shampoo, 219–20
whistling teakettle, 119
Gerson, Thomas, 276
Gibson, Charles Dana, 359, 360
“Gibson Girl,” 359, 360
Gillen, Denver, 75
Gillette, King, 215–16
Girl Scouts of America, 285–86
“Give the cold shoulder,” 94
Glamour (magazine), 356
drinking, 82
mirror, 229–30
safety, 157–58
window, 156–59
Gloves, 310
“God bless you,” 10–11
Godey’s Lady’s Book, 66, 71
Godiva, Lady, 39, 185
Goetz, Charles, 420–21
Goldgar, Michael, 62
“Goldilocks and the Three Bears” (fairy tale), 177–78
Good Housekeeping (magazine), 353–54
Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, 354
“Good Morning to All” (song), 34–35
Goodrich, Benjamin Franklin, 164, 166
Goodrich, B. F., Company, 317
Goodyear, Charles, 165, 298–99
Goths, marriage customs, 21–22
Grace, saying, 92–93
Graham, Rev. Sylvester, 414
Graham crackers, 413–14
Grandparent’s Day, 62
Granola, 414
lawn, 160–62
mowers, 162–63
weed-free, 163
Greeks, 15, 19
bedrooms and beds, 327
birthdays, 31, 32
brassiere, 341
clothes irons, 143–46
cosmetics, 222
dolls, 385
gardens, 161
hair styling, 231–32
hats, 308
horseshoe superstition, 4, 5
marriage and wedding customs, 29
medicine, 246
mirror practice of divination, 11
mirrors, 229
perfumes, 239–40
pies, 410
Green, Adolphus, 413
Green, Benjamin, 261
Green, Nancy, 407, 408
Greenwood, John, 211
Greeting cards
Christmas, 71–72
Father’s Day, 61
Grandparent’s Day, 62
Mother’s Day, 60
Mother-in-Law’s Day, 61
Valentine’s Day, 51–53
Greeting customs, 42–44
Gregoire, Marc, 106
Gregory, Hanson, 415–16
Gregory, Pope (the Great), 10–11
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, 171–72, 175,176
Grinder, flour, 96
Grooming implements and accessories
combs, 237–38
electric shaver, 216–17
hair dryer, 236–37
hairpins, 236
mirror, 229–30
razor, 214–16
wigs, 234–36
Groundhog Day, 49–50
Guerlain, Pierre and Jacques, 242–43
Hadden, Briton, 364–66
Hair coloring, 231–33
Hair dryer, 236–37
Hairpins, 236
Hair powdering, 232–33
Hair styling, 231–33
Hale, Sarah Josepha, 66–67, 193
Hall, Charles Martin, 101
Hall, Otis, 261–62
Halloween, 62–64
“Ham,” pejorative use of, 94
Hamburger, 399–40
Hamilton Beach, 236, 237
Hamwi, Ernest, 421
Hand, Judge Learned, 273
Handkerchief, 311–12
Handler, Ruth, 385–86
Handshake, 42–43
Handwerker, Nathan, 397
“Hansel and Gretel” (fairy tale), 175
Hanway, Jonas, 319
“Happy Birthday to You” (song), 34–35
Hardie, Thomas, 105–7
Hare, Easter, 55–56
Hare’s foot, 3
“Hark, Hark” (nursery rhyme), 187
Harrington, Sir John, 203–4
Hat(s), 308–10
“eat one’s,” 93–94
tipping of one’s, 43
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 161
Hearse, 37–38
Heater, electric, 133
Heating, central, 131–33
marriage certificate, 30, 31
mirrors, 229
Heinz, Henry, 402–3
Heinz Tomato Catsup, 402
Hellman, Richard, 404
Helmont, Jan Baptista van, 135
Henry VII, king of England, 185, 186, 315
Henry VIII, king of England, I
Heroin, 258
Heublein company, 403–4
“Hey Diddle Diddle” (nursery rhyme), 187–88
Hill, Jessica, 35
