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Crashed Page 11

by Danielle A. Elwood

  “So, Emily,” Amelia started, “when do we get to meet this Avery?” Her tone was condescending as she brushed her long blonde hair from her shoulder and tucked it neatly behind her ear.

  “I hope, soon,” Emily answered with a simple, polite smile. “He has to work until early Saturday morning, but he will have three days off after that. Maybe y'all can come over for a beach day this weekend?”

  Before Amelia could answer, Ben scowled again. Had this man ever been happy? He cut her off and began, “No, we don't have time this weekend. We were lucky we could squeeze tonight in.” Amelia clearly looked upset. Whatever was brewing between the couple didn't look good.

  “Oh, that is fine. We'll figure something out.” Emily brushed it off. Maybe her sister was starting to have enough of the prick she'd married.

  Saturday morning came sooner than Emily expected, but she was over the moon to spend time with Avery. The more hours he worked, the more she found herself thinking about him. Something that was still a new feeling to her. An hour before he was due to get off his shift, she slipped into a lacy blue corset with matching thong, and drifted back to sleep. Under the comforter she looked naked, which would certainly grab at Avery's attention the minute he walked through the door.

  She drifted out of twilight when she heard the bedroom door gently close. Slowly stirring under the covers she heard his voice.

  “Mornin' darlin',” the bed dipped from his weight as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. His lips were warm and inviting. She turned her head to meet his lips for their first kiss in two days.

  “Let me get changed,” he said as he got up from the bed stripping his clothes off in a hurry to join her under the covers, like they had done so many mornings before. As he pulled the covers back she opened her eyes to watch his reaction, his eyes dripped with lust as she smiled.

  “Surprise, baby.” She said as he leaned in to take her lips.

  “Best surprise ever,” he whispered. “Can I unwrap you? Or maybe I will just pull these off?” As he slowly tugged her thong down her legs. “You look hot in this.” His lips trailed down her neck, slowly running his tongue along her cleavage.

  “Or maybe we could leave this on,” His hands worked the cups of the corset, pushing it down slightly, Emily's nipples peeked out from behind the blue lace. His tongue licked each nipple with care before leaning back on his calves to take in the scene before him.

  Her messy blonde hair rounded her face, sleepy blue eyes filled with want, her perfect tits half-way out of the bodice. Her pussy glistened with anticipation, yearning for Avery's hardening cock.

  Slowly he lowered himself down onto her, taking her swelling lips to his once again. His five o'clock shadow brushed against her soft skin sending goosebumps all over her body. Her lips slowly parted, inviting his tongue in. His throbbing cock brushed ever so gently against her folds. Her breath hitched as he grabbed a hold of his dick, guiding into her softly.

  Her hips lifted upwards meeting his slow thrust with her own urgency. She had been waiting two full days to feel him inside her again. She had felt downright empty without him.

  As he bottomed out inside her, his hardness caressed her G-spot, sending pleasure throughout her whole body. She moaned against his lips. Her sounds encouraged his desperate actions. Her hips continued to meet each thrust.

  Emily cried out under his body as her orgasm began to build. She continued to buck wildly under his touch. His moans became more primal as he worked toward his own climax, pushing harder and deeper into her with purpose. As her cries became louder his pace increased.

  “Avery!” She screamed as her climax crashed over her. He wasn't far behind her.

  “Oh Emily.” He moaned as he pushed inside her one last time, coming deep inside her with everything he had. Collapsing on top of her in exhaustion. Damn I hope I come home from a two-day shift to this forever!

  Two hours later Emily slid out of bed making her way to the shower. She was on a mission for a desk today, and there was no way she was going to stop until she was the owner of the perfect workspace for her new business.

  Walking out of the bathroom she caught Avery sitting up in bed leaning back on his elbows. She tried to shower quietly but she apparently hadn't accomplished it. Eyeing her from the bed he gave Emily a seductive smile signaling her he was ready and waiting for another round this morning.

