Home > Other > JOE, BUBBLES & BUTTONS > Page 6

by Benjamin J. Patterson

  With one last forceful push on the bat, there was a squishing sound and the woman's movements ceased. Once the woman stopped moving and breathing, Buttons sat on top of her, huffing and puffing to catch her breath.

  Bubbles was also in full control of her fight as she perched over the woman pummeling her head and face with the broad end of the bat. As she beat the woman, you could hear the sound of her skull cracking under the pressure. Bubbles eventually went into full blood rage, continuing to pummel the woman even after her head cracked open and her brain content spilled out everywhere. Buttons had to go over to Bubbles, grabbing her by the shoulders to get her to finally stop. Bubbles turned and looked at Buttons with a blank stare then stood up and dropped her bat before screaming...

  “Let us out this muthafuckin cage... NOW!!!!!”

  In the glass booth Joe had a smile of relief on his face while Marco shook hands with several people, collecting great sums of money from them with a wide grin on his face. He then said something in Russian over the intercom and the armed men opened the cage, escorting Bubbles and Buttons up to the glass booth. When they arrived in the room, everyone was standing in a semi circle, all wearing white face Halloween masks except Marco and Joe.

  "Congratulations ladies! That was a great performance. This is my board of directors and they are very pleased to meet you both," Marco said with such pride it was sickening.

  The board of directors consisted of twenty people; fifteen men and five women. They were all finely dressed and draped in thousands, maybe millions of dollars worth of jewelry.

  "Why is everybody wearing masks," Bubbles asked.

  “Because our business is so sensitive, we prefer to keep our identities anonymous. Enough about us... this is your time and we believe you two will be the best champions we’ve ever had." This came from one of the masked men.

  "Get them some champagne please," Marco said to Joe. For the first time they could recall, he spoke to the young man in English.

  The masked man who’d spoken to earlier began clapping his hands, the rest of the cabinet joining in as Bubbles and Buttons sipped their champagne.

  "Take them to the car and wait for me," Marco said to Joe.


  “Are you two alright?” Joe asked with obvious concern as he grabbed ice bags from the limousine cooler.

  “Yeah, we’re good except for a few bumps and bruises,” Buttons responded painfully as she took a bag of ice and placed it against her forehead.

  A few moments later Marco and his board of directors came out of the building; they all entered separate limousines.

  “Here’s your payment and I even threw in a little something extra because the board of directors were very pleased with your performance and the ratings were amazing. I have arranged a great feast at the house to celebrate your first televised victory.” His words had just the shock effect he was hoping for.

  “What the fuck you mean televised performance...”Bubbles harshly responded as she pressed a bag of ice against her shoulder. “...what kinda bullshit are you up to know Marco?!”

  "Oh, did I not mention your performances are televised to select clients around the world. Not only are you two great warriors but you are becoming famous among the world's elite. Isn't that great news... "He wore the most innocently sadistic smile imaginable.

  "I don't really care about being famous because we were kind of famous at home before and that was alright but right now we're more concerned with being paid well and living long enough to enjoy it," Bubbles replied sarcastically.

  As they drove towards home, Marco grabbed some cigars from an arm ready console and handed one to each of them, including Joe, before responding to Bubbles.

  "You will get a chance to enjoy your wealth and fame if you continue to win and follow my rules. "

  When they arrived home that night, they laughed, drank and ate while Bubbles and Buttons found out more about Marco's obsession with his rules and orders being followed to the letter.

  During the celebration, Marco told one of his servers to fetch a special bottle of wine he’d wanted chilled. Unfortunately the server had not been told to put the bottle on chill by one of his personal assistants. When the server told Marco the message was not passed to him, Marco became infuriated and yelled for the assistant he’d originally given the order.The assistant had obviously been briefed on why he was being called because he arrived visibly worried.

  "Did I not tell you to make sure the bottle of wine was chilling to celebrate in case my girls won?"

  The assistant started to reply in Russian but Marco stopped him.

  "I asked you in English so I expect you to respond the same. "

  "Yes...yes sir...I sorry," the guy responded in broken English. “I had run an er...rand for my mother and I...I must have forgots. "

  "Oh, you ran an errand for your mother? And how is she? "

  “She...she does well sir and she...she always asks of your well being. Thanks for...for asking sir,” the guy responded with a modest smile.

  "I'm glad to hear that ...I must send her a card to express my condolences on her loss."

  "Her...her loss sir? There are no recent tragedies our family that I know of," the guy answered with a puzzled look on his face.

  "Oh you didn't hear, she recently lost a son," Marco said with a stone cold stare in his eyes.

  The guy processed Marco's words in his head and his puzzled look quickly turned to one of abject fear.

  "Sir...sir please no," the guy said followed by a string of hurried words in Russian.

  Marco then laughed, "I am not going to kill you...but he is." He pointed to the server he’d told to get the wine from the refrigerator.

  The assistant bolted from the room towards the door. Marco quickly grabbed a walkie-talkie from his side and yelled orders in Russian. After a few seconds, he received a reply over the radio and moments later three heavily armed men came into the room dragging the terrified assistant.

