Galactic Assimilation

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Galactic Assimilation Page 20

by J. K. Mabrey

  “Thank you, Ambassador Hains," Zavik said softly. "We’re glad you weren’t seriously harmed in the assassination attempt and are sorry for your loss.”

  “Yes," she said softly. "Bendix was a great soldier, and a good friend.”

  "How are you feeling?"

  "I'm healing," she said eying her cast. "Bendix protected me from the brunt of the explosion. As soon as he opened the door he heard the detonator activate and threw himself over me. He saved my life by giving his. The door of the transport landed on my arm, smashing the bone, but it should heal well."

  "I'm sure he'll be remembered as a hero," Zavik said. “Do you have any leads on who might have done it?”

  “Nothing concrete, I’m afraid. Though I do have my unsubstantiated suspicions." Quietly she asked, "Who is this with you?”

  “This is Brax Miro, he was instrumental in helping us rescue Canderon Vask.”

  “Oh yes," she said shaking his hand, "Vask mentioned your name when he told me about his rescue. I am grateful you helped him and us.”

  “It was my pleasure. Red Moon for too long has monopolized the ideals of the Chokmnd people. It is time they were eradicated.”

  “And this is Alberan Gant," Zavik continued. "Greda sent him to help us on Qualim when we were ambushed for quite a large bounty.”

  “Then I must thank you and Greda for once again aiding us.”

  Alberan just nodded without saying a word.

  The ambassador turned to Zavik. “I'd heard the bounty on your heads was quite large. You seemed to have pissed off the right people.”

  “Were it so easy,” Zavik said dryly.

  “So why are you here now?” Ambassador Hains asked.

  Zavik paused before saying, “We have what we need to prove Varin’s true identity.”

  “Concrete proof?” she asked, skeptical.

  “As close to it as possible.”

  “And what will you do with this proof?”

  “We need to give it to Paquiko," Brax said. "Only he can rein Varin in and end his madness.”

  “How can we be certain Paquiko isn’t complicit in his actions?” she asked in a tone of frustration.

  Dani said, “What we obtained was a file containing what we believe to be the names of everyone in the galaxy that knows Varin’s identity as the leader of Red Moon. Paquiko is not on the list. Evidence points to the fact that even the most loyal supporters are on there, so there is no reason he wouldn’t be included if he did know.”

  “He will listen to reason,” Brax said earnestly.

  “Perhaps, but will he even be able to do anything about it?” the ambassador asked, unconvinced.

  “That is unfortunately out of our hands,” Brax said.

  “We need you to arrange a meeting with Paquiko,” Zavik said. “A private one.”

  “That might be very difficult,” she said. “You may not have heard, but after our raid for supplies, the Council, led mainly by Paquiko, have decided that Earth is too out of control to be left alone. They want to control Earth’s space and shut down our fleet.”

  “They won’t really act on that directive,” Zavik said.

  “They have,” she confirmed. “They just attacked Earth with quite a large force.”

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “We were prepared, and repelled the assault. But this is just the beginning. The Farlins and Iriquios didn’t fully participate in the battle. There will be consequences for them, and the Council is not done trying to push for their control on our space.”

  “Have they cut ties with Earth completely?” Dani asked.

  “No, they still want to negotiate a surrender. Even now, Paquiko would prefer to avoid further conflict. But he knows that is not something we are going to accept.”

  “Have you had any communication with him since the attack?” Zavik asked.

  “No, but now might be a good time to try. I can request a meeting with him. Whether or not he accepts, is out of my hands. Were you planning to accompany me?”

  “That was our plan," Zavik said. "We were thinking you could fabricate a story about Brax needing you to speak with his councilor.”

  “Yes,” Brax offered, “I could be requesting his permission to sell supplies to Earth, and be in need of his blessing to do so, something like that. I would hate to offend my own councilor by aiding his enemies, you know.”

  “Will you all go?" she asked. "I don’t think I could get a meeting with five when four are unknown to him. That would be unacceptable.”

