Fixer of Deceit (Infinity Collection)

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Fixer of Deceit (Infinity Collection) Page 2

by Alyson Raynes

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”, I asked.

  “I want you to come to my show Brooke.”

  I gave him a confused look.

  “What show?”

  “My body building competition.”

  “Oh, that. Dylan I can’t go.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend, remember?”

  Dylan blew out a frustrated breath.

  “Yeah, I remember. I just thought it would be nice if you could come cheer me on.”

  “I wish I could, I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  I was still reeling from the kiss he’d given me and it broke my heart to tell him I wouldn’t be making an appearance. Explaining to Stefan that I wanted to watch a male co-worker pose on stage in a speedo, wouldn’t go over well.


  Dylan took second place and brought pictures in to share. Honestly, it was more like a drool fest for me. I wasn’t sure his intensions were entirely innocent by bringing them in. I had a feeling he knew exactly what I wanted but there were too many obstacles standing in our way. When I was in a committed relationship, I saw to it that I stayed faithful. Dylan was making that more difficult for me as each day passed. I loved Stefan but our work schedules were preventing us from spending time with one another. Being with Stefan was wonderful; being around Dylan was intoxicating. I needed to pull my head out of my ass and accept the fact that Dylan and I were never going to be together.

  Stefan and I had been talking about taking a trip. We needed some alone time and that was more prevalent to me now more than ever. It had been years since we had been on a vacation. The past few years had been chaotic with me going to school, working and his schedule hadn’t been much better. Since we had friends down in Florida, we agreed that would be the perfect spot to visit. I had to admit I was pretty excited about getting away for a week. I couldn’t wait to sit on a beach and listen to the sound of the crashing waves. It all seemed so peaceful to me, well; at least the beach part. What I was hoping for more than anything was the opportunity to forget about Dylan and fall back in love with Stefan.

  My thoughts were interrupted as David approached my desk. He always moved with such style and grace.

  “Good afternoon Brooke. Lucy is moving back to Kansas to take care of her ailing father, which means that her position will be vacant and will need to be filled.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that”, I said.

  “Would you be interested in becoming her replacement?”

  I couldn’t help the excitement that was flowing through me. He wanted me to replace her.

  “Of course David, I would be honored to take her place. Thank you for thinking of me.”

  “You’ll have to interview for it like everyone else but we already know your skill set and think you’d be the perfect fit.”

  “Great. Do you mind if sleep on it before I make a final decision?”

  “Think it over and let me know.”

  “Will do and David, thank you.”

  I couldn’t have been more proud in that moment. It would be quite a promotion for me, especially since I had been there less than a year. Typically, you had to be in your current position for a year or more in order to be considered for any type of promotion. A promotion would also ensure that I would be moving to the same side of the department as Dylan.

  After a long discussion at home with Stefan and my inner self, I felt it was appropriate to apply for the vacant position. I let David know that I was very interested and he seemed thrilled. I knew this new position would mean even longer hours for me especially during month-end close but my career was finally starting to take off. After all, I had worked hard in school to get to this point. My interview took place the same day I gave David the news. I couldn’t believe I was sitting there interviewing once again with people who already knew me. The worst part; was it wasn’t guaranteed that I would get the position. Dylan was of course supportive of having me work directly in his department. He put in a few good words with David and told him that I was doing a stellar job and a quick learner. I’m sure David had already figured that out but it didn’t hurt to have Dylan on my side since everyone seemed to respect what he had to say.

  There were five candidates in all that interviewed for the position. I had been the only internal applicant and it took four days for the management team to deliberate. I was called into David’s office late Friday afternoon.

  “Have a seat Brooke. I just want to say a couple of things before we get started. The first thing is, it’s been a real pleasure working with you. The second is, I am pleased to offer you the position of senior lead accountant. Congratulations.”

  “Are you serious”, I asked?

  “Yes. The job is yours.”

  I smiled as I stood and thanked David for the opportunity. I was so excited.

  “Hang on Brooke. Don’t you want to know about the salary increase?”, David laughed.

  “Um…yeah. That would be nice.”

  I was so scatter brained and excited I almost jumped the gun.

  “You will be getting a five-percent pay increase and four weeks of vacation. Does that sound fair?”

  “Are you kidding me? That is way more than fair. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “My pleasure, Brooke. Congratulations. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off to celebrate.”

  I couldn’t have been happier. I was grinning from ear to ear and was excited share the good news with Stefan.

  I took David’s advice and left early. Stefan showed up shortly after I’d arrived home. He seemed happy when I told him the good news. We were both looking forward to our vacation, a time to relax. Stefan had been working a lot of hours just as I had. As a criminal defense attorney, it wasn’t uncommon for him to receive calls all hours of the night. It got to be annoying at times. It was a small price to pay though, for being the official attorney of the governor, mayor and anyone famous who came into town and found themselves in trouble. I wasn’t entirely sure how he had managed to get that gig and I wasn’t sure that I wanted that information. Politicians were always getting in to trouble and Stefan had managed to get them off every time. He had also acquired quite a nest egg doing it. I knew it was best if I kept out of his business.