  "You really going to kill him over a simple bottle of wine," Bubbles asked.

  "Of course not... why would I take someone's life over a bottle of wine. He will die because he did not follow my orders."

  Bubbles then stood up, "we've had enough of that for today...we're going to bed."


  Bubbles slowly took her seat as Marco ordered his armed guards to put the assistant down on his knees in front of them.

  "You're really going to do this right here right now," Buttons uttered.

  With toughened lips, Marco turned towards Buttons, giving her a stare which gave her a non-verbal command to shut the fuck up.

  The assistant had started crying and speaking rapidly in Russian; no doubt pleading for his life. Marco then reached his hands out and one of his armed guards placed a pistol in it. He handed the pistol to the terrified server who hesitantly took it. The server stood still for a few seconds staring at the weapon now resting in his hands.

  "What are you waiting for? Kill him or you will take his place and we will see what happens when the gun is in his hands," Marco told the server.

  The server took a long look at Marco then turned his attention to the assistant. He raised the gun to the man's head with a shaky hand, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.


  The back of the assistant's head exploded, spewing bone and brain fragments all over the place before his body fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes. The server then slowly lowered his hand as smoke rose from the barrel of the pistol and the smell of gunpowder and death filled the room.

  "Now that wasn't so bad was it," Marco said to the still in shock server as he took the pistol from his hand. The server just stood silent looking down at the blood pouring from the head of the man he had just killed.

  Marco looked at Bubbles and Buttons and just shook his head.


  Marco killed the server
and his body fell next to the assistant.

  “Now you may go,” Marco said as he shouted commands to Joe and left the room.

  That night. Marco sent a message that was well received by Bubbles and was his way or death.


  As the weeks passed, Bubbles and Buttons fought for their lives inside and outside of the cage. Everyday they grew closer to promised freedom and wealth with death constantly at their hands and in their minds.

  Each fight became more brutal and violent as Marco and his board members brainstormed different unconventional and deadly means of providing the entertainment of human butchery to their fetish crazed and twisted audiences.



  The intense fighting transformed Bubbles and Buttons from Sultry seductresses to Deadly Divas. Bubbles developed a hunger for money and power while Buttons developed her talent for pain. They both also developed their own personal relationship with Joe. Bubbles found a little brother while Buttons found something more intimate.

  It is now week five, which means Bubbles and Buttons are half way through their deal with Marco.

  Bubbles, Buttons and Joe were eating lunch in the dining room a few hours before their fifth televised performance when Marco walked into the room.

  "You two have made me very proud and very wealthy. You have bested some dangerous opponents with bats, knives, hooks, whips and bamboo and your bare hands. Tonight will be something special, the weapon of choice is the meat cleaver and in order to win you must fully decapitate your opponents with nothing left between the head and torso... how exciting is that?! "

  "Exciting for you and your nutty ass friends but our assess will be fighting not to get our heads chopped the fuck off," Bubbles replied.

  "I don't think we have to worry about that...once they give them that hot shot they fight hard but they don't think. We just have to make sure we stay alive and in one piece," Buttons arrogantly said.

  Marco just laughed and left the room.

  "What's so funny” Bubbles yelled at his retreating figure but got no response from him.

  “He's probably laughing because we are making him very fucking wealthy... like he said while we get paid pennies."

  "Pennies...we've made over thirty thousand dollars. You call that pennies?" Buttons replied.

  "Compared to what we could make... yes. You must get paid well huh lil Joe? You always seem to have money," Bubbles said.

  "Marco gives me money every now and then but mostly because of who Marco is I have no need of money."

  "Sounds good but with seeing all the money and power Marco has, don't you ever want some of it for yourself," Bubbles asked.

  "What Marco has, he built, and I feel if the same is meant for me it will come. In this business greed can get you killed or worse."

  "Enough talking about nothing, come on and sneak off camera with me and beat this pussy up before this fight," Buttons sensually demanded of Joe. Knowing the locations of the cameras throughout the house was a major plus when Joe and Buttons began the physical side of their relationship. He would take her to blind spots throughout the house so they could sex each other the right way.

  :Let's go in the bathroom,” Joe said. He grabbed her hand, looked up at the two cameras in the corners of the ceiling and zigzagged his way to the bathroom. "You know the routine... Bubbles keep an eye out. " He winked at her.

  Bubbles winked back as he and Buttons disappeared.

  The bathroom was as elegant as every other room in the house. It featured his and hers sinks, a garden Jacuzzi jet tub and marble and stainless steel everywhere.

  Both were hot and ready for some heavy duty fucking that always took place when they came together. Joe's nine inch dick swelled and fought to escape his pants while Buttons' bulky breasts and large nipples push the buttons on her blouse close to their limits.

  Joe sported a five nine, one hundred eighty pound muscled frame and he put every ounce of it into hoisting Buttons up as a wet spot formed on her jeans in between her legs.

  "Oohh Joe," she moaned.