  “Sorry I woke you,” she said, making her way to the walk in closet next to the staircase. His eyes never left her barely-covered body. Walking into the closet she dropped her towel to the floor only to quickly slide on a green and white, gingham pattern dress.

  “I should be getting out of bed anyway. No reason to sleep the day away.” Avery replied as she walked out of the closet, wrapping her wet hair in the towel. He kicked his legs off the side of the bed, slowly rising to his feet with a massive stretch.

  “What are your plans for the day, Em?” Avery asked, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, still naked.

  “I am going to find a desk. I can't wait anymore, I have my first client next week and I need my office to be finished.”

  “Want company?” Avery asked making his way to the shower and turning the knob to bring it to life.

  “Only if you are up for hours of antiquing,” Emily replied. While Emily would be in her glory, she didn't think Avery would be as interested in her quest.

  “I just need a shower,” he replied, disappearing behind the shower curtain.

  After hours of antiquing, they did find exactly what she was looking for. It was a two-piece, white desk she'd bought from an old lady at the Beach Street Antique Mall. It needed some work but she was in love with its ancient construction. Emily tackled the project with unmatched fervor. She busted out her sander to lightly sand the old paint off the desk. Dust flew all over the soon to be office but nothing a vacuum and a little elbow-grease couldn't fix. She carefully hand-painted the entire desk with a cream colored paint, aptly named Polished Pearl.

  Once both pieces were painted she finally took a break to give poor Avery a little bit of attention on his day off. She found him downstairs on the back deck sitting with Gran. They were deep in conversation about something, but couldn't make out what they were saying over the waves crashing loudly. She stood in the doorway watching them for some time before Avery stood, hugged his grandmother and started to turn toward the house, catching Emily in his sight. He smiled at her.

  “How long have you been standing here?” Avery asked slipping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.

  “Not long. I just finished painting the desk. I just figured I would come down and be social. I kind of got carried away.” She chuckled to herself. She felt guilty but once she got started, there simply was no stopping.

  “I am freaking exhausted now though. I could sleep for a damn week.” She yawned as she spoke. She had a giant burst of energy when it came to working on her dream desk, but now that she was finished she wanted to curl up in bed with a good book, and read until she passed out. He took her hand and walked with her into the kitchen.

  “Thirsty?” He asked, pulling out the big pitcher of sweet tea Gran insisted on making daily.

  “I can always go for Gran's tea. You know that Avery Martin!” She plopped down on one of the barstools positioned at the breakfast bar. She let out another yawn before laying her head down on the cool, blue granite.

  Avery placed her glass next to her, before walking around behind her to rub her shoulders. Immediately all the tension in her body vanished.

  “That feels so good,” Emily cooed as she let out a small moan. “Ya know, Avery. You don't have to stay in tonight and be a bum with me. We both had lives before each other.” She sat up in the chair giving him a reassuring smile.

  “I just don't feel right leaving you alone, ya know. With everything that is going on. Maybe I can have a couple of the guys over tonight? We can grill and have a couple beers, and you can do whatever it is you did before I came into your life.
” He smiled back, giving her a charming wink.

  “Before you? Avery, I would be soaking in my tub with a book, or my iPad. Nothing fancy, that is for sure.” She laughed. Nothing beat a good Indie book by one of her favorite authors. There was something about the Indie community that was far more attractive than those big, boring best sellers.

  “I don't mind if you have the guys over. Just don't scare your Gran.” Emily smiled while texting Becca to see if she wanted to join her for a movie in bed for the night. They were past-due for a girl's night.

  Emily insisted Becca's bold language and brazen personality was going to scare Gran into an early grave. She had tried to warn Avery's grandmother of Becca before she arrived at the beach house, but I don't think anyone could have prepared the seventy-two year old, reserved, country lady for the whirlwind we all called Becca.

