Arctic Heat 3: Ice White

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Arctic Heat 3: Ice White Page 3

by Kris Eton

  Was he angry? He wouldn’t look at her. He took the rubber tourniquet and tied it on her upper arm. “Make a fist please.”

  Her breathing grew erratic. His sex scent wafted into her nose, stirring feelings deep down inside. Making her body limp. She wanted him. “Caleb, please...” She closed her hand in a fist. The veins in her arm became more pronounced.

  He palpated one. “And hold.” He met her gaze, questions and need vivid in his eyes. Maybe a little hurt, too, but no anger. “Why did you leave?”

  She held her fist closed while he slipped the needle into her arm. Blood began to fill the first vial. He released the tourniquet. “We’re not allowed to...mix with humans. I couldn’t let them know.”

  His eyes held hers. The intensity in them made her body hum. His thumb brushed across the thin skin at her wrist. “I came here to find you.” The first vial filled, so he replaced it with a second one. “I don’t have much time before they escort me out. But I couldn’t pretend the other night didn’t mean something to me.”

  “Shifters are supposed to be attracted to other shifters. I don’t know what’s wrong with me...but I don’t want any of them.” A warmth grew in her belly. “I can’t pretend either. I want you, Caleb. Only you.”

  A silence grew between them as the second vial filled. He pressed a gauze pad against her skin and pulled the needle out. “Hold this, please, and raise your arm.”

  She did what he asked, waiting for his response. Hoping he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. He ripped open a bandage package. “Let me see if the bleeding’s stopped.” She lowered her arm and let go of the gauze. He placed the small bandage over the wound.

  Then his fingers trailed down her arm. Goose bumps rose up all over her body at his touch. He leaned down and kissed the soft skin of her inner arm. “I don’t care what anyone says,” he said. “You were meant for me.” He planted kisses up her arm, carefully over her wound, and to her shoulder. “I came here to find you, Anna.”

  She sighed, her whole body relaxing. The rush of endorphins made her skin feel flushed.

  “You were meant for me,” he repeated, his eyes dark as night. He took her mouth in a searing kiss. His fingers sifted through her hair. She opened her mouth to his and drank him in. His taste, his tongue, his very essence. His sex scent was everywhere, invading her nose, filling her with unchecked desire. Her hands grabbed at his shirt, and she pulled him close, until he was kneeling on the hard tile floor between her spread legs.

  Beneath her silk robe she wore only a pair of thong panties. Nothing else.

  Caleb nibbled at her lips, advancing and retreating, causing her blood to stir. His hands moved from her hair to her shoulders. Deftly, he pushed the loosely tied robe down off her shoulders, exposing the tops of her breasts. Her nipples hardened in anticipation of his touch. Hard points beneath soft silk. Caleb tentatively touched her breast through the fine fabric, his hand hot as fire. He molded her soft flesh under his fingers, teasing, manipulating, massaging. She groaned into his mouth, and he kissed her even more deeply. She arched forward, her body poised on the edge of the chair.

  His other hand rested on her thigh. Just when she thought he’d touch her between her legs, he pulled away.

  A breath of air left her lungs at the shock of it. She blinked, trying to focus. Why had he stopped? They needed to hurry. Someone would come for him soon.

  He whipped the silk tie from her robe and stood up. “Put your hands behind your back, Anna.”

  Her robe fell open. Although he was trying to be in control, his gaze flicked to her exposed breasts. She could turn this around on him so quickly. But she let him play the dominant one for now.

  She placed her hands behind her, and the edges of her robe slipped open even farther. Her legs still spread wide, her pussy was barely covered by the scrap of the thong panties she wore. He wouldn’t last much longer under these circumstances, and she smiled to herself at the thought.

  Swiftly, he tied her hands behind her back. The silk tie was soft against her wrists. She could be free in moments, if she wished. But this was his game.

  Anna let her head fall forward so that her hair covered her face with a white blonde curtain. She sensed him above her, his presence one of strength and hardness. Hardness she wanted to feel inside her.

