Uncovering Officer Smith (The Discovering Trilogy #2)

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Uncovering Officer Smith (The Discovering Trilogy #2) Page 26

by Sheena Hutchinson

  Silence envelops the room. We’re both looking at the floor, neither strong enough to look the other in the eye as we search for words.

  Becca speaks first. “I’m glad you didn’t.”

  My heart shatters inside of me. This is it. The moment I deserve. “Okay,” is all I can utter.

  “I wasn’t ready to hear it and wouldn’t have believed it.” She sighs. “I needed time to heal.” She pauses once more. I can’t breathe, as the air between us seems to hang in the balance until she finally says, “I’m ready to hear it now.”

  I meet her eyes. They are soft, glistening, if I didn’t know any better. “Becca, I had a plan. Keep my head down and hustle through life. I didn’t have time for relationships or drama. I’ve avoided relationships almost my entire life. I never wanted to hurt, or distracted. With you, suddenly all that went out the window. You are everything I told myself I didn’t want. You tumbled your way into my life and everything got hazy. Nothing was clear anymore and even more dangerous for me, because all I could think about was you. I had to put a stop to that. When I pulled back completely, I didn’t realize what it would do to me. Becca, you left a void inside of me, something I couldn’t fill with work or the gym or other women. When you left, so did a piece of me. When you got hurt, so did I. When you were taken advantage of, I felt as if I did too. You see, Becks, you could never be second best – you were the one that got away. It’s like you are a part of something deep inside of me that I can’t explain, I can’t get rid of, and I can’t let it go. I know I don’t deserve it and my timing is horrible, but I couldn’t let another day pass without telling you.”

  I sigh. Here goes nothing. “I love you, Rebecca Swanson. I think I’ve been in love with you since the day you lay unconscious on my shoulder. I wasn’t man enough to admit it then. But I am now. I love you. I fucking love you. And as much as it kills me that I royally screwed everything up, I think you still deserve to know.”

  A smile spreads across her face. She glances away. “I’ve loved you too.”

  Silence spreads once more. She used past tense: loved me. Maybe she isn’t ready. My heart is pounding in my chest and I have to say more. “Where does this leave us?”

  “Well, usually there’s a kiss or something involved with these kind of confessions.”

  “Oh, so you want me to—Uh, okay.” I walk up to her, placing her little face in the palm of my hand. Her blue eyes gleam up at me, definitely tearing now. Maybe mine are too. Softly, I place my lips to hers.

  It starts out gentle, but once I feel Becca’s lips, all the months apart seem to catch up to us. My mouth parts hers, and I pull her in close. Her arms wrap around my waist, closing the space between us. She hops up onto the desk, her legs wrapping around me.

  The door to the study creaks opens behind us. We both pause, lipstick all over her mouth and mine.

  Ford’s eyes glance over us. “Oh, good you guys have talked…” He looks around the room. “Okay, um, well, this is weird—I’m going to go.”

  The door clicks closed behind him. We turn back to face each other.

  “Was this his idea?” Her eyes search mine.

  “Yeah,” I admit as my fingers run along the neckline of her tight dress. “He called me at work, told me there was an emergency, and to get to his house as soon as possible.” I sigh. “When I got there he had a suit already waiting for me.”

  “He’s good like that.” She smiles, our faces still centimeters apart.

  “It honestly didn’t even click that you would be here until we were like halfway here. Then when I saw you in this dress…”

  “Oh, this old thing?” She giggles, pulling it lower on her hips. I don’t understand why, it doesn’t do any good. I’ve been eyeing those legs of hers since the presents were cleared from my line of vision.

  “You look amazing.”

  She glances down. “You can take it off me, if you’d like.”

  I blink, processing her words over again in my head. “I would like nothing more.”

  She giggles. “Let’s go.” She takes my hand and leads me out of the study, into the hallway. The party in the foyer is still going strong, at least from the sound of things… The deeper she leads me into the house, the further and further the sound filters quietly. We find ourselves in the kitchen. All I can see is black and white tile when she stops short and looks embarrassed.

  “Oh, oh my.”

  I peek around her curiously. Her brother has his hand on his friend Courtney’s face. There’s not an inch of space between them. Her lips are pouty, as if she’s just been kissed. His face is surprised, apparently not knowing how to explain.

  Becca coughs. “Well, um, we were just going upstairs. I’ll see you two around.”

  Holding my hand, Becca takes me to a flight of stairs in an alcove behind the kitchen. She walks up a few stairs before turning back. “It’s about time,” she calls down before we hear a round of laughs echo in reply.

