Swinger Style: Hot Rods, Book 5

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Swinger Style: Hot Rods, Book 5 Page 12

by Jayne Rylon

  “Damnnnnnn.” Alanso whistled softly when he peeked at the spectacle on the lawn. “If they would do that shit during the day, we’d have guys from two states away begging to pay double to get full service on their fill-ups.”

  “I prefer keeping them to ourselves.” Bryce hummed as Kaelyn attempted an intermediate backbend. Long, flowing lines demonstrated the benefits of years of dance lessons.

  They truly were lucky bastards.

  Tom moseyed over from the main house and laughed at their impromptu huddle. “You kids are so predictable. Why aren’t any of you out there practicing your moves?”

  “’Cause it’s much more fun to watch.” Holden smirked.

  “I didn’t know yoga was a spectator sport.” Tom snorted.

  “Yeah, well, then you’re not paying much attention.” Kaige joined the fray. “Even Ms. Brown and Amber are getting in on the fun. You know, Ms. Brown is looking good out there. Pretty damn spry for an older lady. Maybe that cougar thing has some merit. I heard her ranting to Amber and Nola about finding herself a ‘young buck’ yesterday. What the hell did you do to piss her off so bad?”

  Tom’s head whipped around as he studied the impressive lotus pose Ms. Brown was folded into. With her eyes closed and her fingers curled as Sabra had instructed, she seemed like she could handle two men half her age. If she’d been venting to her daughters, Tom must really have screwed things up.

  “Don’t you kids worry about me.” Tom groaned. “It’s for the best that she moves on, doesn’t get so attached.”

  “That’s bullshit,” Holden fired at his surrogate dad. They didn’t pull punches around the garage. “If it was any of us falling for a woman, you’d tell us to plow forward, not turn tail.”

  “I think Swinger might have a point, Dad.” Eli laid his hand on Tom’s shoulder and squeezed. “It’s obvious you have a crush on her. Do something about it.”

  “Who raised you jackasses to be a bunch of nosy busybodies?” With crossed arms, Tom refused to talk about it anymore despite his stare, which never left Ms. Brown as she stretched.

  Holden forgot about giving Tom a hard time when Sabra got to the part of her workout where she unveiled the toughest of asanas. Inverted, she curled her legs while doing a handstand as easily if she were walking down a level, paved road. The scorpion. Next came the one that looked like she was kneeling on her upper arms, which tipped forward while she still maintained her handstand. The crow.

  Witnessing her grace, poise and athleticism mesmerized him.

  Without thinking, he trotted from the garage. Here was where she struggled. Every day, she came so close to the Two Leg Pose of the Sage Koundinya. She’d shown him pictures. To him it looked like she was supposed to curl into the fetal position on her side while supported by her arms beneath her knees. Damn near impossible.

  But that didn’t stop her from trying.


  Focused, she didn’t hear him approach. She slanted herself sideways as the rest of the Hot Rods women gawked, in awe of her skills. At the crucial point, she wobbled. Her eyes scrunched closed as she prepared for impact with the ground.

  Except, today, Holden lent her a hand. He put the barest bit of pressure on her wrists as she rotated. When she quivered, his brace kept her from crashing. As quickly as he’d assisted her, he removed his touch when she’d passed the split-second transition.

  Sabra’s eyes opened. She stared into his as she held the asana. Perfect positioning. Ideal posture. Nola’s sister Amber whipped out her cell phone and captured the moment.

  It must have looked as impressive on screen as it did to Holden’s proud gaze because the women chirped and oohed over the shot.

  After the requisite count, Sabra unfolded herself into the rest pose to cool down.

  Today of all days, she needed the confidence. Later, she would present the Hot Rods pilot to the station execs. He wanted her to know he was with her.

  Supporting her.

  Her wide smile made it clear she understood. “Thank you, Holden.”

  Sabra leapt from the ground and tackled him. They rolled in the grass as he wrestled her beneath him. Laughter and kisses rained over them.

