Men In Kilts With Tentacles and The Women Who Love Them - Book 4: Meficious

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Men In Kilts With Tentacles and The Women Who Love Them - Book 4: Meficious Page 3

by Suction Cup

  A few minutes later, Sammy came out, alone.

  “He's coming out,” Charlie said, peering into his scope. “But he's alone and empty-handed!”

  “What did you expect? He'd come out carrying the gear?”

  “I dunno...”

  “He's just made the arrangements. The gear will come later. Come on, our work here is done.” Dan got up and started to pack his stuff.

  “That's it? That's the only reason we're up here? I thought we were going to watch the base?”

  “We could, but I don't think it would really do any good, after all. I'm sure they've got all sorts of hidden ways on and off the base, underground, to say nothing of portals. I think we'd be wasting our time, in the end. But I'm glad we were here for Sammy. Come on, let's go.” Dan walked over to the car. Charlie followed him, lugging his gear and opened the trunk so they could put their tripods and scopes in.

  They drove down the mountain and went back to the roadhouse to meet Sammy and hear the news.

  At the roadhouse, all the men in their unit were gathered, again. Sammy told them how it was going down. “They're bringing in another portal machine later today. We can intercept the truck and nab it. There's only going to be a couple of rookie guards on the truck, so it should be a piece of cake,” Sammy said to the men around the table.

  “Great work, Sammy!” Dan said. “This is just what we need! You've got all the details of the route and times?”

  “Yep, all set.”

  “Fantastic!” Dan smiled.

  “Yeah, as long as we can work the thing,” Sammy frowned.

  “We have a history of machines doing weird things to us. I don't know if I'm in the mood to experiment again,” Charlie said.

  “Secret just flipped a switch last time. We'll just have to hope it works. There's no guarantees in this business, you all should know that by now. I'm confident that this machine will do what we need it to do, without any unintended consequences, but I can't guarantee that. If any of you want out now, go ahead.” Dan looked them over. No one moved.

  “Thank God for that,” Charlie exhaled. “We need all the help we can get.”

  “Sammy, what are the details?” Dan asked. Sammy told them where the truck was coming from, the route and the times. Dan made notes on a pad of paper.

  “What if we don't come back?” Sammy asked. “They might have backup, who knows.”

  “Good point. Well, our girlfriends already know what's going on,” Dan pointed to Charlie and back at himself. “We'll give them word that if we don't get back at a specified time, to take the story to the press and any other military contacts any of us might have. Write down anyone they should contact, in that event.” Dan shoved the pad of paper and pen into the middle of the table. The men took turns writing down their contacts, then called whoever they need to, in case they didn't come home again.

  After Dan and Charlie had called their girlfriends to let them know they were on a mission, they got changed into their uniforms.

  “Do we have to wear these things again? I really hate wearing it now, you know?” Charlie threw his kilt on a chair.

  Dan gave him a stern look. “I know this is not an official mission we're on, but it might just be the most important mission. I want those who have done this to us to know it's us coming after them, now!” He was standing in his underwear and gestured to his tentacle, strapped to his leg. He put his kilt on, a look of determination on his face.

  “I guess you're right,” Charlie said, quietly. He picked up his kilt and put it on, too.


  Soon, all the men of Dan's unit assembled at the roadhouse were kilted up and armed. Dan stood up at the table, which was covered with guns and grenades, and addressed them. “You all know what to do. So, good luck and may God be with us. Move 'em out!”

  They gathered up their gear, stashing it in a variety of different carrying bags, so as not to look suspicious getting it all into their cars. Their uniforms, however would stick out, but thankfully the roadhouse was a bit out of the way, so not many would see them.

  They drove out of the lot, staggering their cars, leaving at slightly different times. They went in three cars, each one with a copy of the map to find the location where they would ambush the truck and a GPS unit.

  Charlie and Dan drove in the first car with Sammy, leading the way. It wasn't that far to the ambush point, which made them all feel a bit better, to be fighting on familiar ground.

