Spoiled Secrets

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Spoiled Secrets Page 25

by Ebony N. Donahue

  “My GOD, did he just do what I think he did? Get someone over there now!” I scream. “That sick bastard! He’s going to rape her again….I’m going to kill him!”

  I’m losing my mind. GOD please help us! As I’m driving through traffic recklessly, the dispatcher and I have front row seats to the most horrific story to ever be told. Listening to him describe what he has done, what he is planning to do to her, causes my stomach to churn. I feel the bile rising and I am helpless to stop it. Then I hear it, the calm before the storm.

  “Babe, remember what I taught you. I’m almost there, ten minutes max, the traffic just let up, I’m driving as fast as I can. Clear your head of the anger, protect yourself the best you can. I’m on my way.” Screams and hollering overtake the call, I am unsure if it’s because he’s gotten the upper hand. My body has been shaking nonstop since I heard the door slam on the other end of the phone line. My nerves are wrecked, my adrenaline has skyrocketed to unimaginable heights. I’m petrified of the outcome of this day.

  “I’m going to be sick.” I tell the operator. I’m finally off the congested highway so, I pull over on the main strip. I open the car door and spew my unsettled emotions all over the road.

  “Mr. Mitchell…Mr. Mitchell?”

  “Yes, I’m here.” I answer the operator as I situate myself behind the wheel, wipe my mouth on my sleeve and pull back into traffic like a mad man.

  “Units have arrived on the scene. Would you like for me to stay on the line until you arrive.”

  “Please!” Was my only response.

  “Have a unit available the victims fiancés ETA (estimated time of arrival) is two minutes. I believe he is in shock and possibly very hostile. He has been on the line with the victim throughout the entire attack.”

  As I make my last turn onto the street, I see tons of flashing lights. I screech to a stop, fling open my door and run in the direction of my love, as if Satan’s army is on my heels with flaming pitchforks and brimstones. It’s sad to say, hell might be a better place for me right now because nothing can be possibly worse than what I’m going through. THIS – IS - HELL! I make it to the front yard as a stretcher is being brought through the front door.

  “Noooooo, Amber….Nooooo, not again!” I scream as I am tackled with such force, that it brings me to my knees.

  I can barely see through the anguished tears leaking from my eyes. If only she waited for me. I couldn’t protect her….again! The thoughts running through my head has me paralyzed, watching in horror as the paramedics work frantically on her.

  I don’t care about keeping up the appearance of being a strong man. This right here will weaken anyone. It has most definitely weakened me. I scream my anger to the heavens, I scream and scream and scream some more because that’s what a person does when they have hit rock bottom. You scream in pain from the impact of such a mighty fall. Emotionally I am shattered into a million pieces, broken and unrepairable, that’s me. I am inconsolable in my grief. Through all of my screams the officer holds me to this spot, so that I can witness this horror unfold.

  “My man, you have to calm down.” How can I, that’s my world…she’s my world! I have to be with her.

  With a surge of energy I spring to my feet. Dislodging the cop I run full tilt to be by her side. She has to know that I am here. I want her to be able to see my face, to know that I love her, that I will fight heaven and hell to always be by her side.

  I hear the cop in pursuit of me yelling at his fellow officers to grab ahold of me. I ignore him and the others as I move with swiftness that’s unknown to me. It’s as if I was graced with extra speed and agility for this moment alone. I will not allow anyone to hinder me in accomplishing my goal…to get to my woman’s side.

  “Amber, Babe…I’m here!” This was my guttural, anguished cry to her as I reached the stretcher. “WHAT THE FUCK!” I yell.

  Before I knew what I was doing, the stretcher is upended. I’m a wild man as I go into attack mode. Thinking that the paramedics were working on Amber, I was not in the right headspace to deal with seeing her father laying there. I hear people scrambling around me screaming for help. Yeah, they better get a whole fucking army and tanks because I’m going to wreck this sonofabitch!

  “YOU FUCKED YOUR OWN DAUGHTER, YOU SICK BASTARD!” I leap over the overturned stretcher and rock his fucking bell. He’s mewing like a pathetic child as I get a few more hits in. I scream out in cold rage at the audacity he has.

  “Please…stop…no more.” Is he fucking serious!

  I feel numerous pairs of hands on me. They’re grabbing me attempting to yank me in all different directions. But, I don’t pay them any mind. I’m killing this bastard today and no one will stop me from reaching my goal.