  “I brought vino ladies!” Becca exclaimed as she busted through the front door without as much as a knock. Yup, this night was about to get interesting.

  The women surrounded the breakfast bar in the kitchen as Becca continued emptying her bag of tricks. First came the wine, followed by a hand full of movies, several Chinese food containers, and last a small pint of Jameson whiskey with a calculating grin.

  “There is no way I am touching that B, no damn way.” Emily pointed at the small alcohol bottle shining on her kitchen counter. “In fact, I think I will be sticking with some sweet tea tonight. I haven't felt so hot this week and I am already pushing it with the Chinese.” Just thinking about the Gener Tso's chicken from her favorite Chinese food place made her mouth water. It had been too long since she indulged in it.

  “Only whiskey?” Gran questioned with a laugh. “That is the hard stuff for y'all?” Questioning their choice of hard alcohol. Emily had guessed Gran wouldn't be joining in drinking, but it was starting to look like Emily was really wrong.

  “Whiskey is our party alcohol, which is normally what our girl's nights are about, but I just want to relax and lay low tonight. I think the boys may get rowdy enough for all of us.” Emily said pulling a stack of plates out of the cabinet for their take out dinner.

  “Y'all are lightweights.” The old lady laughed at the girls while their jaws hung staring at Gran in disbelief. “Ain't had nothin' 'til y'all had that good ol' bathtub moonshine.” Was Emily hearing her correctly? Bathtub moonshine? Who was this lady and where had sweet old Gran run off to?

  “Don't make me get Avery in here!” Emily threatened as she burst out laughing. Maybe there was more to this petite, silver haired firecracker than she had originally thought. “Go on Suga'! Get him. Who'd you think taught that boy how to drink?” She smirked at the girls before peering inside the take out containers.

  “What the hell is this?” Gran asked as she peered in the containers. Apparently she had never experienced the wonder that was ordering Chinese take out.

  “There is a first for everything, right Gran?” Becca laughed before Emily started to explain the different ingredients in the different Chinese dishes. By the end of the culinary lesson, Gran settled on a little bit of everything to try. These girls would certainly be broadening Gran's horizons.

  After a half dozen of Becca's cat jokes to go with the Chinese food, everyone was done eating, just as a flood of firemen made their way on to the back deck. Gran and Emily worked to clean up the small mess, and pack away the leftovers in the fridge. I won't have to fight Gran for those! She clearly hadn't cared for the take out, but politely finished her dinner.

  Becca stood by the back door until she eyed Tom. She quietly slid out onto the back deck to maul him before returning to help, or at least pretend she was helping once everything was already finished.

  “You gonna finally spill?” Emily questioned her. They had spoken about her and Tom but only briefly. It had been a long time since Becca had anything more than a one night stand, and it was clear Tom was becoming a fixture in her life.

  “We're just having fun.” Becca smiled before picking up her copy of Magic Mike and heading for the living room.

  “Did you seriously bring Magic Mike?” Emily howled with laughter as she eyed the cover, donned with gorgeous half naked men. Gran was really in for baptism by fire tonight.

  “Come on, Ems! You know Gran is going to want to Channing all over his Tatem by the end of the movie, just like the rest of us.” Becca laughed while looking over at the confused old lady. Emily and Becca would be going straight to hell for this one.

  Only minutes into cuing the DVD player on, they had an audience through the tall glass windows only feet away. The guys continued to hoot and holler trying to distract them from the movie. It wasn't until Joe Manganiello, dressed as a sexy fireman, slowly stripped his clothes off, that they all flooded through the back door into the sprawling living room.

  One-by-one they all threw off their shirts, re-enacting everything Joe did on the big screen. Gran froze, her jaw hanging open in shock. She laughed hysterically when two of the rookie firemen made their way to her. Hysterics filled the living room while they all made a drunken spectacle out of themselves.

  Emily looked over to Becca and found her mauling Tom, as he grinded into her lap. Avery repeated the same in front of Emily. Her body felt like it was on fire; she wanted him in the worst way possible—right then and there. Damn all these people in my house!

