Leila: Goddess The Second Coming

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Leila: Goddess The Second Coming Page 23

by R. J. Castille

  My mother had indeed called me, demanding to know why I left B.S. Industries so suddenly. To spare her feelings, I brushed it off and decided to let her know that the father of my babies was taking care of me and I would be fine. Doubt in her voice eased through the receiver as she agreed to accept my explanation, a touch of suspicion in her voice. I assured her that I would meet her soon for lunch and hung up with her as quickly as I could.

  Mistress Liliana texted me two days before the Ball, asking me to meet her for lunch again. I agreed apprehensively, and set a tentative time of 11:30. This time, we would meet in a safe, public place. I was not prepared to face what had transpired on our previous, private encounters. Gordon was at work during the days anyways, and I could use a little female companionship, deep inside, I was actually excited to see her again. Some form of unrequited tension existed there.

  I dressed casually for the occasion, a cute maternity number I had picked up at Nordstrom, courtesy of Mr. Roth. Light gray cotton fabric hung loosely off my shoulders as I took a seat at the café and waited for Liliana to arrive. In a flurry, she descended upon the unexpected patrons and employees, sitting down in a huff across from me. Her lips stuck out grotesquely as I let several seconds pass before daring inquire after her obviously disdainful mood.

  “My slave, John, is so frustrating. I swear, if he delays one more session, I am going to make him the laughing stock at the Ball tomorrow!” her eyes flamed with fury as I watched her chest heave, her breaths coming in quick gasps. She was truly angry and I felt sorry for any creature that crossed her path at that point in time. As usual, I especially sympathized with John. The next time he encountered his Mistress, there was sure to be hell to pay .

  Her eyes changed in a flash, taking on a more jovial appearance. Welcome and inviting. Bipolar! Silent laughter echoed through my mind at the thought. I shook my head slightly; Mistress Liliana was indeed a woman that took getting used to. From the distance, a waiter approached our table, his tall stature and strange gait as he walked immediately distracted me from Mistress and her troubles. I glanced up at him, recognition flashing through my mind. Daniel! It was such a small world! I had never anticipated seeing him anywhere outside the Red Velvet Room, and it definitely caught me off guard. He smiled when he noticed who was seated at a table in his serving area.

  “Goddess, Mistress, how wonderful to have you,” he cast his eyes down slightly, as was appropriate, but addressed us directly. Both Mistress Liliana and I knew that was to be expected, he was at his “real” job and we could not expect him to fall into a complete submissive stature. I giggled at the thought of him dropping to his knees in front of his coworkers and, basically his entire world, showering our feet with kisses before offering to take our order.

  “Hello, Daniel,” I returned, regarding him as casually as I could, the vision of him naked and submissive in the middle of the outdoor patio of the café still lingering in my head. I looked across the table at Liliana, who appeared equally amused. She brought her hands together a few times in rapid succession and bounced slightly in her seat. Liliana was never one to contain her amusement, she wanted the world to know how she felt, and at the moment, she was quite pleased to see Daniel, even if he was a little overdressed at the time.

  Daniel took our order and drifted off in the direction of the café as Liliana and I returned to our conversation. Liliana marveled at my belly, so distended that my navel had started to pop out. She placed her hand gently on the surface, after asking for my permission, and waited. Leaning close to my abdomen, she spoke to the babies softly, encouraging a movement or two so she could revel in the occurrence. One of the babies obliged, kicking sharply outward, hard enough to move her hand up before settling back down on my stomach. A smile consumed her face like I had never seen before. Liliana’s features reflected nothing but love and joy. Her eyes sparkled with jovial energy as she withdrew her hand.

  “Oh, Goddess, I am so excited for you! Not one, but two babies to enjoy,” her eyes drifted down a little, a touch of sadness misting her features before she could hide her emotions from me. “I had a baby once, a little girl, she did not make it, she died after a few hours in the NICU,” Liliana stopped speaking suddenly and sniffled a little, wiping her eyes with a tissue she had retrieved quickly from her purse.

