The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!)

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The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!) Page 28

by Sable Hunter

  He’d looked longingly at the king-size bed, then promised his cock he’d indulge them both after he’d made her happy. “Lead on, pretty girl. I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  She led him from the hotel and out into the street. “I can’t believe we’re here! Exquisite architecture, beautiful lights, croissants for breakfast–we’ll drink champagne all day long and dance all over the city. We’ll tour the Eiffel Tower, eat crepes, drink mulled wine and just be overwhelmed at the beauty of it all.” Her face was lit up with enthusiasm, she literally bubbled with happiness. Crossing her arms over her breasts, she hugged herself hard, then an odd look of dismay came to her face. “I’m sorry, I’m probably boring you. Am I talking too much?”

  It was then he realized that at some point in her life, someone had told her to shut up, that nobody cared what she had to say. “No, Fellows. I want to know everything you want to tell me. I find you endlessly fascinating.” His compliment seemed to set her free. “Where to?”

  “Let’s just play it by ear. Walk and see what we find.”

  So beneath a full Parisian moon, they strolled the streets of the Latin Quarter, stopping at a quaint crepe stand to buy dinner from an old gentleman who prepared them on the spot. Micah selected ham and gruyere and Madison ordered a chicken and spinach one with filling so light Madison groaned her approval. For dessert, they chose Nutella filled crepes. Micah got it all over his fingers and she playfully licked it off, keeping his cock perpetually hard.

  Eating as they strolled, they wandered by restaurants and storefronts lit up by colored lights that made the pavement shine and the darkness glow. “I think it’s time to go back and unpack. We need to get a good night’s sleep if we’re going to take the city by storm tomorrow.”

  She agreed. “Thank you so much for bringing me. You’ll never know what this means to me to be here with you.”

  Her gratitude made him a little uncomfortable. “I’m here with you, because there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Come on.” He took her by the hand. “Let’s hurry.”

  “Why?” She let him pull her along, barely managing to keep up. His legs were a lot longer than hers.

  “I’m horny.”

  His loud admission drew the attention of a few people who shared the sidewalk with them and one man raised a bottle. “Vive la France! Vive la amour!”

  “He must speak English,” she said breathlessly, glad to see the hotel sign ahead.

  “Love is a universal language. He knew exactly what I meant.”

  Madison grabbed onto his words like a lifeline.

  Did he love her?

  Oh, please. If he could, she’d never ask for anything else as long as she lived.

  As soon as he bolted the door to their room, she came to him. “Will you make love to me, Micah?”

  There was something about her voice. In one deft movement, he had her in his arms. “Are you crying?”

  “No,” she told him softly. “I’m just happy. Do you know how much you’ve changed my life?”

  He thought she meant the travel. “I’m glad I could show you a little of the world.”

  “Oh, no. That’s not what I’m talking about at all.” Cupping the side of his face, she tried to make him understand. “I bless the day I found you. I was running away from my life that night at the shelter, never thinking for a moment I’d meet someone who’d show me what it meant to really live. Yes, I’ve enjoyed what we’ve done together, where we’ve gone, what we’ve seen. But those things pale to the joy of sleeping in your arms, holding you to my heart and knowing there’s someone in this world who cares that I’m here.” Micah tried to speak, but she stopped him. “I’ve never had that, you know. Even though Sunny is my mother, I’ve always been the one to take care of her. I’ve never felt important to anyone before.” Again, he started to speak. “And I’m not telling you this hoping for a ring and a promise. I know how you want to live your life. I just wanted you to know that I think you’re the very best man in the whole world.”

  He started to speak, but he felt a little choked up. Clearing his throat, he finally found his voice. “I always found peace at the shelter. I never expected to find…you.” He’d almost said something else.

  With great care, Micah undressed her as if he were unwrapping a priceless gift. Madison watched with desire, need and some unnamed emotion that she hoped was love traverse his features. He didn’t take the same care with his own clothes, tearing them off and hurling them over the back of a chair. Coming back to her, his manhood reached her before the rest of him did. He was completely engorged, fully distended.

