Spoiled Secrets

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Spoiled Secrets Page 15

by Ebony N. Donahue

  “Emily, why am I flashing my lights? Emily…Emily?” I look down at my phone to see if the call had been dropped. I am startled when someone bangs on my driver’s side window.

  “SHIT!” I yell. When I realize it’s Emily, I laugh with her. “Girl, you scared the crap out of me.” I say as I get out of my car to hug my girl.

  “Sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you. But, you should have seen your face, PRICELESS!”

  “Whatever! Have you heard from Keisha?”

  Just then my phone starts to ring. I hold up a finger giving Emily the, ‘wait one second’ gesture, as I answer my phone.


  “Yeah, where are you two at?”

  “We’re at my car about to walk up to the club. Where are you at?”

  “I’m in line with Chase and the gang.” She starts to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “Just tell me this, is Emily dressed to kill?” I glance over at my girl. Why? I have no idea. Emily is always dressed to the nine. “Yeah, as always. Why?” More laughter ensues.

  “You’ll figure it out when you get up here. I’ll just say, prepare to be floored.” She laughs some more, which causes me to smile. “Girl, this shit is fucking epic!”

  “What are you smiling about? Is that Keisha?” I nod my head at Emily’s question. “Where is she at?”

  “She’s standing in line with Chase and his friends waiting for us.” I reply.

  “Ask her if Jazz is there.”

  “Did you hear that?” I ask Keisha. If possible, she laughs harder.

  “Yeah, I heard her. Tell her Jazz is here.”

  “She said Jazz is with them.”

  “Ask her if Jazz is a looker.”

  “Did you hear that?” I ask Keisha. Keisha is all out balling on the line at this point.

  “Tell her, Jazz is most defiantly a looker!” I know something is up now.

  “Keisha says, Jazz is most defiantly a looker.” Emily smiles and starts doing the running man. I can’t help but think, will she be this enthusiastic upon meeting the elusive Jazz.

  “I told you BITCHES! The name says it all. Ask her if he is dark or light skinned.” This time Keisha doesn’t give me a chance to ask the question.

  “Jazz is most defiantly considered light skinned…light…l-i-g-h-t skinned!” She’s laughing full out.

  “Emily, she says Jazz is light skinned.”

  “Damn! I prefer dark, but I can work with the light brothers too.” She states.

  “Keisha, we’re on our way. We’ll be there in a second.”

  As we start walking I take the time to wonder why all the chuckles and the all-out laughter. Chase has been throwing hints regarding his friend Jazz, now, Keisha’s laughter. I hate to admit it, but the suspense has me intrigued and it puts a little pep in my step. I must say, after how my night began a little laughter is most defiantly needed. Also, the added bonus of being in my man’s arms is always a plus.

  “Hold up – Wait a minute – We might have to do a beat down in a minute!” Emily sings songs next to me.

  “Girl, what are you rambling on about, now?”

  “You don’t see what I see?”


  I follow her gaze and the sight infuriates me. My right side of the brain is telling me that there has got to be a good explanation for this. My left side of the brain is telling me to throw balls to the fucking wall and cause a little bit of havoc. There is a spiritual battle raging inside of me right now.

  Angel vs. Demon…should I cause a scene or ignore what my eyes are showing me. Everyone knows the devil can be such a tricky bastard at times. Some might not view this as spiritual at all. Believe me, in the heat of the moment your actions and your outcome are determined by which spiritual entity you choose.

  I’ve heard of people finding their loved ones in bed with someone other than themselves and their choice is to walk away – I call this the, “Angelic Entity”. It takes faith, courage, and let’s not forget, the strength of GOD himself to walk away without doing bodily harm to the individual who has wronged you. Sometimes this chosen path is very hard in the beginning, but very rewarding in the end.

  “Demonic Entity” – same scenario, you walk in on your loved one loving on someone else in your home. You go fucking HAM and snuff every person in the house. Believe me, every decision you make sways on this precarious pendulum of faith. In a blink of an eye your good intentions could turn bad with the slightest push from this unsavory entity.

  I always remember that both entities reside within each and every last human being living on GOD’s green earth. Our outcomes in life will reflect which entity you choose to give your power to.

  “Who the fuck is that non-chocolate chip hanging on your man?” Emily asks the obvious.

  I stand in place taking in the scene. Chase’s back is turned to me. He’s talking to Keisha and three guys, who I assume are his friends. They are all laughing and it seems as if they are enjoying themselves. What has me stumped is the Caucasian woman, who has her arms latched around his neck from the back. This chick is plastered to the entire backside of my man.

  I’m trying my damnedest to keep this fucking fluctuating pendulum from swaying too far to the left. I’m slowly losing the battle to stand rooted in one spot, I take off. No, I am not running…yet. But, if she makes one more move, intentional or unintentional, I will transform to a gazelle running on the savannah.

  I’m walking with purpose now, it’s more of a runway stomp. I must have been a fierce sight to behold in my outfit and gladiator sandals. Xena has nothing on me! Keisha and the three guys stopped laughing to behold the mighty sight, which was me. I see Keisha’s mouth move and that is when he turned in my direction. He turned and smiled the most beautiful loving smile he has ever bestowed on me. At that moment, right then, I knew which entity to give my power to. I knew I had misinterpreted the scene in front of me. I rebuke you demon, in the name of Jesus!