  “I’m so sorry, Liliana,” I truly sympathized with her. After several months with life inside me, I did not know how I would react if I was to suddenly learn they were no longer. Not wanting to push, but curious as to what had transpired, I waited several moments before asking anything further. “If you don’t mind my asking, Liliana, what happened?” I stared at her, patiently waiting for her to compose herself and, if she was willing, answer my question.

  “I had been severely stressed out, my abusive ex-boyfriend and father of the baby had laid into me for several days straight. There is something to be said about the physical effects of emotional abuse on the body. Anyway, my water broke and I stayed in the hospital for two months when they could no longer stop my labor. I had her at twenty-four weeks, but since I had no fluid for her to swallow, her lungs failed to develop and she,” Liliana paused for several seconds, unable to continue speaking as her emotions took over, the painful memory of her loss slamming into her at once, a tidal wave of sadness, “she basically suffocated.” Her head dropped, the standard gleam I was used to seeing in her eyes dulled as tear welled up from somewhere deep within. I placed my hand on her arm gently from across the table, but said nothing, allowing her some time to process what she had revealed to me and what that meant to her.

  Daniel returned with our meal, setting the plates down gently in front of each of us before following suit with our drinks, a basket of bread and a rack of various condiments. I thanked him as he spun around to leave us to our conversation and lunch. Liliana pushed the salad she ordered around her plate absently, her gaze far away. I was in the mood for something a little less, healthy, so a double cheeseburger and fries was my choice. Cutting the burger in half with a serrated knife, I picked the thick slice up and tipped the corner toward my mouth. When my teeth breached the bun, and pierced through the beef, I bit off a large bite and chewed it slowly with my eyes closed, savoring the flavor. I finally swallowed and took a sip of my iced tea before I noticed Liliana staring at me.

  “Hungry much?” It was nice to see her smile again. I joined her in a quick fit of jovial laughter before we started eating again. I guess I had distracted her long enough for her to return from the space in her mind she had gone to. The French fries were fantastic, especially when I dipped them half way into the cup of ketchup that had been provided, smothering one end in tomato bliss. We engaged in light conversation from that point forward, me not wanting her to exit the scene again, leaving me flailing by myself back in reality. In some strange way, I completely understood, and therefore never had to ask out loud. It was just an understanding we came to.

  When we parted ways, I once again assured her I would be there, with Gordon that evening. She finally took my answer seriously and allowed me to escape, back to my chariot to carry me home. Once I was finally back at the penthouse, a sudden realization had come over me, I had not bought anything to wear. In a panic, I rushed to my new closet Gordon had put in and tore through the racks of clothes I owned. I finally calmed when I got an idea. My belly was far too large for anything I had, thus the reason I should have purchased something new, so I had to improvise. What I did have was a micromesh, highly stretchy dress, that could be worn in a number of ways, in my case, to cover my swollen stomach. I would wear a bustier that came to rest just above where the babies started to push outward. I tucked it in to a black pencil skirt and pulled my breasts up to pop up above the neckline. Satisfied the outfit would do, I tied my net bustle, swirled with lace and beads, around my waist, long trails of net trailing from underneath.

  It was flattering, especially since I chose black. In any event, it would have to do.


on drove the usual route to the Red Velvet Room, winding up the hill toward the top before pulling into the driveway and stopping at the gate. The guard leaned far in, recognized me and, not wanting to question me again, pressed the button to allow us entry. I smiled and waved as I drove past him and, I swear he flipped me off as soon as he thought he was out of sight. That only served to widen my smile.

  Pulling the Jaguar around, Gordon came to a stop parallel to the curb before yanking up the parking break and putting the car in park. He unfastened his seatbelt and pulled the handle to exit the car while simultaneously turning off the motor and pulling the key from the ignition. Reaching my side in a flash, he opened the door and held his arm out for me to grab. I wrapped my hand around his forearm and used him to assist in pulling us all out of the seat. The babies were taking their toll on how easy I could get up and down, I contemplated getting back in my seat and heading home before I envisioned the faces of those I would disappoint danced across my vision. Kendra, Liliana, Master Jason. I sighed out loud, Gordon stealing a quick glance at me before he could no longer do so, I took in a deep breath and headed toward the doors through the courtyard.