  Becca turns. Slipping off her heels, she dashes up the steps. I follow her. She’s not going very fast because of the tightness of that dress. I can’t wait to rip it off. The staircase ends with another hallway. Without flicking on a light, she moves to three doors on the left. Slowly, she turns in the doorway, pulling me down to her lips. From that moment, the rest is kind of a blur. Her soft lips against mine – God, I’ve missed this feeling.

  She spins around, pulling her hair to the front. I slowly bring the zipper down to the small of her back. My lips follow, tracing a line along her spine. Becca shivers in my arms. I spin her around, putting my hands on her face. I want to remember this moment forever. Placing my finger under her chin, I whisper against her lips, “I love you, Becca. I will never let you go again.”

  One year later…

  “Babe, have you seen my black heels? The ones with the strap?” I scream out from under the bed.

  “They’re over here on the couch by your homework,” he calls back.

  I pop my head up from under the bed. “Oh, that’s right.” The floor is cold against my bare feet as I tiptoe into the living room. My homework is scattered all over our living room.

  “I’ll clean this up when we get back.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “I feel like I’m taking over your apartment.” I attempt to shuffle the papers into a pile.

  “No, just your homework. But look on the bright side: at least my kitchen is getting some use.”

  “That coffee pot sure is!”

  Since I’ve moved back, staying with John has been the best. I’m close enough to commute to NCU, I still hang out with Meggie all the time, and John’s schedule leaves the apartment nice and quiet for my studies. I have to be honest, it’s not like I don’t face temptation, being back here on campus. I see or smell triggers all the time. But I’ve developed a system: I close my eyes and imagine all the reasons why I don’t need to use.

  The very last reason that always comes to mind: John. He fills me with more happiness than experimenting with pills ever did. He gives me a rush every time he kisses me, he makes my heart race, and my palms sweat all without the crash. It looks like I’ve finally found a new drug. I’m addicted to John Smith.

  “Are you nervous?” His voice cuts through my thoughts.

  I blink, realizing I’m staring off into space. “No; never been more ready.”

  “Well, strap on those heels, Cinderella. Let’s go.”

  “Oh, yeah.” I slip on my heels and tighten the ankle straps before heading out the door.

  John pauses with his hand on the door. “Aren’t you missing something?”

  “No, it’s in my pocket – I want it to be a surprise.”

  He smiles, locking the door behind us. “Okay, a surprise it is.”

  The Swanson house is once again decorated in all of its holiday cheer. The long dining room table is decked out with garland and the red candlesticks are in their glass holders. The table is a little different than usual. A few extra place settings a
re present. Courtney is sitting beside my brother, Bedford. Turns out they started dating last summer, as well. After the Memorial Day party, so I’m told. I always knew they would end up together.

  John rubs the tips of his fingers against the back of my hand in his lap. I glance up and shoot him a smile. It seems like only yesterday we started dating, officially that is, but it’s been almost a year. The best year of my life. It feels effortless. I’ve always liked my space and the fact that he works crazy hours lets me handle my studies. But, when we do spend time together… fireworks. Always fireworks.

  Dorothea, the cook, comes out with the crisp, golden turkey. The delicious scent fills the dining room. My mother rises from her chair at the edge of the table. Raising her wine glass, she clinks it for attention.

  “I’d like to make a toast to my wonderful growing family. It seems like only yesterday we had to race you kids down here to open your presents. But tonight on Christmas Eve, James and I are just happy to have everyone under one roof again. To Bedford and his promotion, and to Becca for getting back to school. And the two new additions to the table, John and Courtney – it’s a pleasure to have you all here.”

  I squeeze John’s hand before I stand to my feet as well. “I guess this is a good a time as any to make this announcement.” All eyes look toward me. My hands are sweaty. I slip my fingers into my pocket, take out my most prized possession, and place it on my ring finger. “John asked me to marry him – and I said, yes!”

  Gasps. I think my mother’s is the loudest. Bedford mumbles some expletive, but my father is the first one to hug me. I hold up my left hand, showing everyone the ring. My mother is next to me. Behind her eyes, I can tell she wants to say more. But this moment, she won’t dare ruin. My brother embraces John from the corner of my eye. Courtney crowds around me, asking a million questions as the turkey grows cold.

  After dinner, we are gathered in the living room sipping on Dorothea’s famous eggnog. Everyone, except me – my cup is just tea. My entire family is here in one room and I glance around at all their happy faces. I wish I could sear this moment into my memory forever.

