Uncovering Officer Smith (The Discovering Trilogy #2)

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Uncovering Officer Smith (The Discovering Trilogy #2) Page 15

by Sheena Hutchinson

  Becca never asked why, never told me I was being too rough. She just let me turn all my anger into passion and allowed me to release all my pent up frustration on her. Even when it was over, she never asked why it sounded like I was sniffling. She only kissed my forehead and held me close until I fell asleep.

  The next afternoon, we lay side by side in bed, still. I’ve never been the type to lounge around in bed all day. I always have to be doing something. There are no such things as days off. Now, as I lay here beside Becca I find there’s no place I’d rather be.

  “So, how was work yesterday?”

  “Ugh, don’t get me started.” I roll my eyes. It seems like spending time with Becca is the only time I don’t think about work.

  She smiles. “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen?”

  “You wouldn’t sleep at night if I told you.”

  “Try me.” Her eyes are alive, tempting.

  “Okay.” I take a deep breath. “We arrested this guy once. He was obviously on something. His pupils were practically all black; he was sweating profusely, his hair a tangled heap on top of his head, his body twitched constantly. Of course, I had the honor of interrogating him. In the middle of it, he started freaking out, pulled himself up by his own collar, and threw himself across the room. His eyes looked scared, staring at the corner. But it was all in his head. The two of us were the only people in the room. He then began to scream he had opened the seventh gate to hell and demons were invading the Earth. He started frantically screaming that the Devil was here. The craziest part was the room did grow cold, my breath started to show, and the interrogation mirror began to frost. He screamed in agony for a few seconds before his body just went stiff. It was by far the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “What do you think it was?”

  “The tox-screen determined he was on drugs, but as to which one was inconclusive.”

  “A new drug?”

  “Maybe, it hasn’t presented itself since – but—” I hesitate.

  “But what?”

  I gnaw on my bottom lip. I don’t know if I should tell her. It’s not like they aren’t public knowledge. Oh, what the hell. Chief said she wanted fresh eyes. “There were disappearances in Angelica almost right after that incident.”


  “Like, way more than usual, and weird too.”

  “Weird, how?”

  “They just pick up and leave, with only the clothes on their backs. Women were leaving children at the park—Husbands never coming home from work. Shop owners just closing and never opening again. There are no leads, no footprints, no mysterious phone calls – they just disappear.”

  “What do you think it is?”



  I pause. “I have no idea. It keeps me up at night thinking about it. The only thing I have yet to solve.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “It gives me the chills.” I shuffle out of the covers to show her the goose bumps that have sprouted along my arm.

  “So, wait, what about the old coffee shop owner on The Ave? Was he one of them?” She shivers too.

  “He was the very last one… I’ve never told anyone that before.”


  “I don’t know. It just didn’t feel like their burden.”

  “And now it’s mine.” She shrugs, slightly awkward on her side.

  “No, I just meant that I feel oddly comfortable with you. It’s hard to explain.” That’s the truth. Guys don’t talk like this. Sometimes, there’s no depth to our conversations at all. We don’t get emotional or deep. A guy’s company is for comfort or fun. Becca has something about her that makes me want to confide in her. She’s the best friend I’ve never had, the only one I’ve ever let in. That thought makes me slip out of bed and head for the shower. Maybe this could work. The water cascades down my face and through my hair. I could be the man Becca deserves. I just can’t let her go.

  John dropped me off two days ago. He said he was busy with work, but I don’t know what to believe anymore. It seems like some days his feelings are clear, when others he has a hard shell around him. But when he texted me asking what my plans were for tonight, I obviously dropped everything to hang out with him. By everything, I only mean homework not due for another week. This beats watching the fireworks from my bedroom window completely alone.

  Now, pushing the curtains of my little bedroom out of the way, I peer down at the football field below. Families and students have begun to filter in and congregate on blankets. The sun sets in the background behind the far trees.

  “Can we start heading down soon? It’s getting pretty crowded.”

  “We’ll be fine.” John is just starting to get dressed behind me. Things between us are explosive when he just sits around naked. We’ve found out the hard way. I blush, returning my gaze out the window.

  “I’m telling you we aren’t going to find a seat. The bleachers are already full, and the far end of the field is filling up too.”

  “Relax. We’ll get a spot.”

  “Ugh.” I sigh. “Fine.”

  He’s probably right; the football field is huge. But this is my first Fourth of July with someone, whatever we may be. I’m excited, anxious and above all – a planner. If it were up to me, we’d be already sitting in the front row.

  When I turn around again he’s fully dressed and searching for his shoes. I make my way into the hallway, trying to take my mind off the increasing crowd below us.

  I peek out the window once again. Darkness has spread its way across this sky. John is sitting on my couch now, glancing every once in a while at his watch.

  “Can we go now?” I insist.

  “Uh, yeah. It should be clear now.”

  “Clear? You’re kidding, right? The entire field is like full.”

  “You’ll see.” He points to the closet. “Grab a blanket.”