  As with the guard at the gate, the doorman recognized me instantly. It was if they had all been warned, not to give me any barriers into the place. I smiled knowing that was Master Jason’s doing. He simply scribbled our names onto the guest list as he waved his hand in the direction of the Main Hall. I followed the familiar sound of music streaming from the opposite end of the hallway. The butler appeared, as usual to take my coat, to which I yielded it, as did Gordon. I noticed Gordon had loosened his tie and top button, no doubt in preparation of entering the Hall and having to shed his garments quickly. He had become accustomed to routine and signals, which made our relationship in this world much more…productive. I trusted him completely and he felt the same, and that was the most important thing. Besides the really hot sex and the brilliant BDSM moments! My defiant mind, always working overtime, reminded me of the most trivial things to call attention to them. In this case, it was a welcome stream of memories.

  We emerged through the foyer into the Main Hall, the lighting changing, as always to a torch-lit, dungeon feel. It was of course, intentional. In the center of the room, a chess-board pattern was centered in the room beneath the domed ceiling, I observed several naked figures coupled with a Mistress or a Master in full dress, commanding them this way or that on the human-sized game surface. On the far side of the room, as usual, Master Jason sat poised on his throne, casually glancing about. It was like he was intentionally trying to look bored. I smiled and started to circle the room toward him. I could not keep my eyes off the chess pieces. One of the Knights on the light side was John, being commanded, of course by Mistress Liliana. I watched as she went to have him make the movement across the floor, she gave him multiple, rapid assaults with the flogger she held in her hand. True to her word, she was definitely making him pay for whatever he did earlier.

  Surrounding the chessboard floor, the arches had been placed in perfectly-spaced increments around the perimeter. I followed my path, stopped halfway in my tracks when I saw that one of the opposing Knights was Natasha. For some reason, I kept seeing her, there was no escaping and I wondered what role she really played in my fantasy world. I turned my attention to the VIP area as I approached and the ropes were immediately pulled back for me to enter .

  Master Jason rose to his feet as soon as I approached, causing Kendra to look up from her pedestal and see me entering the space. Jason nodded at Gordon who, to my delight, had shed his clothing at the entrance without me even noticing, his muscles gleaming in the torchlight with the same reflection as the glow from his bald head. He had even fallen to his knees once we crossed the roped in VIP area, which surprised me further, and at the same time, I was completely turned on by his complete servitude with the same attention to detail as his professional life.

  Jason seemed to notice as well as he nodded his head in acknowledgement as Gordon crawled in our direction, taking his place on top of the pedestal next to the empty throne. I allowed myself to be folded into Jason’s arms, his fingers sliding down the back of my arm, causing goose pimples to rise. It reminded me of the first time we ever shared an intimate moment. I shook of the thought and pulled back slightly, to look him in the eyes. They had changed a shade darker, which they did when he was in one of his predatory moods. I patted him lightly on the shoulder and he released his grasp, glancing up and down my form as he pulled back from me .

  He pulled his arm up, bringing my hand with his, and moved his arm in a circular motion, twirling me around before stopping and allowing me to catch my breath. I smiled at his gesture and bowed deeply, presenting the inside of my foot as I curtsied as low as my belly would allow. He laughed at my attempt, as I could only drop a few inches before my stomach met my thigh.

  “Well, Goddess, aren’t you getting bigger by the moment! Liliana told me you are having twins! Two future masters, I could not be happier for you and your,” his eyes flitted over my shoulder to Gordon, already erected into his presentation position, without so much as a command, “slave?” His eyebrows went up, questioning what he had heard.

