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Big Jock : Bad Boy Sports Romance

Page 9

by Vanessa Kinney

  The soft lull of his heartbeats makes me close my eyes. And like warm milk before bedtime, it makes me drift off into another world.



  “One more minute, Mr. Cooper,” Mrs. Rowling crows from the front of the room. I shoot her a quick smile and re-read the list of questions, making sure that every bubble on the exam is penciled in. I wipe my palms on my jeans, take a breath, and pull out of my seat.

  I’m the last student in the classroom. Have been for the last thirty minutes. I know that Mrs. Rowling wants to get out of here; the tapping of her shoes announced that to me ten minutes ago. But I don’t care.

  This test is the last one today. And this test also happens to be the one that counts the most. This is the class that I’ve had the lowest average in. And it’s the last class that I need to bring up before Coach Vaughn will even consider asking Mrs. Dunn to return me to the field.

  I take the last step to the front of the classroom, flip the booklet around a couple times, and lay it down on the table. Mrs. Rowling grabs it quickly, just in case I might change my mind. She puts it on top of her pile and is out of her seat before I even turn toward the door.

  “When will the grades be up?” I ask, stopping Mrs. Rowling in her tracks. One foot out the door already.

  She looks at me, like she’s about to yell at me, but instead lets out a sigh. “All I have to do is feed them through the machine. The scores should be up in about fifteen minutes.” She gives me the smallest smile that she can muster before she rushes down the hall. Probably afraid that I’ll ask another question and keep her hanging around longer than need be.

  I shake my head and push through the door. There’s a sinking and gut-wrenching feeling in my stomach. The kind of feeling where I know everything is out of my control. The kind of feeling I get when I watch the football spiral through the air in a close game, hoping that one of my receivers will catch it.

  I no longer have control over anything anymore. If I don’t pass this test, I can’t be on the field. And if I can’t be on the field then I might as well kiss my chances at the pros goodbye.

  “Hey there, handsome.” My ears perk up and I bring my head up. Casey is leaning against the wall and she just looks drop dead gorgeous. Her hair is in a tight bun and she’s hugging her textbooks in front of her chest. I can’t help but smile at how nerdy she looks. “How did the test go?” She comes up next to me and pushes her shoulder into me playfully, nudging me down the hall.

  I wrap my hand around her and she nestles her head into the crook of my chest before pulling away. I rub my palms against my face, trying to take away the frustration and feeling of hopelessness that looms inside of me. “I think that I did ok. At least I hope I did.”

  Casey brings her textbooks higher and rests her chin on them. I swear its the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen, but I pretend like I don’t notice. “I’m sure you did great. When do you find out?” We walk down the stairs and we bump into each other every other step, stealing not so subtle glances at each other.

  I look at my phone. “The grades should be up by the time I get to my room.” We walk outside the building into the cold autumn air. Casey brings her scarf up and covers that bitable neck of hers, leaving me staring at those lush lips. She’s wearing a soft pink gloss over them that shimmers every time the sun catches them.

  I run my tongue along my lips. It’s like her lips are calling out to me and I’m like a mosquito attracted by the light. I see her shiver and bring my arm around her, holding her against me. There are only a couple students brave enough to be outside in this howling wind, but each of them look our way. There’s no doubt that this will be all over campus by the end of the day.

  Big Jock and the Tutor.

  But I couldn’t care less. Casey and I have gotten so much closer over the last couple weeks, ever since our first night together. We haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other. We try to do our best not to put too much on display. Casey doesn’t want any trouble from Mrs. Dunn, and I don’t need Coach Vaughn thinking that I’m just sleeping with the tutor to get better grades.

  I reach into my pocket and grab my keys. With a shaking hand, I guide them to my lock, missing the small keyhole. Casey smiles up at me, takes my hand, and grips it tight. She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t need to. I understand her loud and clear.

  I open the door and throw my backpack onto the couch, going straight for the fridge to get something to drink. Casey rushes to my computer at the corner of the room. “Can you check them for me?” I shout from the kitchen.

  “Already ahead of you.” She laughs and I can hear the rapid click of the mouse from across the apartment. I close my eyes, take a gulp of cold water, and wait for the news. Except I don’t hear anything.

  I listen to the hum of my fridge and grip the side of the counter. Never in my life have I felt this way before. Not even in the worst football games in my life. I don’t like this feeling at all.

  And then a squeal breaks through the silence. I rush out of the kitchen to see Casey jumping up and down on the couch. I walk toward her and she jumps toward me. I catch her in my arms and she wraps her legs and arms around me in an instant. She plants those succulent lips of hers on mine, and for a second, I forget all about the test. All of my brain power rushes to wake up the sleeping giant between my legs. I’m about to peel every bit of clothing off her when she bounces out of my hands.

  “You passed. You passed!” She points at the screen and I rush to the table, nearly tripping over my backpack on the floor. “And you brought up your average score.” She claps her hands together excitedly and I stumble back into the couch, overwhelming relief surging through me.

