The Gift

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The Gift Page 21

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

  Leah sat on the stool in front of Cora as though frozen.

  Tears welled in Cora’s eyes as she lifted her gaze to meet Leah’s. “Please don’t judge me until you’ve heard the rest of my story.”

  Slowly, Leah shook her head. “I’m not judging you, Cora. God is our one true Judge, and the Bible says we are not to judge others. If you’d rather not tell me anything more, that’s fine, too.”

  Cora pulled the lever on the recliner and sat up. “No, I really need to get this off my chest. I’ve kept it bottled up inside for far too long.”

  Leah sat silently as Cora began telling her incredible story.

  “I was barely eighteen when I got married, and, like you, I practiced reflexology.”

  “You… you worked on people’s feet?” Leah asked, almost disbelieving. If Cora had been a reflexologist, then why hadn’t she said something until now?

  Cora’s eyes blinked rapidly. “I can only imagine what you’re thinking. You’re probably wondering why I’ve kept this a secret.”

  Leah could only nod in response.

  “At first, the fact that I used to practice reflexology didn’t seem important enough to mention. Then later, as we got better acquainted, I was afraid if you knew I used to work on people’s feet, you might think I was critiquing as you worked on mine.” Cora paused to take a breath. “As far as me having once been Amish, that’s a part of my life that I’ve tried to forget.”

  “But how could you forget that you had two children, whom I assume stayed with their father when you left?”

  Cora nodded. “I never forgot Mary and Adam, though. Not for one little minute.”

  Leah’s hands went straight to her mouth, stifling a gasp. Is it possible that… Oh, no, surely not. It just can’t be!

  “I want you to understand why I left my husband and children,” Cora continued. “I wasn’t satisfied just doing reflexology. What I really wanted was to be a nurse. Of course, Andrew, my husband, thought that notion was ridiculous. He reminded me often that in order to become a nurse, I’d have to leave the Amish faith. My desire to be a nurse was something I just couldn’t let go. I pleaded with Andrew to leave with me, but he said no, that the English world was not for him.”

  It wouldn’t be for me, either, Leah thought. Especially not without my husband and children.

  “Andrew said that if I left, it would have to be alone. He would not allow me to take our children.” Cora’s eyes pooled with tears, and when Leah handed her a tissue, she wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

  “I thought I could stick it out, for my children’s sake, but I guess my selfish desires got in the way of sensible thinking. So one day when Andrew took the children for ice cream, I packed my bags, left a note, and called our driver for a ride to the nearest bus station.”

  “Where did you go?” Leah asked, still reeling with shock.

  “Chicago. I found a job as a waitress in a small café and saved up my money until I had enough to begin my nurse’s training. Soon after that, I met Evan. When we fell in love, I divorced Andrew and married Evan.” Cora grimaced. “Of course, when I left the Amish faith, I was shunned, and I knew the stand the Amish take against divorce.”

  “It’s biblical,” Leah reminded.

  “I know.”

  “How old were the children when you left?”

  “Mary was eight and Adam was five.”

  “Did you ever go back to see them?”

  Cora’s head jerked as though she’d been slapped. “I tried to, but when I returned to our home in Pennsylvania, Andrew and the children were gone. They’d packed up and moved, and no one would tell me where.” Cora sniffed deeply. “I’ll probably never see Mary or Adam again. I can only imagine how Andrew has poisoned them against me, and I can’t really blame him. Looking back, I realize I was a terrible mother.” She paused to wipe away more tears. “I’ve lived a life full of bitter regrets and tried to hide it by focusing on my life in the English world. But, of course, I’ve messed that up, too.”

  Leah hardly knew what to say. She’d liked Cora from their first meeting and thought she was a nice person. Now having learned all this about her past, Leah’s heart was torn. She felt sorry for Cora, knowing it must have been hard not seeing her son and daughter all these years, but at the same time, wasn’t that punishment well deserved for abandoning her family? Leah knew from something Elaine had shared with her that Adam had told Ben that his mother had abandoned him and his sister when they were small children. It had to be more than a coincidence that Cora’s children had the same names as Adam and his sister. Surely, this woman must be Adam’s mother.