Hill, Mildred, 34–35
Hill, Patty Smith, 34–35
Hines, Duncan, 410
Hippocrates, 10
Hodgson, Paul, 380
Hoffman, Felix, 272
Holbein, Hans, 315
Holidays and other celebrations, 45–75
April Fool’s Day, 58
Christmas, 67–75
Easter, 55–58
Father’s Day, 60–61
Grandparent’s Day, 62
Groundhog Day, 49–50
Halloween, 62–64
Mother’s Day, 58–60
Mother-in-Law’s Day, 61
New Year’s Day, 45–49
St. Patrick’s Day, 53–55
St. Valentine’s Day, 50–52
Thanksgiving, 64–67
bleaching method, 155
doughnuts, 415
St. Nicholas, 73
Holly, 69
Honeymoon, 28 “Hooker,” 348
Hoover, Susan, 140
Hoover, William, 140
Hoover vacuum cleaners, 139–40
Homer, Thomas, 190
Horseshoe, 4–5
Horsley, John Calcott, 71–72
Hosiery, 343–44
Hot cross buns, 57–58
Hot dog, 396
House Beautiful (magazine), 356–57
Howe, Elias, 148–49
Howells, William Dean, 355
Howland, Esther, 52
Hubert, Conrad, 137–38
Hula hoop, 370–71
“Humpty Dumpty” (nursery rhyme), 188
Hunt, Waller, 148–49
“Hush-a-bye, Baby” (nursery rhyme), 183–84
Hyatt, John Wesley, 126, 127
Ice cream, 418–21
Ice cream cone, 421
Ice cream soda, 420
Ice cream sundae, 420
Ices, fruit, 418
Ideal Toy Company, 374
I. G. Farben, 269
Incandescent lamp, 136
Parcheesi, 377–78
rosary, 39–40
Indians. See American Indians
Instructions of Ptahhotep, The, 77
International Planned Parenthood Federation, 338
Halloween, 62–63
St. Patrick’s Day, 53–55
Irons, clothes, 143–46
Iroquois Indians, New Year’s Eve, 47
Irving, Washington, 301
Israelites. See Hebrews
condoms, 334–35
eyeglasses, 264–67
fairy tales, 170, 173–75
fork, 78–79
glass mirror, 229–30
pants, 299–300
pretzel, 389–90
toys that glow in the dark, 381–82
IUDs (intrauterine devices), 333–34
Ivory Soap, 218–19
“Jack and Jill” (nursery rhyme), 188
“Jack Be Nimble” (nursery rhyme), 189
Jack-o’-lantern, 63–64
James Caleb, 414
Jacobs, Mary Phelps, 341
Jaeger, Gustav, 340
James, Betty, 381
James, Richard, 380–81
Jantzen, Carl, 321–22
Japan, fans, 312–13
Jarvis, Anna, 59–60
Jefferson, Thomas, 66, 76–77, 281, 282, 284, 290, 388, 402
Jenner, Edward, 226
Jergens, Andrew, 228
Jergens Lotion, 228
Jews. See also Hebrews
bathing, 200
Jezebel, queen, 223
Jockey brief, 340–41
Johnny Appleseed, 277–78
Johnson, John, 361
Johnson, Robert, 250
Johnson & Johnson, 250
Jones, Samuel, 109
Judas, 13, 15–16
Judson, Whitcomb, 316–17
Julius Caesar, 1, 8, 15, 46–47
Justy, Johann Heinrich Gottlob von, 100
Kamptulicon, 152
Kellog, John, 414
Kennedy, John F., 277, 285
Ketchup, 401–3
Key, Francis Scott, 279, 287
Kilmer, Frederick, 251
Kimberly-Clark, 206–7
Kinderfeste, 33
Kipling, Rudyard, 185
Kiss, Max, 264
Kisses, XXX for, 52
Kitchen, 96–130
aluminum cookware, 101
aluminum foil, 113–14
blender, 111–13
brown paper bag, 107–8
can opener, 115–16
coffeepots, 119–21
dishwasher, 103–4
disposable paper cups, 122–24
earthenware, 96–97
food processor, 114–15
matches, 108–9
microwave oven, 125–26
porcelain pots and pans, 100–01
Pyrex ware, 124–25
ranges, 98–99
S.O.S. pads, 102–3
Teflon, 105–7