  “Holden?” she whispered against his lips after a while.

  “Yeah?” He didn’t want to stop feasting on her, even if they were right in the middle of the Hot Rods lawn.

  “I’m ready for more. Will you let me in? All the way?” A couple of worry lines appeared by her eyes as she bit the lip he’d so recently lashed with his tongue. “I trust you. And them. Together we can be more than we are individually. I don’t want to be alone again. Never again.”

  “You won’t be. Let’s do this.” He dropped lower, probably crushing her, but he couldn’t help it. If he could have fused them completely he would have made them into one being. He felt like they might already be two halves of a whole. She was right.

  It was time.


  Or maybe a taste before her meeting. They’d planned for Tom and Ms. Brown to man the shop while they screened the pilot and gave her one final thumbs-up. They all knew it was a formality. They trusted her too.

  “Guys, you ready to see your ugly faces on TV?” Holden rolled to his feet and stretched his hand out to Sabra, though clearly she didn’t need his leverage to right herself. She took it anyway and made them both happy to be needed. And wanted.

  Eli yelled to his dad, who’d cornered Ms. Brown over near the shed. It seemed like they might be having a heated discussion. “Dad, we’re going upstairs. You have this? Or do you need one of us to stay?”

  “Go!” Both Ms. Brown and Tom shouted in unison.

  “That’s not going to end well,” Amber griped. She shook her head, then gave Nola a hug. “I’m off to work. See you all later. Take care of yourself and that baby.”

  She rubbed her sister’s still-flat belly, patted Buster McHightops on the head, then waved to the gang as she left.

  The herd of mechanics and their women funneled up the staircase to the apartment Sabra had avoided for the past month. He didn’t believe it was because she’d thought stepping inside would give her cooties. Or put her in jeopardy—a la stranger danger, snatch-and-grab-style. At least he didn’t think that was why she’d shied away.

  More like she understood, as he did, this was a one-way street and once she drove down it, there’d be no going back to the simple, relatively normal relationship they had.

  Temptation lured them and they’d fought it hard.

  Now he couldn’t remember why.

  Fear ranked high on the list of reasons.


  Embracing the group and their unconventional ways only meant more affection for her, both to give and to receive. At some point he had to trust that she wouldn’t abandon him. Neither would the Hot Rods. He sure as hell wouldn’t dump Sabra to fend for herself as her parents had. Every one of them was better than the shit they’d sprouted from.

  He laced their fingers as they climbed together toward their future.

  Someone had already thrown a bag of popcorn in the microwave by the time they’d made it inside. Their appetites were legendary. Kaelyn needed to restock twice a week. The trunk on Bryce’s Rebel AMC could barely hold their supplies. It was like feeding an army. Never did she complain. In fact, she seemed to enjoy kitchen duty.

  Their skills and needs balanced out in a group this size. Someone provided for them all in one area or another. Sabra brought a lot to the table too.

  Hopefully, nationwide exposure. An influx of business. Profits to pad their bank accounts and boost the shelter’s capability to do good.

  Suddenly twitchy, Sabra fingered the tiny drive that held so much of her hard work. And heart. She’d put all of herself into this program. More than the nightly news, the messages contained in the show seemed to matter to her

  Holden wasn’t the only one who noticed.

  “Don’t chicken out now, Sabster.” Carver smacked her ass. “Let’s see what you’ve been up to behind that camera of yours.”

  The gang piled onto what had to be the largest sectional sofa in the northern hemisphere. They splayed in pairs or trios or whatever groupings pleased them. Many of their legs touched. Some people’s heads rested in neighbors’ laps. They were comfortable together. In every combination.

  Sabra had a funny look on her face. He took a chance and whispered in her ear, “Jealous?”

  “Kind of.” She smiled and nodded.

  One step at a time, he cautioned herself.

  “Come on. Hand it over.” Holden put out his palm and she dropped the flash drive into it. He inserted the memory into his laptop, then displayed the file on their Internet-ready TV. Before she could change her mind and stop him, the opening credits to Hot Rods blazed across the screen.

