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Thicker Than Water

Page 13

by Takerra, Allen

  They all got out of the car and began strutting toward the club, immediately receiving catcalls from the parking lot patrons. It was a humid night and the air smelled sweet. The city was lit up and people were coming from all directions dressed to impress, all walking toward the nightclub. They could hear the bass before they even got to the line.

  And a line there was!

  “Unh-unh, hold up, you know I don’t do these!” Kim exclaimed with a raised hand.

  She walked right up to the bouncer with Tatum and Sasha behind, not sure of what Kim was up to.

  “Hi, um, my name is Kim, this is Sasha, and this is Tatum, Ree’s girlfriend.”

  Tatum dropped her mouth open and Sasha smiled.

  “Kim!” Tatum screamed.

  The bouncer just looked at them with no expression and then asked somebody to cover for him. Tatum turned around and started walking away.

  “Where are you going? Get over here!” Sasha screamed at her.

  “Oh my God, I cannot believe this. I should just get back in the car and go the fuck home,” Tatum chuckled in disbelief, not finding what Kim had said funny at all.

  “Well you might as well stay your butt right there because I am not driving you back to Jersey,” Sasha spoke up, kind of happy that Kim said that. Tatum deserved to be his girl.

  The bouncer returned with a smirk on his face. Kim started walking past the ropes when he stopped her.

  “Respect don’t have a girl. Get ya ass in line,” the bouncer said.

  “What? Did you tell him that we were out here?” Kim asked. The bouncer just nodded.

  Now Tatum was also upset. She stepped up to the bouncer.

  “So wait, you told him Tatum was out here and he won’t let me in?” Tatum asked, not believing Ree could be that rude. She stood there in shock, hurt and confused altogether.

  “Get in line, Ms. Before I don’t let any of y’all in. Period.” Tatum, Sasha, and Kim stood there in a small circle in disbelief, just ready to go back to Jersey. Kim and Sasha were pissed off but Tatum was hurt. People in the crowd began giving little snickers and giggles, but quieted down when Kim turned around with a classic, Newark ghetto girl look.

  “Let’s just go home,” Tatum sulked.

  Ree was inside sitting at a table with a couple of his men wondering what silly chick was trying to lie and say that she was his girlfriend. He had really hoped that Tatum would show up tonight but it was midnight, and the odds of her coming were slowing up by the minute.

  He didn’t even consider it was her when the bouncer came to him. He hadn’t spoken to Tatum in days and the last thing she would refer to herself as was his girlfriend.

  Ree poured himself another shot of Remy XO and put his foot up on an empty seat, wondering what Tatum was doing at the moment. He felt a tickle on his ear and turned quickly to see who it was. Vanessa.

  She was a video chick from Queens who Ree used to fuck with. She was nothing more than a slide, a nice fuck, a chick that was used up by the rappers and sports figures, so she moved on to drug dealers and gangsters. Now don’t get me wrong, she was bad, but Ree was clearly unfazed by her, and that’s what continued to draw her to him.

  “Hey boo,” she sang to him, sitting up on the table and crossing her legs in front of his face.

  “What up,” he replied, sipping his drink and looking at her coolly. He knew mad niggas in there would love to fuck Vanessa and he knew he could, she may have even ended up being an option for the night, but he just wasn’t ready to give up on Tatum. Vanessa may have shined a little, but Tatum radiated, naturally.

  “Yo, it was these chicks outside talking about one of ’em was your girlfriend. That shit was funny as hell,” she laughed, taking a sip of his drink. Ree chuckled.

  “Yeah I heard about that. You ain’t recognize them, though? They must’ve been some ratchet chicks just trying to get in the party,” Ree figured.

  “Nah, I don’t know them. They were kinda cute though, I mean they were no me of course,” she cooed. “But they were decent. I know her friend said that the one that was supposedly your girl, her name was Tamara . . . or no, Tatum . . . or something like that.”

  Ree stared at her for a moment in shock and then jumped up, pushing past people heading for the entrance, leaving Vanessa standing there astounded. She needed to know what was going on.