  “We need more help! This guy is pumped full of adrenaline…he’s too fucking strong!” I hear the cops say. I believe it might be three or four coppers on me trying to pull me off this sack of shit. I will not relent.

  “Grab the Taser! We have no other choice!” I hear them say. DO IT…it’ll take more than a few voltage to get me off of him.

  “Nooooooo…don’t, please! I can get him to stop, let me try.” A feminine voice registers slightly in my crazed state of mind. I know that voice.

  A small dainty hand is placed on my neck. I know that hand. My punches slow. A chest so familiar to me, leans against my back. I know that body as surely as I know my own. She wraps her arms around me and holds on for dear life. She’s the anchor in this terrible storm. I scream out my unspent anger and frustration. I cry in relief to feel my babe beside me. Only that, her touch, has me releasing the trash that I have grasped in my mighty hands. I grab hold of my anchor; she alone will help me weather the storm that has engulfed me.

  “I’m okay babe…I’m okay.” Amber calmly whispers in my ear throughout my screaming and crying fit.

  “I thought that was you…I thought I was too late…I can’t live without you…Oh, babe, I was so scared…” I hold on to the arms that are wrapped around me.

  The EMT’s rush to their victim. I see them scrambling to work furiously on him. They’re off in no time, rushing him to the nearest hospital. I hope he dies in transit, he has to be holding on by a thin thread. He was messed up pretty bad when I reached him from Amber serving up her retribution. On top of that damage, my additional beating…Well, that’s what I call thoroughly FUCKED!

  I pull Amber around me to sit on my lap in the middle of the yard, surrounded by cops. I place my forehead against hers and we both let out a cleansing breath and simultaneously say:

  “It’s over!”


  Amber has been in the mirror all morning obsessing over her face. Every time she points out her black eye, busted lip, bruised cheek or bruised neck, I smile and place a gentle kiss on every mentioned body part then walk away.

  She has never been as beautiful to me as she is in this moment. It’s not that I’m a sadist or anything of that sort. For every imperfection that she sees when she looks in the mirror, I see pure strength and determination. For me, there is no bigger turn on, she’s perfection. I see a woman that knows herself. I see a person who will not cower in the face of an oppressor…I see a survivor!

  I’m proud to call her my woman. Most people in her same shoes would give up. They would give up on themselves and the situation, but not her, she fought through it. At the lowest point in her life when he tried to strip her of every ounce of her dignity, she fought…she came back for me. Damn, I love her!

  We’ve gotten reports that her father is currently in ICU. When I say, he was thoroughly fucked I wasn’t joking. Amber, broke his jaw, his arm and a couple ribs. Unknown to me at the time, the paramedics were working on him because he couldn’t get enough air due to a collapsed lung. Yeah, she worked him over pretty good! My beating on top of all of that…I’m surprised he’s still around.

  It turned out that Mrs. Wallace is good friends with the judge. She was told that we had nothing to worry about. We were
not charged for the beating we served him, that was most defiantly justified. We have it on good authority that Mr. Wallace will be serving a lengthy sentence.

  When we whispered those freeing words to each other yesterday, “It’s over!”…actually, I need to do one more thing before I can close the chapter on this part of our lives. Believe me, I’m leaving the past in the past, but I am determined to begin our future on the right foot.

  I take a few minutes to look behind me to locate Amber. She’s a beautiful sight to behold. She’s clad in her gold graduation gown staring right at me. I mouthed to her, I – Love – You. She blows me a kiss as my row of graduates are called to the stage to receive our diplomas.

  As I reach for my diploma from Mr. White, he winks at me. This night is unfolding as planned. I return to my seat with diploma in hand, I take a moment to wonder how our lives will be once we arrive in Atlanta. Amber and I will be straight that’s for sure, it’s our crazy ass friends that we will have to keep an eye on. Is it bad to say, that I can’t wait to see what troubles they will get into?

  I am brought back from my thoughts as the last row of students prepare to head for the stage. Being at the far end of the alphabet, Amber is the last of our graduating class. I excuse myself as I stand up and shuffle out of the row. My fellow graduates have begun to whisper and point in my direction, no doubt, wondering what I’m up too.

  I reach the stage as Amber moves forward to receive her diploma. I’m given a microphone as I walk up the steps as Mr. White shakes her hand and presents her with her diploma. As she turns, she notices me and stops in the center of the stage. She’s looking confused, she actually turns to look behind her, as if I’m on the stage for anyone other than her. Come on Babe!