  “Who the fuck are you, PINKY?” We all turn at Emily’s outburst. Emily has her perfectly manicured finger pointed at the intruder.

  I love my girl; she will always have my back, just like I will always have hers. But, just like me, she has royally misinterpreted the scene. The only difference is that, I have figured out my blunder.

  The woman in question calmly releases Chase and steps to his side. If I wasn’t sure that this man loved me I would be a tad bit jealous. This chick has long blond hair that hangs to the middle of her back, hazel eyes, Angelina Jolie lips and she has curves, dips and hips. She’s wearing skin tight, low waist leather pants, a navel ring and a tight half shirt that hangs just under her perky breast. Reading the shirt she’s wearing and Keisha’s phone call, shines a light on who this is.

  I LOVE Pussy…Cats

  Chase sees that I have been clued in on this little joke. I turn my head to hide my smile as I try my damnedest not to burst out laughing. Now, I get it.

  “Pinky! Sweetheart, you’re a little pink yourself.” She replies in a sultry tone.

  “Never pink sweetheart, creamy latté I might be, but never pink.” Emily says haughtily.

  “You know, my most favorite thing to eat – I mean drink, is chocolate lattés. I love lattés. I love it when I make my lattés really hot. Then and only then, when it’s nice and hot, will I lick the cream and slurp.” She licks her lips and gives Emily a come hither look.

  My shoulders are shaking at my attempt to hold in my laughter. Emily raises her hands, palms up and out, giving her the universal sign for stop.

  “Listen here, S’HIM!” I burst out laughing. I can’t take it anymore. Keisha leans over to me.

  “Did she just create a new word? Am I wrong, did she just combine she and him?” I can’t speak because I can’t stop laughing. So, I nod my head in response.

  “To each, their own! You want to lick clits for the rest of your life, koodles to you. You want to scream from the fucking mountain tops with your “LOVING PU
SSY” BDSM Power Rangers costume, you have on. More power to you lady, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU, Luke! But, what you will not be doing tonight or any other day or night, is munching on my lush carpet or licking my cream-pot. Know what I mean? I’m strictly dickly! Take that in, digest it and respect it.”

  The chick laughs out loud and extends her hand to Emily. “Sorry for fucking with you. I’m Jazz.”

  After the initial shock wears off, Emily accepts the handshake and joins in the laughter. “I’m Emily, I guess the jokes on me tonight.” She turns and glares at Keisha and me. “You bitches knew, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I figured it out when we got up here and Chase didn’t seem surprised or guilty for having her hanging on him. Then I read her lovely shirt. Which, I would like to say; the shirt is self-explainable and straight to the point. The whole situation was hilarious. Girl, you walked right into that! But, thanks for having my back, doll!” I said and then proceeded to kiss her on the cheek.

  Chase takes this opportunity to snake his arms around my waist to pull me towards him. My back is against his front, just the way I like to be held by him. He leans down to nip my earlobe.

  “I’ve missed you something terrible, babe.” He whispers in my ear.

  How could you not love someone who misses the very air you breathe? I turn in his arms and latch my arms around his neck. I need him to be able to see my eyes when I spill my guts to him. He’s holding my hips as he looks deep in my eyes. I hear cat calls from the crew, but I am not deterred.

  “I love you so much. I know those are just words to some people, but I hope you realize that for me those words, ‘love and you’, means that you own my soul. I’m yours!”

  It’s as if time stands still. Everyone around us disappears into nothingness. It’s me and him and no other person matters. He gives me a sweet tender kiss on my lips. Not enough, damn I need more. I hear my groan echoed by his and he comes back for another kiss. This kiss is more demanding, more passionate, more…..more….EPIC. It sounds cliché, but I feel it in my chest, our souls mesh. They intertwine until two becomes one. I swear even our heart beats are thumping the same rhythm.

  He pulls back. “You silly girl.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “I’ve loved you since day one. You’ve owned my soul since the day you took your first breath. I’m yours, always have been! I love you.” We’re pulled out of our bubble by masculine laughter.

  “Damn, it’s that good, my man! Maybe I need to move here and cozy up to one of these small town honeys and make her fall in love with me.”

  I turn around to see who has just made that comment. Jazz, Emily and Keisha are standing to the side looking at the trio of guys huddled in front of us. Keisha’s shaking her head furiously at Emily, but the look in her eyes tell me that she isn’t picking up shit Keisha is trying to lay down. Then I see it, Emily plasters on that sly smile that’s well known within our click. The smile that says, you have just moved to the top of her shit list.

  I take a close look at the recipient of her smile. Mr. Smart Ass has smooth milk chocolate skin, teddy bear brown eyes, dimples which are prominent due to him smiling back at Emily, a nicely trimmed goatee and a fade. Lord have mercy, he is fine. He’s rocking a diamond stud in both earlobes, nice timberland boots, blue jeans and a tight fitted black shirt that shows off his upper body muscles. Now, this is Emily’s type. Due to me knowing my girl so well, his pretty face will not get him out of the verbal slashing that due to ensue in, 5…4…3…2…1.

