The Rules of Love

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The Rules of Love Page 10

by Morticia Knight

Saul laughed, releasing some of the tension that he hadn’t even noticed he’d been holding. It was advantageous that Thomas had brought his two pugilist friends with him when he’d moved down from Santa Barbara.

  “Go on then. We’ll need to deal with this as quickly as possible before things get even more out of hand.”

  “It’ll take about a half hour to get them then return.”

  Saul nodded, racking his brain. “After you’ve instructed Thomas on what to do, have Michael lock the door behind you.” Saul reached into his pocket for the key. “Give this to Thomas so he can let everyone back in when he returns with the boys. Also, have him tell the valet to close the gate and hang the black wreath. We don’t need any more people coming in tonight. We have enough to contend with as it is.”

  “How are you going to handle this mess until they get back?”

  “Hooch solves many ills. Send Javier to the ballroom and tell him to set up the bar. I’ll need a good distraction until they return.”

  “I’m off then.” Aaron patted his arm a couple of times, winked at Kenneth then turned to leave.

  The noisy voices had been rising steadily and Saul knew that he had to temper the situation soon. Kenneth still clung to him and Saul noticed that he’d moved closer and closer to his side until they were flush against one another.

  “Gentlemen! Please, gentlemen, can I get your attention?”

  Bit by bit, the roar of the multiple heated discussions quieted to only a few whispers. Saul could work with that.

  “I’d like to invite all of you to repair to the grand ballroom—”

  “We need to discuss what went on here tonight! How long have you been going after Preston’s boy?” Otis was back to doing what he did best, which usually involved him jabbing his finger in the air. “Did Cornwall really do all that crap or was that all lies?”

  A few men near Otis nodded, their postures somewhat aggressive. One had his hands balled in a fist and the others had their hands on their hips. But they all wore scowls on their faces.

  “I agree, Otis. We do need to discuss this. But this small study is hardly the place. Let’s all take a moment to catch our breath, check in on our partners if need be, then we can gather in a much more amenable space. Javier is on his way now to set up the bar.”

  This time the mumblings sounded more cheerful than hostile. Some of the men moved toward the door, but Otis stayed rooted to his spot near the entryway.

  “What about the owner?”

  Saul had been about to speak with Kenneth, but he paused. “What about him, old sport?”

  “I say you give him a ring and get him over here. Me and the guys have had just about enough of this mysterious malarkey. Things have gotten way out of hand and I’m tired of flapping our gums about it. I’ll listen to what the owner has to say and that’s it.”

  He huffed, then crossed his arms again in a gesture of defiance. Several of the members gathered around Otis nodded and murmured their agreement.


  It wasn’t how he’d hoped things would go when he and his friends had planned Kenneth’s escape. He took a deep breath. He wanted to fortify himself with a good brandy, but given how things had crumbled in so many ways, he thought he should continue to keep his head clear.

  “All right, gentlemen. Head on over to the ballroom. I’ll have the owner there for you in approximately thirty minutes. Agreed?”

  Otis narrowed his eyes. “Agreed. Don’t pull the wool over on us, Liebowitz.”

  “No wool, Otis. The owner of the Hampton Road Club will be there. I guarantee it.”

  Chapter Eight

  After all the men had filed out and Theodore had closed the study door, Saul turned to Kenneth. He didn’t want to disentangle his fingers from his, but he needed to take care of the club business. The current drama was not what he’d anticipated at all. He’d certainly assumed there would be tension and a confrontation, but he’d thought it would be between him and Preston without the entire club in attendance. He especially hadn’t thought Kenneth would be there, let alone standing up to the swine. His lips curled into a smile as he remembered Kenneth’s bravery.

  “First Linus, then tonight.” He used his other hand to stroke Kenneth’s cheek.


  “I’m touched by your courage.”

  “Forgive me, Sir. I don’t mean any disrespect, but I don’t understand what I did that was so courageous.”

  “Linus told us everything. I know how you sacrificed yourself for him. He’s been very worried about you, so I’ve had Aaron go and fetch him, along with Sam and Francesco.”