  We celebrated my promotion by going to our favorite Italian restaurant on the south side of town. I ordered a calzone with pepperoni, mushroom and sausage. Since we were celebrating, I also ordered a glass of wine. It was a rare treat since I was always watching my figure. At thirty-four my body looked pretty good. I attributed that to the many hours that I spent in the gym. As a petite, curvy woman I had to watch what I ate. It would take nothing for me to gain weight if I didn’t exercise and watch what I shoved in my mouth. After dinner, Stefan had asked me if I wanted to go for a walk around the lake. I agreed and we spent the time holding hands, kissing and talking about our day. I was surprised to hear that he had to let his assistant Mrs. Giovani go because she wasn’t producing accurate work. He filled me in on her new replacement, Amber and explained that training her was quite cumbersome. It was a lovely night and when we returned home, Stefan wasn’t feeling well.

  I was happy that we had spent the evening together. I rarely saw Stefan and I was beginning to feel lonely when I was at home alone in our apartment. It provided too much time for my mind to wander and I would often catch myself calling to see if he was at his office or out with his friends. Sometimes he would answer and other times my calls went straight to voicemail. I hated those times. I felt guilty for thinking about Dylan, and I was sure I was projecting that onto Stefan. How could I even doubt his love for me? We had been together for years. Of course he loved me.

  I pulled the white duvet cover down on our king sized bed so that Stefan could lie down. I turned on the TV and left him to rest as I went to the living room to read a book. My phone began buzzing just as I was getting into the juicy part of my story.
I looked down and saw that it was my best friend Mandy texting me. I had forgotten all about returning her call earlier in the day. Mandy had always been my rock as we’ve been friends since the second grade. She had been through everything with me and I felt bad that I had been neglecting her. I didn’t feel like talking so I didn’t respond; besides it was nine o’clock and I could always use the excuse that I was in bed. I made a mental note to call her in the morning and explain all that had been going on in my life over the last few weeks. I knew she was going to be pissed but she’d get over it.

  I let my thoughts run wild taking in the scenery around our suburban apartment. Springtime had finally arrived and everything was turning green. As I looked on from my couch, I could see the beautiful baskets of flowers that hung from our balcony in the evening light. They were nothing extravagant, just petunias in hanging baskets and I loved the colors that Stefan had chosen. Each basket was mixed with reds, purples and yellows that trailed down the sides. Lost in thought I wondered what it would be like to be married to Stefan. We had been together since our sophomore year of college. I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t asked me to marry him. Eleven years was a long time to be with someone who wasn’t willing to commit on paper. It made me feel sad, inadequate. Even more so, I wanted children and we weren’t getting any younger. Stefan would always say, “I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me how I feel about you.” Deep inside though, I needed that piece of paper. I knew he didn’t want to have children right away but I wanted them before I turned forty. Although it broke my heart knowing how he felt about kids, I understood that his legal career had to come first.

  I felt achingly empty sitting there alone. Stefan was in the next room and I could go to him at any time but my thoughts were beginning to drift toward another and I couldn’t control it. I couldn’t stop thinking about Dylan, no matter how much distance I put between us. Then I had spent the day moving my belongings to my new desk which sat right next to his. One cubicle wall is all that separated us. I was finding it hard to breathe when he was around, since all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and feel that hard body I’d seen in pictures. I was travelling down a dangerous path with my thoughts and then my phone started buzzing again. Damn it! I thought. Who the hell is texting me at this hour? I glanced down at my phone and it read “Unknown”. I opened the text and read:

  I hope you’re out having fun and celebrating your new promotion. It is well deserved!


  I was about to hit reply and ask how the hell he got my number when I heard Stefan talking to someone on the phone in the other room. I sat cold and still as I eavesdropped on his conversation. I knew it wasn’t a client from the tone in his voice. My stomach began to churn as I was going to be sick. I could hear him laughing, no, more like giggling in the other room. I got up from the couch and walked closer to our bedroom door so I could hear what he was saying. Then it hit me! He was talking to another woman and what he was saying was downright dirty. Telling her all the naughty things that he wanted to do to her. Then I heard him say that I was asleep in the other room and not to worry, I would never find out. His conversation continued and then I heard him say, “Amber, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I can’t wait to be with you again. I’ll see if I can get out of this vacation and tell her I have a business trip instead.” The ultimate betrayal, tears stung my eyes as I sobbed uncontrollably. The pain tightened in my chest and I couldn’t breathe. I had no words just pain, lots and lots of pain. I ran back to the living room, picked up my phone and sent Dylan a text back.

  Not out having fun. Just found out Stefan has been cheating on me with his new assistant, guess I won’t be going on any vacation.

  I pressed “Send”, curled up in a little ball and cried until I fell asleep.