  Chapter 11


  By the time Ree reached the door, they were nowhere in sight. He asked the bouncer where they went and the bouncer replied by pointing his finger toward the parking lot. He was apologizing heavily already feeling like he had made a mistake by embarrassing them. Ree squinted looking in that direction and then he saw three girls walking toward the parking lot.

  “Tatum!” he yelled out as everyone on line looked at him. Some dudes tried to say their What’s up’s while females tried to grab his attention with smiles and sexy glances.

  Tatum thought she heard her name but kept walking; she was just ready to go back to Jersey. Then she heard it again. They all did.

  They turned around simultaneously to see who was calling Tatum’s name, and Tatum hoped in her gut it was him. Ree stood across the street with his hands in the air as Tatum smiled widely just at the sight of him. They began walking back, and as they crossed the street and neared him, Sasha and Tatum sported grins but Kim was filled with attitude.

  “Hold up, Ree, how you gonna dis us like that? You got this punk-ass dude over here telling us that we need to get in the line and you don’t know us and shit!” Kim snapped, while waving her index finger all up and through the bouncer’s face. Ree stepped between Kim and the bouncer, putting his hands out and backing Kim up.

  “Whoa! Whoa! Shorty, calm down,” he laughed. “He didn’t know no better. All he knew is that it was three chicks out here trying to get in. My apologies, had I known it was y’all, you know you would’ve been in there. Don’t be like that.”

  He held out his hand for Kim to shake to call a truce. Kim broke a smile as she thought about how her bitch Tatum had a fine ass man with the gift of gab. Ree looked at Tatum and grabbed her hand, leading her off to the side. He kissed her on the cheek and held both of her hands in his.

  “I’m really glad you made it, Tatum. I’m sorry for the whole door situation,” he said while looking in her eyes, wanting to say so much more.

  “It’s fine, I mean how were you supposed to know it was me, anyway? Like your friend over there said, Ree don’t have a girl,” she said with a smirk, mocking the bouncer.

  “And whose choice is that?” he shot back seriously. She just looked at him and bit on her bottom lip.

  When he realized she wasn’t prepared for the question, he began leading her back toward the door, brushing past a group of people who were just about to enter.

  “Let’s just go inside, Ms. Lady.”

  Everyone on line just looked stupidly as he led the three girls inside. They all felt small as hell for clowning the trio, assuming the girls were lying, including the bouncer.

  Once they got inside Ree led them to the corner booth where his whole squad was posted up. Vanessa was sitting in the same spot waiting for Ree to return and her face twisted up in a grimace when she saw Ree approaching holding Tatum’s hand. Ree allowed Tatum to slide into the booth as he slid in next to her, never letting go of her hand.

  Chauncey looked over at Tatum and lent her a smirk as he kept bopping in the cut with a bottle of Ciroc in his hand. She just shook her head at him knowing he was bordering tipsy and drunk by the gloss in his eyes. He was quickly interrupted from his good time when he noticed some nigga coming up behind Sash trying to dance up on her ass. He grabbed her up after giving the lame a challenging glare, and then he pulled her away, leaving the dude standing there lonely. He wrapped his arms around her and began dancing with his girl, as she laughed at his playful jealousy.

  Everyone wasted no time getting comfortable and they all started having a good time. Kim rolled her body sexily on a youn
g boy from Ree’s squad as he held on to her hips and thanked God for this opportunity. She noticed E looking at her with a smirk but gave him the same smirk along with her middle finger. She did not want to even think about that night at the strip club with him and Lizette. Ree and Tatum were cozy in their booth, slouched down and in their own little world when Vanessa came and sat across from them.

  “Damn, Ree daddy, you just left me high and dry. I mean . . . not dry of course . . . because you know it’s far from that but you know . . . ,” Vanessa snickered, trying to be as sexy as possible. Tatum raised her eyebrows and looked back and forth between Ree and Vanessa. This bitch was definitely trying to test her, and though she did not appreciate it, and she wanted to rip that bitch’s head off, she kept her cool. After all, Ree was not her man and it’s not like he was a virgin or anything when she met him. She knew he had probably been with a ton of females. But Tatum was still not feeling anybody getting a taste of what she was getting hit off with on the daily.