  Nola had helped Sabra design them so that they were consistent with the shop’s branding. Also, Kaige’s fiancée had an amazing eye for graphics plus the skills to bring her ideas to life. Together, the ladies had created something that impressed him in the first few seconds.

  The rest of the guys too, if their excited murmurs were any indication.

  She’d incorporated black-and-white clips of each of them. The snippets said more to Holden about each man’s personality than a photograph could ever capture. A smile from Bryce. Sally concentrating on an intricate design. Roman digging through the junkyard with Carver, quiet yet at ease with his roommate by his side.

  She got them. Each of them separately and the mission of the shop overall.

  The more he watched, the surer he was that she understood who they were individually and the unit they became when blended together. By the responses of the guys to her, letting her see inside their world, he knew they saw her as one of them.

  Holden’s cock grew harder with every frame that passed.

  He watched his garagemates on screen as well as their expressions as they viewed the documentary Sabra had assembled. The bond was evident in their smiles, entwined hands and the downright naughty glances they shot each other.

  By the time the episode had wrapped up, a sense of pride bubbled over in Holden. For all they’d built through hard work and love. The shop. For his misfit mechanic garagemates. And especially for Sabra, who’d seen straight to their core, despite scandalous relationships less open-minded people wouldn’t be able to look past.

  Dead silence rang in the room when the TV faded to black.

  Sabra’s foot jiggled a million miles a minute.

  Before Holden could reassure her, Eli did it for them. As the head of the garage, it was his right. “You have my permission to show this to the execs. Or anyone else in the world. You’re more talented than I realized, Sabra. This makes me love these fuckers even more, and I didn’t think that was possible. The garage, these people, are everything to me. You captured all the qualities I appreciate about them and the work we do. Thank you for showing us that way. Helping the world understand who we are, even if they don’t know what goes on behind the scenes.”

  Sabra hopped up from the couch, put one foot on the coffee table and launched herself at King Cobra, who caught her easily. He laughed as he hugged her in return and kissed the top of her head before lowering her gently to the floor.

  “Watching that made me feel like we were worth saving.” Roman didn’t speak loudly, or often, but when he did, it was usually with a whopper that punched Holden in the gut. This time was no exception. “I can see it inspiring people to look harder at adoption. Thank you.”

  Eli beamed at Roman, then Holden. “I think your girl deserves a reward, don’t you?”

  Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath. They looked around, at each other and finally to Sabra. Though her cheeks had flushed, she certainly wasn’t running. Being the center of all that attention could have overwhelmed anyone, especially when seven men stared at you like you were being served up on a platter.

  Which she sort of was.

  Sabra returned to Holden’s side though she didn’t try to stop what was about to happen.

  “We don’t have a lot of time if she’s going to get this over to the station so they can rave over the show.” Holden stood up to make his proposal. “Welcome Sabra to our gang. Intimately. She’s mine, and I plan to share her with you. Why don’t we do something quick? Seal the deal. And later we can take our time. Get fancy. Celebrate together. Please.”

  He hoped he could introduce her to a whole host of possibilities later tonight. For a bisexual man, he hadn’t had a guy in five weeks. Being here, now, when he was fired up was making him want things he wasn’t sure Sabra had signed on for.

  At least he could watch them fuck each other.

  It was almost as good as them touching him while he made love to Sabra.


  Sally spoke up. “You don’t have to beg, Holden. We’ve missed you. Did you have something specific in mind?”

  She gave him the reins, knowing he understood best what would work for Sabra, and for himself.

  “How about a game?” His grin probably had a wicked flare, but he couldn’t bring himself to give a shit. Everyone knew he loved to play. Sabra practically purred as she rubbed up against him. He took that as a hell yeah from her.

  “Which one?” Kaige wondered.

  “Oral action. Guys on girls. Roman and Carver are a team. See who can make our partner come fastest. Winner gets to name their prize tonight.” Holden planned to put his lithe tongue to good use.

