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An Elegant Weapon

Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  I’d learned a lot about supernatural politics during my lessons, and I understood the necessary brutality of justice doled out for what amounted to supervillains in a world where humans didn’t know they existed. Bran had earned my respect so I didn’t ask him questions. I’d merely done as I was told. Sure, I’d needed to ask the question at the end, when I looked into the hyena’s eyes before I did the deed, but I’d taken it that far because I trusted if Bran said the man must die, there wasn’t another option. It wasn’t until after I’d killed him that Bran told me the man’s crimes — abducting children for a trafficking ring. Abbott had rehabilitated some, and sent others for a lifetime of hard labor as slaves. Abbott had stripped this man of his willpower, yet he’d still caused too many problems in the slave facility to be worth feeding and housing. Bran had told Abbott he needed someone to test me with, so Abbott has given the hyena to Bran instead of sending him to be pig food.

  I knew this was another test I’d have to pass before Bran turned me, but I hadn’t realized it was one of my final tests.

  Several nights later Bran took me to a fancy restaurant without guards. He instructed me to pull into a small park on the way home, and we were attacked by three werewolves. I jumped into motion and took care of the men purely on instinct. The muscle memory Marco and Bruiser had worked so hard to give me roared into action as a reflex and within seconds all three were unconscious.

  I broke their legs and arms, took the men’s shirts off, and bound their hands behind their backs to be sure they couldn’t change when they came to.

  “Do you smell or hear more?” I didn’t smell anyone else, but Bran’s senses were better than mine.

  He shook his head. “I’ve texted Marco and the limo’s headed our way.”

  “We should arrange transportation so they can be questioned. We need to know who they are and whether someone sent them. We hadn’t planned to go into the park. We need to understand why they attacked. Was it random or planned, and if planned, how they knew where to attack, Master.”

  He smiled. “They attacked because I paid them to. Marco will take care of them and see to their payment when he arrives. You did well, Holly. I’m pleased.”

  I closed my eyes and found my center. I’d decided not to kill them at the last possible second. “How did you know I wouldn’t kill them, Master?”

  “As you said, we needed to question them. I had confidence you’d handle it as a professional, but I needed to be sure.”

  I went a week without Bran’s blood and it was awful. I missed my strength and speed, my ability to heal, the extra senses. Training was hell when I only had my human resources once again, but Bran didn’t owe me anything so I never mentioned the withdrawal of his blood from my diet.

  Eight grueling days without it, and he called me into his office out of one of my classes. “I owe two favors, and you’re going to settle both for me. The first, you’ve been asked for specifically. The second, I’m sending you because I need to see how you handle it.” He sat back in his chair. “Your blood is exquisite. As a human, you’d be worth fifty-grand or more as an untrained pleasure slave on the supernatural black market. However, you’ll be worth more to me as a loyal vampire. At any rate, Abbott wishes to taste you before you’re turned. He’s three bedrooms down from your room. Please put a dress and heels on, and go to him. Enter the room, take the dress off, but leave the heels on. Follow every instruction he gives you. He’ll fuck and feed from you. You understand?”

  “Will Spence be with him?”

  Bran shook his head. “It isn’t in your best interest to see Spencer at this time in your training. When you’re a vampire and in complete control of yourself, you’ll be allowed to see Abbott’s boytoy. If the two of you wish to form a friendship at that time, you’ll be allowed. Abbott has the boy in some martial arts classes and it’s possible we’ll let you help with his training, though nothing’s been decided.”

  “I understand, Master. Should I shower first or go immediately to Abbott?”

  “A quick shower. Lube yourself before you go to him. Fluffy’s making you pork chops and mashed potatoes with the gravy you like. Someone will bring it to you in bed when Abbott is finished with you. He’ll be taking a lot of blood and you’ll be weak.”

  “Please send my thanks to Fluffy for looking out for me, and I’d like to thank you as well, for providing his services.”