  “Becca!” My mother’s voice cuts through my reverie. “Come help me with something in the kitchen.”

  “Yes, Mother.” I follow her out of the room, knowing what is awaiting me.

  I find her in the study. She takes my dad’s decanter of whiskey and pours herself a glass. My mother takes a swig of it before turning to me.

  “Rebecca, are you sure you want to do this?”

  For the sake of playing coy I ask, “Do what, Mother?”

  “Marry John.”


  “But, he’s a police officer, for goodness sake.”

  “Detective actually,” I say.

  “Rebecca,” my mother retorts condescendingly.

  “Mom, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.”

  “But why? I don’t understand. I thought—”

  “Because I don’t have to watch what I say around him or make sure I’m using the right fork. I don’t feel like I have to prove myself to anyone. He loves me for me. I feel like myself for the first time in my whole life. And for once, I won’t be a Swanson. I’m going to be Rebecca Smith and you know what? I like the sound of that.”

  My mom folds, hanging her head. “You know I only wanted the best for you. I just wanted to give you everything I never had. Maybe the politics of it all got to me. But I was only pushing you to be better. I only ever wanted you to be happy.”

  “I am happy, Mom.”

  “I know. I see that now.” She pauses. “Oh my, I guess this means we have a wedding to plan!”

  “Oh no – Mom!”

  “Come on, dear, you’re my only daughter. This is my only shot at planning one.”

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  “This is going to be so much better than that stupid Bernstein wedding.”

  “No, Mom, I want something small, like really small. And if you can’t understand that, I’m just going to elope in Vegas or something.”

  She gasps. “You wouldn’t.”

  Our eyes meet in a match I was destined to lose, but she must see something in my eyes—A strength I never knew I had.

  She finally concedes. “Okay, fine, small wedding. But—It will still be beautiful.”

  “Okay, Mom. Small and beautiful.”

  Becca and her mother return to the room. I think I recognize tears in her eyes, but she smiles when she meets my gaze. Becca settles in beside me on the leather couch, stealing kiss. She pulls away bringing a cup of peppermint tea to her lips, sipping it slowly.

  I lean close. “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect,” she whispers.

  Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her close. My eyes scan her family, all gleaming and happy. My eyes stop at Bedford, because his happen to meet mine, as well. He nods before turning to respond to Courtney. These people will soon become my new family. Bedford is the brother I never had; the Swansons now my typical parents, constantly disappointed in me. And Becca—Where to begin with what she means to me?

  Rebecca Swanson was everything I told myself I didn’t need. As it turns out, she’s everything I can’t live without. Life has a funny way of working out.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading!

  I hope you enjoyed a trip into my imagination inspired from fans like you! I knew fleshing out the character of Officer Smith in Discovering April there was more to him than meets the eye. When I started getting notifications readers wanted more, I knew just where the next story had to go. The next book in the Discovering Trilogy will be entitled Recovering Regan and the story will take place approximately twenty years in the future.

  If you think there is something suspicious about the town of Angelica you are right!

  The first book in my paranormal series is Seraphina’s Awakening, where you will find out what’s really going on in that mysterious town.

  Alcoholism is a real addiction affecting many and hurting even more. This book was not meant to glorify the addiction. It was a heartfelt story about hope. If you or someone you love has a problem there is help. Please call, 800-662-HELP for more information.

  Last, but not least, I have to ask a favor. I would love to hear what you thought about the book!

  Please think about leaving a review where you purchased the book, or on Goodreads, or other reader-networking sites!

  For more on my books or me, feel free to visit me here:





  I would be nothing without my fans and readers, so first, a huge high-five to them!

  The second one will have to go out to my parents, who give me the most support and a shoulder to cry on when the criticism comes in.

  To the rest of my family & friends; your love and support means the world to me during this new endeavor of mine. I love you to the moon and back!

  Marisa at Cover Me Darling the covers for the entire trilogy! Can we say Amaaaa-Zing! Check her out at www.CoverMeDarling.com.

  The awesome formatting and design was done by Allyson Gottlieb and Marisa as well!

  Beth at By the Book Editing is also a super star for fixing my discombobulated vocab that my tired, over-worked eyes overlooked.

  Andrea at Starfire Press was a lifesaver for her writing advice and fixing my addiction to run on sentences.

  To all the members of my Facebook Group thank you for supporting my writing and loving my characters as I have.

  Last but certainly not least, I always take the time to thank God. Thank you for putting this story on my heart, and instilling in me the diligence and patience to see it through to reality.



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