  “I believe you might have forgotten something in the car.” She reaches out her hand to give him a handshake. “My name is Emily, what’s your name?” His dimples are really showing from the wide grin on his face. He bends over her hand like a gentleman from the old world and places a kiss on the proffered hand.

  “My name is Brent, nice to meet you Emily. I have heard a lot about you. But, I’m confused; I haven’t forgotten anything in the car.” He pats his pockets. I’m assuming to check if his wallet was where he left it. “Yeah, I have everything that I came with.”

  She smiles just as bright and takes back her hand. I notice Keisha shaking her head. “Poor smuck, he walked right into that one.” I hear her mutter.

  “I swear I saw you leave your handbag in the seat when you exited the whip.”

  “Excuse me, my what? This is the first time I have seen you, girl.” He looks a little perplexed.

  “Emily!” Chase grounds out in a warning.

  “What? I’m just trying to be helpful. You know, it’s always the nosey bitches you have to watch out for. You know the ones that always worried about other peoples intimate prowls – those are always the ones that are so forgetful minded. Don’t shot the messenger, I was just trying to help her…I mean him out. In case he left his man purse behind. Damn, I was just trying to help a sista out.” She turns on her heels, flip her hair and walk up to the bouncer to pay her entrance fee. She disappears before he can even come with a retort.

  “Did she just call me a nosey BITCH? Her mouth is fucking wicked and reckless. She can’t just be running around saying shit like that to people.” He’s addressing the group and in unison, Keisha, Chase and I all shrug our shoulders.

  “Man, Emily will be Emily. I told you she was a firecracker.” Chase replies.

  Brent huffs, but says nothing further. I expected to see anger in his eyes. I mean, what man wouldn’t have been angry at being called a bitch. What I saw was not anger, gleaming from his eyes was amusement and challenge. Oh boy, this should be interesting.

  “Chase obviously you have mentioned us to your friends and I assume Keisha has already had an introduction. Could you proceed with the introductions before we enter the club?” I say.

  “You’ve met Jazz. Brent is the idiot who has just became Emily’s verbal punching bag for the night and public enemy number one.” Keisha and I shake our heads at this.

  “What the fuck ever. I’ll win that chick over with my charm.” Brent interrupts Chase’s introduction.

  “Anyway – that’s one nut you won’t be cracking any time soon, brother. She will give you and your charm a run for your money. Believe that!” Chase responds. He wraps me back in his arms and points to his remaining two friends. “That’s Blake and that fella right there is Cameron. I’ve known Cameron the longest. Cameron is my brother from another mother. I have known him since pre-k.”

  Cameron has to be at least 6 feet 3 inches tall and the total opposite of Chase. Like - white, compared to Chase’s black. What a nice surprise. We have a little diversity here and I like it. What an eclectic group of friends. The guy is also built. I glance at the other friend Blake, yes, another built one. I have to admit, I’m loving Cameron’s vibe. He’s dressed in tan loafers. Not your grandpa’s loafers. These were very stylish and complemented his jeans well.

  He was also wearing a fitted short sleeve gray tee, not a Haynes. His right arm from wrist to as far as my eyes could go, was covered in some sort of intricate tribal tattoo. He has long eyelashes that surrounds beautiful smoke grey eyes. Although, he is Caucasian, his skin was lightly bronzed. He must spend a lot of time in the sun because his tan is on point. He has facial hair that’s cut close to the skin and trimmed to perfections. His hair is light brown cut low on the sides and back and a little longer in the top.

  Another FINE friend! We are going to be envied by all the ladies tonight. It’s usually the fellas calling the ladies arm candy. I would like to officially flip that for the night. We most defiantly have the best arm candy tonight.

  “Are you done ogling my friend?” Chase says teasingly in my ear.

  “I wasn’t ogling. I was appreciating your varied choices in friends.” I protest, as I reach out my hand for a firm shake as I introduce myself to Cameron and Blake.

  As Blake shakes my hand I try to make my perusal quick. I don’t want my man to think I want to run off with one of his boys, which will never happen. Blake has a lighter complexion, shoulder length dreads with tinted sandy brown ends.
He has no facial hair, but that’s okay because his best features are his stunning eyes. He is dressed exactly like the other guys, jeans, short sleeve shirt and he is defiantly nicely built.

  “I know you have heard this plenty of times; I don’t mean to sound like everyone else, I swear I’m not a groupie! You have beautiful eyes, what color are they?” I ask.

  He smiles at me. “I don’t mind being asked by a beautiful lady, such as you.”

  Chase holds me tighter. “Keep it correct man! Don’t flirt with what is mine. You’re my brother and all, but what I hold in my arms here, is the air that I breathe. Remember this and take it how you like, I can’t live without my air. I’ll destroy anything that tries to take the air I breathe away from me.”

  “It’s like that?”

  “Most defiantly, I told you that already.” Chase states.


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