  All my hard work paid off. I managed to get my shit together and actually pass all of my tests. I wipe the sweat off my brow and reach for her. I grab hold of her wrist and pull her into me, that plump ass of hers sitting right on my crotch. She rubs her cheeks against mine and looks up at me with those dark ocean eyes. She looks into my eyes first and then to my lips, biting down on her bottom one.

  I still can’t believe that she’s all mine. And that I get to kiss those lips of hers.

  I bring a hand to either side of her cheeks and push them together, making her lips pout. I give her a quick kiss before she shakes her head from my hands. “Don’t do that. It makes me look fat,” she pouts before I lay another kiss on her, letting my tongue flick against hers.

  “I think it makes you look cute,” I answer and unravel the scarf around her neck, showering her with small pecks. She starts to laugh and push her head into mine. “I wanted to say thank you.”

  She stops laughing and looks at me, clearly confused. “Thank you for what?”

  I run my hand down the side of her arm and let the rush of electricity courses through my skin. “I couldn’t have passed those tests without you. And without you, I wouldn’t be getting another chance on the field.” Her eyes dart away from mine and she plays with the end of the scarf, her cheeks turning red.

  “It’s my job,” she mumbles. “You don’t have to thank…” And I stop her before she utters another word. I press a finger on her lips and leave it there until I have her attention.

  “You went above and beyond the help that I needed. Even when I was being a dick.”

  She smirks before moving my finger away. “You were a pretty big dick.” She moves her ass a little, feeling my length.

  “I thought you liked it big,” I mutter as I bring my lips into her neck. “We should celebrate.” I push her down onto the couch.

  Her eyelids flicker half open and let me press my body against her. She runs her hands down my back until they reach the inside of my crotch. Her finger starts at the end of my cock and works its way to the tip. I grip the bottom off her shirt to pull it of when her phone rings.

  “One second.” She holds out a finger and I fall down on the couch. She picks up the phone and I watch her pace around the room, a look of worry growing on he
r face. Something tells me there isn’t going to be any time for a celebration. When she hangs up, she looks at me and bites down on her lip, clearly holding something back.

  “What’s the matter?” I know that I won’t like her answer.

  “That was Melissa. I have to go. There’s an urgent meeting.” I just nod to her words and feel the excitement pouring out. Casey drops her phone on the table and saunters over to me. She pushes me back on the couch, gets on top of me, and runs her fingers through my hair. “Go and celebrate with the team. And when you get back, I’ll give you something a little special.” She locks on a strand of my hair at my front and coils it around her finger.


  She brings her head down and gives me a long, sensual kiss. “Promise.” She holds out her pinkie and I wrap mine around it.

  “I guess it would be good to see the guys again. I’ve been ditching them a lot since I started studying.” Casey jumps off of me and it takes all of my willpower not to throw her over my shoulder and force her to stay.

  “I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.” She gets up to her tip toes, gives me a kiss, and is out the door before I can stop her.

  I hold out my shot glass and Dwayne smacks his against it. “You were gone for too long, man. We were starting to think that you got lost in some book.” Dwayne chuckles and slams back the shot. That’s his fifth in less than an hour. It won’t take long for him to knock out now.

  Nobody else could make it to the last minute invite, so it’s just Dwayne and me. We’ve been talking and drinking for the last hour in his room at the frat house. Dwayne’s been doing most of the drinking.

  “Just busy trying to get back on the field,” I answer and swallow the shot. The searing sensation is fast and burns the hairs on my nose. I haven’t had a drink this much since the night before the first tutoring session with Casey. I’ve been focused too much on making sure nothing gets in the way, especially not alcohol.

  Dwayne pours himself a shot, downs it, and then pours each another one. He clinks my glass before I bring it up and drinks it quickly. “Are you sure it’s not because of Casey?” He smirks at me and tries to pour himself another shot before realizing the bottle is empty. He rolls it across the table and grabs the other bottle, shakes it, and smiles when he sees the brown liquid inside.

  I take a sip of my drink and hold off from finishing. I can’t keep up with Dwayne anymore. And I can’t even if I wanted to. I can’t fall back on my old habits if I want to permanently stay on the field.

  “Part of it is because of her.” A smile bursts onto my face before I can stop it. I try to wipe it away but Dwayne’s got me. His hand clasps my shoulder and he shakes me a little.

  “Do you think you’re falling in love?” He makes kissing noises before slamming back another shot.


  It’s possible. I never thought about it until now. But it does explain how I feel about her. How I can’t go a whole hour without thinking about that smile. Or how when I close my eyes I can almost smell the sweet coconut fragrance of her shampoo.

  Never in my life has a girl ever made me feel this way. There have been crushes before. Those usually leave within a couple weeks. But it’s been longer than that with Casey.

  Several months have gone by, and I still get excited for my tutoring sessions with her. Even the thought of spending a day with her seems so perfect in my mind.

  Is that what love is?

  “I don’t know,” I lie to Dwayne. “All I know is that she’s down to earth and I really like her.” I down the rest of my shot. Dwayne pours me another, but I push it to the side. I’ve had more than enough for tonight.

  “Have you…” Dwayne raises his eyebrows up and down before continuing. “Have you sealed the deal?” He laughs at his little joke, but I don’t reciprocate.

  “Yeah,” I answer dryly.