  Ree looked at the girl like he was going to knock her fucking teeth in. Tatum was nervous for a minute of how he would react, wondering if it was going to be a round two to the other night in front of her house.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asked the Barbie doll bimbo nonchalantly. He then turned and addressed the question to Tatum in jest. “What’s she talking about, huh? You know what she talking about?” They both shared a private laugh at her expense as Tatum only shook her head from side to side, infuriating Vanessa even more.

  “Whatever, daddy. I’ll see you later.” She got up slowly, allowing her dress to rise up a little, and tried to walk away coolly but her pride was hurt. Tatum was way prettier up close than when she had seen her outside and she didn’t even seem to be bothered by Vanessa’s references to them having sex before.

  Ree grabbed a small menu off the table.

  “You hungry? They got food here . . . You want something to drink?” he asked, trying to move on.

  “So, you used to fuck her?”

  He ignored her question. “You want a bottle of champagne? You ever tried Ace?”

  “Or do you still fuck her?” she asked, persistent but calm, not interrogating, just curious. Ree chuckled and looked at Tatum as he smiled. He looked in her eyes and brushed away hair from her face.

  “Ree! Answer me . . . You used to fuck her, right?” she asked, snickering at his obvious disposal of the situation.

  “Tatum . . . You don’t wanna know what I used to do to that girl. For real.” She looked at him seriously and turned to face him, folding her arms across her chest and pursing her lips.

  “Yes. I. Do.” She pronounced her words clearly.

  He sighed and then paused before answering.

  “I used to, a long time ago, fuck with her. . . . You wanna know what I did, Tatum? I ran that girl through any and every body that wanted a piece. Not that it’s right, and not that it’s wrong, but that’s what it was.”

  Tatum only rolled her eyes.

  “I’m just telling you this to let you know how little she meant. It was nothing, for real . . . Now you, you’re something. Something that’s right now, and that’s all that really matters, ya feel me? You gotta respect that.”

  Tatum looked at him long and hard, taking in his words. And then she nodded her head gently. For now, that was good enough.

  “I respect that. Now go ahead and get me some Ace of Spades.”

  The evening was going smooth and everyone was still in party mode. Tatum had even gotten Ree to dance with her to a song she really liked, even though it was more of a cool sway and bop than a full dance. Finally everyone was seated in a large booth, conversating and drinking champagne, it was going on two in the morning.

  Just when things couldn’t get any better, Tatum’s brother, Chris, walked in escorted by Neli. Everyone wore shocked expressions, and Ree felt a little uncomfortable that not only was Chris Tatum’s brother, he was also his employee. Tatum furrowed her eyebrows, confused for a minute, not even knowing that Neli and Chris spoke outside “hi” and “bye.” Sasha looked up from her glass of champagne and raised her eyebrows as if to say, This should be interesting.

  Kim’s drunk ass instantly started laughing, thinking of the night at the club. She was probably the only one who already had a feeling Neli and Chris were fucking.

  “What’s up, Neli!” Kim screamed out, still laughing. “Where you been, girl? Don’t tell me it took you this long to walk home from the other night when I had to bounce on ya ass?”

  Neli laughed trying to play it off. She had bigger fish to fry.

  “I’ve been a little sick, but I’m better now.” She turned to Sasha. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” She noticed Sasha wasn’t moving, just looking at her. “Alone, Sash . . . please?” Sasha got up with reluctance and made her way out of the booth as Chauncey just looked at her with sad eyes. It was as if it was the last time he would see her.

  “I’ll be right back, baby,” she whispered to him. He didn’t respond. Neli took Sasha to a corner of the club and began her rehearsed speech.

  “Listen, Sasha, I am so, so sorry about what happened that night at dinner. I have been under so much pressure and it has just been so hard.” Neli broke down crying. Sasha grabbed her and hugged her immediately, true to her sensitive nature. She knew something was bothering Neli, and although they had their differences, she had a lot of love for her. Neli lifted her head and continued.