  Should I say something to Cora? No, I need to wait until I’ve talked with Adam. Tomorrow was Saturday, so she wouldn’t be watching the girls. Adam planned to take them all out to supper that evening, including Leah, so she would speak to him about this then. Perhaps Adam would want to meet Cora right away, to confirm that she really was his mother.


  All day Saturday Leah had trouble concentrating, and by five o’clock that evening she was a ball of nerves. Adam and the girls would be coming by any minute to pick her up for supper. Tonight, when the opportunity arose, she would ask Adam about his mother.

  Leah wished her own mother were home already so she could ask her opinion, but Mom wouldn’t be coming home until early next week.

  The one thing I do know, Leah told herself, is that I shouldn’t say anything about Cora in front of the children. A topic as sensitive as this must be raised to Adam alone.

  At the sound of a horse and buggy approaching, Leah peered out the kitchen window. Maybe when Adam brings me home this evening I will get the chance. I’ll let Adam know that I want to talk to him about something and suggest that the girls go inside and visit with Dad for a few minutes so we can talk privately.

  Watching as Adam’s horse pulled his rig up the driveway, Leah’s heart began to pound. She’d been looking forward to this evening until Cora had shared her story about abandoning her children. Now Leah looked on the evening with dread. How would everyone be affected by what she’d just learned? If Cora was Adam’s mother, would a reunion be sweet, or could it go the wrong way? Would Adam accept his mother into his life again, or would he reject her? If Cora really was his mother, Adam had a stepbrother he knew nothing about. And poor Cora wasn’t even aware that her daughter had been killed in a tragic accident. She also didn’t know she had three precious granddaughters. And how would Jared feel, knowing he had an older brother who was Amish?

  So many things hung by a thread, depending on what Adam said once she told him about Cora. Of course, it wasn’t certain that Cora was his mother, but there were too many things that fit for it to be coincidental.

  For the girls’ sake, Leah would try to relax during supper and show them a good time. Since she and Adam would be getting married in two weeks, tonight was an opportunity for them to do something fun together as the family they would soon become.

  “Leah, you’re awfully quiet tonight, and you haven’t eaten much of your pizza.” Adam motioned to Leah’s plate.

  “Maybe she don’t like plain sauce and cheese pizza,” Linda said before Leah could respond.

  Leah shook her head. “No, it’s not that. Guess I’m just not real hungry.”

  “How come?” This question came from Amy, who’d been more talkative than usual this evening.

  Leah reached over and patted Amy’s hand. “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “I have a lot on my mind, too,” Adam put in, “but it won’t stop me from eating.” He grabbed another piece of pizza and took a big bite, wiggling his eyebrows as he did so.

  Carrie snickered and jiggled her eyebrows back at him.

  “What’s on your mind, Leah?” Amy prompted. “Are you thinking about the wedding?”

  Leah shifted in her chair, searching for words that wouldn’t be a lie. “That is one thing I’ve been thinking about.” She picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite. “G
uess maybe I should quit thinking so much and finish what’s on my plate.”

  Carrie looked over at Leah and smiled. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Leah leaned over and gave Carrie a hug. “So am I.” She felt so much love for Adam’s nieces. That, in itself, made her look forward to becoming his wife. She just hoped things went well when Adam took her back to the house this evening and they had their little talk. If he didn’t like what she said, would he call off the wedding?

  “How are you feeling, Sara?” Jonah asked, his face a mask of concern. “I saw you wince. Are you in pain?”

  “I’m having some cramping and lower back pains.” She forced a smile. “This is how it went before Mark was born, so I’m pretty sure my labor has started.”

  “But you still have a few weeks to go. Do you think something is wrong?”