  “That's the turn there,” Sammy pointed from the back seat. Charlie slowed and made the turn from the main road, down a smaller side road that lead from a military depot.

  Dan picked up a walkie-talkie and pressed the button, “We're at point 1. All quiet here. Out.”

  Charlie parked the car behind a hill, out of sight. They exited the car and crouched down at the back.

  “We've still got a few minutes. Let's hope the rest don't get delayed,” Sammy said, checking his watch.

  “They'll make it. If not, we'll do this ourselves,” Dan pulled a rifle from the trunk, and passed a rifle each to Charlie and Sammy. “Hope you didn't forget how to use these?” Dan smirked.

  “Not a chance!” Sammy said, checking over the rifle.

  “As if!” Charlie said.

  “That's the spirit!” Dan smiled.

  A few minutes went by, causing them to worry that the rest of their men wouldn't arrive.

  Finally, the other two cars tore around the hill, one after another and parked.

  “What took you so long?” Dan asked the other men.

  “We had a tail we had to lose,” James said.

  “I think we've all got one to lose!” Dan said. That cracked them up.

  “Yeah, well...” James shrugged.

  “But you lost them?” Dan asked. James nodded, and the other driver, too.

  “Good. It's almost time. Let's get into position,” Dan said. The new arrivals took their rifles and grenades out.

  Dan waved some of the men to the other side of the road. They split up into two groups of six, one group on each side of the road, taking cover behind bushes and trees, waiting for the truck.

  They barely had time to get into position and for Sammy to check his watch one more time before they started to hear the rumble of the approaching military supply truck. Tense moments went by as the truck rumbled closer. The soldiers gripped their guns, waiting with tense anticipation.

  Dan tried to ignore his blood pressure beating in his ears and cried out as he spotted the truck, “There she is!” He jumped out on the road with a couple of the others following him. The rest of the group stayed hidden.

  The truck driver saw them and slammed on the breaks, coming to a rough stop. The driver and the other soldier in the passenger seat pulled their guns out at once, but they were not fast enough, as they had several rifles trained on them in an instant. The rest of the unit had jumped out and surrounded the truck.

  “We don't want to kill you,” Dan yelled. “But we will if we have to. Your choice.”

  The driver and passenger looked at each other, then dropped their guns to the ground.

  “Good. Now, get out,” Dan instructed.

  The two men slipped out of the truck and were held at gunpoint.

  “Keys to the back?” Dan asked the driver. The driver dug into his pocket and handed over a ring of keys.

  “Come on, let's check out the load,” Dan said to Charlie. They went around to the back of the truck and opened it up. There inside was another one of the machines like they had seen near the altar.

  “Can you start this thing up?” Dan asked Sammy.

  “Sure thing,” Sammy got in the truck and looked over the machine. A couple of minutes later he gave a thumbs-up.

  “Ready to go?” Dan asked, looking into the truck from where he'd been keeping watch on the road.

  “Ready,” Sammy nodded.

  “OK, turn it on,” Dan said. He pointed his rifle at the machine as Sammy turned it on and got out of the back
of the truck.

  Sammy picked up his rifle and joined the others who were aiming at the machine, all but two of them, who were holding the guards.

  The machine came to life, started humming and sparking. Then came a smell of sulfur, just like in the underground ballroom. A circle of blackness opened in the air between the metal arms of the machine and water, seaweed, and fish came spilling out. But that's not all that came out.

  Meficious, the tentacle-lord stepped out of the portal.

  “Now?” Charlie asked, his finger on the trigger.

  “Hold on. Let it get all the way out so we can get a clear shot,” Dan whispered.

  The giant octopus creature looked around, seeming to be startled. It shielded its many eyes with its tentacles, the bright daylight painful to it.

  “Who dares to call me to such a place? This is not at all the kind of treatment I expect! Humans! Explain yourselves!” Meficious squeaked, his voice high and weak in the open air, not his natural water habitat. There was no microphone and speaker setup to make his voice boom out this time. This made him even more angry.

