Billionaire In Hiding: The Complete Series (Alpha Billionaire Romance Western Love Story)

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Billionaire In Hiding: The Complete Series (Alpha Billionaire Romance Western Love Story) Page 107

by Claire Adams

  And, all in all, she’d been a remarkable First Lady. She’d made great strides with younger elementary education programs, working alongside Xavier as he altered the education program of the entire country. With a few minor hiccups along the way—and with me working Congress tooth and nail to get the bill passed—Xavier was able to make great changes. It had been beautiful. Already, people were remembering this president for his achievements. And Xavier’s incredible, bountiful presidency had actually paved the way for another democrat, a member of his own party, to churn into the White House seat. I’d clapped heartily at his inauguration, of course, knowing in my heart that it wasn’t yet my turn. I was only thirty-four years old. I had so much learning, so much living to do.

  “How was it when Camille left?” I asked Xavier there, as we sat on the couch.

  Xavier turned toward me, his eyes a bit far away. “She told me she would have left me anyway, even if we didn’t have this deal.” He laughed a bit at these words. “I thanked her for staying, for keeping my presidency together. I know, of course, that she has to feel that she wanted to leave me. Otherwise, it would feel wrong—it wouldn’t feel like her choice. But I know that she has a boyfriend in New York. I know that she has plans to move on, to have a life of her own.”

  I nodded, unsure of what to say. It was strange, the way people came together. It was strange, the way they came apart.

  “But now. I have you,” Xavier murmured, kissing my cheek.

  “How should we tell everyone?” I whispered. It had been over a month since the inauguration of the new president, which meant it had been four months since the election. God, it seemed that time was moving both too fast and too slow, all the time. Once, I had been a young and bright twenty-nine-year-old. And now, I felt my limbs aging, every day.

  Xavier thought for a moment. “I have a PR guy on it. He says it’s tricky, but it can be done. It surely won’t hurt your career, either. We were very careful. I never gave you a single recommendation.” Xavier laughed, shaking his head. “I remember a reporter once asking me if I didn’t like your policies, if I didn’t like your ideas on the bill. I wanted to scoff, to tell her everything. But I knew you’d kill me.”

  I smiled. “I wanted it to feel like I’d worked my way to the top, on my own.”

  “You never needed my help,” Xavier murmured. “You never needed anyone’s help.”

  I bowed my head. “I need you, though. I need you more than anything.”

  We sat in silence, brimming with the knowledge that we could finally be together, out in the open. We could go to brunch together, to the theater together. We could go out on double dates. I could introduce him to my family, if I wanted. Everything was different. He wasn’t the president, and I wasn’t his campaign manager. We were just people, struggling to survive and finding something particularly special along the way.

  Xavier snapped his fingers, then. He stood up, leaving me still, on the couch. “Do you want to make a toast? I have this aged bottle of red. I’ve been saving it.”

  I nodded, standing up before him. “Of course,” I murmured, a bit sleepy. Something about making these big, overarching decisions seemed to conk me out.

  Xavier was gone in an instant, rushing down toward the cellar. He left me alone, to my own devices, for several minutes. I began to roam the house by myself, gazing at the beautiful artwork. I wondered if the place had been decorated with Camille’s tastes in mind; I wondered if I could change anything, personalize anything to my taste.

  I imagined the grand parties we would have at this place. The friends—an non-friends, the political socialites—would gather in the foyer, kissing each other on the cheeks, calling out to each other, eating hors d’oeuvres. Perhaps we would have my campaign party here. I imagined myself, then, ten years down the line. A presidential candidate. The first woman to rule the office, poised with Xavier by my side. I shivered at the mere thought of it.

  For a moment, I allowed my mind to shift back to my old life. Immediately after Jason—that terrorizing brute who I’d heard had accepted a job in the state of Illinois, for some political agency in Chicago—had been revealed by Xavier, I’d moved back into my apartment. Rachel had grown quite serious with Michael in the months after they met, and I knew that I needed to get out of their way, to bring myself back to the place I belonged. I remembered their wedding—the bright, outdoor ceremony the summer before Xavier’s second election. I remembered standing by her side at the helm of the ceremony, feeling myself brimming with such joy for her. My best friend in the world, finally meeting her happiness, head-on.

  Suddenly, the cellar door creaked open. I stood, face-to-face with Xavier once more, in the kitchen. My fingers passed over the cold, beautiful countertop. My eyes met with Xavier’s. In that moment, a bit of tension flitted through the air. I swallowed, unable to breathe.

  In Xavier’s hand, he held a bottle of aged wine and two wine glasses. He walked forward, his eyes still on me. He tapped each glass on the counter, and the sound rang throughout the air. He uncorked the wine and poured it, allowing it to breathe for only a moment. And then: he passed the wine to me.

  I didn’t say anything. I waited as he pushed his wine glass into the air, as if he were about to make a toast.

  He began.

  “Amanda,” he said, his voice soft. “You have been a constant joy in my life. You’ve guided me through two presidencies. You’ve held my hand during difficult times. You’ve waited for me, until this final day when we can finally come together and be free with each other, find love with each other, without prying eyes. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for it.”

  I nodded, unsure of what to say. My heart had begun to swell in my chest.

  He continued. He brought his hand into his pocket and revealed a small, black box. He sent his wine glass back to the counter. I noted that his hands were shaking. He bent down on one knee, allowing his dark, penetrating eyes to look up toward me—so deep, so full of wisdom, so full of love, just as they’d been all those years ago, when this all had begun.

  “I want you to be my wife, Amanda. I want you to be by my side through thick and thin, and I want to do the same for you. I love you.” He opened the box, then, revealing this stunning, immaculate diamond ring.

  I brought my hands to my face, feeling the tears riding hot, fast down my cheeks. My mind knew my answer. I brought my left hand toward him, and he drew the engagement ring over my finger. I watched as it glowed in the subtle candlelight of the beautiful kitchen. I nodded, with passion, with zeal, unable to form the words.

  Xavier understood, just as he always had. He brought his body up, toward me, and he kissed me, bending me over the countertop in the new home we shared together. Our lives were joined, then. We were united: at the helm of the country, our hands linked and our eyes locked together. Nothing could tear us apart.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Claire Adams



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