Roberts, Sarah - Action Hero Junkie [Movieland] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Roberts, Sarah - Action Hero Junkie [Movieland] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 9

by Sarah Roberts

  Aiden forced himself to step back, trying to catch his breath. His heart was thundering so hard that he swore he could feel it banging against the underside of his ribs. It was like he had been running a five-minute mile with a fully loaded pack over mountainous territory and leaping over ravines. A feather—that’s all it’d take, and I’d be on my ass!

  Stunned, he stared down into her beautiful, dear face.

  Mia stared back, seemingly just as stricken as he was. Her brightened eyes shone like stars. Her soft pink lips were half-parted, as though waiting for him. Her breasts rose quick and fast under her clothing. She fairly glowed with happiness.

  Without even realizing he was doing it, Aiden eased closer. “Mia.”

  She suddenly deflated. Her lovely brown eyes filled, and large tears slowly started rolling down her face. Mia squeezed shut her eyes. “Go, Aiden! I’ll lock up.”

  Aiden couldn’t speak. He stepped around her, opened the door, and slipped out. He waited until he heard the locks engage. Then he turned and walked swiftly away to the waiting vehicle, its engine running. He opened the door and folded himself inside, instinctively angling his weapon to the best position in the cramped space.

  Without a word, his friend shifted gears, and the vehicle cruised smoothly away from the apartment building. Neither man said anything for several minutes. They alertly watched the night rushing past their windows. All seemed quiet. There were no new patrols to impede them.

  “She was crying?”

  “Yeah.” Aiden noted there weren’t many other civilian vehicles out. It had to be near curfew. The stop by the patrol had inevitably delayed them in their mission. Any later, and he and Caesar might not have been able to use the appropriated vehicle for their return after getting Mia back to her apartment.

  “Sorry.” There was a short silence. Caesar shot a sideways look at him. “Was it worth it?”

  Aiden gritted his teeth until the back ones ached. He already missed her. It was like a part of him had been amputated. His gut was churning with the pain. “Every damn second!”

  “Then you were one lucky bastard.” Caesar unerringly negotiated the darkened streets. He made a couple of turns. They flashed past the point where Mia had been stopped. Caesar revved the vehicle’s engine. In the dashboard’s greenish light, his hard face was calm. “I thought I was going to have to take out that patrol.”

  “So did I. They wanted to see identification papers.”

  Caesar glanced over at him. “You don’t have any papers.”

  “Mia surrendered hers. She just kept talking. It turned out she had treated one of the man’s family members.” Aiden didn’t bother to explain further. The obvious outcome made it unnecessary.

  “She’s quite a woman.”

  Aiden didn’t reply to that. He simply grunted.

  When they had returned the vehicle to its precise former place, Aiden and Caesar made short work of crossing the open ground toward the shadows that hid the gate in the wall. Their weapons were held steady in their hands. Aiden, and then Caesar, pressed up against the cold stone wall. Their breathing was even as they took stock of the night. There was no shout of discovery.

  Aiden could sense more than see it when his friend shot a measuring glance at him. Caesar’s tone was casual. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Aiden packed as much confidence as he could into that. Neither man would ever discuss it further. Unless, of course, Aiden opened the topic himself or proved that he had lost his edge, in which case, Caesar would kick his ass back into shape. Aiden felt the warm, solid comfort behind that knowledge.

  Beside Aiden, the metal gate eased open, and flickering light escaped through the crack. A hoarse whisper reached Aiden’s ear. “There you are, gentlemen. Right on time!”

  Followed by Caesar, Aiden slipped through to the other side.

  Chapter Eight

  Mia was home, safely back to her safe little life. Alone. Depressed. Miserable.

  She had no spirit for anything. She just kind of went through whatever things each day held by rote. It was no surprise when Marti noticed, and naturally, like the great girlfriend she was, she zeroed in on the problem. Marti asked about her and Aiden.

  “He’s gone.” Mia brushed away a stupid tear. It wasn’t like the guy was real, after all. She sighed, knowing what an idiot she was. But she couldn’t even make herself get mad about it.

  “I’m sorry, girl.” Marti shook her head. “I’d never fall for a military man. At least you have your memories, right? Is he gone for good?”