thermos bottle, 116–17
toaster, 117–18
Tupperware, 129–30
turnspit, 97–98
water softeners, 104–5
whistling teakettle, 119
Kitchenware. See Cookware Kites, 371–72
Klapp, Eugene, 356
Kleenex tissues, 206–7
Knerr, Richard, 372–73
Knickers, 301–2
Knife, 80–81 crossing fork and, 81
Knight, Phil, 299
Knocking on wood, 6–8
Kohl, 18
Koningsbronn foundry, 100
Krafft, A., 154
Laboulaye, Edouard de, 291
Lacoste, René, 304–5
Lacoste shirt, 304–5
Ladder, walking under a, 17
Ladies’ Home Journal, 352–53
Ladies’ Mercury (magazine), 349–50
Ladies’ Magazine, 66
“Ladybird, Ladybird” (nursery rhyme), 191
fluorescent, 137
gas, 135–36
incandescent, 136
oil, 133–34
Lanvin, Jeanne, 242
Lapel hole, 306
Lapis solaris, 381–82
Last Supper, 13, 15–16
Laughing gas (nitrous oxide), 214
Lavoisier, Antoine, 135
Lawn, 160–62
Lawn mower, 162–63
Lawrence, Joseph, 248–50
Laxatives, 263–64
Lay, Herman, 389
Lazarus, Emma, 293
Lea, John, 403
Lee, Rev. William, 346
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie de, 336
Leonardi da Vinci, 98
Leonardo Da Vinci, 134
Leotard, 302
Léotard, Jules, 302
Leo X, Pope, 266
“Let them eat cake,” 95
Library of Congress, 282
Librium, 271–72
Liebig, Baron Justus von, 153
Life (magazine), 359–61
Lighting, indoor, 133–38
Lincoln, Abraham, 67, 275, 284, 290
Linoleum, 151–52
Lipstick, 225
Lister, Sir Joseph, 248–49
Listerine, 248–50
Literature. See Books
“Little Boy Blue” (nursery rhyme), 185–86
“Little Jack Homer” (nursery rhyme), 189–90
“Little Miss Muffet” (nursery rhyme), 195–96
“Little Red Riding Hood” (fairy tale), 168, 169, 171–72
Littleton, Jesse, 124
Loafers, 298
Loki, 12, 13
“London Bridge” (nursery rhyme), 191–92
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 70, 187
Look (magazine), 360–61
L’Oréal, 233
Lorillard, Pierre, IV, 307
Louis XIV, king of France, 212, 298
Louvre, the, 132
Low, Juliette, 285
Luce, Henry, 359–60, 364–66
Lucifers, 109
Luck. See Superstitions
Lucretius, 26
Luden, William, 260
Lupercalia, 396
Lupercus, 50, 51
Luther, Martin, 70
Lyes, alkaline, 155
Lyman, William W., 116
McConnell, David, 243, 244
McFatrich, James and George, 261–62
Mclhenny, Edmund, 404–5
Macintosh, Charles, 320
McMein, Neysa, 409
Mademoiselle (magazine), 356
Madison, James, 290
Magazines, 349–67
Cosmopolitan, 354–55
Ebony, 361
Esquire, 361–62
Fortune, 366
Good Housekeeping, 353–54
House Beautiful, 356–57
Ladies’ Home Journal, 352–53
Life, 359–61
Look, 360–61
Mademoiselle, 356
National Geographic, 357–58
Newsweek, 366–67
Reader’s Digest, 362–63
Scientific American, 358–59
Time, 364–66
TV Guide, 363–64
Vogue, 355–56
Magic Square, 375–76
Magnetron, 125–26
Maidenform, 343
Makeup. See Cosmetics and toiletries Manicuring, 226–27
Marbles, 368–69
Marches, wedding, 28–29
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, 95, 325
“Marines’ Hymn, The,” 288–89
Marker, Russell, 337
Marks, Johnny, 75
Marriage and wedding customs, 21–31
banns, 25
best man, 21
carrying the bride over the threshold, 21