  “Look at you,” she whispered. With a soft caress she stroked his hard shaft, always amazed how she was able to contain him within the aching depths of her body.

  Lifting her hair, Micah collared her throat and this time she didn’t flinch. Their time together had created a trust and a bond between them. Madison knew Micah would never hurt her. He captured her mouth in a deep, searing kiss that made her clit swell and beg for attention.

  “Why can’t I get enough of you?” he asked huskily.

  “I hope you never do,” she admitted.

  Hungry hands moved all over her body, from shoulder to fingers, from the tips of her breasts to the soft place between her legs that seemed to fascinate him so. Madison tried to hold onto him, but he slipped from her grasp to kneel at her feet, running his palms up her legs from ankle to hip.

  “I can’t explain it,” he muttered. “No matter what I’m doing, you’re all I can think about. Sucking your nipples, licking your pussy, pushing my cock into the haven of your body.” Pressing his forehead to the soft place over her mound, Micah inhaled her scent. “I’m overwhelmed. I’ve got to slow down. If I don’t, I’m gonna explode just from touching your skin.”

  Tenderness flooded Madison’s heart. “Let me love you this time.” She took him by the hand and guided him to sit on the beautiful bed piled high with pillows. Once he was comfortable, she knelt between his legs. “I’ll never tire of looking at you, touching you.” She laid her cheek against his throbbing flesh, caressed the thick rod with her face, planting kisses at the base and then up the shaft.

  “Fuck, baby,” Micah groaned. “Take me in your mouth.” Only wanting to please him, Madison focused on the large head of his cock with its topping of glistening pre-cum. She loved it when he shook a little as she licked the very tip. “Oh, Jesus,” he growled.

  Opening her lips, she slowly slid her mouth over the head and down the shaft.

  Micah cupped the back of her head, pushing and pulling his cock in and out of her mouth. And when she looked up at him, those doe eyes of hers seeking approval, he had to speak. “You make me feel so good.” He could see her smile around his cock, and then she turned her attention fully to the task–sucking, tonguing, kissing, taking him as deep as she could. “I don’t want anyone else, Madison. Only you.”

  His admission made her want to give him the world. She cupped his sac, rubbing his balls as she suckled, pumping his swollen cock.

  “Stop, stop,” Micah ground out. Madison did, looking confused. “I need to be inside you.” He laid back and pulled her on top of him.

  Thinking this would be the easiest thing she’d ever done, Madison moved over his body, sinking onto his manhood, the relief was unspeakable.

  Groaning at the tight, wet heaven that welcomed him, he held onto her hips while she proceeded to ride him into insanity.

  “Good?” She didn’t wait for an answer, she just did what came naturally, grinding her pussy against him with a whimper.

  “Fuckin’ perfect.” He didn’t let her do all the work, but angled his hips so he could push into her with short, hard jabs.

  “Will you touch my breasts?” Again, she took the initiative, lifting his hands to cover her aching nipples. “Oh, yea,” she breathed, as he lifted and molded them, massaging the pink areolas and pulling on her nipples. Her whole body was set to go up in flames. And when he moved one hand down to tease
her clit, she couldn’t hold back any longer. “Micah!” she screamed as her world exploded with sensation. He pulled her down on top of him as she quaked and jerked in his arms.

  “I want more.” Micah didn’t halt his piston-like movements. With selfish intent, he rubbed her body, fondled her breasts and guided her from satisfaction back to full arousal. “Hold on.”

  He lifted her body as if she were a doll, reversing her position. Now her back was to his front. Impaling her again on his cock, he pulled her down until she lay on his body, fully supine.

  “Oh, I like this,” she whimpered. Micah bent his knees, giving him greater freedom to move his hips.

  Covering her breasts, he bucked his hips and carried her on the ride of a lifetime. “Mine, Madison. Mine. Mine. Mine,” he chanted in her ear as their climaxes crashed in a perfectly timed wave of rapture.