  “And how was she?” Dwayne’s eyes almost light up and he bites down on the bottom of his lip as he stares across the room.

  “It was good,” I answer, not wanting to give more info than I need to. Before Casey, I would share every sexual conquest with Dwayne. And he would do the same with me. It became a pissing contest between the two of us.

  Now, I could never do that to Casey. She means more to me than that.

  “I bet she’s better than her first time.” Dwayne laughs and slams his shot glass on the table before pouring himself another.

  Better than her first time?

  “What do you mean?” I ask. My stomach tightens and I clench my fist together. Something tells me I’m not going to like his answer.

  Dwayne smirks at me and twirls the whiskey in his glass. “Been there, done that. I taught her a couple moves.” He holds up his drink and tilts it in my direction. Half the whiskey falls onto the carpet. “You’re welcome.”

  I jump off the couch and my fingers clutch the collar of his shirt, ripping the thin fabric. “What the fuck are you talking about?” He looks at me, smiles, and grabs the bottle of whiskey off the table and brings it to his lips. He holds a finger in the air, takes a swig, and lets out a burp.

  “I fucked her before you did.” He takes another drink and throws the bottle to the ground when he finishes it. “I was her first.”

  I shove him up against the wall and lift him off the ground. The whole time Dwayne is just smiling at me like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  “You’re lying,” I shout. “Don’t fuck with me, Dwayne.” The blood is rushing to my face and I bring my fist up to his. He looks at it, starts to laugh, and tries to smack it away. I hold steady.

  “I. Fucked. Her.” Every word that leaves his lips feels like a jagged dagger entering my stomach. The world around me starts to get blurry and my breath gets shallow. I let go of his collar and I take in a deep breath. I clench my fist and I spin around and aim it toward that stupid grin on his face. Somehow, Dwayne side steps me and I punch a hole through the dry wall. I pull my fist out and knock him down to the ground. I let the rage consume me as I start to see red. And I’m not planning on stopping until Dwayne is nothing but a beaten, red mess.



  I walk through the wooden doors and take out my ID handing it to the officer behind the table. “I’m here to see David Cooper.” The officer takes one look at me, slides his pudgy fingers across the table, and starts to write my name on a clipboard.

  “He’s in the detention center,” the officer says. His chair creaks as he gets up and waves me over to the door. He holds up a finger in front of a camera, there’s a buzz, and then he opens the door for me.

  “Why were they arrested?” I ask. Half an hour ago, I got a call from Melissa to let me know that David was arrested. I was half asleep when I got the call, but I rushed over here as fast I could. The whole time, the worst possible scenarios were running through my head.

  “He was fighting with his room-mate.” He walks me to the end of the hallway, holds a finger in front of the camera, and opens the door for me. The detention center is a small and has a couple wooden seats along the wall. At the center of the room is a table, which is occupied by Melissa, Coach Vaughn, Dwayne, and David. Dwayne and David are facing away from each other while Coach Vaughn looks like he wants to rip them a new one.

  I wave my hand at David, but he doesn’t even look up in my direction. He has a cut at the right side of his forehead and a bruised cheek. Dwayne, on the other hand, is worse off, with a swollen right eye and a hand that’s wrapped up.

  What the hell were they fighting about?

  Melissa gives me a half smile as she turns her attention back to David and Dwayne. She looks down at the report in front of her. “I don’t know why the two of you were fighting and I don’t care.” She’s about to continue when Coach Vaughn stands up and slams his hands on the rickey wooden table. I’m surprised the table doesn’t break under his force.

  “I’m going to have both of you running laps until you wish you were dead. Teammates do not f
ight. Not on my team, at least.” He walks away from the table and runs his hand through his hair. Every second that passes, his face turns a little redder. He clenches and unclenches his head, throwing daggers at Dwayne and David. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  Neither of them look up from the table. They just shake their heads. It’s funny how the both of them look like little kids being scolded by their parents.

  Melissa clears her throat. “Unfortunately, gentlemen there will be consequences. Dwayne, you will be suspended for the next two games.” Dwayne looks up from the table, opens his mouth to object, and reconsiders when he sees how Coach Vaughn is staring at him. He ends up just nodding. Melissa turns her attention to David. “Before this happened, Coach Vaughn and I were discussing the possibility of letting you back on the field for practice. With tonight’s development, that possibility is gone.” David nods.

  Coach Vaughn walks around the table to David’s side. I never realized how tall and wide Coach Vaughn is. He makes David look small. He holds his spot until David looks up to him. Coach Vaughn stares him down before letting out a sigh. “As of this moment, you are no longer the team captain.”

  David shoots up, his chair clattering to the floor. “That’s not fair, Coach. I worked hard for that spot. You can’t just take it away.”

  “I can and have. I won’t have my team captain fighting with his own teammates. It doesn’t set the example that I want.” Coach Vaughn nods to himself before he walks over to Melissa. “That’s it. I have nothing else to say to these numbskulls.”

  Melissa nods and gets out of her seat. “On top of the school’s punishment, both of you will have court-ordered community service.”

  Nobody says another word. The door buzzes and the officer holds the door open. Everyone shuffles out of the room with their heads down.


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