Smoke and Fire_A MFM Firefighter Romance

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Smoke and Fire_A MFM Firefighter Romance Page 7

by Kelli Callahan

  “Want to play cards?” I looked over at Chase.

  “You’ll just take my money.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Nah, let’s check in with Investigator Davidson. I’m sure his crew has cleared Kayla’s apartment.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.” I nodded. “If things are slow, we might be able to cut out early and see if we can pack up a few of her things.”

  We met with Investigator Davidson and confirmed that his team had finished up with Kayla’s apartment. The report was filed and would be public record before the end of the day. That meant she would be on the news again, and they wouldn’t be calling her a victim anymore. He also told us about the conversation he had with the building superintendent at Kayla’s building, who was very clear that he was going to have her evicted for violating their policies. Chase and I agreed that it would be a good idea to pack up what we could before they let people back on her floor. We made arrangements with the Chief, and since we never took vacation, he had no problem letting us leave early, especially since there wasn’t usually much going on that late into our shift. We got a few more hours of sleep and then headed to her apartment once we woke up and got some coffee in us.

  “The kitchen is all packed up, at least the stuff that is useful.” I closed the last box and taped it shut. “She really seems to live a minimalist lifestyle. One frying pan? That’s crazy.”

  “I guess it works when you live alone and actually do the dishes.” Chase chuckled and walked into the living room. “I’m pretty sure nothing in here is worth saving.”

  “I’ll get the pictures that aren’t ruined.” I walked over and started stacking the ones that were on the opposite end of the room. “Do you think it’s strange she doesn’t have any pictures of her family? These are all just photos of various landscapes.”

  “I don’t have any pictures of my family at our place.” Chase put his hands on his hips and shrugged. “Maybe they are part of the reason she left that town—what was it? Glendale?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded and carefully put the picture frames into the box. “We can’t really get any of the furniture, but we can pack up the rest of the stuff in her bedroom I guess.”

  “Bathroom, too—if she left anything.” Chase walked down the hallway and I pushed her bedroom door open. “Nope, not much in here. Just some contacts and a lot of lotion. I guess she packed most of this the other day.”

  “Grab it all.” I shrugged and walked to her closet.

  “Well, this is strange.” Chase walked into the bedroom before I got the doors open.

  “What is?” I turned towards him.

  “She has a set of blue contacts.” He held up a clear container that had two contact lenses floating in the middle.

  “Maybe she likes to change things up.” I shrugged. “Toss them in the box and help me with this closet.”

  We opened Kayla’s closet and started putting her clothes in boxes. She might not have had much in her kitchen, but her closet was packed. I actually had to put together a few more boxes before we were halfway done. We needed two just for her shoes. Chase emptied her dresser once the closet was mostly packed, making remarks as he found pairs of panties he thought she would look good in. As I got the last of her stuff packed, I noticed a small brown box tucked away on the top shelf of her closet. I pulled it free and walked over to the bed as I opened it. My eyes got wide immediately when I saw what was inside.

  “Uh, Chase.” I reached inside and pulled out a few Polaroid photographs.

  “Yeah?” He turned towards me.

  “Look at this.” I tossed a couple of the photographs on the bed and dug more out of the box.

  The photographs were all pictures of Kayla. She was younger and her hair was a much darker shade of brown. Some of the pictures were of her in various states of undress and some of them were shots of her completely naked. There were pictures of her wearing a leather collar, pictures of her on a leash, and a few of her in a metal cage. As I dug deeper, I found pictures of her with red lines across her flesh, a battered ass that was much worse than the spanking I gave her, and in the background I could see a variety of implements on the wall. It was clear that she was in some sort of bondage dungeon, although there were no pictures of sexual acts or the person who was with her. Some of them were so graphic and extreme they turned my stomach.

  “Holy shit.” Chase held up one that showed Kayla’s nipples black and blue with fresh red lines across the previous marks.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” I started tossing the pictures back in the box. “We should have asked her before we just started digging around in her stuff.”

  “Yeah, but remember what she said last night about someone hurting her and taking it too far? I think this is what she meant.” Chase’s stare was solemn and then his lips twisted into a sneer. “We should find this motherfucker and put him in the ground.”

  “Let’s not overreact. For all we know, she was in to some of this.” I got the last photograph in the box and slammed it shut.

  “I mean, a little spanking is fun—maybe more if she’s into it—but that’s way too far. That’s downright torture.” Chase’s jaw tightened and he shook his head.

  “She had a few marks that I was curious about when we were together, but I didn’t say anything.” I sighed and stared at the box. “I wish we hadn’t seen that.”

  “Yeah, but we can’t lie to her. If this is going to work, we’re going to have to talk to with her about it.” Chase slowly stood to his feet. “Let’s finish up.”

  What kind of girl are you, Kayla?