  Nola had already started stripping.

  Holden peeked at Sabra. She glanced around the room with wide eyes, but didn’t balk. Instead, she leaned into him when he walked her snug T-shirt up her flat belly, then over the mounds of her breasts. Her yoga pants draped over a lamp a few seconds later. Her body was gorgeous and toned, sleek as a cat’s.

  Several of the guys noticed and shared their appreciation.

  Soon, everyone had joined them. They gathered into a circle around the coffee table. Some guys put their women on the couch and knelt between their legs. Holden decided to go full out. He lay on his back and urged Sabra to straddle his face.

  “No head starts,” Barracuda grumbled as he stripped Carver’s jeans off.

  The smell of Sabra alone was enough to have Holden aching. He reached around her slender thighs to unbutton his own pants and give his bulging cock some space. It flopped out and smacked his abdomen.

  “I’m not waiting much longer. Everyone get ready.” Holden nipped the inside of Sabra’s thighs, returning her attention to him from where it winged around the room, taking in the passion his friends shared.

  “You okay?” He kneaded her ass, holding her steady.

  “Why did we put this off so long?” Her pussy already glistened with the proof of her arousal and he couldn’t remember any of the seemingly valid reasons they’d stayed away either. Except now they came to the group as a couple instead of two people who’d just met. These past weeks had cemented their link and strengthened it. He hoped it could withstand the test they were about to put it to.

  “Ready, set…” Sabra didn’t waste another second. Holden chuckled as she gave the signal. When she screamed “Go!” it held a note of raw desire since Holden’s lips curled over her clit and suckled.

  He went for broke, adding his fingers to her clenching channel as soon as he was sure he wouldn’t hurt her by stretching her tight passage. He shouldn’t have worried. Her inner muscles sucked at him greedily, begging him to add another digit. Which he gladly did, though maybe not as deeply as he would have liked given his limited range of motion.

  From this position, she had full views of everyone else and their devotion to ecstasy. Just as he had planned. And thankfully, she responded
as if the pheromones flooding the room ratcheted her up instead of freaking her out or intimidating her. They were about to set a new record for this competition, he thought.

  In fact, Holden probably would have won if Sabra hadn’t distracted him, putting a hitch in his rhythm when he gasped. She bent backward, her spine arching until her ribs stood out on her lithe torso. The position put her mouth even with the head of his cock.

  No way. She couldn’t possibly…

  She did.

  Sabra sucked his cock as she ground her pussy on his face. A few seconds of that and he was a goner. Holden flicked her clit with the flat of his tongue and tried desperately not to choke on the arousal that flooded his mouth in response.

  Both of them exploded simultaneously.

  “Holy fuck, do you see that?” Carver groaned. “Damn, Swinger, your girlfriend is hot.”

  “Flexible too,” Roman muttered reverently. “Now pay attention to your hand on my nuts and get your mouth back on my cock, boy. I want those lips to touch my belly. Take me as deep as you can. I’m going to come down your throat. And you’ll thank me for it.”

  Sabra shrieked as her orgasm renewed. Did she get off on dirty talk, or was it the guys’ play triggering her string of climaxes?

  Holden fucking hoped it was the man-on-man action. After all, it ramped him up too.

  Another blast of come threatened to overflow her mouth. Even when he thought he’d been drained dry, the combination of Sabra’s sweet suckling and the rest of the gang around him could keep him coming.

  Cries of completion echoed throughout the room as several of the Hot Rods licked, fucked and fingered their women across the finish line in rapid succession. Sabra perched on Holden’s chest, petting his shoulders as she stared at the couples and the trio still working on their partners.

  Maybe she had a bit of voyeur in her too.

  She shuddered on top of him, her thighs clamping on his ribs with strong aftershocks or even possibly another mini-orgasm.

  It seemed the women were treating their guys now, most of them getting off with a few sucks on their hyper-aroused cocks.


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