  He lashed out with a tentacle, slapping the side of the truck, making a huge noise. He made a horrific scream and lunged out of the portal towards the men.

  “Fire!” Dan shouted and squeezed the trigger on his rifle.

  The men all let loose with a volley of bullets, which cut down the creature, leaving it shredded and oozing foul smelling liquids.

  “Geez, I thought that thing smelled bad to start with,” Charlie coughed.

  Dan poked at the perforated monster with the end of his gun.

  “Think it's dead?” Charlie asked.

  “I think that's a safe bet,” Dan said. He took a good look at Meficious; he looked pretty dead.

  “Let's blow this thing up to be sure,” Dan said, pulling a grenade out of his pocket. “You guys ready?” he looked back at the others. The got their own grenades out and held them up.

  “Fire in the hole!” Dan said and popped the pin. He threw the grenade into the back of the truck. The others did the same and ran away from the truck, off to the side, back into the trees.

  Seconds later, the back of the truck exploded numerous times, as the grenades went off.

  The men shouted congratulations, clapping each other on the back and shaking hands.

  “A job well done!” Dan beamed.

  “Think it will be enough?” James asked, a sad look in the old-timer's eyes.

  “We did what we could do,” Sammy said, twirling the end of his mustache.

  “Yes, we did. Time will tell if it will be enough. But I'm proud of you all. Now, we'd better get out of here. Good luck! Until we meet again!” Dan said to the rest of the men, then got into the car with Charlie.

  The rest all got into the cars and took off, taking the guards with them. The guards would be locked up in a storage locker, then once all the men in the unit had fled, word would be sent to the military on where to find the unharmed guards.

  Suzy was waiting for Dan, all packed and ready to go at their house. Charlie dropped Dan off.

  “Thanks for your service. This was way above and beyond,” Dan shook Charlie's hand, then saluted him.

  “Glad to do it,” Charlie said.

  “You've been a good friend. I hope we get to meet again. Check your email from time to time. I'll be in touch if things calm down enough.”

  “Same here. Good luck.”

  “To you, too.” Dan got out of Charlie's car, then watched Charlie speed off to pick up Bonnie. He didn't know where Charlie and Bonnie were going; none of the men knew where any of the others were going, they were going into hiding, after all. It was safer that way.

  The plan was to disappear after the hit on the truck, as those still involved with Meficious' plan were sure to seek revenge. If the men in Dan's unit got away fast enough, right after the hit, then there was a good chance they could escape.

  It pained Dan to leave his parents behind, but they refused to go. He made sure his dad took one of his guns, at least.

  “All ready?” Dan stepped into his house, putting his rifle away in a closet.

  “Yes,” Suzy said, looking sad.

  “I know this is hard. I'm so proud of you, you know that?”

  “I know,” she nodded. She watched him get out of his uniform and into civilian clothes. The sight of his tentacle still sent a shiver of sexual excitement through her, despite the circumstances.

  Once he was dressed, he picked up his bag and they left their house, not knowing if they'd even be able to return to their regular life, again.

  They got a cab to the airport and flew off to Cancun, hoping to lose themselves in the tourist activity, then maybe head out eventually to a smaller village and settle down. There were worse fates than that.


  The air in Cancun was like a blast furnace when they stepped out of the airport. Luckily, they found an air-conditioned taxi to take them to their all-inclusive resort.

  Suzy snuggled next to Dan in the back of the taxi. “I always said I was going to take you on a tropical honeymoon. I just wish it was under more pleasurable circumstances,” Dan frowned.

  “It is pleasurable, my brave man,” she kissed him. “I have a feeling it's going to get even more pleasurable later,” she smiled.

  After they checked in to their honeymoon suite, they had a great dinner in the hotel restaurant. That was followed by a musical and dance performance with fire spinners on the beach lounge overlooking the ocean.