  Mia’s face felt all twisted. “I think so.”

  “Well, did you take some pictures of him? You know, so you can scrapbook.”

  Mia looked at her like she was crazy. “Scrapbook? I don’t scrapbook. I don’t even know what that is. Are you taking another self-improvement class, Marti?”

  She looked embarrassed. “It’s artistic expression. Anyway, do you have pictures of Aiden? You never did really tell me what he looks like.”

  “No, I don’t have pictures of him.” Mia said it real slow, while she turned an interesting thought over in her mind. She could get the movie when it came out on DVD. Then she could look at Aiden, over and over, using her pause button. She felt her spirits rise. Then she brightened up a little more. Her personal appliance might get a good workout, too. “But there’s this action flick we can go to and—”

  “Oh, Mia! You know how much I hate those!”

  “You like all of the Rambos!”

  Marti widened her eyes at Mia, like it was a no-brainer. “But that’s different. John Rambo is just so sexy.”

  Mia struggled with herself. She had to practice deep breathing until she was able to abandon the argument. “Anyway, in this action flick is a guy who looks just like my Aiden.”

  “Really? You’re not just saying that because you’re pathetic and don’t want to be alone?”

  Mia sighed. “Tell me again? Why are we friends, Marti?”

  She grinned. “Ooh, you’re serious! Okay, I’ll go to the movie with you tonight!” She clapped her hands. “I can’t wait!”

  “Yeah, me neither.”

  * * * *

  Marti ordered a large popcorn, but not with extra butter, and a supersized Coke. Mia didn’t buy anything but a box of mints. Marti glanced at her a couple of times, but Mia ignored the questioning looks. Marti munched down a couple of handfuls of popcorn before she couldn’t stand it anymore. “Okay, what happened to your usual?”

  “I’m on a diet.” It was a lie, but Mia really didn’t want to tell her best girlfriend that her appetite had shriveled since she and Aiden had split up. That would open up a discussion that she didn’t think she could bear up under at the moment.

  Marti nodded, satisfied. She noshed on another handful of popcorn and sucked on the straw in her Coke. Then she sawed the straw up and down. Mia scowled at the annoying squeal. Marti pretended not to notice. “I’m proud of you, Mia. I know what kind of willpower it’s taking for you not to have the popcorn and soda. But if you change your mind, just let me know. I’ll share.”

  “Thanks, Marti.” Mia sighed. She didn’t eat popcorn without extra butter, but it was still nice of Marti to offer to share. The music blared loud, racing at a fast, exciting tempo, and Mia’s attention was riveted. “Oh, the show is starting!”

  Marti leaned toward Mia, but her interested gaze was on the screen. “Tell me when you see the guy. Does he look that much like Aiden?”

  “Just like his twin.” Mia chewed up a Junior Mint into itty bitty bits. She wasn’t in the mood to suck on them like they were supposed to be. She should have gotten the jawbreakers. She felt nervous, wondering if it hadn’t been a really stupid idea to come to the movie.

  Actually, it turned out to be kind of fun to point out to Marti all of the glimpses of Aiden on the screen. Marti enthused about how good-looking he was and even paid him the ultimate compliment. “You know, he could almost be a blond Rambo.”

  When she sa
id that, tears came to Mia’s eyes. She sniffed in gratitude. “Thank you, Marti. That’s the sweetest thing you could ever say.”

  Marti squeezed her hand. “What are friends for?”

  Mia frowned up at the screen. “I don’t remember that cockfight…or this warehouse raid with all of the shooting and…oh, my God! Aiden’s wounded!” She jerked upright in her seat, unable to tear her horrified gaze from the screen.

  Marti rolled her eyes and giggled. “Oh, Mia! Silly! It’s just a movie!”

  Mia hunkered back down in her seat, her heart still skipping. He wasn’t killed—just wounded a teeny little bit! “Right! Right, just a movie!”

  Mia kept her gaze glued to the screen. Except for the colorful, crowded cockfight and the blazing warehouse raid, the rest of the action movie was going pretty much as she recalled it. She thought it was kind of weird, though. There were more scenes with Aiden in them than she remembered. It was like he had gone from just a bit part as one of the Special Ops team to a meatier role where he had a name and rank. Mia wasn’t complaining, but it just seemed weird. Maybe she was just noticing him more now, since she had met him in person.