  “Okay boys! Back outside before you send the lady into cardiac arrest!” Avery's voice boomed through the living room as he tried to corral the men back outside. Emily reached up, running her fingers under his shirt, and over his glorious abs before pulling her hand back and pulling him in for a chaste kiss. She swatted him on the ass, sending him on his way.

  Did that really just happen?


  Avery's days off from work flew by in the blink of an eye, and he was already starting his second day of a twenty-four hour shift as Emily walked through the doors of Halifax Medical Center for her follow up appointments. First she would see her primary care doctor for a general check up. With all the medications she had been put on after the accident, they wanted to draw blood and check her liver function and all that happy medical crap she would never understand. Blah blah blah is what it all sounded like, with a hint of German.

  She sat in the waiting room reading a copy of People Magazine waiting for her name to be called. The office usually worked quickly and efficiently but this morning it seemed like half a dozen emergencies continued pushing her appointment back. She tapped her purple glittery heel on the floor while she waited.

  “Emily Taylor,” the nurse called, shuffling through a stack of papers in her arms. Emily stood and made her way to the door, tossing the magazine back onto the large coffee table on her way.

  “Looks like Dr. Bennett wants urine and blood. Your lucky day,” the nurse said sarcastically. She looked like she was having a damn bad day. The nurse handed her a small plastic specimen cup and pointed her in the direction of the bathroom.

  “When you are finished, just twist the lid back on and place it in the window. Then you can just come have a seat here for the Lab Tech.” She slid the folder with Emily's information into a clear plastic holder and made her way to exam room two.

  Emily went through all the motions, first peeing on her hand while desperately trying to aim for the tiny cup the nurse provided her with. They get ya every damn time! She thought as she scrubbed a layer of skin off her hands, cleaning away the pee.

  Next stopping to have her arm pricked a total of three times before the lab-tech-in-training got it right and extracted half her blood supply into three giant tubes. All this before noon, a beer would be in order way before five o'clock.

  Lastly she made her way into exam room two, and waited for Dr. Bennett to grace her with his presence. It would be a while since she was sure he would want the results of her blood work before he even walked through the door.

  Finally a half hour later, Dr. Bennett walked through the door with a stack of papers.

��Mornin' Miss Taylor, how are you feeling?” he asked with a smile on his face.

  “I am doing well, Dr. Bennett. Much better than the last time I saw you,” she said with a chuckle remembering him sitting by her bedside after the car accident. He looked down nodding at the paperwork, flipping from page to page reading over the results of the tests, occasionally writing a note before continuing to the next page.

  “So tell me Miss Taylor. Have you been a little more tired lately?” His question took her off guard, but now that he had mentioned it, she had been. She was downright exhausted by the end of the day, almost every day. She thought back to Saturday night how she was out-cold by nine while Avery had a ton of the firemen over for drinks. She hadn't even heard a peep from them.

  “Now that you mention it, yeah. I have been a bit.” She gazed at him with a look of confusion. What the hell was wrong with her now?

  “What about your last menstrual cycle? Do you know the date of that?” Again his question took her completely off guard. What the hell was he getting at?

  “Not off the top of my head. They have never been consistent since Dr. Barker put me on the pill so many years ago, so I just stopped paying attention.” She answered honestly. She couldn't remember the last time she had a real period.

  “Hmm. I see.” He said while writing some more notes down on her chart.

  “Is there something wrong?” Her nerves got the best of her, anxiety started shooting through her thinking she had some kind of strange disease caused by her birth control pills. The hypochondriac in her was out in full strength.

  “Emily, relax a little bit. It is not the end of the world, take a deep breath,” he said, placing his hand on her shoulder and coaching her through a mild anxiety attack. It wouldn't be the first Dr. Bennett had witnessed, but damn it was the first one Emily had in a long time.


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