  “Oh, yeah.” I open the door beside the bathroom, rolling a blanket into a ball between my hands, and rush him out of the dorm. “Lets go.”

  He watches as I speed-walk down the hallway, and his voice calls from a few feet away. “Turn left.”

  “Left? The emergency stairs?”


  “But these are empty.” I point to the main staircase leading down to the front door.

  “Just do it,” he scolds playfully.

  I shoot him a weird look but obey, opening the door to the emergency stairs. I half expected an alarm to sound, but it’s silent as the door creaks open. John slips past me; the smell of his fading cologne still lingers on him. I enjoy the intoxicating scent before he starts heading up the staircase.

  I pause against the heavy metal door. “Where are you going?”

  “Just follow me.”

  Curiously, I trek up the stairs behind him. We continue climbing the steps, past the fourth floor, until we reach the door for the roof. With a boost from his shoulder, the door bursts open, holding it for me. Wandering past him, the roof opens up before me. There are no lights here. I can barely see a few feet in front of me. My foot hits something and I almost trip. What sounds like an empty paint can rolls away from me.

  “I can’t—”

  Suddenly, a shriek winds across the sky, ending in a pop, and we are bathed in light from the very first firework. The view is unmatched. It’s as if I could reach out and touch them. The next few shoot up and the night explodes into a world of color. I’m mesmerized until I hear John’s soft voice.

  “Are you going to stand there all night?”

  I glance down behind me. He’s taken the blankets from my hands and propped himself up against the side of the staircase. I hide a smile, sitting down beside him. The fireworks continue to go off. He is right; we got a spot.

  His arm falls over my shoulders. Automatically, I lean my head on his chest. It’s so hard to focus on the fireworks when he smells so good. I just love his smell. I love everything about him.
  Another firework bursts to life across the sky. His heart thumps loudly in his chest. I put my ear closer to his heart; it seems to double beat whenever a firework cracks across the sky.

  “What are you smiling about?” he whispers.

  I peek up at him. “Nothing.”

  “You like my spot?” He raises his arms to his sides.

  “It’s perfect.” My face is right in front of his now.

  “It is, isn’t it?” He looks smug.

  “You look pretty proud of yourself.”

  “I am. This was genius.”

  I let out a laugh as I climb into his lap. “Well, Mr. Genius, for someone who doesn’t do the whole dating thing, you certainly know how to be romantic.”

  “This is romantic?” He gasps.

  My expression scrunches up. “Well, it’s a start.” My face comes closer to his. His arms wrap around me. “I can work with this.”

  “Come here.” His arms wrap me closer. We kiss, softly at first. The louder the sky gets, the deeper our kissing becomes—Desperate, passionate, and all consuming. I hike up my sundress and unzip his pants right there on the roof.

  Fireworks blaze behind us, but it’s only distant noise as we create our own firework display.

  I know he cares. It’s not something he ever said aloud – never. He doesn’t have to. It’s in the way he brushes his finger across my cheek and the way his deep blue eyes explore mine. The way our fingers intertwine, even the way he yells at me to put my seat belt on. I don’t need words for that – I just need eyes.

  I roll over in my bed once again, as I process this. The sun is barely peeking out from under the heavy curtains. A noise echoes out to me. It sounds vaguely like screaming and shouting; maybe there’s an announcer. It must be a football game. I slip out of the covers and grab the first shirt I can find to toss over my naked body. The wood floor is cold against my bare feet, so I tiptoe into the living room.

  The football game is barely audible and John is seated on the couch, twitching his arm like a freak.

  “You let me sleep?” It’s a statement, but the way I ask makes it come out more like a question.

  John glances over. “Yeah, I figured you’d want to sleep in.”

  I smile. “Thanks. Why is the game so low?”

  “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Is that why you are spazzing out instead of screaming bloody murder at the screen?”

  “Exactly – what the fuck!” he screams. “Whew, so much better.”

  I giggle, cold feet taking me deeper into the living room and slipping in beside John.

  It’s not until I pass directly in front of him that he notices. “What are you wearing?”

  “A shirt.”

  “Only a shirt? Oh my God, that is the sexiest thing.” His fingers wind their way up my thigh.

  “Um, excuse me, I’m watching the game.” I shoo his hand away.

  “Ouch, nerd.”

  I laugh. He shoots me that smirk of his.

  He returns to the game, yelling something else. I try to watch, but football has always seemed to evade me. I’m not stupid. I understand that running a football into the end zone equals a touchdown. But I don’t seem to grasp how it works with the ‘downs’ and the ‘field goals’ – it just doesn’t click. I attempt again to watch this nonsensical game on the television until the commercial break finally relieves me.

  John turns to me now. “Are you seriously going to sit here half-naked?”

  “I’m covered.”

  “Tease.” He playfully snickers.


  I nudge his arm. He nudges me back. Before I know it, we end up in a swirling wrestle/tickle war on the couch. John somehow gets the best of me, pinning me underneath him, wiggling his finger into my side.

  “I give up, I give up! Truce!” I shriek in between giggles.