  I tried not to think of what I was walking into as I showered. It was going to be so hard to submit to Abbott. I knew I should be thankful to him for finding me in the park and setting the wheels in motion for me to come to Bran, but I still held anger towards him. I needed to get over it, because Bran wouldn’t accept anything less than perfection for this.

  I wore skyscraper heels and a short, slinky dress. Two knocks on the door, a pause while I waited for a response.


  I stepped in, closed the door, stepped to the side, and pulled my dress off to reveal my nudity. It went over the back of a chair, and I walked to Abbott with as much grace as I could muster. He sat on a sofa with a cup of hot tea and the tea service before him on a small table.

  “How and where do you want me, Sir?”

  “We’ll keep this formal and make it easy on both of us. I asked for a feeding station to be set up in the shower. Bran tells me you know what to do. I’ll give you time to get situated and I’ll be in.”

  “Thank you for the consideration, Sir.”

  I turned and went to the bathroom. This station had padding on the bar my hips would go over, and I had to stretch to reach the bar for my hands. There was a cradle for my face, with a large hole for my mouth, nose, and eyes. Bran’s people knew how to set it up for me down to the millimeter. I spread my legs as much as possible, and waited.

  “Ten to twenty hard strikes with my belt first, though I’ll give you a few warm-up strikes before I lay into you,” Abbott said as his stepped behind me. “I like my meals seasoned.”

  “As you wish, Sir.”

  He stopped and sighed. “I’m pleased, Holly. Truly pleased you’ve found a place with Bran. You’ve blossomed here.”

  Tears filled my eyes, but I breathed past them to tell him, “Thank you, Sir. You made it possible. Please thank Spence for his care of me, too.”

  “I will. Are you ready?”

  “I am.”

  The first five weren’t bad, and while the next fifteen were brutal, I dealt with them okay. I’d never enjoy it the way so many who lived in this house did, but I’d learned to deal with it. Abbott entered my pussy as the belt hit the floor, and I groaned in bliss as well as relief that the belting part was over. He pulled out of my pussy and slammed into my bottom, and I squealed more than I’d like to’ve, but I held onto the bar and didn’t clench my butt.

  Control. I had to prove I had control before Bran would turn me.

  Abbott came in my ass but didn’t go soft and didn’t stop fucking me. He must’ve gone another fifteen minutes before he bent, put his hands inside mine to spread them wider, and struck.

  Pain for an instant, and then bliss. More bliss than I’d ever experienced. If he’d done this when I’d first come to him, I’d have done whatever he wanted. I floated, my arteries and veins buzzed inside me, my heart rate skipped and then mellowed, and I moaned in euphoria with each draw of my blood into Abbott’s mouth.

  And then he put something in that made me orgasm. I didn’t just feel the release in my pussy, but in my toes, my knees, my eyeballs, my tongue. Everywhere in and on my body was an explosion of pure pleasure. Release. Love. Oneness with the Universe. I came until I couldn’t hold on, but Abbott’s hands were on mine by then, holding the bar for me.

  When he finished, he carried me to bed and held me, still floating.

  I wouldn’t bite you until you were over your addiction and wanted to stay. I no longer believe in trading one addiction for another. The results are heartbreaking when people leave me ten years later and go back to drugs. Bran has differe
nt methods, and he doesn’t often get as attached to the members of his flock as I do.

  I understand. Your bite is so much different than his.

  I’m a different kind of vampire.

  I knew this, but I hadn’t expected the venom to affect me so differently.

  He held me another ten minutes before he kissed my forehead and formally thanked me for nourishing him.

  “You’re welcome, Sir.”

  I was given Bran’s blood every day for two weeks. I expected more tests, but instead my training time increased. I fought Bruiser and lost while Bran and Marco watched, but I gave him a run for his money before he bested me.