  Later…Madison lay next to him. Her hand rested on his chest. His breathing was even.

  Did he know she loved him?

  She’d had to bite her tongue to keep from shouting it from the rooftops more than once tonight. Placing a gentle kiss over his heart, she vowed to be satisfied. She wouldn’t make demands or ask for things she couldn’t have.

  But one could dream, couldn’t they?

  French Kiss…

  While the Paris she’d fallen in love with last night was beautiful, the early morning post-dawn glow held its own enchantment. Micah indulged her every whim. They took to the cobbled streets, admiring the trees and flowers in full bloom, the sky a brilliant cerulean blue. Madison was especially enamored with the street vendors, their wooden carts piled high with everything from flowers to silk scarves and purses. Although she admired many things, she refused to let him buy anything for her.

  “My memories will be the only souvenir I’ll need,” she assured him.

  Micah enjoyed the outdoor cafes with their small wrought iron tables and gaily colored umbrellas. They stopped at one for coffee and when the waiter didn’t understand what he wanted, Madison was shocked to see Micah ushered to the small kitchen where he charmed the barista into preparing just what he wanted.

  They began their day of touring by taking in Notre Dame Cathedral, the famous church with its familiar shape, the big round window at the center, connected to the pointed arches and the tops of the tower–artistically marrying sky with ground. Notre Dame, our lady. Madison wished she could feel more than just admiration for the symmetry. They took in the stained glass and marveled at the relics.

  “Do you think that’s a piece of the true cross?” Madison asked him, curiously as they studied the tiny sliver of old wood.

  Micah shrugged. “I don’t have a clue. I’m not a very religious person.” He’d always figured a God that would let his mother die of cancer and allow his father to turn mean couldn’t care much about him. “Are you?”

  “No, not really,” Madison answered. “I always felt it was smarter to depend upon myself, rather than someone I couldn’t see.”

  “You can depend on me,” he whispered and ironically enough, Madison thanked God for Micah.

  After the cathedral, they made their way through the chestnut lined Tuileries Gardens.

  “Hannah would fall in love with this place. I’ll have to tell her about it when we get back,” Micah said.

  The beds were full of lush flowers and there were large ponds where local children played with little wooden sailboats. Micah bought her an ice cream cone that she ate while sitting on a bench as they took it all in. From their resting place Madison could see the Louvre and many other impressive buildings which sat on the Rue de Rivoli.

  Watching her eat was erotic as hell. He loved the way her lips moved over the smooth mound of ice cream, the bob of her throat as she swallowed, the swipe of her small tongue as she licked it across her bottom lip.

  “Damn.” The trip through the gardens just gave Micah ideas. “Look at that sculpture over there. It’s called The Kiss by a man named Rodin.”

  Her gaze followed his and she saw a woman sitting in a man’s lap while they shared a passionate kiss. “Looks like a good idea to me.”

  Giving him a hot glance, she tossed the remainder of the cone into a nearby receptacle and climbed into his lap. Wrapping her arms around him, she claimed his mouth voraciously.

  The way she pushed into the kiss shot lightning directly to Micah’s cock. Uncaring of those who passed by, she kissed him until they had to stop. If they hadn’t, he’d have taken her right there in broad daylight in the middle of Paris.

  “God, you’re dangerous, Fellows. Let’s go before I get us both arrested.” He pulled her to her feet.

  “I thought the French were more lenient to public displays of affection than Americans.”

  “They may be,” Micah conceded, “but what I had in mind goes beyond mere affection.”

  She tapped him on the arm. “Hold that thought until tonight. We can use it later.”

  “You’re right, we need to be good.” For his own sanity, he turned his attention back to Paris. “See those banners up ahead, that’s the Louvre.”

  “Don’t we have to enter through the Pyramid?”

  “Yes, I won’t steer you wrong. Just hang with me.” He led her though the crowd, taking care to shield her body when others would press too close.

