The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!)

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The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!) Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  The kitchen door opened and Kyle came through on his phone. He looked at Micah and motioned for him to join him in the other room.

  Micah tipped his hat. “Excuse me, Miss Hunter. Looks like the boss man needs a word. What’s up, Gov?” Micah could see something was wrong and he had a pretty good idea what it concerned. “Noah?”

  “Yea, he just called and I’ve notified the others, they’re on the way. We have to escalate whatever plans we were going to make. This has gotten serious–fast.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “When Noah and the others got to his mother’s apartment, all they found was the kid, Mateo. He said she’d gone down to Club Hidalgo alone to try and get a job, to see if she could gather information.”

  “Okay, sounds like a risky plan. How do we know it didn’t work?”

  “A courier brought Mateo a package and it was addressed to Noah.”

  “What? How?” He didn’t understand. “How did they know?”

  Kyle shook his head. “If you remember when we went after Aron. Bowie told us that those cartels have many people on their payroll–store owners, kids–your next door neighbor could be gathering information to pass on to the kingpins. You learn to trust no one. So, who knows – they have eyes everywhere.”

  “What was in the package? A message?”

  “Yea, a ransom note. One million dollars or we kill your mother. And to prove their point, they sent a severed finger.”

  “Shit. What are we going to do?” Micah asked, thinking that he’d like to let Madison know.

  “Well, we’re still going to talk to Santiago. We need contacts, resources and a blueprint. I don’t know when we’ll leave–but it will be soon.”


  Madison was on cloud nine. Sure, her car was still broken and she’d been forced to ride the bus everywhere lately, but she’d been having such a good time with Micah. The texting between them was drawing them closer, even if it was risqué. She’d had a naughty thought while waiting for the bus–when she got home, Madison planned on slipping off a layer of clothing and sending Micah an even more revealing pose. He would be so surprised! She hoped he would love it.

  Madison became so lost in her planning for the picture that she missed her stop and the next stop after that. When she finally awoke from her dreamy daze she had to walk nearly half a mile back in the other direction to her apartment.

  “Hey!” she waved to a neighbor lady who was carrying in a bag of groceries. Her feet were tired from the long day at work and the unexpected walk, but it didn’t dampen Madison’s mood as she seemingly floated up the stairs to her apartment. She put her key in the door and was met by the worst possible sight she could imagine.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked the moment the door came open.

  Rudy was sitting on her couch with a predictable smoke in his hand. “So good to see you too, darling.”

  Madison thought about turning around and just walking out of the building altogether, she’d run if it meant getting away from Rudy any faster. “Where’s Mom?”

  Rudy rose from the couch with a groan and a sway, he looked like he was under the influence of something. “She’s back in Fort Worth. We ran into a bit of a financial snag. I’m gonna need some money from you.”

  Madison moved into the apartment and walked behind the kitchen table, using it as a barrier between them. She fished her phone out of her purse. “I’m afraid I don’t have any at the moment.”

  “I thought you were gonna land that rich, good-lookin’ fella you were dreamin’ about.” He went into her refrigerator and came out with a can of soda. “What happened, he didn’t want you after all?”

  Madison wished he would just leave or a bolt of lightning would hit him. She refused to answer his question, instead she just stood her ground.

  Rudy strolled up to the table. “Listen bitch. I know you’ve got money. Maybe you don’t have it here, but I know you have it and Sunny and I need it, so fork it over.”

  Madison knew it was a bad idea, but she couldn’t help herself. “What do you need it for?” Rudy moved to come around to her side of the table and Madison shuffled left to stay as far away from him as possible. She knew this was getting out of hand quickly, so she opened her phone, trying to hit the number that would bring her some help.

  Rudy’s hostility skyrocketed. “I don’t have time to explain it to you. Just give me your goddamn money!” He came at her quickly and before Madison knew it, he had a hand around her throat. “Where’s the money, bitch? Where is it?” Rudy hollered as Madison sank to the floor.