  “No, you’re right,” Zavik said. “We could use an escape plan as it is. If things don’t go as smooth as we hope, we’ll have to get out of there in a hurry. Dani and Alberan, you two will need to secure an escape for us, just in case.”

  “When have our plans ever not gone smooth?” Dani asked. "We'll prep the Rinada for extraction."

  “Ok," Zavik said. "We’ll keep our radios on so you can track and monitor us.”

  “If anything goes awry,” Alberan said, “we’ll come to get you.”

  “So everyone knows the plan?” Zavik asked.

  “Can I write it down?” Brax asked, standing up to leave. “I’d hate to forget my part.”

  The entire group left the office. Zavik, Brax and the ambassador got in her recently security swept personal transport and took the short trip to the Council Chambers, where Paquiko’s office was. Ambassador Hains informed the concierge of their urgent need to meet with Paquiko, and after a little pleading on her part, they arranged a time about thirty minutes away. According to the concierge, Paquiko was in another meeting, one that didn’t warrant being interrupted for their sake. When they were finally allowed to meet with him privately, Paquiko was alarmed at the sight of two strangers accompanying the ambassador into his office. He had assumed she was coming only with another Chokmnd.

  He downplayed his alarm. “Welcome, Ambassador Hains. Let me again convey my sympathy’s to you for your loss and assure you that every resource available is at your disposal in finding these murderous cowards.”

  “Thank you, Councilor," she said, hastily approaching him. "I have reason to believe the attackers will be rooted out soon enough.”

  He paused for a moment and looked at Zavik and Brax. “Why do I get the feeling that is why they are here?”

  “Because it is,” she said bluntly.

  “This isn’t about him selling supplies to Earth, is it?” he asked.

  “No,” Zavik said stepping forward. “Councilor Paquiko, my name is Zavik Khan. My crew and I have been investigating the attacks on Earth by supposed pirates. We now know that they are instigated by the criminal outfit, Red Moon."

  "Red Moon, huh," Paquiko said without emotion. "You lied to get a meeting with me, so you could accuse Red Moon of attacking Earth. I should have you thrown out of here immed-"

  Brax stepped up, "Please, Councilor, at least hear us out."

  Paquiko stared at Brax and said, "Well, I am curious to know why a Chokmnd is working with Earth to unravel this mystery. Please, sit, continue." He motioned them to take a seat across his desk and leaned back.

  Zavik started. "We ran into Canderon Vask, who I presume you know, he was able to look at the technical readouts from a battle that happened at Earth a few weeks ago. He pointed us to a pro-Chokmnd group that uses similar ships to these, Red Moon. When we investigated them further, we discovered a compound that housed the same unmarked ships, with the same weapons systems and everything. Vask confirmed that the ships used in the attack were very likely the same as the ones at the compound."

  "So, because you found similar ships at this compound you think Red Moon is behind the attacks?" Paquiko asked. "Perhaps Red Moon sold the ships to the real assailants. That is one of their specialties."

  "While that could be possible," Zavik said. "We happened to have a run-in with the leader of Red Moon. He confirmed that they're behind the attacks, and much more."

  "You actually met the leader," Paquiko asked, slightly
taken aback, "and lived?"

  "Barely lived, trust me," Zavik said.

  With his curiosity peaked, Paquiko asked, "Who is this person you met?"

  "Varin Bragko," Zavik said.

  "Varin!" Paquiko said, his voice sounding alarmed but not shocked. "What proof of this treacherous accusations do you have? It had better be good, I do not take kindly to unsubstantiated accusations against my friends."

  Zavik’s voice quavered, "We've recovered a file containing the names of the few people in the Galaxy that know Red Moon's Leader's identity. You weren't on the list, so we figured you would be the best person to confront."