  “Everything is all right, Jonah.” Sara almost felt sorry for her husband as she watched him begin to pace. “It’s quite normal if a baby is born a little early, or even a few weeks late, especially if the calculations are a little bit off.”

  Jonah’s eyes widened. “Then we’d better take Mark to my parents’ house and get you to the hospital right away.”

  She shook her head. “Not yet, Jonah, and don’t look so worried. My pains aren’t close enough yet. I’ll let you know when, so just try and relax.” Sara had to remind herself that this was a first for Jonah. She remembered how nervous Harley had been when she was in labor with Mark.

  “I think I should at least take Mark over to my mamm and daed’s place so when it’s time to head to the hospital, we can just go there directly.”

  “Okay, whatever you think is best. I’ll pack the things Mark will need to spend the night, and then you can deliver him right to their door.”

  “Maybe I should pack his things so you can rest,” Jonah was quick to say.

  She waved her hand. “There’s no need for me to rest, Jonah. In fact, I’m going to walk around for a bit and see if I can get things moving along a little quicker.”

  He slipped his arm around her waist. “Now, don’t get too carried away. I don’t want you having the boppli while I’m gone.”

  “Your folks don’t live that far away, and I don’t think you’ll be gone that long.”

  His cheeks and the back of his neck colored as he grinned sheepishly at her. “You’re right. I’m feeling kind of naerfich right now. Guess I’m not thinking straight.”

  She squeezed his arm. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. Women have been having babies since Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel.”

  Jonah bent to kiss her cheek. “Jah, I know. But you’re having our baby.”

  Smiling, Sara started down the hall for Mark’s room, where he’d gone to play after supper. She was sure he’d be excited to know that he would be spending the night with Jonah’s folks. Since they’d moved here from Pennsylvania and been able to see them quite often, Mark had become very fond of them.

  As Sara neared the door of her son’s room, she paused to pray. Dear Lord, please help me have a safe delivery, and may this little one who’s about to be born be healthy and a blessing to You throughout his or her life.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to speak to you alone for a few minutes before you go home,” Leah whispered to Adam when he pulled his horse up to the hitching rack near her father’s barn. “The girls can go inside and visit with my daed while we sit on the porch and talk.”

  Adam’s eyebrows squished together. “You want to sit outside and talk? Don’t you think it’s a little chilly for that?”

  “No, not really, but if you’d rather, we can sit here in the buggy.”

  Adam couldn’t imagine what Leah had to say that couldn’t be said in front of the girls, but whatever it was he figured he ought to hear it. He hoped she hadn’t changed her mind about marrying him. Besides the embarrassment of having to call off their wedding, if Leah backed out, he’d be left with the full responsibility of raising Mary’s girls. He’d already tried that and hadn’t done so well.

  “Adam, did you hear what I said?” Leah touched his arm.

  He nodded. “Jah. If you want to take the girls inside, I’ll wait here in the buggy so we can talk.”

  Leah climbed down, helped the children out, and then led them to the house. As Adam waited for her to return, he became even more apprehensive. The girls will be so disappointed if Leah and I don’t get married. They’re all excited about having her move into our house, and I’ll have to admit, I’m looking forward to it, as well.

  With regret, Adam realized that with the exception of his three nieces, he wouldn’t have any family members at the wedding—assuming it took place.

  Adam wished his father had lived long enough to really get to know his granddaughters. He was sure they would have loved him as much as Adam had. For a man to be both father and mother to his children had been no small feat, but somehow his dad had accomplished it. Adam wondered if Dad had ever wished he could have gotten married again after Adam’s mother left and filed for a divorce. But that was not to be, because unless Adam’s mother had died, Adam’s father would not have been free to remarry.

  I wonder if my mother is still alive. If so, has she ever thought of me and Mary? Adam’s jaw clenched. If she was selfish enough to walk out on her family, she probably never gave us a second thought.