  The credits started running. The lights hadn’t yet come up in the theater, but Marti and Mia got up out of their seats. Marti slipped the long strap of her handbag over her head and adjusted the huge leather bag on one hip. “I can see why you think Aiden is so sexy.”

  Mia picked up her own purse and followed her friend out of the row of seats onto the carpeted stairs. “I’m going to get the DVD.”

  “That’s a really good idea!”

  All of a sudden, black shadows rushed them. Mia saw a brown bag thrown over Marti’s head. Then a bag was yanked down over her own head, and she couldn’t see anymore. The bag stifled her. Her wrists were lashed together with thin plastic ties.

  Mia was screaming. She heard Marti screaming. She was thrown into some kind of vehicle. Heavy boots came down on her back and legs and held her down.

  Mia heard the loud diesel rumble and felt the acceleration as the vehicle speeded away. Her head bounced on the hard surface of the truck bed. Oh, so not good! Marti doesn’t like action movies!

  * * * *

  There was a stir in the command headquarters, a buzz of muffled exclamations, following in the wake of a uniformed aide hurrying toward the center. Reaching the long table piled haphazardly with maps and reports, the aide skidded to a stop. He instantly came to rigid attention. “Sir!”

  The general and Aiden had been discussing the successful warehouse raid, resulting in the destruction of the enemy’s ammunition supply, and they broke off to turn around. The worried-looking aide who had interrupted them saluted smartly. The general returned the salute and then clasped his hands behind his back. He fixed his cold stare on the aide. “What is it?”

  “Sir! We’ve received a report that a small squad of the commandant’s troops have seized two civilians!” The young aide’s eyes flickered in Aiden’s direction.

  Aiden automatically stiffened. He controlled his expression, but he couldn’t stop the sudden clenching in his gut. He had a really, really bad feeling. Something had gone wrong. There had obviously been a setback to their mission. Perhaps it had been some of the sympathizers to the revolution who had been seized, perhaps even some of his newly established contacts.

  The aide adjusted his earnest gaze firmly back on the general. Carefully neutral, he finished his report. “Two women, sir. Dr. Haven and another one unknown to us.”

  “What?” Alarm exploded in Aiden’s chest. He felt like he had taken a direct hit from a mortar shell. Sheer agony undercut his racing thoughts. I should never have let her go back! I should have known word would get out of my involvement with her!

  Before he knew he had moved, Aiden grabbed the young aide by his shirtfront. He ignored the twinge in his shoulder where the minor wound was covered by a dressing. He pulled the slighter man up on his toes. Shoving his face into the other man’s, he bellowed, “Where did they take her? Where is she?”

  “Smith!” The general ground out a sharp command. “Release him!”

  With difficulty, Aiden reined in his fury. He opened his fist. The unfortunate aide plopped down on his heels and began nervously smoothing down his wrinkled uniform, his expression still showing vestiges of alarm. Aiden ground out an apology. “Sorry, sir.”

  The general grunted, chomping furiously on his cigar, and returned his attention to the white-faced aide. “Now, what else have you got for us?”

  The aide straightened his posture. He warily rolled his eyes in Aiden’s direction. “Dr. Haven and the other woman were taken into the compound, sir.”

  A feral growl erupted from Aiden’s throat. All of his muscles bunched, popping out like cords in his shoulders and tensed arms as he flexed his fingers. He had to get his hands on his offense weapon. He’d be locked and loaded in seconds. Then he’d show the bad guys why it was a really, really bad idea to lay hands on his girlfriend!

  Aiden started to barrel forward. The young aide leaped to the side and hurriedly backed up out of his way. Aiden barely noticed the kid’s gymnastics.

  The general stepped into Aiden’s path, blocking him. Aiden began to go around his commanding officer. “Excuse me, sir!”

  “Hold on, Lieutenant!” The general’s voice crackled. He didn’t move except to widen his stance. He thrust his boxy head forward, glaring fiercely, his cigar jutting from between his bared teeth. “I’m not going to have you go cowboy on me! If I have to, I will lock you in the guardhouse until you get your head clear, understood?”