  "I've had small dealings with Red Moon throughout my career, but nothing more than your usual politician. I don't much care for their views of the galaxy. As you know, Ambassador Hains, I've always tried to unite all of the races together. They want the Chokmnd to rule over the others like we're somehow superior to you all. I can't say I'm entirely surprised by your accusations, but I don't know if I can bring myself to believe it. I've known Varin for over forty years, and his father for even longer. He's always been a good ally and understood my views. His views have many times aligned along the lines of that organization, but that's not unusual for many Chokmnd. I guess I've always felt he could be involved with them on some level, but to be their leader? I need to see what proof you claim to have."

  With Paquiko’s permission, Zavik inserted the device into the computer terminal. The list populated the screen as Paquiko glazed over the names and information. Accepting as fact that this was a list of people in the galaxy who knew the Red Moon leader, he began to question how it was uncovered. Zavik revealed the story of their first encounter with Red Moon. How when the Secretary pointed them to Theros, and the compound, Varin captured them. Zavik told him how the Blue Blazes had aided them in infiltrating the compound again to get the data.

  "So, it was you who Red Moon had captured on Theros?" Paquiko asked.

  "Yes," Zavik said.

  "Your raid there was to rescue them, as you said," Paquiko said. "Varin tried to convince me that you were trying to intimidate Theros into helping Earth."

  "We only did it to get them out," Ambassador Hains said.

  Paquiko was amazed, but unfazed, by the story. He reluctantly believed it all. He had no choice, deep down, he had known it for a while. Varin always pushed to give Red Moon contracts, and eagerly dispelled investigations of complaints against them. Paquiko never dreamed he was running the organization, on the payroll, sure, it had crossed his mind, but not this.

  “He’s the one who convinced me to try and control Earth’s space. It’s because of him both sides lost all those people.”

  “He is truly a treacherous person,” Zavik said. “But his goals are much grander than simply suppressing Earth. He wants Red Moon to control the Galaxy.”

  Paquiko told the group that he would confront Varin about this treason, and requested that they stay and be present for this discussion, something that discomforted Zavik. Varin was asked to meet in Paquiko's office and agreed most eagerly. He was hoping to push the Council into more battles with Earth and continue to seed his makeshift rift among the races.

  Varin entered the office and was immediately taken aback at the sight of the others in the room. Seated on his couch were two humans, standing to their right was a Chokmnd. At first, he only recognized the ambassador. Zavik stood almost immediately and Varin then knew whom he was. He seethed at the sight of this thorn in his side but strained to conceal it. The ambassador forced Zavik to sit, and Varin, trying not to betray his knowledge of the human, asked softly, "What is the meaning of this, Councilor?"

  "As if you don't know," Zavik said loud enough for all to hear.

  In denial about the possibility of them having evidence of his true identity, Varin continued to play off any knowledge of the human. "Do I know you?" he asked.

  "From what I've heard," Paquiko said, "you know him very well."

  "And what exactly have you heard?" he asked with a voice so sharp it would cut through exposed flesh.

  "A quite interesting story, involving you heading an intergalactic criminal organization at the top of many government's most wanted list. What say you?"

  "That is a pretty bold accusation to levy towards the Supreme Emperor's son. Are you sure you’re prepared for that?"

  Paquiko stood from his desk and walked towards Varin. "Believe me Varin, had I not the proof, we would not be having this conversation. I have been shown a file, a most disturbing file, containing a list of those that know the identity of the Red Moon leader. They claim it was taken from you."

  "This file could've been taken from anyone in the galaxy," he said defiantly. "What proof is there that it is in any way attached to me?"

  Paquiko inched closer to Varin until they were practically touching noses. "Shall I contact any number of those on the list and use what information I now have to extract what information they might possess? Then we will know the truth, Varin."

  Varin could see that he was caught, and he accepted it. The very piece of evidence he had amassed to help conceal his identity was now going to be used to expose it. Anger was building in him, and he lashed out at Paquiko. "You are weak. You relegate us to subjugation at the hands of these inferiors. We were meant to rule them. That is why we developed the technology they now claim as rightfully theirs. It's not theirs. It's ours. It always has been and always shall be."

  The outburst caused Paquiko to back away slightly. "Varin, why have you done this? You've put us on a path to war that threatens the entire Community. We now have systems talking about secession. That is not what we are striving for."