  I walk up to her, kiss her on the lips which causes the crowd to go wild. They whistle and cheer us on, but I’m not doing this for their entertainment, it’s all for her. She’s been through pure hell, my girl deserves the enchanted fairytale ending. I proceed to kneel on one knee. Her right hand goes up to cover her mouth as I grab hold of her left.

  “Chase?” I smile up at her.

  “Amber, we’ve been through a lot. We have been tried and tested by the worst situations imaginable and we have managed somehow to land on our feet. I would not have thought in a million years that I would ever be on bended knees staring up at the most exquisite angel, gathering my nerves to ask you to have mercy on me. I can honestly say, I will not love another the way I love you. Most people find it hard to locate or hold on to the person they love, thank GOD I don’t have that problem. I have been blessed with an overabundance of this miracle we call, love. My cup was already full with the love I have for my mother and Peanut. Truly, my cup has overrunneth, because I was blessed with loving you.”

  I’m looking into eyes that are overflowing with tears…finally, we have been blessed with happy tears. I kiss her left hand and reach into my pants to retrieve the ring I bought for her. My mother and Peanut helped me pick it out a few weeks ago. Her hand is shaking as I slide the engagement ring on her ring finger.

  “Amber, you are my world, the air I need to breathe, would you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  “Yes!” She squeals her answer. I have just enough time to stand as she flings herself against me.

  Cheers erupt in the auditorium and graduation hats are thrown. It’s time to leave the past in past and move towards our happily ever after.

  I whisper in her ear. “You better plan this wedding pretty fast. I plan on making you my wife within the next few weeks.”

  “What…are you kidding?”

  “Amber, I want you! If I could, I would run to the courthouse today and marry you. I thought I could wait until after we got finished with college, but after really looking at our situation we’re practically married now. Plus, mom couldn’t say anything about us sleeping together if we’re married.” I smile wickedly at her.

  She kisses me hard and laughs. “How’s the backyard at the new house?”

  I’m confused about why she would change the subject when we were talking about marriage. “It’s pretty big, why?”

  She graces me with the most beautiful smile. “How about a back yard wedding?” She holds up four fingers. “In four weeks.”

  I pick her up and swing her around. “I can’t wait!”

  About the Author

  My philosophy is, “You only have one life, so why waste it.” I don’t live by the old code of, should of… could of… would of. I live by the code of, “I can do that!” I will be honest with you and admit, this small declaration has gotten me into some peculiar situations.

  The older I’ve become the more I realize that I am the master of my universe. I have decided that if I want to do something….Damn You, I’m going to do it! What’s life if you’re not living it to the fullest? I don’t want to sit back when I get old and say, I always wanted to do that honey. Life is about experiencing, loving and enjoying different things.

  I plan to live my life to the fullest. I plan to dream and achieve every goal I place in front of me. I don’t know if writing books is what GOD has planned for me, but what I do know is that I woke up and said I would love to write three books. I have written my fist little novella about my life and all the craziness that follows me (it’s all true) “It’s my life & I’m living it!” is the name of my novella. I did not know how many people would read it. I was banking on my immediate family and that’s about it, yet, I was surprised at the number of sales I received. Especially, since it was a trial run for me.

  Even though I said I wanted to write, I didn’t know that I had it within myself to actually sit for hours, putting thought to paper. Wow! I actually surprised myself upon completion of the novella. Now for the truth, was the novella a true depiction of me putting my best foot forward? No! HELL, NO! But, I still made an effort and I was true to myself. The novella was the catalyst for me to embark on the next journey in my life. I’ve learned a lot about myself throughout this whole process.

  I’ve learned that, if this is what I want to do I better develop some thick skin because some people can really shit on your achievements. Yes, I understand that some people might not get my work or dislike it altogether. But, please take into consideration the time and effort it takes to actually put thought to paper. It’s tuff people! All I ask is, if a review is negative, its okay, I wholeheartedly accept constructive criticism. I’m new to this writing thing and the good and bad helps all writers become better. But, the nasty comments…please, I beg you, don’t slay me. The nasty comments hurt…just a little.

  Spoiled Secrets, is my second book and I hope you enjoy it. It’s a story that hits close to home for me. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my work and spending your hard earned money on my book….you could have had a number six at any fast food restaurant, instead you decided to purchase my book. I thank you for taking the time to support me, an unknown author. I would really appreciate it if you can leave a review on, www.Amazon.com. If you would like to contact me you can email me at, tachealakila@gmail.com.

  Don’t forget to tell your friends about my book!




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