  When I woke Stefan had already left for the day. He had told me he was working over the weekend so that we would have no interruptions while we were in Florida. I now knew the real reason he was working on a Saturday. It irritated me to no end that he would lie. Then again, I wasn’t being forthcoming about my feelings for Dylan either. I picked up my phone and sent a text to Mandy asking her to meet me for coffee at nine. She responded back with a “yes!” I couldn’t wait to tell her about what I’d overheard the night before. I wanted her to tell me I was overreacting but knew that wouldn’t be the case. Stefan and I were over. He wouldn’t commit and now he was having an affair with his assistant. My tears were flowing once again. I thought I was going to die, what will I do? This was all happening so fast. Deep breath, I told myself. You’ll figure this out. As I was getting in the shower my phone buzzed. It was another text from Dylan.

  Are you okay? I’m worried about you Brooke. Please meet me for lunch at Manuel’s on 38th so we can talk. I won’t take no for an answer, I’ll see you there at eleven-thirty.

  I quickly sent a text back:

  Dylan- I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I will meet you for lunch but only because you asked so nicely. Brooke

  I put my phone back on the charger and took a long, hot shower. My thoughts drifted to Stefan and his betrayal and I cried some more. If he didn’t love me anymore, why didn’t he just tell me?” Then I got mad, really mad. I shut the water off and dried myself. I felt like shit; like I’d been used. I wanted to ask him how many times in our relationship did he fuck other women. I had so many unanswered questions and so many emotions rolling through me at that moment, I couldn’t keep my head straight. I threw my hair in a pony tail, put on a cute sweat suit and left the apartment. I felt so much better the minute I saw Mandy.

  Mandy Sommers was a gorgeous woman. She was tall, thin, with eyes blue as the ocean and her golden hair fell to the middle of her back. Mandy was a head turner by her own account and most women were jealous of her. It wasn’t uncommon for her to receive less than favorable looks from other females. Sometimes it was a curse to be beautiful. We ordered our lattes and sat at a corner table in the small coffee shop. I told Mandy about my promotion, Dylan and what I’d overheard the night before in the apartment.

  “That asshole! I always knew he was fucking around on you. You’ve been with him through everything for the last eleven years and he shits all over you! I’m gonna kick his ass!”

  I knew Mandy would react this way, which is why I was hesitant to tell her about it in the first place. Then again, had a man cheated on my best friend, I would have reacted the same way.

  “Look Mand, I don’t know what to do. I haven’t talked to Stef and I don’t know what to do. I need to move out but I have nowhere to go. I have some money saved up but not much. I was saving for our vacation to Florida but now, well… shit. I needed that vacation!”

  That vacation was supposed to be relaxing, a time for us to be alone as a couple. In just a few short hours, I learned that Stefan wanted very different things than I did. If he thought he was going to have the best of both worlds, he was sadly mistaken.

  “Brooke you can stay with me at my place for a while until you get your own. I know this is hard on you. You can move in whenever you’re ready.”

  “Thanks Mandy. I appreciate that. I need to get my shit straight first. I need to talk to Stefan and let him know that I will be moving out as soon as I can.”

  “How do you think he’ll take that news Brooke?”

  “I don’t think he’ll take it well at all. I think he’s hoping he can have both of us. He couldn’t be more wrong. God only knows what kind of diseases that slut must have.”

  Mandy took a swig of her latte and laughed.

  “What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall in the room when you confront him. He’s gonna flip.”

  “You’re probably right but he can’t have his cake and eat it too. It’s time for him to man up and accept the fact that we’re over. I’ll let you know about the living situation by the end of the weekend.”

  Stefan and I had a lot of shit we needed to sort through and I wanted the fucking truth f
or a change. I wasn’t sure how my parents were going to react to our split either, but that would be for another day. I looked down at my watch and saw that it was eleven-fifteen.

  “Shit! I have to go Mandy. I’m meeting Dylan for lunch.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “You’re what? You’re meeting the hot piece of ass for lunch?”

  A smile crossed my face.

  “Yes. He demanded that I meet him today so that we can talk about what happened with Stefan. He’s worried about me.”

  Mandy had that look in her eye, the “yeah right” look. I chuckled to myself; then reassured her that Dylan and I were only friends, co-workers actually and that it was just lunch. She gave me a skeptical look, and then hugged me. We agreed to meet later in the week for dinner.

  I arrived at Manuel’s five minutes late. It was a small Mexican restaurant located in a strip mall just off of 38th Avenue. It was decorated in vibrant green and yellow colors and the food was to die for. I spotted Dylan sitting at a table. He took my breath away. The sun was shining on his face and he was dressed in ripped blue jeans, a white tight fitting shirt and a cowboy hat. I’m sure it wasn’t an accident that he was dressed that way. What it did to me was less than innocent. I licked my lips drinking him in. I’d just had coffee and already I was thirsty. He must have sensed me staring at him because he looked up and flashed me his wicked smile. Then he stood, walked over to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. If I thought him touching my hand sent electrical currents through my body; it was nothing in comparison to what I was feeling now. My body was betraying me and I hated her for it.


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