  Once again he knelt on the floor in front of her. He placed his hands on either side of her spread pussy, his thumbs tickling the outer edges of her cunt lips. “The first night we met, I wanted to touch you like this.” Two fingers delved into her wet heat, sliding along her labia, finding her sensitive clitoris. He pressed there. Just so. “Stroke you gently.” His touch became a whisper across her aching pussy. “Penetrate you.” His fingers pushed into her opening. With his free hand he tilted her chin so that her gaze met his.

  “Ahh,” she sighed. Her lips parted. She wanted him to kiss her, taste him on her tongue while he fucked her with his fingers. She leaned toward him, but when she did so, he stopped the exquisite thrusting.

  Her cunt was full and wet. With her inner muscles she squeezed his fingers to encourage him to continue. He gave her a devilish smile. “Not yet. It’s my turn to torture you with pleasure.”

  So that was the kind of game he wanted, was it? Shifter females were typically the ones in charge during the sex games, but she could play along for a little while. She pressed her lips together and tipped away from him.

  “That’s right, Anna.” His fingers moved inside her once again. “So, so soft.” His free hand roamed from her chin to her bare breasts. He brushed his hand lightly across her sensitized nipples. She arched her back automatically. He cupped one tit and lowered his mouth to her nipple.

  Ah, God.

  His mouth was hot. With a rough tongue he licked at her, raking it across the sensitive areola. He added a third finger to her vagina, drawing them across the inner walls. Her muscles clamped down in a rhythmic fashion, which echoed the teasing pull of his mouth on her nipple.

  She sat poised at the edge of the chair, immobilized with pleasure. She didn’t dare move for fear he would stop. Her wrists strained at her bonds .The knot came undone. Although she wanted to take back control of the situation, she found herself clutching the edge of the chair with her freed hands. For the first time it felt right to give in to a male’s control. Let her body be at his mercy.

  His finger strokes grew more frantic. He sped up as her body shifted into a different gear. Moisture made his fingers slippery, friction almost non-existent. She could smell her own arousal mixed with his sex scent. Deep inside, the shifter part of her came alive. Little by little it made itself known to her.

  The orgasm was coming. Soon.

  Her gasps grew loud to her own ears. She no longer had the capability of forming words, so lost was she in her own mind. He switched his attentions to her other breast. A rush of heat and electricity ran through her. She held her breath. She was so close.

  He thrust his fingers inside her to the hilt, then curved and dragged them across her inner walls, looking for that perfect spot. “Not quite yet.” He removed his fingers from her cunt.

  Anna let out her breath in a grunt. Her pussy was calling out for him to finish. To bring her all the way over the edge. “Don’t stop now.” She let go of the chair, grabbed his hand, and tried to force it back.

  He twisted out of her grip and caught her wrists in one hand. He tilted his chin down and looked her in the eyes. “This is my game, remember?” He picked up the rubber tourniquet and slapped her on the thigh.

  The shock of it stilled her.

  “Get up.”

  She obeyed. Her robe barely covered her. It hung loose, sagging off of her shoulders.

  He spun her around, so her back was to him.

  “Put one foot on the chair.”

  Her body tingled at the thought of what he was going to do to her.

  She rested her left foot on the chair.

  Caleb ran his hand up under her silk robe, rubbing across her bare
buttocks. He let go of her wrists, and both hands massaged her backside, running between her cheeks, tickling the very edges of her pussy. “This is how I’m going to fuck you, Anna. Take off your robe.”

  She lowered her arms, and the silken fabric slid into a pile at her feet. Now she was completely naked with the exception of her thong panties.

  “I love your body. Everything’s just the right size.” He gripped her hips, then slid his hands up her sides, and massaged the sides of her breasts. “So beautiful.”

  She wanted to turn around, grab him, toss him on the floor and fuck him blind, but she could tell he was enjoying this too much. This exploration. This worship of her body.

  He took off his shirt and pants, tossing them to the tile floor in a messy heap. A few seconds later, she felt his erection hard against her ass. A solid heavy length. Her pussy ached for him to be inside her. He tore her panties off in one quick move.

