Training Kemper [Hard Hits 7] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training Kemper [Hard Hits 7] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Tatum Throne

  The deadline to apply for K-9 was in two days. He was going to get his resume together tonight. A door opened down the hall. Kemper caught sight of Cole and Trent coming out of one of the meeting rooms. Grant Hicks was following up the rear. They were laughing about something and didn’t see him standing in the hallway. Kemper preferred it that way. The last person he wanted to deal with today was Grant regarding the accident. Grant caught sight of Kemper, and the mood suddenly shifted. For the last several weeks, Kemper had been putting Grant off. They were supposed to meet weeks ago, but Kemper was not in the mood to deal with the man.

  “Got a minute?” Grant asked.

  No, he didn’t, but he couldn’t say no to the man who had his career on the line. “A few. I have a training meeting to get to.”

  “This won’t take long.”

  Kemper ignored Grant and got Trent’s attention. Cole was at his side. He lowered his voice so that Grant couldn’t hear. “I had some questions for you about the K-9 unit. Do you have time later on today to talk about it?”

  Trent followed Cole’s signing and then turned back to Kemper. “I can meet with you after lunch. Does that work for you?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Great, see you then,” Trent said.

  Trent and Cole went further down the hall. Off to the side, Grant waited for him impatiently. From what Kemper understood, Grant was not based solely in District Four. The man got around like a bad winter virus. Kemper followed him into the conference room. Grant shut the door behind them. Grant’s short dark hair was buzzed to his head. The man was completely anal-retentive. Kemper was positive the man did not know how to have fun.

  “Why haven’t you returned my calls?” Grant asked.

  “Been busy.”

  “I heard you’re working out with Shawn.”

  “Is this about my case?” Kemper asked.

  “It is. I’m about to sign off on things and I wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything else you wanted to tell me.”

  It almost sounded like a threat. “No, there’s nothing else for me to say.”

  Grant moved around the conference room, slipping his hands into his pockets. “I hope you know this isn’t easy for me. I don’t like investigating my police brothers.”

  Grant looked out the window. His reflection showed the frown and unhappiness on his face. “Have you thought about getting out of IA?”

  Laughter escaped Grant’s parted lips. “Sometimes people are just good at doing the dirty work. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

  “So what happens now?” Kemper asked.

  “You’ll get my official report in a week. I’ll make a recommendation. Chief Anderson will go over my findings with you. He’ll decide on any reprimand if necessary.”

  Kemper nodded, crossing his arms. This did not sound good for him. Somehow he knew he was going to be blamed for the accident that took his leg.

  “Are we finished?” Kemper asked.

  “Yeah, we are. Don’t take this personally, Kemper. You would do the same if you were in my position.”

  Kemper smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Something tells me that I don’t think I would.”

  Anger and bitterness undulated through Kemper’s body. He had to get to the Training Center to meet up with Shawn. He was already more than an hour late. Shawn was not going to be happy. Now that Shawn was his Dom, Kemper wanted to do everything in his power to make him happy. He wanted to show Shawn that he could be obedient in and out of work. It turned Kemper on to know that Shawn loved it when he followed his direct orders.

  Shawn was just inside the Training Center talking with TJ. Long, straight, dark hair flowed toward TJ shoulders. TJ was in charge of his SWAT testing. The next round of testing was in two weeks. Kemper hoped that he would be ready.

  “Hey, Kemper. How are things going?” TJ asked.

  “Not too bad. Shawn’s whipping me into shape.”

  There was more truth to that statement than TJ knew. TJ laughed and Shawn narrowed his gaze at him.

  “Are you going to be ready to test in two weeks?” TJ asked.

  “I hope so. I’m already feeling physically and mentally stronger.”

  Shawn nodded. “He has some more strength training to do but I think he’ll be ready in two weeks. He’s already lost about fifteen pounds. Another ten more and he will be back to where he was.”

  “Keep up the good work,” TJ said. “You’ll need complete focus to pass the SWAT test.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  TJ smiled. “I know you will be. I’ll let you guys get back to work.” TJ started to move away, but then stopped suddenly. “You’re coming tonight, right, Shawn?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there. Do you care if Kemper comes?”