  “It’s good to see you too, Jason,” I attempted to distract him from his question, ignoring it intentionally. I was not ready to share the entire story with anyone, I probably never would. He ignored my stern tone and turned back to his throne, spinning around and planting himself firmly onto the oversized seat. I joined him and slowly lowered myself into my own throne. Jason raised his hands above his head, clapping twice loudly. In the distance a gong sounded, to which all activities ceased and everyone in the Hall faced our thrones. Responding to my arrival, all the Mistresses and Masters bowed low in reverence and the slaves dropped to their knees, bowing low in the waist until their faces were inches above the ground. Nodding, satisfied with their reaction, Jason looked my direction. They were waiting my signal to continue their activities.

  I glanced around the room quickly, waving my hand in the air in a spiral pattern as I swept my arm across the front of me. The room responded by slowly returning to their goings-on. Slaves went about running between the bar and weaving their way in between the tables throughout the Hall. Masters went about punishing their chess-piece, slaves as they scurried about the chess-board in the center of the room.

  Liliana’s Knight, John, was finally captured and she stomped off the board like a petulant child in our direction, her “pony” at her heels. He wore the same headdress as before, at the pony races, silver strands woven into the band that surrounded his head, flowing down behind him as he moved. The phallus that was firmly planted in his anus was connected to the strap around his pelvis, to give him additional assistance in keeping it in as Liliana punished him across the floor until they reached the center of the VIP area, where she landed several more blows before allowing him to creep away, to the safety of his pedestal. She appeared not to care as she suddenly seemed to be distracted. Her eyes had met mine and she was staring in our direction. As was customary, I watched as her hands clapped together rapidly as she jumped up and down, displaying her excitement at our arrival to the whole world.

  Running across the floor, Liliana dashed in my direction. She bowed at the waist as she approached, her hand reaching out and finding my knee. Squeezing it slightly, her movement caused a sudden flow of arousal to course through me to my loins. I shook my head a bit, pretending it was part of our greeting, before motioning for her to rise. She stepped back from me, licking her lips obviously as she did so. I shuddered a bit as she walked back to her seat in the VIP area.

  “Goddess!” Liliana could not contain her excitement that I had arrived. She looked at me eagerly, as if I was the one that needed to say something to her. Taking her seat again, we engaged in small talk, occasionally clapping along with the audience when the winner of the chess round was announced. Several other games commenced, Gordon remained poised at my side. I was suddenly in the mood to
have him to myself and rose to take my leave. I motioned for Gordon to follow me, on his hands and knees, of course, and guided him off in the direction of the private areas. Once we found one unoccupied, I pulled him inside before sealing the door between us and the outside word.

  I led him to the center of the room, equipped with a table full of implements and various devices in which to restrain one’s slave. My eyes did a quick inventory before I wrapped my hand around a simple leather strap. The idea of being punished by a strap was a little Freudian, as it could possibly represent the discipline that a father might give with his belt upon discovery of any and all violations of the household rules. My desire was already building, the evidence in the moisture present between my thighs.

  Pointing at the center of the room, where I had placed a simple spanking horse, I directed him to stretch his body between the head and tail of the structure. Gordon immediately complied, stretching his wrists above his head as I clasped a cuff to each side before fixing his ankles to the legs closer to the floor. His position forced his ass to peak upward as he struggled to maintain balance on both sides. It was a clever device, a simple saw horse, extra-long, equipped with rings on both ends to feed chain through to restrain a submissive in the most vulnerable of positions.

  I used the end of the strap I held to trail across his exposed skin, his flesh responding by instantly forming goose pimples where I touched down. My other hand trailed across his back, caressing him lovingly, my heart singing in tune with the energy I always felt when he was around. In a split-second, I raised my arm over my head and guided the other end of the strap down onto his waiting ass. His groan a mix of pain and pleasure in response was exactly what I expected. Instead of acknowledging how arousing his sound was, I reached forward and grasped his forehead with my fingertips and pulled his head back toward me. I lowered my head close to his ear.


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