Close to Perfect

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Close to Perfect Page 14

by Tina Donahue

Not when she was this radiant. Josh was aroused by every inch of her, yet humbled by what he felt. Making her happy after so many awful days meant more to him than closing a zillion dollar deal. So far as he was concerned, from this moment forward he would be making everything right for her. Lifting his hand, Josh gently ran his knuckles down her cheek.

  Tess swallowed. Her gaze and voice got soft. “Now I can see why you like shopping.”

  He smiled. “We haven’t done any yet.”

  “Oh. How bad can it be?”

  For him, it was magic, and Josh could see that Tess was feeling it, too. They behaved like teenagers, giggling at the dumbest stuff; then, they acted like an old married couple as they argued about which brand of detergent to get.

  By the time they got to the checkout counter, Josh was in a contented haze, while Tess was devouring a package of strawberry licorice. “I want a candy bar, too,” she said with a full mouth as she waved her finger at the rack nearest his shoulder.

  Josh grabbed the whole box and tossed it on the conveyor belt. “How about gum?”

  Tess didn’t say.

  He looked over his shoulder at her. That piece of licorice was suddenly forgotten and hanging over Tess’s bottom lip as she stared at the rack.

  Josh followed her gaze, then actually took a step back. A competitor of Keys Confidential had run a double photo spread on the cover of this week’s edition. To the right was one of those buck naked photos of him, while to the left was a picture of him kissing Tess.

  The headline read: One Long, Hot, Sexy Summer for Keys Developer and Mystery Babe!

  “It’s okay,” Tess said.

  Josh looked at her.

  She forced a smile. “I look good, don’t you think?”

  Josh pressed his forefinger and thumb into the inside corners of his eyes. Of course, she looked good. As far as Josh was concerned, that was one picture he wouldn’t soon forget. In it, Tess’s face was lifted to his, causing her hair to flow in a thick, shiny mass halfway down her back, which had thankfully been to the paparazzo when this photo had been taken.

  Her face hadn’t been exposed in this shot. But who knew about the next and the next?

  “You want me to talk to your father about this?”

  She continued to regard his buck naked photo. “Talk?”

  “Okay, apologize.”

  “For kissing me?”

  “Hell, no, and you know it.”

  Tess met his gaze. Her expression was oddly serene as if she were in denial or shock. “It’s okay, Josh. I’ll handle my father.”

  Chapter Eight

  “This is how you get us a contract?” Freddy shouted the following morning. “By kissing the clients during the interview?”

  Tess remained calm. “Josh is the first.”


  “Was the first,” she amended. “He’ll also be the last.”

  “You disappoint me, Teressa.”

  “Pop, I’m only human.”

  Her father hardly cared. He told her he was increasing Hank and Sammie’s role in this.

  “That’s hardly necessary.”

  “It’s in the contract,” he said. “Your naked guy wants protection? Well, by God, he’s going to get it.”

  After that, Hank and Sammie stuck to her and Josh like superglue. They were just outside the gate now, waiting for Josh as she was, so they could all start the procession to work. The morning was muggy, her heels hurt like hell, and it felt like she was getting a zit on her chin.

  “Let’s go,” Josh said.

  Tess looked up as he strode to the car. Gone was the tenderness and carefree delight he had shown her at the market. Now, he waltzed by without a glance.

  Well, fine. It gave Tess a chance to look at him.

  His finger-combed hair was still damp from his shower, his cream shirt was unbuttoned at the collar with the sleeves rolled up, while the rest of his attire was also business casual. He tossed a gym bag into the trunk, then got in on the passenger side.

  The last time he had been in this much of a hurry was when he had been trying to pull her out of that press conference.

  Sinking into her seat, Tess asked, “What’s in the gym bag?”


  Okay, be that way. Tess started the car, then looked at his legs. They were bouncing up and down, while his fingers were drumming against his thighs. “You all right?”

