U.S. Geological Survey: Military Geology Unit
U.S. Navy: Skyhook project
U.S. Postal Service
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. War Department
U.S. Weather Bureau
Uttar Pradesh
V Australia
V-2 rocket
Valentin, Leo
Valier, Maximilian
VariEze aircraft
VariViggen aircraft
Venice: world’s first air raid (1849)
Verein für Raumschiffahrt (Rocket Society; VfR)
Verne, Jules
Around the World in Eighty Days
Five Weeks in a Balloon
From the Earth to the Moon
Master of the World
Robur the Conqueror
Versailles: Montgolfiers’ successful demonstration
Versailles, Treaty of (1919)
Viatkin, Joseph
Vickers company
Vickers Valiant
Vietnam War
Villette, Giroud de
Virgin Atlantic
and BA
business-class carrier
and composites
and pioneers
and transatlantic balloon flight
25th birthday
upper-class lounge, Heathrow
Virgin Atlantic Flyer
attempt to circumnavigate the world (1997)
Virgin Atlantic Challenger
Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer (previously Capricorn)
Virgin Blue
Virgin Earth Challenge
Virgin Earth Prize
Virgin Enterprise
Virgin Galactic
Virgin Global Challenger balloon
Virgin Green Fund
Virgin Group
Virgin Mobile
Virgin Nigeria
Virgin Oceanic
Virgin WhiteKnights
Waffen SS
Walker, Joe
Wallis, Ken
Wallis autogyro
Walters, Larry
washi paper
Watson, Arnold
Watson Lake Flight Service
weather balloons
Wells, H. G.
The Shape of Things to Come
War in the Air
Wenxuan, Emperor of Northern Qi
West Coast Main Line
Weston-on-the-Green, RAF
Whispering Gallery, St. Paul’s Cathedral
White Sands
Whitehorn, Will
WhiteKnight carrier aircraft
WhiteKnightTwo–SpaceShipTwo launch system
Whitesides, George
Whittle, Frank
a fearless aerobatic flyer
friendship with Ohain
invents the jet engine
nationalization of his company, Power Jets
Williams, Dr. Sam
wind turbines, kite-assisted
how a body is held up in the air
wing design
wing warping
Winzen, Otto
Winzen, Vera
Da Vinci Transamerica
Winzen Research
Wise, John
Wolfe, Tom: The Right Stuff
Woman in the Moon, The (Frau im Mond) (film)
Women’s Air Derby
Woodman, Jim
World Air Sports Federation (FAI)
world depth record
World Trade Center, New York
Wright, Orville
air accident
at Kitty Hawk
and the Lockheed Constellation
typhoid fever
Wright, Susan
Wright, Wilbur
at Kitty Hawk
eureka moment
Wright brothers
brilliant researchers
centenary of their first flight
chain of bicycle shops
and deaths of Lilienthal and Pilcher
defense of their patents
devotion to each other
kite experiments
knowledge of bicycles
obsession with flight
study of Cayley’s writings
Wright Flyer
Wright Flyer
X Prize (renamed Ansari X)
X Prize Foundation
X-1 rocket plane
X-15 spaceship
Xcor Aerospace
XF-11 reconnaissance aircraft
Yalta Agreement (1945)
Yeager, Chuck
Yeager, Jeana
Yost, Ed
You Only Live Twice (film)
Zambeccari, Count Francesco
Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand von
Virgin Galactic DNA of Flight
Man’s ambition to take to the stars is equaled only by his determination to live this dream. Virgin Galactic is pioneering the next step in this quest, taking its place at the head of a long line of achievement before it. This genetic desire to move forward through technology is explained by the Virgin Galactic DNA of Flight. Beginning with Icarus, the story moves through time to the Wright brothers (the first controlled plane) and all the way to the Apollo lunar landing and on to the Ansari X Prize–winning SS1. The DNA of Flight communicates the undeniable DNA of humankind to explore. Virgin Galactic’s SS2 is the latest part of this story, but where will it end?
By the Same Author
Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography
Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons in Life and Business
Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur
Reach for the Skies Page 29