  “Sasha, I went yesterday to get an abortion. It was so horrible.” Sasha opened her mouth in shock and felt really bad for her friend.

  “Oh my God, Neli, why didn’t you tell any of us to go with you? I am so sorry that you had to go through that, where was the father?”

  Neli just stared at Sasha thinking of how stupid she was to be falling for all of this bullshit.

  “He didn’t know . . . I didn’t tell him.”

  Sasha thought of asking who the father was but didn’t want to make Neli feel bad. She left it alone. Plus with her coming with Chris, she assumed that it was his and not Ray’s.

  After Sasha and Neli disappeared into the bathroom to clean her face up, they made their way back to the table where a nervous Chauncey awaited. He had watched the whole scenario. He saw Neli tell Sasha something and then begin crying hysterically. Then he saw them disappear to the restroom. The girls returned to the table and sat back down, and Chauncey was relieved when Sasha grabbed his hand and nuzzled up beside him.

  Chris and Neli squeezed into the booth and sat across from Tatum and Ree. As if noticing his sister for the first time, he finally said something and tried to use the situation as an opportunity.

  “Oh shit! What up, sis? What up, boss? Damn I ain’t know y’all was kickin’ it!” Tatum rolled her eyes because Chris had obviously come in the club drunk, or high off something she had never witnessed him high off before. He was running his mouth with no caution as Ree just stared at him blankly. Chauncey was really hoping Chris didn’t say anything crazy.

  “I’m saying though boss,” he started up with a smirk. “Since you fucking my sister . . . we should talk about that promotion, right?”

  Tatum jumped right on him.

  “Nigga, have you lost your mind? Don’t be talking about me like I’m some—”

  But Ree stopped her mid-rant by putting his finger up to her. She inhaled a deep breath and sat back, crossing her arms across her chest. Ree tilted his head to the side, putting a stare on Chris with hard, cold eyes that gave everyone at the table a chill.

  “Listen lil nigga, don’t you think you a little out of line here?” he asked seriously.

  Chris’s expression seemed to sober a bit and he went to respond but Ree cut him off a little angrier.

  “Nah muthafucka you don’t talk when I fucking talk! You don’t ask questions, and you don’t answer them muthafuckas until I tell you to! You don’t make comments, none of that shit! Don’t ever disrespect your sister, or me by asking me shit that has to do wit
h us.” He used his fingers to emphasize us by pointing back and forth between himself and Tatum. Tatum only stared on, not liking seeing her brother get chewed out like that but also a little intrigued by how Respect took control of the situation.

  “You sit there . . . wit ya chick . . . drink ya champagne . . . enjoy the scene . . . and shut the fuck up. We talk about promotions when I see some money from ya nonproductive ass, nigga.”

  Chris swallowed hard, suddenly forced into silence and nodding his head in understanding. Everybody looked down and off, embarrassed for Chris but knew he had it coming. Chauncey just shook his head, happy that was all Ree did. Just as Chris reached for the Patrón, Ree placed his hand on top of Chris’s on the bottle and leaned over the table, lowering himself to Chris’s ear so that he was the only one who could hear him.

  “And if you ever, ever talk business at a table full of muthafuckas that don’t got shit to do with my organization . . . you gonna swallow your own fucking tongue, you feel me?” Chris nodded and Ree poured Chris’s drink like he hadn’t just threatened him, and poured himself one as well. Everyone else had no idea what was said to Chris, but Chauncey had an assumption. Just Chris slipping up and calling Ree boss in front of people, talking anything that had to do with business, called for serious repercussions. Ree was extra careful on keeping his dealings and status low-key.

  The evening continued on as normal and Chris must have apologized fifty-eleven times to Ree, but Ree just made him apologize to Tatum instead. Around 5 A.M. everyone flooded out to the parking lots. Just as Tatum was getting with Sasha and Kim outside, Ree came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and whispered in her ear.

  “Come home with me.”

  She turned around and looked at him, really looked at him, and realized how bad she wanted to. Just the way his breath tickled her ear and how good he smelled was enough to cloud her judgment.


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