  Six years ago - Glendale

  Having two pre-teen boys running roughshod over our household meant that my mother didn’t have much time to focus on me. She had no idea that I was no longer her perfect little angel. On the other side of the house, my father was past the point of losing his patience. The company he worked for his whole life relocated and he had to find a new job, which required him to work a lot more hours for a lot less money. When he was home, he rarely did anything but drink and sleep. I fell in with a group of girls that smoked, drank, and thought leather collars were cool fashion accessories. They talked about sex freely and openly. That was the first time I heard about domination, submission, and wanting to be spanked. It was a stark contrast to the birds and the bees talk my mother awkwardly had with me the day I got my first period.

  The Internet was a dangerous place for a girl my age, especially when I didn’t know what kind of dangers actually lurked in cyberspace, but I didn’t want to let my friends know how inexperienced I was. I hadn’t even had a real boyfriend, yet most of them had dated guys that were much older. They talked about all of the dirty things they did in such vivid detail that it seemed normal. I was curious, and that curiosity took me to a dark corner of cyberspace where I met Adam, a man in his forties that lived in Glendale. When he asked me what I liked, I told him I wanted to be spanked. I had never actually been spanked before, but hearing my friends talk about it brought my curiosity to life. We talked online for almost a year before I finally got the courage to meet him. In retrospect, I think he was just waiting until I turned eighteen.

  “Ah, Hannah.” He walked up to me at the mall where I agreed to meet him—it was a public place, which was supposed to be safe. “You’re even prettier than your pictures.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” I smiled and looked up at him.

  Adam was very attractive, even if he was old enough to be my father. He talked in riddles and gave me enough rope to hang myself. Before I really knew what was happening, I was following him out of the mall and getting into the passenger seat of his car. An hour later, I was naked from the waist down and over his lap for my very first spanking. It wasn’t a hard one. He gave me a few smacks, played with my pussy, and made me cum within a few minutes. The orgasm was another length of rope, and I was rapidly tying the noose even though I didn’t realize it yet. After my orgasm, he held
me, stroked my hair, and told me I was beautiful.

  “So, Hannah.” He leaned back and looked into my eyes. “Now that I’ve taken care of you, what are you going to do for me?”

  “What do you want?” I swallowed nervously and my body started to tremble.

  “I want these gorgeous lips that I’ve been staring at for the last year.” He put his thumb against my lips and then forced it into my mouth. “Show me how bad you want to suck my cock.”

  I had no idea what I was doing when I knelt between his legs and took his cock into my mouth. It was a lot harder than I realized. I had to keep my jaw open so that my teeth didn’t scrape against him. I had to move my tongue to massage his shaft while I struggled to swallow it. He was patient and taught me what he liked. When he finally ejaculated into my mouth, I felt like I had won a prize. I swallowed when he told me to and then our first date was over. He dropped me off at the mall, and I went home with a fire burning between my legs that no amount of masturbation could quell. I wanted more. I had to have more. We talked online for another week, and he told me that the next time we were together, he was going to take my virginity. I told him he could have anything he wanted, as long as he spanked me first.

  “Do you want a real spanking this time, Hannah?” He put his hand under my chin and lifted it so that I was looking into his eyes.

  “Yes.” I nodded and smiled.

  “Yes, what?” His head tilted slowly.

  “Yes sir.” My smile got wider as I thought about being over his knee again.

  Adam stripped me from the waist down, just like he did the first time, and pulled me across his knee. The first spanking had turned me on so much that I was eager for another one. I had no idea how many times the rope had been wrapped around my neck at that point. I had no idea that he was luring me into a trap. He moved his hand along my inner thigh and rubbed my clit until I thought I was going to cum, but then he pulled away. A few smacks landed on my ass and then he started rubbing me again. The fuse was already burning, and I needed him to keep touching me. I needed to feel the same release I experienced the first time I was over his knee.

  “You know that a real spanking is going to hurt, don’t you, Hannah?” He let his fingers graze my pussy as he spoke.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded and looked over my shoulder.

  “That’s what you want?” He touched my pussy again. “You want me to hurt you?”

  “I want you to give me a spanking.” I nodded again and wiggled my ass.

  “I need a reason.” He moved his fingers between the crevice of my ass. “What have you done that you need to be punished for?”

  “I—I don’t know.” I blinked in confusion. “I thought you would just spank me like last time.”

  “You said you wanted a real spanking tonight—so tell me why you deserve it.” He let his finger drift back to my pussy.

  “Well—um…” I tried to wrack my brain for a reason to be spanked. “My friends and I skipped school a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Skipping school.” He lifted his hand and brought it down on my ass. “That’s definitely worthy of a spanking.”

  Adam spanked me harder and longer than he had the first time. By the time he was done, my ass was hurting, but he didn’t bring me to tears. It turned me on so much that my pussy was practically begging for his touch, but he didn’t make me cum like he had the first time. He took me to the bedroom and shattered my innocence instead. He wasn’t gentle. Once he tore through my hymen and stretched my virgin pussy enough for his cock to fit, he destroyed me. I didn’t even get to cum. After that, our date was over. I was so sore that I couldn’t even masturbate when I got home.