  Kenneth gasped. “Linus is okay?”

  Saul caressed him some more, leaning in to steal a chaste kiss. It had finally sunk in that Kenneth really had given himself to Saul, that Kenneth was truly his. Saul wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to stop touching and kissing him for even a moment.

  “Linus is fine and can’t wait to see you. He wanted to thank you in person.”

  Kenneth lowered his head and Saul pulled him into an embrace. As Kenneth wrapped his arms around Saul’s waist, his shaft lengthened, filling with his need for Kenneth. With their bodies pressed together and Kenneth nude under the smoking jacket, Saul was treated to Kenneth’s hardness as well. The timing was awful. However, Saul was comforted by the fact that he wished to go home with him to stay. They would have plenty of opportunities from then on.

  “Come along, dear Kenneth. I’m going to take you to a room upstairs that’s quiet. I’ll wait with you until Linus and the other men get here. I’ll need you to stay with them while I deal with the members. Can you do that for me?”

  Kenneth brought his arms up to wrap them around Saul’s neck. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry I’ve caused so much trouble for you.”

  “Don’t be silly. The only one who’s caused any trouble has been Preston, and we’re rid of him now, right?”

  “I hope so, Sir.”

  Saul frowned. “Are you still worried about him?”

  “I don’t know how to explain it, other than being around him daily for the last few years, but it seemed like he gave up awfully fast.”

  “He found out the hard way that he couldn’t stand up to a group of Dominant men. His own exaggerated self-worth finally tripped him up. Preston’s a coward, dearest Kenneth. He used your willingness to be submissive to him as a weapon against you. He wasn’t able to pull that same crap on a room full of Masters, so he fled.”

  “Okay, thank you, Sir. I don’t want to spend all my time worrying about him. I just want to enjoy it with you.”

  Saul smiled against Kenneth’s head. “This is nice.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you for holding me.”

  “I should be the one to thank you.” Saul jostled him. “Don’t protest, boy. I’ve been without a partner for many years and I’ve never had the privilege to have one live with me. I’m a very lucky man.”

  Kenneth squeezed him. “Can I have a kiss again?”

  Saul drew his head back and Kenneth tilted his chin up. This time when Kenneth parted for him, he accepted the offering of his mouth. Plunging in with his tongue, he tasted Kenneth for the first time. He was sweet and hot and everything Saul had hoped for. He delved deeper until their teeth clacked together, Kenneth’s lips smashed against his. He was so fucking hard, leaking in his under shorts, but he didn’t want to stop.

  He groaned in frustration at the knock on the study door. When he peered down at Kenneth, he couldn’t help but grin at the sight. His eyes were hooded, pupils wide open to highlight the amber in his eyes, his lips swollen and moist. Saul would have given anything to throw him over the couch and bury his cock in Kenneth’s perfect round ass, right then and there.

  Another knock sounded. “Saul, are you still in there?”

  For someone who’d been adamantly encouraging him to seek the comfort of another man’s arms for quite a while, Aaron had certainly proved himself capable of interrupting him and Kenneth.

ome in, old sport.”

  He kept one arm wrapped around Kenneth’s shoulders and he noted Aaron’s bemused expression as he strolled in from the hall.

  Aaron coughed into his fist. “Thought I’d fill you in on things. Thomas left a short while ago and I’ve verified that Javier has drinks pouring freely in the ballroom.”

  “Excellent. As soon as the boys arrive, I’ll get Kenneth settled then we can join the others.”

  There was a questioning look on Aaron’s face. Saul could tell he was struggling with something in his mind and no doubt concerned about bringing it up in front of Kenneth.

  “What is it? I can see you have something on your mind.”

  “I thought you might need to get Kenneth situated rather soon. Otis and the others are expecting you to show up with the owner of Hampton Road in a short while.”

  “No worries, old sport. I’ll make sure everything goes off without a hitch.”

  Aaron considered him as if he were a deep mystery. Saul had always known that protecting the owner’s identity would catch up to him eventually. He wasn’t thrilled that his hand was being forced on the matter, but there was nothing for it. It was time.