  The general held up his hand and gestured and two guards materialized with weapons, ready for their orders. “Well, Smith? It’s your call!”

  Aiden stopped. He met full-on the general’s hard gaze. Aiden gave a short nod. He knew he was a second away from having the MPs called out on him. He tried to still the rapid rise and fall of his chest. He was marginally successful. But there was little he could do about the hard pound of his heart. He bunched his hands into fists. “Understood, sir! However, I must make my position clear. I cannot sit by while—”

  “I am as fond of Dr. Haven as you are, Lieutenant, and—”

  “Begging the general’s pardon, but no, you’re not!”

  The general looked at him. It was a long, level look that Aiden’s own hot gaze never wavered under. The general nodded acknowledgement. He even placed a toughened hand square on Aiden’s wounded shoulder and squeezed for a brief moment.

  Aiden winced.

  “Oh! Sorry, lieutenant!” The general lifted his hand. “You’re right, son! I’m not as fond of Dr. Haven as you are. But I promise you that we won’t just stand by. We’ll blow the place apart if we have to!”

  “I’m going to hold you to that, general, sir!”

  “Now, if we only knew why they were taken.” The general chomped furiously on his unlit cigar. He shot a querying glance at the aide, who was still attentively hovering, but the aide only shook his head. “Hmph!” The general narrowed his eyes in inner meditation.

  Aiden stood by, waiting tensely to hear the more experienced man’s thoughts. He could barely restrain his impatience. His first instinct was to run to Mia’s rescue, all of his weaponry firing at once, but intellectually he knew that was irrational. It would only serve to get him killed. Mia would still be in the hands of that—that—

  Aiden’s fear for Mia coalesced into a cold, lethal resolve. If he touches her, I will rip off his head with my bare hands.

  The general abruptly nodded to himself, redrawing Aiden’s attention. He spoke decisively. “Dr. Haven is a well-respected medical professional. The commandant will not risk tipping the balance of international opinion by harming her. She must be needed for her medical expertise, perhaps even for our man. As for the other woman, since she was with Dr. Haven, I must assume she is a professional colleague. So I believe that both women will be treated with reasonable decency.”

  “That makes sense, sir.�
�� Aiden drew in a long breath, feeling some of his tension leaving him. Still, thinking about sassy, funny Mia in the hands of that monster, Aiden clenched his fists again. I’m the reason she’s in danger!

  “Smith, I expect you to keep a clear head.”

  Aiden wrestled down the resurgence of murderous rage. The general is right. He had to keep a clear head, not go kamikaze-blazing to his death. That wouldn’t help Mia or anyone else and would only jeopardize the overall mission. “I will, sir.”

  “Good! If we only knew exactly where the women are being held!” The general swiveled to the table and looked down, impatiently tapping a blunt finger against the blueprint of the commandant’s compound. “Are they sequestered in the commandant’s quarters or somewhere else? Is there an infirmary? If so, where is it?”

  The general lifted his block-shaped head. His hard gaze speared Aiden. “We must have Cadero! Now more than ever. Talk to your contacts, Smith! Bribe ‘em, shoot ‘em—I don’t care how you do it! Make them understand the urgency!”

  “I’m on it, sir!” Aiden saluted smartly and turned on his heel. He was glad to have something concrete to do. He ignored the high attention he was generating as he strode through the corridor of manned personnel stations, his heavy boots striking a swift, pounding cadence against the cement floor. Everyone stared, but not one person hailed him. Even if someone had, he wouldn’t have stopped.

  Aiden emerged outside into hot sunlight and turned sharply, making for the transportation center. He wanted a driver, a jeep with a mounted gun, a gunner. He also wanted a crate of tequila. Bribe ‘em or shoot ‘em. He had been given his mission. He would see that it was successfully carried out.

  * * * *

  Mia’s body was all bruised up when the vehicle finally braked. She rolled a little, grunting when she connected with a tough boot toe. Mia was hauled up to her feet. Then she was pulled down off the vehicle and made to walk, rough hands pushing and pulling at her. She breathed shallowly. The heavy bag smelled of dirt and onions.


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