  “No, the more, the merrier.”

  Kemper was certain that he’d just tap danced on a fine line. When they were alone, Kemper knew that he would be punished. The thought of Shawn punishing him turned him on fast and hard. He wanted Shawn to tie him to the bed and take him hard and fast. He wanted to be spanked. He wanted to be rimmed. He wanted to be everything for Shawn. That thought brought him up short. They were under contract so that Shawn couldn’t and wouldn’t be his everything.

  Their eyes locked. “Where we going?”

  “You’re going out to dinner with me tonight,” Shawn said.

  “I thought there was a no dinner clause within our contract.”

  Kemper was teasing Shawn, but there was more truth to that statement than not. “You didn’t read the fine print.”

  There was some fine print on that contract. It was something to do with Shawn having complete control of when and how he wanted him. In essence, Kemper had completely signed his life away to Shawn for the next six months.

  “I guess I’m yours for the next six months.”

  “Yes, you are. Now, let’s get to work. We have a lot to do if you want to be ready for your SWAT testing in two weeks,” Shawn said.

  They headed over to the weights. Kemper laid back on the bench, reaching up for the barbell. Shawn came in from behind, getting ready to spot him. Kemper’s gaze went to Shawn’s crotch. He closed his eyes, trying to erase the vision of Shawn shoving his cock into his face. Kemp loved sucking cock.

  Sweat poured from Kemper’s body as he lifted the hundred-pound weight. Shawn encouraged him as he lifted.

  “Good form. You got this.”

  Every touch of his hand on Kemper’s body sent his system into overdrive. He couldn’t wait to be alone with Shawn tonight. At least, he hoped he would be alone with Shawn tonight. Their relationship was in Shawn’s hands. Kemper finished up the rep and set the barbell down. He shook out his arms as he sat up.

  “How’s your balance?” Shawn asked.

  “It’s been good.”

  “We’re going to try something new today. Are you up for it?”

  “I’m up for anything with you.”

  A grin tugged at the corners of Shawn’s lips. “I know you are, babe. Let’s keep this out of work.”

  Shawn brought over a balancing board for Kemper to stand on. He set it on the ground in front of Kemper. “Stand on this.”

  Kemper reached out for support, using Shawn’s broad shoulders to balance him. At first it was awkward trying to keep his balance, but after a while he held it.


  The complement brought a smile to Kemper’s lips. “Thanks.”

  After fifteen minutes of working on balance, Shawn released him.

  “We’re done for the day. Go hit the shower.”

  Kemper hesitated as Shawn put the equipment away. He wondered if Shawn would be joining him in the shower. Shawn caught sight of him lingering.

  “Go on.”

  Kemper felt heat move over his cheeks in embarrassment. “What time am I meeting you tonight?”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  With that, Kemper headed for the locker room. By the time he got to the shower, Kemper had a
raging hard-on. He couldn’t wait to see Shawn tonight. Kemper showered quickly in cold water. He was not about to jerk it off at work, although the thought did cross his mind as he was getting into the shower. He wanted Shawn. Several minutes later, Kemper was dressed and on his way upstairs to meet with Trent.

  Chapter Five

  At exactly seven sharp, Shawn rolled up at Kemper’s place. Before he could even get out of the car, Kemper was coming out of the house. He liked that his sub was waiting for him. Shawn’s gaze went from his head to his toes. He looked absolutely delicious in his dress shirt, jeans, and black leather jacket. When he got into the car, Shawn leaned across the seat, wrapping his hand possessively around the back of Kemper’s neck. He brought their lips together in a rough kiss that quickly spiraled out of control. Shawn forced his tongue into Kemper’s mouth, flicking it wildly against Kemper’s. They were both breathing hard and fogging the windows by the time they pulled away. Shawn put his forehead against Kemper’s.

  “I waited all day to do that to you,” Shawn said.

  “I love kissing you. I could spend all night doing it.”

  “All night?” Shawn asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I want you to tie me to your bed tonight. I want you to have your way with me. I want to be everything for you.”