  “I don’t want to be a problem for you, Sir. I could…” Kenneth bit his lip as he furrowed his brow.

  Saul knew that Kenneth wasn’t ready to be left alone or with anyone he wasn’t very comfortable with quite yet. He was trying so hard to be brave and it tugged at Saul’s heart.

  “You’re not a problem. Everything’s been worked out.” Saul couldn’t stay in the study any longer. It was time to get things rolling. “I’ll tell you what. Let’s go to the room where you’ll be socializing with Linus and your friends, and I’ll wait with you there until they arrive.” Saul fingered the collar around Kenneth’s neck. “I’d also like to get this awful thing off of you, as well as that harness and restraint you’re wearing.” Kenneth’s cheeks flushed pink. “Then you can get dressed.” Saul pondered what else might ease the stress of waiting. “I’ll also see if we can get Michael to rustle up some cheese, bread and maybe some fruit from the kitchen.”

  Aaron shook his head slightly, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. He knew his friend had to be wondering what Saul was really up to, and he felt bad that he’d never been at liberty to confide in him. Even Vincent hadn’t known who the owner of Hampton Road was. Saul had been faithful in his silence.

  After ridding Kenneth of the accessories Preston had made him wear, Saul handed him the clothes that had been retrieved by Javier. As he waited for Kenneth, Saul unlocked the desk drawer, locating some documents he wanted to bring to the ballroom. Once Kenneth was dressed, they left the study, Aaron agreeing to meet with Saul downstairs.

  By the time Saul had taken Kenneth to the room and ordered some food and seltzer waters, Sam, Francesco and Linus had arrived. It had been very sweet to watch as Linus had thrown himself in Kenneth’s arms, crying. Although initially surprised, Kenneth had hugged him back, reassuring him that everything was okay. It was good to see Kenneth in the role of comforter. Saul hoped to encourage him to explore all aspects of his personality. He had no interest in holding Kenneth back from reaching his full potential as a person—whatever form that might take.

  “I have to meet with the members now.”

  Kenneth rose from the long sofa where he and Linus had been sitting. Sam and Francesco had been on the floor at their feet, listening to Linus as he poured out his thanks to Kenneth. Saul intertwined their fingers and gently tugged on him as he walked to the door. He spoke so that only Kenneth could hear.

  “I don’t anticipate being very long. If things seem as if they might take a while to wrap up, I’ll send someone to let you know.” Saul framed Kenneth’s face with his hands. “You can still go back to Aaron and Sam’s guesthouse if you like. I won’t be upset. I’ll understand if you need some time on your own first.”

  Almost immediately, Saul could sense Kenneth’s agitation.

  “I would only go if that’s what you wanted. If you made me.”

  Saul pursed his lips, frustrated at Kenneth’s words. “I won’t ever make you do anything. It will always be your choice, even when I explore how far I can push you. What are you to say to me if you don’t like anything I’m doing or that’s being done to you?”

  “Mercy, Sir.”

  “Very good. Are you calling mercy on me sending you to the guesthouse instead of coming to stay with me?”

  There was a slight quirk at the corner of Kenneth’s mouth. It was a relief to know that Preston hadn’t completely destroyed Kenneth’s sense of humor.

  “Yes, Sir.” He said it with gusto. “I’m calling mercy.”

  Saul planted a lusty kiss on Kenneth’s lips. “Good. I didn’t want you to be anywhere but with me anyway, so that worked out.”

  Kenneth’s smile was wide and lit up his eyes. Saul broke into a grin of his own. It was the second time since he’d known Kenneth that he’d seen him smile. What was sad was that both of the times had occurred on the same day and only after he’d been freed from the animal who’d held him like a prisoner for so long.

  “I’ll be back for you soon.”

  “I’ll be anxiously waiting, Sir.”

  After a final peck on Kenneth’s lips, Saul left him with the other boys, confident that they would keep him distracted. He hurried down to the second floor then caught up to Aaron. He was waiting for Saul outside the ballroom.