  She braced her hands on the back of the chair, waiting, wanting, needing.

  He spread her lower lips and guided the head of his penis to her opening. With one hard push, he was inside her. Anna rose up on her tiptoes, clutched the chair, and thrust back to pull him in deeper. “Oh, God, Caleb.”

  He planted his hands on her hips to steady her and pounded into her with hot, hard strokes.

  Her cunt was stuffed full of him. Each thrust brought her closer to the orgasm she needed. One more thing would send her over the edge. She touched between her legs, finding her clit, the hard nub wet with her moisture. She teased it with her finger, feeling a fullness inside—a building to something she knew she needed.

  “I’m going to come. Oh, God, I’m going to come.” She slicked her finger around and around. Caleb continued his relentless fucking. An explosion hit. She cried out at the force of it. Hard. Electric. Incredible. Her hand stilled as she rode the wave of her orgasm.

  Caleb’s dick slid through the added wetness. “Jesus, Anna.” One last thrust. “Oh my God.” He held his cock inside her, ejaculate filling her cunt. Anna pushed back against him and gripped him with her inner muscles. “Fuck!”

  “What in the hell...?” A woman’s voice cut through the haze of Anna’s orgasm, but it was too late to see who had interrupted their forbidden affair. The shifter inside was ready to come out. Caleb’s dick slid out of her. She straightened up, just in time to feel her body slip into arctic wolf form.

  Chapter Six

  Caleb came down off the high of his orgasm almost immediately. The minute he heard the door open, he knew they’d screwed up. Big time.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Anna shifted before his eyes, and he knew he’d have to be the one to stand up for her. Find a way to stake his claim on her no matter what the rules said.

  He picked up his pants and slipped them on before turning to confront the female shifter who’d discovered them. “Anna’s mine now.” Wolf Anna paced the floor, whining.

  It was Hannah, the female shifter who’d escorted him to the room earlier. She was tall with the black hair so typical of other female shifters. Not like his Anna. His Anna. The words came so naturally to him.

  “Did she consent to this...this coupling?” Hannah spat the question out in disgust. “Or did you force this on her? They told me there were humans who were curious, almost obsessed, with shifters. But I had no idea—”

  “Of course she consented.” It made him sick to think she’d believe anything different. “We met a few nights ago during the storm. I never thought it could be like this, but I didn’t force her.”

  “You can’t do this.” Hannah watched Anna pace the floor. “Don’t you see? She’s nothing like you. You don’t deserve her. We don’t need humans mucking up what we worked so hard for.”

  Anger sparked inside him. “Mucking up? Shifters were born to human parents. You are ninety-eight percent human.”

  She brushed off his arguments. “We’re here for a reason.”

  “Yes, to find out about your shifter side away from humans who don’t understand.” He picked up his shirt and put it on. “I do understand. Why do you think I came to work here? I probably understand more than you know.”

  “I doubt that.” Hannah settled a hand on her hip.

  “I love her.” He knelt on the floor and coaxed Wolf Anna over to him. She dipped her head, allowing him to stroke her between the ears. “That’s what matters. She trusts me, or she never would have allowed me to get close to her again. She never would have allowed this to happen between us. She knows this is right. Just because you say it’s not meant to be doesn’t mean shit to either of us.”

  Hannah’s brow crinkled. “She hasn’t switched back.”


  “Anna. She’s been here for weeks and hasn’t been able to stay in shifter form for more than a few minutes at a time.” The female shifter bit her lip. “Could it be...?”

  A jolt of recognition hit him low in his gut. Is that why Anna had run from him last night? Had she been scared to find out a human helped her shift better than one of her own kind? “I didn’t get a chance to tell her.”

  “Tell her what?”

  “I carry some of the shifter markers. Just a few. Not enough to make me one of you.”

  “What?” Hannah’s eyes widened. “That’s not possible.”

  “How do you think I ended up here? Dr. Tate recruited me. They’d tested my blood, found out I was missing some of the markers, and wanted me here. To help them understand.”