  Shawn groaned, yanking Kemper across his lap, hitting the horn in the process. Shawn dove his fingers into Kemper’s hair, kissing him without control. He wanted to shove his cock deep inside of Kemper’s ass right then and there. He always wanted to do it in a car. Shawn’s cockhead pushed against Kemper’s ass cheeks. It was not enough. He had to have more.

  “I need you now,” Shawn said.

  A dark, seductive chuckle sounded from the back of Kemper’s throat. “We’re going to be late.”

  Kemper was right. They would be late and there would be a whole lot of questions asked if they were late. It was bad enough that Kemper looked as though he’d just been sexed. Shawn ran his fingers through Kemper’s hair, trying to fix it. He let go of Kemper and the control he didn’t feel inside.

  “Tonight you are mine.”

  It was a threat and a warning. Shawn wasn’t going to let Kemper go until he was completely satisfied tonight. After Kemper settled back into the passenger seat and buckled, Shawn started his car. They drove across town in silence. Shawn parked the car. Their hands brushed in passing as they walked side by side toward the Spaghetti Warehouse.

  The restaurant was crowded. They found their party in the far corner of the Italian restaurant. As they headed ever, Kemper leaned in close.

  “What are we celebrating?” Kemper asked.

  “It’s TJ’s birthday. You know he’s engaged to Parker, right?” Shawn asked.

  “He is?”

  The news seemed to surprise Kemper. “You didn’t know he was gay?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “I’ve been friends with TJ for years. He’s a great guy.”

  Most of the table was filled with the guys from the SWAT team. Shawn sat down next to Kemper, pulling their chairs close together. He wrapped his arm around the back of the chair, making sure that everyone at the table knew they were an item. Shawn was out. He was quite certain that Kemper wasn’t.

  Shawn had a difficult time listening in on the conversation going on around him. All of his thoughts were on Kemper and what he was going to do to him when they were alone. When the meals came, Shawn slipped his hand from the back of Kemper’s chair. Under the table, he slipped his hand over Kemper’s knee, slowly stroking it up his thigh. He felt Kemper stiffen as the tips of his fingers, running along the inside of his pant leg, made contact with his inner thigh and the tip of his cockhead.

  “So, I hear you want to be on SWAT,” Parker said to Kemper.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Parker leaned forward, putting his arm around TJ’s chair. “I wouldn’t do it. They’re a bunch of troublemakers.”

  “Aren’t you on SWAT as the doctor?” Kemper asked.

  “Yeah…” Parker sighed. “You wouldn’t believe how often I’m called in to put a Band-Aid on a scrape or to wrap a sprain.”

  TJ chuckled. “He gets paid to follow us around.”

  Parker grinned. “They don’t pay me enough. I consider it charity work.”

  Laughter echoed around the table. Shawn glanced at Kemper who was smiling. Shawn was ready to get out of there. He wanted to be alone with Kemper. After hanging out for a little while longer, they headed out for the night. It was just starting to rain as they stepped out onto the downtown sidewalk. The restaurant sat right along the river. The three main bridges that stretched over the Ohio River were glowing with warm lights. They headed down the sidewalk toward the parking garage. Lightning snapped across the sky, followed by thunder.

  They were suddenly caught in a heavy rain. Shawn ducked beneath an awning, pushing Kemper into the darkness of the alcove. The trendy boutique was closed for the night. Within the blinding darkness, Shawn found Kemper’s hungry lips. Shawn flicked his tongue into Kemper’s mouth, taking ownership of him completely. They kissed with a deep passion that Shawn felt all the way down to his toes. Shawn dove his hands beneath Kemper’s leather jacket, pulling out his shirttail.

  The tips of Shawn’s fingers played at the top of Kemper’s waist. He rubbed the pads of his fingers over Kemper’s skin. Heat settled into Shawn’s cock, filling it with white-hot desire. The tip of his cockhead pushed out the top of his jeans. Shawn rubbed the tip of his cock against Kemper’s smooth skin. Shawn felt the tip of his cockhead push into Kemper’s navel. The sensation was mind-blowing and caused Kemper to burn with need.

  “I want you now,” Shawn said. “I fucking need you bad.”

  “Take me home.”

  “No. We’re going to my house tonight.”