  The phone was still in her hand and she clawed at the screen with one hand while scratching his grip around her throat with the other.

  Micah to the rescue…

  Over at the Governor’s mansion, Micah was still working. As he listened to Kyle’s conversation with Santiago, his phone buzzed. Glancing down at the screen, he saw that the call was from Madison. Despite the bad news they’d received about Sofia, Micah’s heart couldn’t help but grow lighter just seeing Madison’s name. With a smile, he raised his phone and pointed toward the door. Kyle nodded, understanding. He stepped out of the room and answered his phone. “Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise.”

  No one responded, all Micah heard was a muffled sound and then words that curdled his blood. “Give me the money, bitch!”

  “Madison?” Micah asked. “Madison! What’s going on?”

  “Don’t make me kill you. Where is it?”

  Micah knew right away what was up. Madison was being attacked at her apartment. He broke for the door without saying a word to Kyle and ran for his car. Kyle came running out after him, but Micah was behind the wheel of his car before Kyle could stop him.

  Micah left a long patch of rubber on the governor’s mansion driveway and fishtailed out onto the street, narrowly missing an oncoming minivan. Madison was only a little over five miles away and Micah knew he had to get to her quickly. He floored the pedal and weaved in and out of traffic, not even considering his own safety. All he wanted to do was get to her as fast as possible. Blowing through a red light, he caught the attention of a police cruiser.

  Micah eyed them in his rear view mirror, the cherry pickers were on and a siren pierced the air immediately. “That’s right boys, follow me.” Stopping and explaining the issue right now would lose valuable time Madison might not have to spare.

  At her apartment, Rudy released her just as Madison was about to lose consciousness. “Oh, stop whining,” he berated her as she struggled to gasp air back into her lungs. Rudy moved into the kitchen and began going through her cupboards, opening each one and spilling the contents out and onto the floor below. “Give me the money or I’ll tear this fuckin’ place apart.”

  Down the street, Micah drifted around a corner, the Challenger’s powerful engine putting more and more space between himself and the police cruiser tailing him. “Hell! You fellas need to keep up.” He considered slowing down, but Madison needed him and Micah swerved to miss a bus, never letting up on the gas.

  Sinking into one of the kitchen chairs, Madison spoke into the phone with a weak voice. “Help me, please.”

  Rudy saw what she was doing and came over to knock the phone out of her hand before delivering a slap across Madison’s cheek that sent her sprawling to the floor.

  Still holding the phone to his ear, Micah could hear everything. “Madison!” he yelled frantically. “Hang in there. I’m on my way.”

  The sirens sounded in the distance as Micah pulled into Madison’s parking lot. He jammed on the brakes, hopped the curb and came to a stop on a wet patch of grass. He threw the car into park and was out before it had completely stopped moving. Racing across the courtyard with long strides, his blood was pumping as he yanked open the door of her building. He took the steps three at a time as he raced up the four flights.

  Micah tried the doorknob but it was locked. “Madison!” He pounded on the door. “Open the door!” />
  Rudy stopped his assault on her things. “Who the fuck is that?”

  His question was answered a moment later when the door of Madison’s apartment came off its hinges. Micah busted it off with one swift, hard kick. He stepped through and saw Madison face down on the floor. With his heart in his throat, he went to her immediately. “Madison? What happened?”

  She rolled over and reached for him. Micah lifted her up off the floor and that was when he saw Rudy. The man was dirty and bald. “You must be Rudy,” Micah sneered.

  Rudy saw the anger in this man in front of him and scrambled for the door to escape, but Micah cut him off. Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, Micah yanked Rudy back and slammed him against the refrigerator. He didn’t need the facts explained to him, he knew exactly what had happened. Micah delivered a punch to the stomach that doubled Rudy up. He bent at the waist and evacuated all the air in his body. Micah pulled him back up and landed another punch to the face that sent Rudy to the floor in a fetal position, gasping for air.