  I was also taught more about what I was smelling and hearing. Every human emotion has a smell, but it’s different for each person. I did fine with the smelling lessons, but not so good with the ones involving hearing. They took me to a crowded bar and expected me to pick out one voice on the other side of the room and listen to what that person said, and only that person. I failed miserably at first, but eventually got the hang of it. Abbott owned the bar, so whoever was training me could take me downstairs or into a back room, whip me, and bring me back to try again.

  I was awakened several hours before my alarm went off one evening and ordered to report to Bran’s office.

  “Tonight, a friend needs a party favor. Someone who’ll be available during four hours of an event, situated so two people can take her at once — either ass and mouth, or cunt and mouth.”

  My stomach somersaulted, but I stood beside a chair and waited for him to continue. He hadn’t invited me to sit.

  “It needs to be a strong human — physically and mentally. He wants someone who can remain in position the entire four hours without being bound, and he doesn’t want a slave.”

  I didn’t want to do it, but I knew turning him down wasn’t an option. He’d done so much for me and I hadn’t had an opportunity to repay him. I’d had few opportunities to do something for him and I should’ve jumped at the chance — but four hours of being used by one person after the other?

  “I’m not the only strong human who lives here.”

  “No, but I need you to be the one to do this. I’ll send Bruiser to watch over you. Some will likely pop you on the ass, but no one will paddle or whip you. It’ll be brutal, mon petit combatant. You have the fortitude to stand it. Do this for me?”

  “I appreciate your asking instead of ordering, Master. I’m yours. I trust you not to send me into something I can’t handle. If you need me, you have me.” I meant every word, despite the fact I didn’t want to go. Bran had rescued me from myself. I owed him.

  Little did I know, this was my final test. He needed to see my willpower. I wasn’t bound. I had to stay in place because it was my job to do so and not because I didn’t have a choice.

  And it took every bit of my willpower to stay on my hands and knees on the short table, and let people fuck my face, pussy, and bottom. I was used non-stop for four hours without even a tiny break. Someone was in my throat the entire time, and either in my butt or pussy from the other side. A line formed in both directions and never went away. I wasn’t a person to these people, but a fucktoy. A fuckable doll. It was degrading, humiliating, and painful. I’ve never been so sore. So raw.

  And yet, I believe this party finally cured me of wanting a fix. I was probably the only sober person in the building. After so much training in mindfulness, I was disgusted by the careless, sloppy, stoned, wavering, word-slurring partygoers.

  When my time was up, Bruiser walked me upstairs to a shower and loofahed my entire body except my groin and nipples. He knew they were hurting. I turned the water to cool and sprayed those areas at least five minutes. Everyone had to wear a condom in my pussy, but I had cum all over me. The jerks had emptied the condoms over my back and rubbed it in while the person in line after them screwed me.

  I was surprised to see Bran in the limo, but as soon as I took in how pale he was, I knew why he was there. It was time.

  “Vampire or human. It’s time to decide. You’ll have a place in my household either way.”

  “Vampire, Master. I want to be a vampire. You know I’ve had plenty of time to learn your ways. I fully understand my decision.”

  The light caught his eyes as he struck my throat, and I relaxed in his arms as bliss and heat suffused my body.


  Five years later

  I changed into the red dress and matching red spiked heels when the pilot announced we’d begin our descent in thirty minutes. I touched up my hair and makeup, and joined Bran. He looked impeccable, as always.

  Bran’s phone started twirping as the pilot lined up with the runway to land.

  He pulled his phone from his pocket to look at it. “Apollonius is waiting for us. This is good news.” He paused while the wheels touched down and the brakes rapidly slowed the private jet. “You’ll do great, mon petit combatant. Your Italian and French are superb, and there’s no one I’d rather have watching my back.”

  The Concilio had invited everyone who’d ever served — and was still in good standing — to a brainstorming session to be followed by a vote for a list of agenda items. The trick was that they were allowed a plus-one but no guards. We had several guards who’d stay in a hotel so they were close in case we needed them, but we’d been offered a room in the palace and Bran said it would’ve been rude to find other lodging.