  A groan of disappointment tore from Kemper’s parted and swollen lips as Shawn pulled away. They stepped out into the driving rain, rushing to Shawn’s car. They were going to use Shawn’s playroom tonight. Shawn knew he had to break Kemper in slowly to the lifestyle. He knew that if he showed Kemper his red-walled playroom right away, he’d scare him.

  Chains and floggers on the walls. Ball gags were at the ready. New rope was ready to tie and knot his lover into submission. Tonight, Shawn was going to show Kemper how much he meant to him. They got into Shawn’s car and drove out into the pouring rain.

  A few minutes later, they pulled up in front of Shawn’s house. Shawn lived in the trendy historic district of Hyde Park. Shawn’s house was as old as the neighborhood. After renovating the old Victorian house, he had planned to sell it, but he couldn’t. He absolutely fell in love with it and wasn’t planning on falling out of love anytime soon.

  Shawn shut off the car and looked at Kemper, who was watching him closely. There was burning heat within his eyes.

  “Let’s go inside. I’ll show you around,” Shawn said.

  Shawn led the way to the front door, unlocking it. They headed inside the octagonal foyer.

  “This is nice,” Kemp said.

  There were many hours that Shawn spent organizing and decorating his place. Several pieces of furniture were antiques he bought while driving through Amish country. Kemper looked nervously around the house. They headed through the living room to the French doors that opened to the gallery.

  “I have a heated pool. I put it in at the beginning of summer.”


  “I can’t wait to be slipping and sliding naked in that water with you,” Shawn said.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Have you ever had sex in a pool?” Shawn asked.


  “We will soon.”

  Shawn wrapped his hands around Kemper’s waist, pulling him in close. He brushed his lips along the curve of his ear. “If it wasn’t storming, we would be in that pool.”

  A shiver tore through Kemper’s body. Shawn loved how easily charged he was. Shawn rubbed his hands over Kemper�
��s hips, squeezing him tight. With the rain pounding the pool, Shawn opened the door and they stepped out onto the covered veranda. The sound of the rain falling around them was musical. Rain thumped against the awning above them and struck the leaves of the oak tree that towered over his home.

  Shawn kissed his way over the back of Kemper’s neck. He smoothed his hand up the front of his neck and gave him a gentle squeeze. Kemper moaned, dropping his head back against Shawn’s shoulder. Shawn turned Kemper’s head, and their lips met in a hungry kiss. A groan of need echoed from deep within Kemper’s throat. Shawn swept his tongue inside, flicking it roughly against Kemper’s. Everything was spinning by the time Shawn pulled his lips away.

  “Inside,” Shawn said.

  As soon as the door closed behind him, Shawn gave Kemper an order.


  Kemper was quick to obey. Shawn ran his hand down over his heavy cock as he watched Kemper remove his last article of clothing.


  Kemper headed for the stairs. As soon as Shawn saw the creamy white skin of his ass, he could no longer wait to discipline Kemper. Shawn came in fast, grabbing Kemper’s hips and giving him several smacks on his ass. Kemper froze, reaching out to put his palm against the wall so he wouldn’t fall over. Kemper arched out his ass for more.

  “You fucking like that, don’t you?” Shawn asked.

  “Fuck yes. I love it when you spank my ass.”

  Shawn smacked his ass several more times. He was breathing heavily and his cock was dripping with pre-cum by the time he finished. “Get upstairs.”

  They went upstairs together. Shawn watched the sway of Kemper’s big balls as he walked. When Kemper started to head for Shawn’s bedroom, Shawn stopped him.

  “Next room.”

  Kemper went to the next room. It was pitch-black inside. There were no windows in this room. Shawn had spent a lot of time renovating this room. It had everything he needed to please a lover. Even a bed to play on. Shawn flipped on the lights and shut the door to the room. Kemper’s eyes went wide when he saw the room. His right hand slid up and down over his cock. Shawn loved watching him please himself. Shawn went for the rope and a ball gag. He slipped the leather ball gag over Kemper’s mouth. Kemp’s eyes went dreamy as the red ball slipped into his mouth. Shawn tightened the leather straps to his head. Then he went to work on the rope.


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