certificate of marriage, 30–31
diamond engagement rings, 22–24
honeymoon, 28
Northern Europe (around A.D. 200), 21–22
throwing shoes at the bride, 26–27
wedding cake, 25–26, 27
wedding march, 28–29
wedding rings, 22, 24–25
white wedding dress and veil, 29–30
Marsh, Albert, 133
Martin, Sarah Catherine, 194–95
Martyn, Thomas, 367
“Mary, Mary” (nursery rhyme), 193–94
Mary, Queen of Scots, 193–94, 235
“Mary Had a Little Lamb” (nursery rhyme), 193
Mascara, 18–19
Massasoit, Chief, 65
Matchbooks, 110–11
Matches, friction, 108–11
Mattel toy company, 385–86
Mattressses, 329–31
May, Robert, 75
Mayonnaise, 404
Medici, Catherine de’, 418
Medicine-chest items, 245–64
Alka-Seltzer, 257–58
antacids, 256–58
antiperspirants, 255–56
p; aspirin, 272–73
Band-Aid, 250–51
cough drops, 258–60
deodorants, 254–55
Dr. Scholl’s foot products, 262–63
eye drops, 261–62
laxatives, 263–64
Listerine, 248–50
modern drugs, 246
sedatives, 271–72
stimulants, 269–70
suntan lotion, 260–61
vaseline, 247–48
Vick’s VapoRub, 252–54
witch hazel, 251–52
Melba Toast, 401
Melitta filter system, 120
Melmac, 129
Menander, 231
Mendelssohn, Felix, 28, 29
Mensinga, Wilhelm, 333
Mercure Galant (magazine), 349
Merlin, Joseph, 382
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 382
Michtom, Morris, 374
Microwave oven, 125–26
Miles Laboratories, 257
Mirror, 229–30
broken, superstition surrounding, 11
Mistletoe, 68–69
Mitchell, James, 412–13
Mitchell, John, 359
Mithraism, 67–68
“Monk,” 42
Monopoly (game), 378–79
Monroe, Marilyn, 243
“Monsignor,” 42
Montagu, John, 400
Montgomery Ward department store, 75
Moore, Clement Clarke, 73–74
Moore, Hugh, 122–24
Morphine, 258
Morrison, Walter Frederick, 372
Morse code, 102–3
Mortarboard, 308
Mosquito netting, 327
Mother’s Day, 58–60
Mother Goose, 182–83
Mother Hubbard, 194–95
Mourning, black for, 36–37
Movie houses, air-conditioned, 160
Muffet, Thomas, 196
Muhammed, prophet, 14
Mum antiperspirant, 255–56
Mummer’s Day Parade, 48
Munn, Orson, 358
Mure, Eleanor, 178
Musk, 241
My Sin perfume, 242
Nail polish, 226–27
Napkins, 81–82
Napoleon Bonaparte, 1,58, 101, 122
Narwin, Michael, 152
Nast, Condé, 356
Nast, Thomas, 74, 275
Natalis Solis Invicti, 68
Nathan’s franks, 397–98
National Biscuit Company (Nabisco), 412, 413
National Geographic Magazine, The, 357–58
Nativity, 67
Neanderthals, 1–2
funerals, 35
Neckties, 305–6
Negligee, 339
Negro Digest, 361
Nekal detergent, 154
Nelson, Lord Horatio, 5
Neon light, 136–37
Nero, Roman emperor, 240
“New Colossus, The” (Lazarus), 293
Newsweek(magazine), 366–67
New Year’s baby, 49
New Year’s Day, 45–49
New Year’s Eve, 47–48
New Year’s resolutions, 48–49
New York World, 375–76
Nicholas, St., 72–74
Nicholas I, Pope, 23
Nickerson, William, 216
“Night Before Christmas, The” (Moore), 73–74
Nightgown, 338–39
Nike sneakers, 299
Nitrous oxide (laughing gas), 214
Nivea, 228
Nixon, Richard, 61
Norse mythology
Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things Page 61