  “Time to face the music as they say, old sport.”

  “Indeed. However, I wish you would clue me in on what shenanigans you’re up to.”

  “Shenanigans? Me?” Saul mock gasped. “When have you ever known me to pull a fast one on anyone?”

  Aaron laughed. “I’m sure Sam’s father could think of one or two instances.”

  Saul and Aaron, along with their other friends, had cooked up a grand scheme to get Sam away from his bully of a father.

  “I thought that worked out quite well, didn’t you?”

  Aaron regarded him with more seriousness. “We’ll forever be grateful.”

  “As I am to you for tonight. For Kenneth.”

  Aaron patted his arm gently. “We’re here to watch out for one another, right?”

  Yes. That was the whole point. That’s what Hampton Road has always been about.

  With renewed purpose, Saul pushed open the large glass doors of the ballroom. “Gentlemen, are we ready to begin?”

  The room quieted as Saul and Aaron entered. He could sense the nervousness emanating from Aaron since there wasn’t an owner in evidence the way Saul had promised. Saul only hoped that his friends wouldn’t be too angry with him.

  As Saul anticipated, Otis was the first to speak up.

  “I knew it. You’re nothing but a trickster.”

  It was interesting to note that of the couple of dozen men in attendance, there were but a few gathered around Otis. His supporters appeared to have dwindled.

  “Well, old sport. I can’t completely dispute your claim.”

  Low chatter picked up throughout the room and Saul saw the concerned looks on his friend’s faces.

  “So you admit it,” Otis continued. “You’ve probably been lying to the owner this whole time, fooling him, controlling him the way you controlled Preston’s boy to get what you want.” Otis’ compatriots nodded, anger clear in their expressions. “For all we know”—Otis gestured wildly about the room—“you have him drugged in the house somewhere to keep him docile.”

  Saul burst out laughing. It wasn’t the most appropriate response under the tense circumstances, but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so stressed. He had to at least let some of it go.

  “I assure you, Otis, gentlemen, it’s nothing quite that sinister. I’m the owner of Hampton Road.”

  Chapter Nine

  The shouting was so overwhelming, it was impossible to discern what was being said. Saul glanced at Aaron to get his reaction. His eyes were wide and he appeared stunned. Saul leaned
in to him to be heard above the chaos.

  “Please accept my apologies, old sport. I had what I believed to be very good reasons. As you can imagine, my life won’t ever be the same, but I fear more that Hampton Road won’t be either.”

  Aaron seemed to snap out of his trance. “I’m anxious to talk about this more with you, as I’m sure you can imagine, but you haven’t lost my support. Hampton Road has been a sanctuary to me and you’ve always been a good friend. I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”

  His emotions had been on the surface more than he could remember them being in a very long while. But the unusual circumstances surrounding him for the past couple of months had changed everything.

  Saul clasped a hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “That means more to me than you can possibly know.”

  Otis shouted above the din. “You don’t expect us to actually believe that claptrap, do you?”

  Otis was red in the face, his fists clenched at his sides. It occurred to Saul that the whole incident with Preston had inadvertently separated the wheat from the chaff. If the club was to persevere with gentlemen who respected one another and whose main concern was to protect Hampton Road from those who sought to tear it down, then revealing his identity would have been worth it.

  “It’s quite understandable that you would have your doubts, old sport, so I took a moment earlier when I was in the study to retrieve the deed so that you might see the truth of the matter. I have it here for your perusal.”

  Saul reached into the inner pocket of his suit coat and pulled out the document. After unfolding it, he walked over to the counter of the bar then laid it down. He stepped back to give everyone room to look at it. As he moved out of the way, he caught Javier’s eye. There was a quirk at the corner of his mouth. Saul had told no one, but he’d always suspected that Javier knew.

  Several men strolled over to see the official paper. Otis and his few cronies were not among them. Saul could already guess where things were going, and he was fine with it. Even though he stood by his original decision of keeping his identity a secret, he was confident that his friends—as well as the men who only wished to have a safe place to indulge in their desires—would stand by him.


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