  Josh looked at her. “Shouldn’t we get going?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  His legs really started bouncing.

  Tess drove the Mercedes past the gate, then glanced at Hank who pulled out in front of her, then Sammie, who brought up the rear.

  They were two miles into the silent, funereal ride, when Josh said, “Hey, look.”

  Tess glanced at him, then followed his gaze to the cross street they were approaching. Yeah, so? It looked no different than yesterday. She glanced at him, again, then his thumb. He kept jabbing it to the right, below the window, as if he wanted her to make a turn into that street.

  She did.

  Sammie must have been daydreaming, because when she finally saw that turn, it was too late to follow. The last image Tess had of the woman was her car shooting through the intersection as Sammie looked over her shoulder and frowned.

  Josh must have seen it, too, because he turned back in his seat, patted Tess’s thigh, then pointed ahead, and gestured for her to take a left.

  Why not? This was getting interesting. Tess moistened her lips and took that left. As she worked the Mercedes into the rest of the traffic, she asked, “Where are we going?”

  Josh frowned at her, then looked over his shoulder at what might be following.

  “They’re ex-cops, not stunt drivers,” Tess said. “No way can they catch up with us now, not in this traffic, and,” she added to his frown, “the communications device isn’t working. Hasn’t been since yesterday evening when I accidentally busted it.”

  Josh’s eyes narrowed. “And you were going to tell me that when?”

  Tess smiled. “Now, I guess.” Her smile faded. “You haven’t exactly been easy to live with since those photos came out. Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. Just drive.”

  Tess did, following his directions, until they finally reached the ornate entrance of a private country club that was closed. “What now?”

  “We go inside.”

  “It’s closed.”

  “Only to the rest of the world.”

  She laughed. “But not to you?”

  “Not to us.” He fished an access card out of his shirt pocket. “Stick this into that metal box over there. When the gates open just drive on in.”

  She took the card. “You’re a member of this place?”

  “Don’t need to be.”

  Tess finally got it. She blurted, “You actually own this place?”

  “Someone has to. It’ll open in a couple of weeks, but for today, it belongs to you and me.”

  She looked at the gates, then at him. “You’re going to play golf?”

  “We’re going to play.”

  Tess regarded her beige suit and heels.

  “Unless you don’t want to,” Josh added.

  She looked up. Her heart started to race. “You know there’s going to be hell to pay.”

  Josh’s gaze slipped down to the low-cut V of her jacket, the skin that exposed. “How much time do you think we have before Bonnie and Clyde figure out where we are?”

  “A couple of hours.”

  He met her gaze. “And the paparazzi?”

  “Maybe a little less.”

  “Then we should get going.”

  “Yes, we should.”

  Tess felt like a kid at Christmas, or one out on parole, as she slipped the access card into the metal box, then eased the Mercedes through those parting gates.

  A long, shaded drive flanked by palms and exquisitely manicured bushes greeted her. Beyond that Tess could see towering live oaks and a carpet
of grass that was so perfect, it didn’t look real.

  She swallowed.

  “Like it?” Josh asked.

  Who wouldn’t? She nodded, then continued to drive, passing a group of tennis courts and what seemed to be stables, until they reached the main building that was two stories and of a Spanish design with stark white walls and a red-tiled roof. The arched windows faced a body of water with five strategically placed fountains that were just spraying away.


  Josh patted her thigh. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  Tess looked at him. “It gets better?”

  His eyes grew hooded, his voice mysterious. “You’ll see. Let’s go.”

  Tess was so on board with this, she was out of the car before Josh could even get out of his seat belt.

  She lifted her face. Clouds crowded the sky, allowing only momentary glimpses of the sun. When it broke free, those rays glittered on the pond and the fountains, while a lazy breeze sprayed that water even farther, creating mini rainbows.