  Bran and Apollonius hugged as old friends, and Apollonius kissed my hand. I curtsied and greeted him in Italian, and he responded to tell me he was impressed with my Italian, and happy I’d accompanied his old friend Bran.

  “You’re more than welcome to join us in our bed,” Bran told him.

  “I’ve made sure you and your petit combatant have an especially decadent meal to play with. I would be most happy to join in the fun.”

  Apollonius had terrified me when I first met him, and I was still wary. However, he and Bran were friends, and he’d always been kind to me. Bran had told me to keep a healthy respect of his friend’s powers and strengths, and to not give away any secrets. This, I could do.

  The three of us shared two male leopards, and I was thrilled to discover one of the men wished to be whipped until he bled. When I finished with him, he turned into a beautiful leopard and slept in a decorative bed on the floor. He was in human form again when we awakened, and fully recharged so I could drink my fill of him once again.

  I walked with my hand in Bran’s arm to the meetings, and sat with him while he debated the long list of items on the agenda. Much of it dealt with how the rules needed to change to keep up with technology, but a good portion of the discussion revolved around how to avoid the type of conflicts we’d recently had with the Celrau and Demonkind.

  Who knew that the little North Georgia, redneck junkie country girl would someday be in a room with the Supernatural elite of the world, effortlessly talking to them in French and Italian? I’d also learned enough of a half-dozen other languages to give a proper greeting.

  And I took pride in the fact Bran trusted me to watch his back and protect him. I was good at this. I could easily observe the entire room, take in the threats, and monitor them with one part of my brain while I kept up with the discussion with another part.


  I’m too much of a playboy to ever settle down, but I’d found a partnership with Holly I never expected to have. Not a romantic one. We fuck, but it’s friendship, not love. We torture people together, we often feed from a shapeshifter together. She’s my partner in so many ways. I’m not capable of love, but she doesn’t expect it of me so we work.

  She had a fling with a werewolf in the Chattanooga Pack for a few months, and she enjoys going to parties at the RTMC and cutting lose with a few of them on occasion, but she seems happy not looking for a romantic relationship. Abbott tells me she’s satisfied with her work and has decided romantic relationships are a complication she doesn’t need, for the time being, at least.

en I was attacked by more than twenty Celrau a while back, she took down seventeen of them in the time it took me to handle six. More recently, she’d gone shopping with Abbott’s boytoy and the two had taken in a late movie. They’d been attacked by a rival Strigorii vampire and his wolves on their way to Abbott’s. She’d taken the heads and hearts of the vampires and delivered them to Abbott and me in front of visiting dignitaries. One vampire she allowed to live, so Abbott could go into his mind for answers. She’d left the wolves broken and bleeding, bound so they couldn’t change, and called Bruiser to collect them. Her reputation proceeded her, and no one messed with us during the conclave.

  She looked so small, so delicate in her sexy red heels and matching designer dress that hugged every curve in exactly the right way. She greeted nearly everyone in their native language, or at least in one they could speak. She carried on intelligent conversation, and all the while her senses reached out and she was aware of the entire room. Every nuance, every possible threat.

  The gorgeous, elegant, refined woman on my arm was a finely honed, lethal weapon, and I adored her.

  Someday, she’d fall in love and leave me, but I had her at least another forty-five years. For now, she was happy at my side, and I didn’t want her anywhere else.

  Stay up to date on Candace’s new releases by signing up for her newsletter.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Bash.

  Also by Candace Blevins

  If you enjoyed An Elegant Weapon, you may also like the other books set in the same universe, though in different series.

  Chattanooga Supernaturals series, paranormal romance:

  The Dragon King (Aaron Drake’s story, and the first time we meet Duke and Brain)

  Riding the Storm (Kendra and Eric’s story)

  Acceptable Risk (Bethany, Ranger, Mac, and Jonathan’s story)

  Careful What You Ask For


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