  "The Chokmnd should be in sole charge and I will make sure it is that way. All other races will show their obedience to us or suffer the same fate that Earth will."

  "What fate do you have planned for Earth?" Paquiko asked.

  "Earth is out of control, attacking unprovoked systems in a blatant attempt at disregarding the Council's rule. The Chokmnd Empire will punish them for such insubordination. All other races will fall in line once they see the full power of my fleet."

  "The galaxy is ruled by the Council," Paquiko said, "not by the Chokmnd Empire, and certainly not by you. We are but a part of a larger alliance."

  Varin halted his movements. "Once the Council has been disbanded, there will be no alliance."

  "Disbanded? That will never be allowed. Even the Supreme Emperor, your father, respects the Council too much."

  Varin drew himself closer to Paquiko. "He may not feel so much respect when they are slow to action after the death of his dear friend, and self-appointed councilor, at the hands of disgraceful humans."

  In that instant, Varin's right arm jutted out from his side. He had moved a small blade from inside his cloak to his forearm and stabbed Paquiko in the lower ribs just above his heart.

  Zavik and Brax rushed towards the councilor but were halted when Varin drew a blaster on them. "Don't move!" he yelled. "Anyone moves and I will be forced to shoot out of self-defense."

  He tossed the knife used to stab Paquiko on the floor and stepped back. "Such a shame that I was mere feet away from stopping you from assassinating the councilor. It'll be a tragic tale, that is for sure. Tricked by the Earth ambassador into a meeting that was only set up to provide an opportunity to eliminate him. The motive's not important really, but it can be deduced that you wanted revenge for the attack on Earth. Fortunately, you weren't able to escape."

  "You'll never get away with it," Zavik said. "They'll figure out who you really are."

  "Oh, you mean this file," he ripped the device from the terminal and just as swiftly crushed it in his hand. "Soon enough it won't matter who I am. I'll be leading the largest space fleet in the galaxy, and Earth will be my first conquer."

  "The others won't let you just take over," Ambassador Hains said.

  "Fear is a valuable tool in suppressing the weak, Ambassador. Once Earth is mine, the other systems wil
l tremble at my superiority. I don't think you realize how large I have grown the Red Moon fleet. It, combined with the Chokmnd Empire's, is now as large as all the other races combined. And they are fracturing. They will collapse among themselves and withdraw to their own systems, concerned with only their own well-being. They will be easy to control. They will welcome it. Fight a war they cannot win, or obey a master who will show mercy. It is an easy choice for those without resolve.

  "Now back to business,” he continued. “I walked into a horrid scene of you, Mr. Khan, killing our beloved councilor. I shot you, and held the rest at gunpoint, while security came."

  "How do you think you'll manage to pull that off?" Zavik asked to buy them more time. "There are security cameras everywhere to counter your timing of the events."

  "My dear, misguided human," he said with a menacing laugh, "I own the company that records what these cameras pick up. They are already altering the recordings as we speak. Now don't move." Suddenly a rumble from out of the building could be heard. "What is tha-" a blast shattered the far wall. Crumbling rock fell to the floor but was silenced by the still echoing sound of the blast. The Rinada pulled up to the destruction and awaited its passengers to board.

  Zavik staggered to his feet. With his equilibrium jarred, this was a much tougher feat than he could afford. He grabbed the ambassador and moved her towards the ship. He looked back and could see Varin beginning to stir. He walked to the edge of the building, propping up the ambassador the whole way. She hesitated a second while Brax rejoined them.

  "This doesn't feel safe," she said in a quavering voice.

  "Oh, don't worry," Brax said as he jumped aboard. "We're practically certified for this type of extraction." He lent out a hand and pulled the ambassador aboard. Zavik cautiously climbed on and looked back to see Varin sitting on his knees staring at the ship. Zavik closed the bay doors. Zavik knew this type of escape would play well for Varin’s story. Earth was about to become the most hated planet in the galaxy.


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