  Tess inhaled deeply and almost moaned, the air was so sweetly scented with the fragrance of flowers and newly cut grass. She might have stayed in this spot forever if not for the sound of Josh closing the trunk.

  Lowering her face, Tess saw that he was holding that gym bag in one hand, while offering her the other.

  It was an invitation she readily accepted, lacing her fingers through his. If they had no more than this moment, Tess knew she would have been grateful, then greedy, because she would want still more.

  “Ready?” Josh asked, his voice still mysterious.

  Her heart skipped a beat, then continued to race. “For what?”

  “You’ll see. Come on.”

  Hand-in-hand they walked across the parking lot to the building. The tapping of her heels mingled with the sound of Josh’s footfalls, breaking the exquisite silence. It was only then that Tess believed they were truly alone.

  Once inside, her gaze swept this expansive area that reminded her of a hotel lobby in one of those old Hollywood movies. There were casually arranged leather sofas, chairs, low tables, lovely lamps, lush plants, and expensive rugs. The only thing missing were the rooms.

  If they had been here, too, Tess wasn’t certain she could have honored her ground rules. She wanted Josh as she had never wanted another man. She needed him on top of her, inside her, filling a need that grew with each passing day.

  As he led her to the right, Tess willingly followed, looking down as her heels clacked against Mexican pavers, then up to an area where the country club staff would answer questions from its guests.

  Passing that, Josh turned into a hall that opened up into a pro shop. At last, he released her hand.

  Tess made a face at that, but only because he couldn’t see. He had already moved to a counter and was now pulling a pale green Polo shirt and a pair of beige khakis from that bag.

  “Here you go.” He tossed her the bag.

  Tess caught it easily and looked inside.

  “Those all right?” he asked.

  She lifted her white sleeveless top and white cotton shorts from the bag, then looked around them to him. “When did you get these?”

  “Pulled them out of the dryer while you were outside waiting for me. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  She didn’t. She looked back down. “Did you pack my running shoes, too?”

  “I thought you’d play in your heels.”

  Tess kept her head lowered, but did lift her gaze.

  “Not going to work for you, huh?” Josh asked, then inclined his head to the right. “Your dressing room’s over there.”

  Tess looked from it to him.

  “Go on,” he said. “We don’t have all day.”

  That was true. Hugging the bag to her chest, Tess went to her dressing room as Josh went to his, then changed into her shorts and top. Once her heels were in the bag, she padded out of the room.

  Josh was already leaning against one of the counters, arms crossed over his broad chest, obviously waiting for her.

  As her gaze trickled down him, his did the same to her. “You still armed?” he asked.


  His nostrils flared. “Bring your cuffs, too?”

  Tess looked at him from beneath her lashes. “Wouldn’t leave home without them.”

  “In that case, I better be careful.”

  Tess figured it was the other way around as Josh pushed away from that counter and came to her. The man was turning her heart inside out and driving away every bit of resistance as he slid his hand down her forearm, before working his fingers through hers.

  She moistened her lips and looked up. “What now?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Tess followed his lead until they reached the area with shoes. “Go on,” he said. “Sit.”

  “Shouldn’t I pick out a pair first?”

  “That’s my job.”

  Tess sank into one of the chairs.

  “Okay, then.” Josh rocked on his heels as his gaze prowled all over her, then finally settled on her chest. “What are your measurements?”

  Tess crossed her legs, then swung her right foot in the direction of his groin. “Shouldn’t you be asking for my shoe size?”

  “Not if you hurt me.”

  Uh-huh. “I wear a size eight. And that’s all the information you’re getting.”

  “It’ll do for now.” He went to the shoes, then picked out a really ugly black-and-white pair.

  “Don’t you have anything else?” she asked.

  Josh looked over his shoulder at her. “We still have your heels.”

  No wonder only old people played golf. Tess gestured for those black-and-white suckers. “Bring ’em here.”

  Josh did, but instead of giving them to her, he went to one knee and ran his fingers up her left calf to the back of her knee.