  It should have been the last time I saw Adam. I should have recognized the cruelty in him, but I was simply too naive to understand how horrible he really was. When he asked me to come to his house again, I wrapped another coil of rope around my neck and ventured into his lair for the third time.

  “Are you ready to please me?” His gaze locked on mine.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded, even though I was scared.

  “Good. What do I need to punish you for this time?” The edge of his lips formed an almost sinister smile.

  The punishment got worse each time I visited him. It started with spankings that lasted so long I was in tears, followed by another trip to the bedroom where he took what he wanted from me. Sometimes it was enjoyable. Sometimes he made me cry while he was inside me. He would twist my nipples, push his hand against my throat, and kiss me until he drew blood when his teeth tore the flesh inside my mouth. He seemed to like it more when I cried.

  I was afraid, but my body craved the moments before he truly started to hurt me. The punishments started to get more severe when he introduced me to his leather belt. He would whip me with it until I had welts which lasted for days—still I went back for more. My tolerance seem to build up to the pain, and I found myself enjoying things that would have scared me the first time I met him.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you today.” He motioned with his finger. “I built a playroom so that we can have even more fun.”

  “A playroom?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Yes, today is our six month anniversary.” He smiled and took my hand when I approached him.

  The playroom, as he called it, was the noose being pulled tight around my neck. Torment wasn’t even the beginning of the agony I experienced inside those basement walls. The walls were covered in implements of my demise and each one of them punished my flesh relentlessly. When I screamed that I couldn’t take any more, he strapped me down and kept going. He used me for his pleasure, fucking every hole that I had. I didn’t even know who I was at that point. When my torment was over, he always made me cum. Sometimes it was just with his cock and sometimes it was with one of the various toys he kept on hand for that very purpose. He owned me. I obeyed his every command because I wanted more—even if that meant he locked me in a cage until he was ready to use me again. Every time he punished me, he took pictures, forever capturing my agony on film.

  My parents had no idea what I was doing on the weekends or what kind of marks I was hiding underneath my clothes. One day, I looked at myself in the mirror before I climbed into the shower and I didn’t recognize the face staring back at me. My body wasn’t just marked with welts and red lines. I actually had a few scars where the whip had torn into my flesh.

  The noose was strangling me. I had to escape. I tried to break it off with Adam the next time I saw him, but he coaxed me to stay. That night, he punished me worse than he had ever punished me before—and for the first time, he threatened me. He told me that if I tried to leave him, he would find me. He whispered things into my ear—things he would do to me—and it filled me with so much terror that I couldn’t breathe.

  The next day, I packed everything I could fit into a suitcase and left Glendale. I didn’t tell my parents where I was going. I didn’t even say goodbye. I left them a letter full of lies about needing to find my place in the world. I stopped at Adam’s house, knowing that he would be at work, and broke in. I stole the photographs he took of me, if you can even call it stealing. Once I had them, I took a bus to Chicago and tried to forget the past I left behind. I waited tables and ate the food people didn’t finish just to save money. When I couldn’t do that, I just starved. I got an apartment once I had some money saved up. After that, I saved up enough money to legally change my name. The cravings and desires I left behind never went away completely, but I bottled them up. Deep down, I knew they wouldn’t stay bottled up forever, because the scars Adam left on my flesh were a constant reminder anytime I looked in the mirror. I could still see them, even if the years that followed helped them blend in with the rest of my skin.

  I’ll never let myself be that vulnerable again.



  After Trent and Chase left for their shift, I went back to bed and slept like I hadn’t touched a pillow in years. My body was ravaged and exhausted after t
he time we spent together. I slept most of the day and woke up famished. I laughed when I had to actually use the kitchen to make food and I imagined they would both disapprove, but there wasn’t much else to eat. I had planned to spend the day searching for new apartments after taking time off work, but that was no longer an immediate necessity. I wasn’t sure how I felt about moving in with the two sexy firefighters, but I wasn’t eager to go. Twenty-four hours was a long time without them. I didn’t realize that entirely until I sat down on the couch and noticed how empty the apartment was.

  Last night was so fucking amazing. Every time I close my eyes, I picture those two sexy bodies pressed against me.

  I wondered how differently things would have turned out if I accepted Trent’s offer for a date. There was a chance he would have still spanked me once he found out how the fire really started, but I wasn’t entirely sure since Chase was the one that originally suggested that I should be punished. Neither one of them seemed to have any problem putting me over their knee, but Trent might not have embraced the idea so quickly if it wasn’t for Chase. The entire situation came together in a way that I didn’t expect, but I was certainly happy it had. It felt good to explore those fantasies with men who didn’t want to hurt me—any more than I wanted, at least. The sting was good, and it turned me on so much that I could have easily lost myself if they weren’t there to pull me back to reality.


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