  “I hope we did enough,” Dan said, sipping yet another fancy drink out of a coconut. He wasn't sure what number it was; he'd lost count, as they kept taking away the empty ones and bringing him new ones.

  “I'll show you what's enough, come on!” Suzy laughed. She dragged him out of his deck chair and back to their room.

  It didn't take her long to get his pants down and set his tentacle free.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said, licking her lips. “That's what I need!” She grabbed his tentacle-cock in her hands and brought it to her mouth, where she took it right in.

  “Mmm!” Dan moaned, feeling the need in him to get some tension release after the tough times he'd just been through. He didn't think he'd been in the mood for sex, but the drinks and tropical setting sure did help.

  He watched her suck his tentacle, seeing it growing bigger, swelling in her mouth. It grew and stiffened, just begging for her pussy.

  He pulled it out of her mouth and grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. The end of his tentacle grabbed her skirt in its suction cups and yanked it right down her legs.

  “Oh, my!” she gasped. She wasn't wearing any panties.

  The head of his tentacle rubbed up and down her slit.

  “You're so wet,” he smiled.

  “Oh, God...” she moaned, pushing up and down on his tentacle, holding it tight against her.

  He took her by the shoulders and moved her over to the bed, where she got down on all fours. “How's this?” she asked.

  “Perfect!” he said and got behind her, enjoying the view.

  He sent his tentacle out, caressing her ass and back. It moved around, going under her bikini top, getting her tits free, squeezing and grabbing them. She was really writhing around by the time he sunk his tentacle into her pussy.

  He grabbed her hips with his strong hands, pushing into her. His tentacle went deep, though it could never go all the way in.

  She threw her head back and he pulled her hair, adding to her pleasure. She moaned and moaned, cumming all over his tentacle-cock.

  Without losing a moment, he pulled his tentacle out of her and started pushing its dripping tip into her ass. She moaned deeper and pushed herself into him, liking the new sensation, even if it was a bit rough without much lube. He spit on the end of it, to give it some more wetness, for good measure.

  Soon, her ass opened up and he was able to get a lot of his tentacle into her. He looked down at her, taking him in...even if he was part-mo
nster, now. He had done his best to save the world from more monsters being made and just hoped it was enough.

  Her head looked good as she bobbed back and forth, her hair flying around. That made him grin, watching her effort. She was taking so much of his massive tentacle in, which amazed him—but then, they'd been practicing.

  He felt his orgasm getting closer and kept moving in and out of her nice, tight ass. She had such a lovely ass, firm and apple-shaped. It was one of the first things he'd noticed about her and he'd been in love with it, and her, since the first time they'd met. He stared at her ass, thinking how good she was for loving him like she did...he was a lucky man, as his tentacle got her hot!

  Finally, he couldn't hold it any longer and all of the stress of the past while came out in one massive blast! “Ohhh, gawd!” he yelled, gripped her hips tight enough to leave marks. He tentacle throbbed, at its apex of fullness and stiffness, then shot out gobs of his cum, filling up her ass to overflowing. His cum ran down the back of her ass, down her legs and onto the bed.

  “Oh, baby!” she cried out. She reached back and caught some of the tentacle-cum in her hand and brought it to her mouth, licking it all down eagerly. “So good!” she moaned, picking up as much of his cum as she could and eating it.

  When they were done, they lay side by side, snuggled up.

  “That was great,” she smiled. “It's been a while.”

  “Yeah. I had to get all that nasty business out of the way.”

  “You did good.”

  “I just hope I did enough,” he sighed.

  “You did what you could and you did great,” she patted his chest and kissed him.

  “Thanks, babe. I'm real lucky to have someone like you. You've stuck through it all with me, were willing to give up your old life—at least for a while. This is as much your fight as anyone's. So, you should be congratulated, too.” He reached out and spanked her ass lightly.

  “Oh, you do reward me,” she grinned and hugged him.

  They fell silent. He could tell she had things on her mind.

  “What's wrong?” he asked. “Apart from being on the run?” He kissed her forehead.


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