  Tess felt that clear to the top of her head. Her breath caught. She arched her back.

  Josh scolded, “Now, keep still.”

  Was he kidding? It felt like a lifetime before Tess was able to catch her breath and speak. “You like your women tame, huh?”

  His answer was to run his fingers over the back of her knee.

  Tess sagged into the chair. Her head was thrown back, her eyes were closed, and she was breathing hard.

  “Only at the right time,” he said.

  Tess licked her lips. She didn’t have the strength for anything else as Josh continued to stroke the back of her knee and calf until she couldn’t stand it any longer. She actually moaned.

  That only encouraged him.

  As Josh’s stroking grew lazy and prolonged, it was all Tess could do not to slide out of this chair and onto his lap, straddling his lean hips so she could grind her buttocks into his rigid shaft and tightened balls.

  She was actually whimpering when he finally slipped the right shoe on her foot.

  “How’s that?” he murmured.

  Tess cleared her throat. “How’s what?”

  “The shoe.”

  “It’s ugly.”

  He laughed. “That’s not what I was asking.”

  No? Tess inhaled deeply as Josh anchored her foot against his flat belly, then tied the laces.

  She felt the solid strength of his body and each breath that he took. She imagined her hands—and surely her mouth—being in that location.

  She saw her tongue circling his navel, then moving lower to that thick, dark hair above his shaft. She imagined pressing her face against his stiffened cock, adoring it with her tongue, before she guided it to her opening so that he could plunge inside, stretching her, filling her.

  “So, it fits?” he asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said. “It’d be perfect.”


  Tess’s heart continued to race, then started to slow as she finally understood his question. With great effort, she lifted her head, opened her eyes, and looked at him.

  Josh’s expression was thoughtful,
his right brow arched.

  Tess cleared her throat and tried to be casual. “It’s perfect.”

  Josh didn’t comment. He didn’t have to. Her eyes were still glazed with the same longing that he felt.

  It’d be perfect, she had said.

  Call him crazy, but Josh knew she hadn’t been talking about any damned shoe.

  With his gaze still on her, he eased her right foot down, then lifted her left and ran his fingers over her long, slender toes.

  Tess giggled and squirmed.

  “Uh-uh,” he said, holding her calf as he continued to stroke. “You need to keep still.”

  Tess breathed so hard her delicate nostrils flared. “Yes, sir.”

  Josh smiled to her crisp cop voice that was completely at odds with that soft surrender.

  Her head was already lolling on her shoulders as her eyes fluttered closed; her chest lifted and fell with her now lazy breathing as he traced her toes with his fingers, stroking each, before lowering his head and kissing the tips.

  She whimpered, then moaned.

  Josh closed his eyes, savoring those sounds that would be only the first of many, when the time was right. He had to keep reminding himself of that before he got too damned excited. This was Tess’s day. He would show her a good time, erasing all the bad, to prepare her for the wonderful moments to come.

  Josh kissed her toes again, then her arch.

  When she was, at last, breathless and weak, he slipped on the other shoe and tied the laces. Pushing to his feet, Josh bent forward at the waist, planted his hands on the arms of her chair, and murmured, “Ready to play?”

  Tess’s eyes fluttered open. He was so close she felt his male heat and was surrounded by his clean scent. As her gaze traveled his face, Tess saw a small scar near the edge of his right brow that she hadn’t noticed before. She liked that scar... she loved him. It was foolish, of course. Even this moment hadn’t changed their reality. This was just a job. Jobs never lasted forever. They always came to an end.

  But for today, Tess decided she would dream. Today she would hope. “Yes, sir.”

  The corners of Josh’s eyes crinkled with his pleased smile. After he straightened, he offered his hand, then pulled Tess to her feet and into himself.

  Because this was a day of dreaming and hope, Tess softened even more, and was quickly rewarded as Josh pressed his mouth to her neck.


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