  “You piece of shit!” Micah yelled and kicked Rudy in the ribs.

  Madison was scared Micah would kill him and she grabbed him. “Stop, Micah! This isn’t worth you getting into trouble.”

  Micah was just about to kick Rudy again when he felt her presence. He pulled Madison over to the couch and sat her down. “Are you okay? What did he do to you?” He saw the marks on her neck and examined her quickly, her cheek was starting to sell from the slap.

  “He’s down there!” A voice came from the hallway and a moment later the police who’d been chasing Micah came barreling through the empty doorframe.

  “Freeze!” One of the officers had his gun drawn and he moved in slowly toward Micah.

  The other officer went to Rudy who was still struggling on the ground.

  Micah stood from the couch. “You’ve got it all wrong,” he said, putting his hands up. But the officer didn’t care, and he didn’t give Micah a chance to explain. Instead, he slapped the cuffs on Micah and ushered him down to the cruiser.

  “No! Please! Micah didn’t do anything. He was trying to help me!” Madison tried to explain the situation to the officer, how Micah had raced over and kicked in her door to save her, but Rudy offered up his own version, a version in which Micah had broken into the apartment and assaulted him. Before Madison could make anyone understand, both Rudy and Micah were put in cuffs and placed in separate cruisers.

  “My phone is in my car,” Micah called to Madison through the open window of the cop car. “Call Kyle and tell him what happened. Have him come down to the jail and get me out.”

  “Okay!” she answered, tears falling down her cheeks. Madison was beside herself with worry. She went to his car and found his phone as quickly as she could, then looked through Micah’s contacts to find Kyle Chancellor. Hitting the button, she shivered until he answered.

  “Wolfe? Where the hell are you? Where did you race off to?”

  Madison cleared her throat. “Mr. Chancellor, Governor, this is Madison Fellows. I’m a friend of Micah’s and he asked me to call you. He’s been arrested and needs you to go to the police station.”

  “All right.” Kyle sounded coolheaded, which made Madison feel better. “I’m on my way out the door. Tell me what happened.”

  “My mother’s husband attacked me and I called Micah like he told me to. He came to help and they got into a fight and they were both arrested.”

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” Madison said, but the word was contained within a sob.

  “Where are you? I’m coming for you first and we’ll both go to Micah. Something tells me he’s going to want to see you.”

  She gave him her address, then waited by Micah’s car for Kyle to come to pick her up. A few minutes later, a big black SUV drove up. When the window rolled down, she saw it was indeed her Governor.

  “Madison?” She nodded. “Get in.” The ride to the police station was a blur. This was the first time she was meeting any of Micah’s friends. She knew who Kyle Chancellor was, she’d seen him on the news and in the paper. “This is Destry, my Secretary of State.” He pointed to the man driving. “He’s an Equalizer too.” This information was given as if Kyle assumed Madison would understand.

  She did. “Hello,” she nodded, wiping her eyes.

  “Don’t worry, Madison, we’ll sort this out and have the Wolfe out of jail before you know it.” Destry spoke with confidence.

  “I can’t believe he’s in trouble because of me,” she whispered.

  Destry and Kyle both laughed. “Believe me,” Kyle said, “Micah’s a magnet for trouble. He’s probably having the time of his life.”

  After that, she felt more at ease. She answered all of Destry’s questions about the situation and about Rudy.

  When they reached the jail, Kyle grabbed a paramedic to check Madison out. Once she’d been given a clean bill of health, he sat with her in the waiting room while Destry spoke with the police.

  A man came out an hour later and Madison shriveled in her seat. “Is that him?” Kyle asked her.

  Madison’s throat still hurt and all she could do was nod her head.

  Kyle stood and moved in front of her, blocking her with his big frame as the man walked by. There was something familiar about his posture, about his movements, but Kyle couldn’t put his finger on it. “I suggest you move along, fella,” Kyle said in a controlled but forceful tone.