  Joe carried her over to the dry tub and gently placed her down in it. He quickly stripped off his clothing and unselfishly ignored his stiffness to tend to Buttons' sticky wet spot. He pulled down her jeans and stripped her lust soaked silk panties carefully with his teeth to tease her of his intentions. He went to his knees, spread her thighs and dove his face into her wet and warm opening. Using his pointer finger and thumb, Joe spread the lips of her pussy and began to lap up her sweet juices like a kid lapping ice cream from a cone.

  While Joe hungrily feasted on Buttons' pussy banquet, her body arched and stiffened as she gripped his head holding him in place and released a gush of love juice into his mouth and face.

  "Uhmmm..." she moaned.

  Buttons then righted herself and laid Joe on his back for his turn to be orally pleasured. She crawled on top of him like a leopard stalking prey, eyeing her nine inch prize throbbing with anticipation. She locked her palms around the robust shaft and took him deep into her warm moist mouth.

  Joe's toes curled and rocked his body with the pleasure he received from the insertion. "Uhmmm...”

  Buttons vigorously swallowed Joe's swollen dick for a few minutes before she positioned herself on top of him to take all nine deep inside her. He watched her with bedroom eyes as she gripped the sides of the tub and slowly lowered herself onto his awaiting rod. Her neck stiffened and her head went back as his dick penetrated the swollen lips of her wanting pussy.

  After a few slow strokes to fit his dick precisely, she began to ride him at a steady. pleasing pace.


  "Time to start wrapping it up," Bubbles said through the door.

  Their next performance was in two hours and Bubbles knew Marco liked to leave early and she did her best to keep their secret kept. Bubbles figured keeping Joe happy would greatly benefit her when it was time for her to make her power play.

  A few minutes after Bubbles knocked, the bathroom door eased open and Buttons and Joe slowly and carefully made their way into the room.

  “I almost lost track of time messing around with you...” Joe whispered to Buttons as he smiled shyly. “...I'm going to see if Marco is ready...” He fixed his clothing while bolting from the room.

  “That good fucking got me hungry... let's go see if it's not too late to get something to eat,” Buttons said.

  Bubbles looked at her and laughed as they made their way to the kitchen. When they reached it, Marco had just finished eating and was getting up from the table. "Good.. you're here... perfect timing. I was going to send for you after this quick snack. "

  "I'm kind of hungry myself. Do we have time to grab something to eat? We still have an hour and fifteen minutes," Buttons pleaded.

  "Alright..get something quick and meet me at the car."

  They grabbed a quick sandwich, hurried to the car and left for the arena.


  When they arrived, as usual Marco and Joe were escorted to the high glass room while Bubbles and Buttons were led to the cage. Inside, there were several meat cleavers hanging from the bars in various spots. Within minutes, another set of armed men appeared escorting two large and heavily tattooed women to the cage.

  “Ladies and gentleman, with this being mid-season into our program and these two fighters being the best we ever had surviving this long, tonight's performance will be even more dangerous and brutal instead of the usual crazed wild women. I will adjust the dose of my fight formula enough for them to perform intelligently," Marco said over a loudspeaker.

  These two women were larger than usual but they still were lethargic slumps like their other opponents. The import of Marco’s words hadn’t quite sunk in with Bubbles and Buttons, but it would before this fight night was done.

  Marco yelled something in Russian over the loudspeaker and after positioning the women in the cage, one of the armed men walked into the cage,
administered the injection and quickly exited the cage locking it behind him.

  With the understanding of Marco’s announcement now dawning, Bubbles and Buttons stood in shock and fear of facing something more deadly than they ever had in the previous fights. Bubbles grabbed Buttons' hand and pulled her backwards towards the cage and the cleavers, all the while keeping a steady eye on their opponents.

  When Bubbles grabbed her hand, Buttons knew instinctively to follow her lead. They reached the back side of the cage, grabbed cleavers tightly in their hands and faced the opposition head on.

  The other two slowly straightened their bodies, grabbed their heads and began screaming to high hell. They both then dropped to the ground and laid still for a while. Bubbles and Buttons relaxed their stances at the sight of the women on the ground...but it was momentary.

  The board members jumped from their seats and stared at Marco with worried expressions, while Marco sat confidently in his chair.

  "Look," he said, pointing towards the cage.

  The board members turned their attention back to center stage just as the women started to stir. They slowly rose to their feet, looking around them in bewilderment. Each looked around the cage in wonderment as Bubbles and Buttons returned to combat mode.

  "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE," one of the women yelled in a strong Latin accent.

  Marco again yelled a command in Russian to his armed men around the cage and they all trained their weapons on the two. He then addressed the woman’s question rather matter-of-factly.

  "All you need to know is that you are in a fight to the death, either you kill them, they kill you or those men kill you...quite simply the choice is yours."

  "You can't do this to us,"the other woman voiced. She too had a Latin accent.

  Marco yelled another command in Russian and the armed men readied their machine guns, unleashed a small flurry of lead into the cage and the bullets ripped through the smaller of the two women, sending her to the ground in a smoking heap.


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