  “I’ve never heard of such a thing.” Hannah shook her head, but he could sense her letting go of her anger, trying to wrap her head around this new knowledge he’d given her.

  “Maybe that’s why she could shift with me as her mate. She’s not like the rest of you.” Now her white blonde hair made sense to him. Unlike the other black-haired shifter females who needed pure blooded males to shift, Anna was different. Just like he was different. Both of them were unique.

  “I know she doesn’t look like us, but she has all the markers.”

  “You know this is right. You know she was meant for me.” And even as he said the words aloud, he accepted that fact as well. The connection he had with Anna was strange and beautiful. Something he’d never had with another woman. The feel of her body in his hands had been so right. So perfect. “I’m taking her back to the research center with me.”

  “I don’t know.... We’d have to talk to Dr. Tate.”

  He was winning her over. Not a few minutes ago, she wouldn’t have even been considering the option. “Dr. Tate will agree. Once we tell him that Anna’s shift is complete, he will let her come with me.”

  “We’ll wait for Anna to tell us what she wants.” Hannah kept her eyes on the arctic wolf that was still allowing herself to be stroked by Caleb. “It should be her choice. Not ours.”

  Caleb nodded.

  Chapter Eight

  Anna curled up against Caleb’s warm body. The accommodations over in the research center weren’t as luxurious as they were in the ARO, but she’d adjusted quickly. King-sized beds and garden tubs didn’t matter to her. Caleb was what she wanted, and now she had him. She ran a hand down his naked side and reached for his penis.

  Caleb startled awake. “Mmm...hey.”

  She stroked up and down, his cock hardening in her hand. “Good morning.” She rubbed her breasts against his back.

  “Ah, ah.” His buttocks tensed. “I have to be at work, you know.”

  “Not before you do some work for me.” She rubbed a thumb across the head of his penis, and he groaned. Between her legs, she grew wet.

  “This isn’t the ARO, remember? I told you that when you moved in. I’m on shift from seven to seven. And then I’m all yours.” He reached a hand behind him to caress her ass.

  “But Dr. Tate told us we needed to experiment. This is purely work related.” She kissed his shoulder.

  He sighed and rolled over to face her. “We aren’t his test subjects.” His erection poked her in the stomach.r />
  “I don’t mind being a test subject if I get to have more of this.” She scooted down in the bed and took his cock into her mouth.

  “Jesus, Anna. I can’t.... I mean, I don’t have time to...ah...”

  She sucked on him hard, working her tongue around the length of him. He tasted so good to her. She could never seem to get enough of him.

  His hands settled on her head. His body tensed. “When you’re finished I’m going to...ah...God...” He gripped her hair. “Dammit, Anna.”

  She sucked hard on the head and drew him inside her mouth once more. She loved to control him like this. Make him beg for her. His cock grew harder. She caressed his balls gently with her fingers. He went rigid.

  “Ah, fuck.” He grunted. “Anna, Anna, Anna...”

  A burst of hot creaminess shot into her mouth. She pulled on him, milking out every last drop of cum. He tasted like he smelled, absolutely delicious. When she swallowed the last of him, she licked off the tip.

  He grabbed her arms and dragged her up to him. “You are so going to pay for that one.”

  His eyes were twin dark stars, brilliant and unfathomable.

  “That’s what I was hoping for.” She smiled slowly, knowing how much he loved her when she was wicked.

  She kissed him then, his lips soft and sensual.

  And she knew she could do this forever. If she had to stay the rest of her life right here in this barren room with just Caleb and the bed, she could do it. The outside world didn’t matter anymore. It didn’t matter if she was shifter, and he was something else. Whatever his blood markers meant, she just knew he was her mate and always would be. No matter what anyone else thought.

  When the alarm went off next to the bed, Caleb reached blindly behind him and knocked it to the floor. She grinned. Today Dr. Tate would just have to understand that some mornings, he might be late. Some mornings there were more important things than work.

  She opened her mouth to him and got lost in the kiss. The best was still to come, and her body lit up at the thought of it. The shifter inside roared to life. This is my mate, it said. This is the one I choose.


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