  “Oh, do you now?” He props himself up with one arm. The other is above my head, and his hips wedge me into the couch underneath him.

  I sigh. “Yes.”

  His blue eyes peer into mine before he slowly lowers himself; lower and lower. The more he teases me, the more my body yearns for him. It’s not fair. I know he feels it too; he’s rock solid against my leg. With control I can only dream of, he finally reaches my lips.

  The sounds of the shower drift to me on her bed. Becca and I finished only moments before and yet I want to join her in there. It takes every fiber of my being to not follow. Instead, I slip the covers off my naked body and climb out of bed. Ow, my thighs are still sore. I limp slightly’ putting a pair of my sweatpants on. I glance back only once – Becca has started singing in the shower. I bite my lip, fighting the urge to laugh. Her voice echoes off the walls, resounding outward to me. It’s totally horrible; she has no business singing, but all I can think is the fact that she’s singing because of me. I make her happy (at least for now). With a shake of my head, I amble into the living room. The television is still blaring the game. Collapsing onto the couch, I watch the end of the game and then flick to watch the highlights of what I missed.

  I can’t believe I missed the game. I’ve never stopped watching the games because of a girl. There were only two constants in my life: work and football. Now, I’m forced to watch the highlight reel. I’m not sure how to feel about that.

  Nothing compares to spending time with Becca. All those little quirks about her drive me crazy – in a good way. I never thought I could care for someone this much – and it scares the crap out of me. She’s changing me and I’m unsure whether it’s for the better or not.

  I tried to take a few days vacation away from John Smith—I lasted two days and thought about him the entire time. How pathetic is that? I tried to do my work. The silent dorm just drove me crazy. I would glance around and remember every place we made love. On that second night, I wound up at his apartment. I only had to knock once before he opened the door.

  “Becca.” He breathed my name and that was all it took before I jumped into his arms.

  I smile, remembering last night. John’s watching yet another game in his living room. He shoots me a wink when a snicker escapes my lips at his hunched over figure adamantly watching this game. I sneak away when he starts talking back to the announcer, and escape to the bedroom where I put my clothes back on.

  Not that I don’t love that we can’t keep our hands off each other, but I’d like to see the sun before fall takes over this little town. I go to the window. The gorgeous view of this woodsy landscape greets me. I don’t understand how this kind of scenery is lost on people. With one look, everything in the world seems to make sense. The beauty of nature is a living thing.

  His arms wrap around my waist. The warmth of his body causes me to shiver slightly. His nose tickles the nape of my neck. I giggle slightly, wrapping my hands over his. He bites my ear on his way out of the crook in my neck.

  We stand like that for a second, John’s head leaning against mine, our arms entangled. My eyes focus on our reflection in the window. I almost burst out laughing. It’s like a corny yearbook photo… and yet, that smile upon my face is genuine.

  John’s smooth voice breaks through my daydream.

  “Want to go for a ride?”


  “I want to show you something.” He pulls me toward the door by my wrist.


  We drive back into town. He never says a word. We just share a few looks back and forth until he turns onto a road with old, decrepit pillars at either side. It winds deeper and suddenly a perfectly manicured cemetery comes into view.

  “A cemetery? Well, you certainly know how to treat a lady.”

  “Oh, just wait.” There’s that smirk I love.

  I continue to stare out the window. He drives all the way up the winding road and places the car in park before slipping outside. Following suit, I open the door and take in the view. From the top of this hill, you can see the scattered tombstones below us. But, beyond the stone wal
l of the cemetery, the quaint little town of Angelica is nestled in a circle of trees. On the far left is the North Commons Campus. I can just make out the top of the new dorms peeking up over the edge of the far trees.

  “Wow, okay.” I nod, scanning the view. “This is original. I’ll give you that.”

  He climbs up onto the hood of the car. “Oh, just wait for it.” He pats the hood beside him.

  My look lingers on the closer tombstones. One stands out next to me; an angel with clasped hands. It stands taller than the rest, its stone so white it appears to glimmer in the soft light. Maybe that was just my imagination. With one last look, I prop myself up onto the hood beside him.

  “So, what are we waiting for exactly?” I interrupt the silence.

  “Shh, just wait.” He nudges me slightly.

  I sigh. “Okay.”

  My feet dangle off the hood of his car as my eyes dart around. I get the urge to ask him once more, but before the words escape me, it begins. The sun starts to fall behind the far trees. The sky erupts in vibrant hues of orange and pink. It’s so bright I can swear it is only a painting. It then begins to cast a cascading shimmer over the entire tiny town beneath us, bathing us in its light.

  A small gasp escapes my lips. The view below is a beauty I don’t think I could ever forget in five lifetimes. It reminds me of the mornings home in Jersey when I used to run the track before school and watch the sun rise. It brings me back to those days before grades ruled my life and my mother was occupied with finding Bedford the right university. It was simpler times back then, when all I had to focus on was the cloud of breath escaping me in the filtering morning light.

  John’s voice brings me back. “This is my favorite spot. I come here when I’m on patrol and just take in the view.”


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