  Startled out of his musings, Adam’s head jerked when Leah stepped into the buggy and took a seat beside him. “Oh, you’re back.”

  “Jah, and the girls seemed happy to visit with my daed. He’s been working on a puzzle and asked them to help.”

  “That’s good. Now what did you want to talk to me about?”

  Leah cleared her throat. “Well, I’ve been wondering about something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You have talked about your daed and how much you miss him, but you’ve never really mentioned your mamm.”

  A muscle on the back of Adam’s neck knotted. “I don’t talk about her because there is nothing to say. She walked out on me and Mary when we were kids, and we never saw or heard from her again.”

  “Jah, I know about that.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “You knew before I said anything?”

  Leah nodded. “Elaine told me.”

  “Elaine? How’d she find out about it?”

  “Well, I think—”

  Adam held up his hand. “No, don’t tell me. It had to be Ben. He’s the only one I’ve ever told about my past.” He frowned. “Guess I should have known better than to trust him to keep my secret.”

  “If Ben told Elaine after you’d asked him not to say anything, then that was wrong,” Leah said. “But when Elaine told me, she thought I already knew.”

  Feeling a headache coming on, Adam rubbed his temples. He couldn’t help wondering how many other people Ben had told. If he didn’t nip this in the bud, it wouldn’t be long before everyone in their community knew about his past.

  “Do you know your mother’s first name?” Leah asked.

  “She was always Mom to me, but when I asked Dad what her first name was, he said it was Cora.” Adam looked over at Leah and blinked. With only the light of the moon shining into the buggy, he couldn’t see her expression, but he heard her gasp. “Where’s this conversation leading, anyway, and why’d you inhale so sharply?”

  “What is your daed’s name?”

  “His name was Andrew. Why do you ask?”

  “I think I might know your mother.”

  A cold chill swept over Adam. “What do you mean? And where and when did you meet this woman you think is my mother?”

  “She lives here in Arthur.”

  Adam shook his head vigorously. “No she doesn’t. If she did, I would know.”

  “She moved here recently.” Leah placed her hand on his trembling arm. “After all these years, I don’t think you would recognize her, Adam. I’m sure she wouldn’t know you, either, since you were just a boy when she left. Besides,
in your memory she wore Amish clothes. Now, she’s every bit English.”

  “How do you know her? Did she talk to you? Where did you meet?” Adam’s sentences were running together, as his mind whirled.

  “Her name is Cora, and she’s a nurse at the clinic. We met the day I took Carrie in after she’d been stung by those yellow jackets. I found out later that it was her first day working at the clinic.”

  “You met this woman you think is my mother that long ago and have never said anything to me about it till now?” Adam flexed his fingers until they bit into his palms.

  “I didn’t know who she was then, Adam. And you have never told me anything about your mother. It wasn’t until she started coming to me for foot treatments that she started to open up about her recent divorce from her husband who’s a doctor and lives in Chicago.” Leah paused and drew in a quick breath. “When Cora saw me last evening for a foot treatment, she blurted things out about her past. It really took me by surprise when she said she used to be Amish but had left her husband and two small children to pursue a career in nursing.”

  Adam moaned as he leaned forward, letting his head fall into his outstretched hands. He remembered Dad telling him that his mother used to say working on people’s feet wasn’t gratifying enough—that she wanted to be a nurse. But he hadn’t thought about that until now. What he also remembered was his mother massaging and pressing on his and Mary’s feet, which she’d done the night before she left. That memory had left Adam with a sense of bitterness toward reflexology. He’d always associated it with something bad—something that had left him and Mary motherless.

  Adam lifted his head. “Does the woman know about me—that I live here in Arthur?” he asked, wanting to know the answer, yet hoping Leah would say no.

  “I did not mention your name. I wanted to talk to you about this first.”

  He sighed with relief. “That’s good to hear.”

  “Adam, there’s more.” Leah placed her hand on his tense shoulder.


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