, bobbing around, treading water with its tentacles. Finally, it found its footing and stood on the bottom of the tank, peering out.

  “I welcome you, on behalf of us all. We are your loyal children!” Secret said.

  “You have done well,” the deep voice of the creature boomed out of a speaker on the side of the tank, an underwater microphone picking up its words.

  “Thank you. Is there anything I can get for you?” Secret asked.

  “Throw one of those women in here,” the creature said, pointing with a tentacle to the women who knelt in front of the drummers.

  Secret made a gesture to a guard nearby, and he grabbed the screaming women and threw her in the tank.

  The creature wrapped the thrashing women with his tentacles, crushing her, then bit into her neck with its rows of hideous teeth, sending a cloud of blood into the water. It moved its mouth through the blood, sucking it all up.

  “Very good,” the creature finally said, seeming to smile.

  A line of men had formed around the tank, down on their knees, staring, with their hands clasped together in prayer.

  “Oh, our dark Lord!” one of the men said.

  “My name is Meficious. Learn it well,” the creature said.

  “Yes, Meficious!” the man said, bowing low.

  “What are your orders?” Secret asked.

  “You know what I want already! Why are you wasting time?” Meficious flicked a tentacle out of the tank, hitting Secret across the face with a loud slap. Charlie snickered.

  “I'm just making sure!” Secret said, wiping the water and slime off himself.

  “Like I have said: make more of our kind and take over this planet. When that is done, I will bring our people over here and we will rule this place. But not until them. It is not yet time. Why have you brought me here, now?” Meficious yelled.

  “I...we thought that was what you wanted? The signs all lined up! The messages said that...” Secret sputtered.

  “I don't care what you thought. It is not time, yet. Make more of us. Many more. I will send you word when the time has come. Now, don't bother me until then!” Meficious threw the bloodless husk of the the dead woman out of the tank and crawled back up on the altar.

  The portal was still open, sparking and flickering. He reached out with a tentacle, almost too fast to see, grabbed another woman, then leaped through the portal with her. Then, he was gone.

  “Ah, shit!” Secret said. He got up, a look of utter disappointment on his face and shut off the machine. The portal faded away.

  “Didn't quite go as well as you'd hoped?” Dan asked him.

  “No! Not at all! I thought things were well on their way! I was going to be made a commander in the new army. I guess I'm gonna have to wait, now. Dammit!” Secret pouted and grabbed a drink off the tray of a passing naked serving woman.

  The partying then went into high gear until the morning. All of the drugs were taken, all the drinks drunk and all the women were fucked.

  Eventually, most of the tentacle men had either passed out or left. Even the guards were starting to get sleepy. Dan eyed a yawning guard near him.

  “Don't get any ideas!” the guard said.

  Secret sauntered up to them, his robe half-off and his tentacle dangling flaccid behind him. He seemed very wasted. “You guys still here?” Secret hiccupped.

  “Of course we are. You've had us under armed guard the whole night,” Dan said.

  “Aw, that's no good! Get these guys some drinks!” Secret slurred. He looked around, but the serving women had left. He found a half-full bottle of Scotch near the passed-out band and brought it over. “Here, you can have a drink with me!” He raised his bottle of beer in a salute.

  Charlie grabbed the Scotch and sniffed at it. “What are we drinking to?”

  “To our new world to come, my compatriots! As much as you have acted up here tonight, you are still one of us, after all!” Secret giggled.

  “We are?” Dan raised his eyebrows.

  “You bet!” Secret laughed. He grabbed the Scotch back, took a swing and then passed the bottle. Dan and Charlie took a swig each, as they really needed it.

  “Hey Secret, you want to get out of here and get a bite to eat? I know this great place not far from the base. They make a killer all-day breakfast,” Dan said to Secret, smiling, as nice as could be, appealing to Secret's ample love for food.

  “Mmm, breakfast! I could really use something to eat about now! I'll just get changed!” Secret went off in search of his other clothes. Dan and Charlie shrugged at each other and sat there, watching, as the guards were still holding them at gunpoint.

  “Hey, guys! You heard Secret! Why don't you let us go, now, huh?” Dan asked.

  “No can do,” the guard said.

  Secret returned a few minutes later, dressed back in his kilt and uniform shirt, his tentacle again tucked away, out of sight.

  “Let them go!” Secret called out to the guards.

  “Are you sure that's a good idea? What if they talk?” the guard said.

  “Let them talk! But they won't. They'
re one of us! Who's going to believe a guy with a tentacle?” he laughed so hard he started coughing, spilling some of his beer. “Shit!” he recovered, righting his beer, sucking down the foam and what was left.

  The guards looked at each other and shrugged, then went in search of any booze, drugs or women that might be left around. Dan and Charlie watched them go, amazed and relieved.

  “What about them?” Dan pointed to the rest of their unit, still under guard across the room in the cage.

  “Them, too! Let them gooo!” Secret warbled, his eyes shut, drunk.

  The other guards walked off, letting the rest of the unit go free. The men came over to Dan and Charlie with looks of relief on their faces.

  “What now?” one of the men asked.

  “Let's get out of here,” Dan whispered. He cleared his throat and put his arm around Secret's shoulder. “So, Secret, old buddy!” Dan smiled.

  “That's me! Yer old buddy Secret! Let's go, buddy boys. C'mon!” Secret stumbled to the door, waving for the rest of them to follow. He walked shakily through the door and up the steps.

  Dan motioned for his unit to follow. They went after Secret, back up the stairway, reappearing in the freezer.

  “Ah, so damn cold!” Secret shivered, waiting for the rest of the men to ascend the staircase. Once they were all up, he punched a code into the keypad, having to do it a couple of times, as he was so drunk, leaning in close to see the keys. “Shit!”

  Finally, he got it right and the door closed back over. “Alright, let's get the hell out of here! I'm hungry!” Secret fought his way out of the foggy freezer, back into the kitchen, leading the way. The twelve men in kilts followed him, alert on and on guard.

  Charlie looked back at the closed-over secret door, not quite believing his eyes. “No one's following us,” he whispered to Dan.

  “That's because they're all gone already. But they'll be keeping tabs on us, don't worry. We wouldn't be getting out of here unless they wanted us to,” Dan said.

  “I guess so,” Charlie said.

  It was early morning and the kitchen was, thankfully, still deserted. Dan and the others stood there in the brightly lit kitchen, blinking as their eyes adjusted to the lights, after being down in the semi-darkness all night.


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