  When they emerged from the melee, Madison saw they were in a stone courtyard right in front of Pei’s Pyramid. The structure was glass and metal, standing in the midst of three smaller pyramids.

  Madison stopped a minute to stare at it. “This is neat, but way smaller than I expected.”

  Micah chuckled. “I think you’ll find that sentiment holds true for lots of famous things. That’s what they said about Napoleon, I hear.”

  “Oh, pooh. Some things are bigger than I expect them to be.”

  “Like my cock?” he whispered in her ear, then was delighted with how prettily she blushed.

  “I thought you said we had to be good. How can I enjoy the sights if all I want to do is fool around with you?”

  “Oh, I am good. I think I showed you last night that I’m the most enjoyable ride in France.”

  She gave him a stern look, then pulled him by the arm through the entrance.

  Madison walked around looking up so much she was afraid she’d get a crick in her neck. The vaulted archways soared above her and the ceilings were as decorative as some of the paintings. Arm in arm they strolled, Micah pointing out sculptures and paintings that he thought she’d find interesting. He’d started doing his Paris research the moment he’d decided they would be traveling there from Savannah. He didn’t want to just show Madison a good time, he wanted to impress her.

  “This is the Winged Victory of Samothrace.”

  Madison studied the sweeping statuary. “Who’s it supposed to be?”

  “I think it’s supposed to be the goddess Nike, but some think it was created to honor a sea battle. It’s estimated to have been created in 200 BC.”

  “It’s a shame she lost her head and her arms,” Madison mused.

  “Hey, she’s in good company. Venus de Milo over there lost her arms too. I don’t think things can last thousands of years without being damaged. It doesn’t lessen their value, the very fact that they survived is amazing.”

  “Venus. The goddess of love. I guess that would make her the most beautiful woman ever.”

  Micah nudged her. “I think you’re cuter than Venus and you’ve got arms. I like to be held.”

  “Awwww,” she rewarded his teasing with a hug. “Come on, I want to see the Mona Lisa up close.”

  They stood in line for the longest time and when Madison arrived in front of the famous painting, she just stared at it a few moments.

  “Disappointed?” Micah asked.

  “No,” she informed him. “I’ve seen a rare treasure first hand, that’s way better than just looking at a photograph.”

  With the light shining behind her head creating a halo effect, he understood her feelings ex
actly. She was beautiful and being with her beat staring at a photograph any day.

  They wandered through remote parts of the museum and Madison was struck by the size of everything. All of it was laid out on a grand scale. Some of the paintings were twenty-feet tall and forty feet wide. Micah’s favorite piece of all was the Law Code of Hammurabi, a huge piece of carved black basalt.

  He pointed to the writing. “This language is Akkadian and it speaks of laws governing everything from contracts between people to sexual behavior.”

  “Sort of like the Ten Commandments?” Madison asked with interest.

  “Yea,” Micah nodded his head, “except the Code of Hammurabi predates Moses by several centuries.”

  “You’re so smart.” She looked at him with adoration, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair.

  He started to make some smartass remark, but he couldn’t think of one. All he could do was notice how beautiful she was. “And you’re so pretty.” He kissed her cheek. “We’re perfect for one another.”

  Madison wanted to groan out loud. He kept saying things that made her think he loved her.

  Why didn’t he just come out and say it?

  She wanted to say it to him, but if he didn’t say it back, she’d just die.

  “I’m getting hungry, are you?” he asked.

  “Starving,” she agreed, so they started making their way back toward the hotel. “Let’s find some place to eat close by, if we can.”

  They found Le Tournebievre and gorged on a lover’s feast of scallops and oysters, washed down by champagne. As they ate, Madison kept noticing couples walking by hand in hand. They were all heading down the same path toward a bridge. If she wasn’t mistaken, some of them carried locks.

  The love-lock bridge!

  How could she have forgotten?

  This was one of her fondest dreams, something she’d always wished for but never imagined could come true. As Micah paid the check, she picked up her purse and ran her hand inside, finding the precious lock he’d give her.


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