  Rudy stopped with a sneer. “Your boyfriend is going to jail, sweetheart.” Kyle took a step forward and Rudy backed up, clutching at his ribs.

  Destry returned a minute later. “Here’s the deal. They said since Micah claims the other man attacked Madison, and this man Rudy claims Micah attacked him, the police will let the assault charges go if you both agree.”

  “So if I don’t press charges against Rudy, he won’t press charges against Micah?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Destry answered her flatly.

  Madison was outraged. “But that’s not fair. Rudy broke into my apartment and choked me. Micah was just saving me.”

  Destry looked her over. “I know that and you know that, and this Rudy character knows that, but Micah ran from a police cruiser who was trying to pull him over, which makes it look bad on his part. He could’ve stopped and explained the situation, but he chose to drive faster in order to get to you and save you from further harm. Now I know the truth is the truth, but the governor can attest to this, the truth isn’t always what matters in court. My advice is to just let it go. Let’s get him out of jail now and we’ll try to handle this Rudy character some other way. I’ll present all of the evidence to the judge.”

  “Just let Rudy get away with what he did to me?” Madison was having a hard time processing all of this.

  Destry averted his eyes, he’d had talks like this way too often to suit him. “I know it sucks, but it’s the best thing we can do at the moment.”

  “Why will you have to go before a judge if no charges are pressed against Micah?” She rubbed the tears away that had collected on her cheek.

  “The felony assault charge will be off the table, but Micah could still be looking at an evading and resisting arrest. It’s a bad situation all around. With the lesser charge, he’ll just have to pay a fine and maybe do some community service.”

  “Don’t worry, Madison. I’ll deal with this,” Kyle promised. “I just have to be careful with how I go about it. I can’t charge in there and insist Micah be released because he’s one of my best friends. But I will handle it.” Kyle held up his hand in testimony.

  Madison felt horrible for dragging Micah into her problems and now that he was locked up, she felt even worse. “Can I see him?”

  “Of course. Follow me.” Destry walked to the hall door and opened it. Madison was so upset; her teeth were chattering. Destry led her to the back of the building.

  Micah was in a holding cell by himself. He smiled and came to the bars when he saw her. “Are you okay?”
r />   Madison put her hand on the cold steel. “I’m fine. I’m just so sorry for all of this.”

  “Don’t be,” Destry said. “It’s not the first time Wolfe has been on that side of the bars.”

  Madison looked to Micah and he just shrugged. “I’ve got the best lawyer there is in Destry here and I’ve got a pretty powerful ally out in the waiting room. Really Madison, it’s fine. Could you give us a second here, Destry?”

  Destry moved away, giving them some privacy as Micah put his hand on Madison’s. “I’m sure Destry told you the situation. Asshole Rudy won’t press charges on me if you agree not to press charges against him. But that means he gets off Scott free. I’ll stay in here if you want to go ahead and press charges against him. They’ve already released him based on Destry telling them you wouldn’t, but they can go right back out and arrest him again if you decide otherwise. I’m only still in here because the cops basically wanted to give that bastard a head start before letting me go.”

  Madison wanted to cry, she couldn’t bear to see Micah being punished because of her. “I don’t want you in there because of me. That’s too much to ask.”

  “It’s nothing, Fellows.” He smiled at her through the bars. “You are worth doing a bit of time for.”

  “No.” She wiped another stream of moisture from her cheek. “I need to go tell them to let you go. I won’t press charges against Rudy. It won’t do any good anyway, he’d just get out and come looking for me madder than ever, if I did.”

  “I’ll agree to your terms, but only on one condition.” His voice lowered and he looked her straight in the eye.

  “What’s that?” She sniffed.

  “You have to come stay at the ranch. I can’t stand the thought of you being at your place alone with that dirt bag out there on the loose.”

  Madison’s heart began to beat at a fast clip. “He probably high-tailed it to the bus station the second he got out of here. I bet he’s already on a bus back to Fort Worth.”


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